Контроль читання, ІІ семестр, 7 клас

Додано: 20 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 2482 рази
15 запитань
Запитання 1

Ollie is a big red double-decker bus. He lives in a garage in the middle of the town. Every year Ollie takes lots of children to the seaside for a day, and today is that special day.

Yesterday, when Ollie finished his work in the town, Sam and Molly cleaned him and Ollie`s windows and even his big wheels were shining.

It was nine o`clock and Fred, Ollie`s driver, got into his seat, and Bill, the conductor, jumped onto the platform. Ting, went Ollie`s bell, and Fred started the engine.

Down the road went Ollie towards the school. Beep, beep went Ollie`s horn, telling the children that he was on his way.

All the children were in a long line near the school, with their teacher standing at the front. She had a paper with all the chidren`s names on it. as she read them out, one by one, Bill helped the children get on the bus.

When all the kids sat down , Bill rang the bell, and Ollie ran past the fields, through the woods and through the villages.

The happy children sang songs on the bus. On the way to the seaside, Fred turned Ollie into a little cafe, and all the children jumped out to buy cool drinks, salty crisps and ice cream.

As they were near the seaside, Ollie could smell the cool air blowing from the sea. Up and down the hills they went, until at last , Ollie saw the blue sea water in the distance.

Th children were happy. They thought about all the sand castles that they were going to build, and all the games that they could play on the golden beach.


Ollie is a small red bus

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Запитання 2

Every day he takes the children to the seaside

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Запитання 3

That special day Ollie started work in the morning

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Запитання 4

The teacher had a paper with the number of the bus on it.

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Запитання 5

The children played games on the bus

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Запитання 6

Fred is...

варіанти відповідей

Ollie`s conductor

Ollie`s driver

Ollie`s friend

Запитання 7

Ollie lives ...

варіанти відповідей

in the centre of the city

not far from a big town

in the middle of a town

Запитання 8

At nine o`clock in the morning Ollie went towards ...

варіанти відповідей

the seaside

the garage

the school

Запитання 9

On the way to the seaside Ollie turned to a

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Запитання 10

At the seaside the children wanted ...

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to build castles

to read books

to travel by bus

Запитання 11

Chidren were ...

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Запитання 12

Ollie could smell the ....... air

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Запитання 13

Read and complete the sentences.

Britain is a country where sport is taken seriously. Most people have a sport that they play or that 1)_______ . A lot of people play sports when they are young . But then they spend most of their lives sa spectators. one of the most popular 2)______________ in Britain is a horse racing. Thousands watch the big races on television. The British love to bet on horses in the hope of 3)__________.

1)_______ .

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Winter sports

They watch

Запитання 14

Read and complete the sentences. 

Britain is a country where sport is taken seriously. Most people have a sport that they play or that 1)_______ . A lot of people play sports when they are young . But then they spend most of their lives as spectators. one of the most popular 2)______________ in Britain is a horse racing. Thousands watch the big races on television. The British love to bet on horses in the hope of 3)__________.


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Spectator sports

Stadiums and playgrounds

 Winning a fortune

Запитання 15

Read and complete the sentences.

Britain is a country where sport is taken seriously. Most people have a sport that they play or that 1)_______ . A lot of people play sports when they are young . But then they spend most of their lives sa spectators. one of the most popular 2)______________ in Britain is a horse racing. Thousands watch the big races on television. The British love to bet on horses in the hope of 3)__________.


варіанти відповідей

 they watch

 spectator sports

 winning a fortune

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