Карпюк О. 9 клас "Vital statistics" варіант 2

Додано: 24 вересня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 2 клас
Тест виконано: 301 раз
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Rea and choose.

Which of them…Steve

Steve, Scotland: «When I was in the sixth form, I was a real computer geek. At that time, the first thing that I did after school was to turn on the computer. I spent a lot of time checking my e-mail even though I didn’t get so many e-mail messages.

I spent hours and hours in front of the com- puter screen and surfed the Internet for a long time. Of course I knew that I had to stop to do my homework, but I just couldn’t help trying to spend more time at the computer.

This situation lasted for about a year, and then I understood that I was spending too much time online. It was not easy to break a habit which I really enjoyed, but I still tried hard to do so. Now I am no longer addicted to the computer, I spend no more than two hours in front of the computer screen each day».

Lilly, France: «When I was a child, I learnt to play the violin. Although it was my mother who pushed me to learn, I really enjoyed the music while I was playing.

Since I finished elementary school, I have been buying music records which I like. At the moment I have about 300 CDs which are stored in my bookcase.

I think I should stop buying music records because whenever I hear something really fab and cool, I try to find out what the music is and then I go out and buy that record as soon as I can. Sometimes I don’t even care about how much the record costs, and I spend a lot of money on it.

I’ve now decided to give up this habit.  I need to be more serious about money and correct my behaviour».

варіанти відповідей

…has a habit of buying music records?

…had an addictive situation that lasted for about a year?

…has had an addictive hobby since he/she finished el- ementary school?

…spends no more than two hours for his/her hobby each day?

…has lots of musical records at home?

…needs to be more careful about his/her financial situation?

Запитання 2

Read and choose

Which of them…Lilly

Steve, Scotland: «When I was in the sixth form, I was a real computer geek. At that time, the first thing that I did after school was to turn on the computer. I spent a lot of time checking my e-mail even though I didn’t get so many e-mail messages.

I spent hours and hours in front of the com- puter screen and surfed the Internet for a long time. Of course I knew that I had to stop to do my homework, but I just couldn’t help trying to spend more time at the computer.

This situation lasted for about a year, and then I understood that I was spending too much time online. It was not easy to break a habit which I really enjoyed, but I still tried hard to do so. Now I am no longer addicted to the computer, I spend no more than two hours in front of the computer screen each day».

Lilly, France: «When I was a child, I learnt to play the violin. Although it was my mother who pushed me to learn, I really enjoyed the music while I was playing.

Since I finished elementary school, I have been buying music records which I like. At the moment I have about 300 CDs which are stored in my bookcase.

I think I should stop buying music records because whenever I hear something really fab and cool, I try to find out what the music is and then I go out and buy that record as soon as I can. Sometimes I don’t even care about how much the record costs, and I spend a lot of money on it.

I’ve now decided to give up this habit.  I need to be more serious about money and correct my behaviour».

варіанти відповідей

…has a habit of buying music records?

…had an addictive situation that lasted for about a year?

…has had an addictive hobby since he/she finished el- ementary school?

…spends no more than two hours for his/her hobby each day?

…has lots of musical records at home?

…needs to be more careful about his/her financial situation?

Запитання 3

Read and choose.

варіанти відповідей

My favourite sport is skiing.

My favourite sport is to ski.

Запитання 4

Read and choose.

варіанти відповідей

Dancing is a good way of keeping fit.

Dancing is a good way of keep fit.

Запитання 5

Read and choose

варіанти відповідей

Would you mind holding my bag for a moment?

Would you mind to hold my bag for a moment?

Запитання 6

Read and choose

варіанти відповідей

I can’t stand to wait.

 I can’t stand waiting.

Запитання 7

Read and choose

варіанти відповідей

I am thinking of going on holiday to Greece.

I am thinking of to go on holiday to Greece.

Запитання 8

Read and choose the question.


In your life, you will have relationships with a lot of people. Here are the answers to the most commonly asked questions about relationships.

  1) In good relationships, you and your friend feel happy about each other, you are sincere and honest. You have common hobbies and interests, like going out together or with other friends, and enjoy each other’s company. These relationships can last for a long time. Healthy relationships are fun for both people!

варіанти відповідей

What do I do if a friend tells me that he or she is in an abusive relationship?

Why are some people violent?

My friend is angry if I hang out with other people, what should I do?

What relationship can be called healthy?

What are unhealthy relationships?

How do I get out of an unhealthy or abusive relationship?

Запитання 9

Read and choose the question.

2) Be honest and stick to your decision. Tell your friend you like spending time with him or her but that you also want to spend time with other friends and family.

варіанти відповідей

What do I do if a friend tells me that he or she is in an abusive relationship?

Why are some people violent?

My friend is angry if I hang out with other people, what should I do?

What relationship can be called healthy?

What are unhealthy relationships?

How do I get out of an unhealthy or abusive relationship?

Запитання 10

Read and choose the question.

3) In a risky relationship, you and your friend do not usually feel good about each other and yourselves. You may feel afraid or pressured to do some- thing that you don’t want to do. If you feel uncomfortable in your relations or your friend hurts you, makes all the decisions, tells you what to do, tries to embarrass you in front of other people, then you should stop these relations  as quickly as possible.

варіанти відповідей

What do I do if a friend tells me that he or she is in an abusive relationship?

Why are some people violent?

My friend is angry if I hang out with other people, what should I do?

What relationship can be called healthy?

What are unhealthy relationships?

How do I get out of an unhealthy or abusive relationship?

Запитання 11

Read and choose the question.

4) First, if you think that you are in a risky relationship, you should talk to a parent, friend, teacher, coach or other trusted person about your relation- ship. With help, you can get out of an unhealthy relationship. Remember: you deserve to be in a relationship that is healthy and fun.

варіанти відповідей

What do I do if a friend tells me that he or she is in an abusive relationship?

Why are some people violent?

My friend is angry if I hang out with other people, what should I do?

What relationship can be called healthy?

What are unhealthy relationships?

How do I get out of an unhealthy or abusive relationship?

Запитання 12

Read and choose.

варіанти відповідей

Lisa is good with knitting.

Lisa is good at knitting.

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