Інтернет як невідома частина нашого життя

Додано: 2 листопада 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 431 раз
22 запитання
Запитання 1

Children surf the Internet and can’t concentrate on other things. 

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Запитання 2

It entertains

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Запитання 3

Children watch different sites late at night and don’t get enough sleep. 

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Запитання 4

It helps us see faraway places.

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Запитання 5

It’s easier to watch videos than read books. So children read less.

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Запитання 6

Children can learn more about the world. 

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Запитання 7

You can meet famous and interesting people.

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Запитання 8

People don’t talk at home but surf the Internet.

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Запитання 9

It helps us be more tolerant because we learn how people are different in different places.

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Запитання 10

The Internet keeps children company so they learn how to be on their own. 

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Запитання 11


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Our chewing gum makes your teeth white.

The President is visiting London.

And it’s in the net. A goal. That makes it two-nil.

Me, me! Catch me if you can!

The polar bear likes playing in the snow.

Who discovered Australia? You’ve got ten seconds.

And the singer is Miss Gloria Jackson, live!

Here is a laser gun for you, Mr Bond.

Запитання 12


варіанти відповідей

Our chewing gum makes your teeth white.

The President is visiting London.

And it’s in the net. A goal. That makes it two-nil.

Me, me! Catch me if you can!

Our guest today is the famous writer: Miss Cherry Stone.

And today we have English. Ready, steady, go!

 I want to die. Oh, why did he have to leave me?

See the next episode of Mobamba Bay on Saturday.

Запитання 13


варіанти відповідей

Our chewing gum makes your teeth white.

The President is visiting London.

And it’s in the net. A goal. That makes it two-nil.

Me, me! Catch me if you can!

The polar bear likes playing in the snow.

Who discovered Australia? You’ve got ten seconds.

And the singer is Miss Gloria Jackson, live!

Here is a laser gun for you, Mr Bond.

Запитання 14


варіанти відповідей

Our chewing gum makes your teeth white.

The President is visiting London.

And it’s in the net. A goal. That makes it two-nil.

Me, me! Catch me if you can!

Our guest today is the famous writer: Miss Cherry Stone.

And today we have English. Ready, steady, go!

 I want to die. Oh, why did he have to leave me?

See the next episode of Mobamba Bay on Saturday.

Запитання 15


варіанти відповідей

Our chewing gum makes your teeth white.

The President is visiting London.

And it’s in the net. A goal. That makes it two-nil.

Me, me! Catch me if you can!

Our guest today is the famous writer: Miss Cherry Stone.

And today we have English. Ready, steady, go!

 I want to die. Oh, why did he have to leave me?

See the next episode of Mobamba Bay on Saturday.

Запитання 16


варіанти відповідей

Our chewing gum makes your teeth white.

The President is visiting London.

And it’s in the net. A goal. That makes it two-nil.

Me, me! Catch me if you can!

Our guest today is the famous writer: Miss Cherry Stone.

And today we have English. Ready, steady, go!

 I want to die. Oh, why did he have to leave me?

See the next episode of Mobamba Bay on Saturday.

Запитання 17


варіанти відповідей

Our chewing gum makes your teeth white.

The President is visiting London.

And it’s in the net. A goal. That makes it two-nil.

Me, me! Catch me if you can!

The polar bear likes playing in the snow.

Who discovered Australia? You’ve got ten seconds.

And the singer is Miss Gloria Jackson, live!

Here is a laser gun for you, Mr Bond.

Запитання 18


варіанти відповідей

Our chewing gum makes your teeth white.

The President is visiting London.

And it’s in the net. A goal. That makes it two-nil.

Me, me! Catch me if you can!

Our guest today is the famous writer: Miss Cherry Stone.

And today we have English. Ready, steady, go!

 I want to die. Oh, why did he have to leave me?

See the next episode of Mobamba Bay on Saturday.

Запитання 19


варіанти відповідей

Our chewing gum makes your teeth white.

The President is visiting London.

And it’s in the net. A goal. That makes it two-nil.

Me, me! Catch me if you can!

The polar bear likes playing in the snow.

Who discovered Australia? You’ve got ten seconds.

And the singer is Miss Gloria Jackson, live!

Here is a laser gun for you, Mr Bond.

Запитання 20


варіанти відповідей

Our chewing gum makes your teeth white.

The President is visiting London.

And it’s in the net. A goal. That makes it two-nil.

Me, me! Catch me if you can!

The polar bear likes playing in the snow.

Who discovered Australia? You’ve got ten seconds.

And the singer is Miss Gloria Jackson, live!

Here is a laser gun for you, Mr Bond.

Запитання 21


варіанти відповідей

Our chewing gum makes your teeth white.

The President is visiting London.

And it’s in the net. A goal. That makes it two-nil.

Me, me! Catch me if you can!

Our guest today is the famous writer: Miss Cherry Stone.

And today we have English. Ready, steady, go!

 I want to die. Oh, why did he have to leave me?

See the next episode of Mobamba Bay on Saturday.

Запитання 22


варіанти відповідей

Our chewing gum makes your teeth white.

The President is visiting London.

And it’s in the net. A goal. That makes it two-nil.

Me, me! Catch me if you can!

Our guest today is the famous writer: Miss Cherry Stone.

And today we have English. Ready, steady, go!

 I want to die. Oh, why did he have to leave me?

See the next episode of Mobamba Bay on Saturday.

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