Контроль навичок читання

Додано: 24 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 2 клас
Тест виконано: 100 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

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Tim likes elephants. The elephant is a very big animal. It has got a long nose. It can run and swim, but it can't climb.

Pam likes giraffes. The giraffe is a very tall animal. It has got long legs and two horns. It can run, but it can't swim.

Kate likes monkeys. The monkey is a funny animal. It has got a long tail. The monkey can climb and jump, but it can't fly.

1)The elephant is a very tall animal.

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Запитання 2

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Tim likes elephants. The elephant is a very big animal. It has got a long nose. It can run and swim, but it can't climb.

Pam likes giraffes. The giraffe is a very tall animal. It has got long legs and two horns. It can run, but it can't swim.

Kate likes monkeys. The monkey is a funny animal. It has got a long tail. The monkey can climb and jump, but it can't fly.

2)The elephant has got long nose.

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Запитання 3

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Tim likes elephants. The elephant is a very big animal. It has got a long nose. It can run and swim, but it can't climb.

Pam likes giraffes. The giraffe is a very tall animal. It has got long legs and two horns. It can run, but it can't swim.

Kate likes monkeys. The monkey is a funny animal. It has got a long tail. The monkey can climb and jump, but it can't fly.

3)Tim likes elephants.

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Запитання 4

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Tim likes elephants. The elephant is a very big animal. It has got a long nose. It can run and swim, but it can't climb.

Pam likes giraffes. The giraffe is a very tall animal. It has got long legs and two horns. It can run, but it can't swim.

Kate likes monkeys. The monkey is a funny animal. It has got a long tail. The monkey can climb and jump, but it can't fly.

4)The elephant can't climb.

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Запитання 5

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Tim likes elephants. The elephant is a very big animal. It has got a long nose. It can run and swim, but it can't climb.

Pam likes giraffes. The giraffe is a very tall animal. It has got long legs and two horns. It can run, but it can't swim.

Kate likes monkeys. The monkey is a funny animal. It has got a long tail. The monkey can climb and jump, but it can't fly.

5)Pam likes monkeys.

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Запитання 6

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Tim likes elephants. The elephant is a very big animal. It has got a long nose. It can run and swim, but it can't climb.

Pam likes giraffes. The giraffe is a very tall animal. It has got long legs and two horns. It can run, but it can't swim.

Kate likes monkeys. The monkey is a funny animal. It has got a long tail. The monkey can climb and jump, but it can't fly.

6) The giraffe can run.

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Запитання 7

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Tim likes elephants. The elephant is a very big animal. It has got a long nose. It can run and swim, but it can't climb.

Pam likes giraffes. The giraffe is a very tall animal. It has got long legs and two horns. It can run, but it can't swim.

Kate likes monkeys. The monkey is a funny animal. It has got a long tail. The monkey can climb and jump, but it can't fly.

7)The giraffe has got two teeth.

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Запитання 8

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Tim likes elephants. The elephant is a very big animal. It has got a long nose. It can run and swim, but it can't climb.

Pam likes giraffes. The giraffe is a very tall animal. It has got long legs and two horns. It can run, but it can't swim.

Kate likes monkeys. The monkey is a funny animal. It has got a long tail. The monkey can climb and jump, but it can't fly.

8)The giraffe is a very tall animal.

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Запитання 9

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Tim likes elephants. The elephant is a very big animal. It has got a long nose. It can run and swim, but it can't climb.

Pam likes giraffes. The giraffe is a very tall animal. It has got long legs and two horns. It can run, but it can't swim.

Kate likes monkeys. The monkey is a funny animal. It has got a long tail. The monkey can climb and jump, but it can't fly.

9)Kate likes monkeys.

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Запитання 10

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Tim likes elephants. The elephant is a very big animal. It has got a long nose. It can run and swim, but it can't climb.

Pam likes giraffes. The giraffe is a very tall animal. It has got long legs and two horns. It can run, but it can't swim.

Kate likes monkeys. The monkey is a funny animal. It has got a long tail. The monkey can climb and jump, but it can't fly.

10)The monkey can't fly.

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Запитання 11

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Tim likes elephants. The elephant is a very big animal. It has got a long nose. It can run and swim, but it can't climb.

Pam likes giraffes. The giraffe is a very tall animal. It has got long legs and two horns. It can run, but it can't swim.

Kate likes monkeys. The monkey is a funny animal. It has got a long tail. The monkey can climb and jump, but it can't fly.

11) The monkey is a big animal.

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Запитання 12

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Tim likes elephants. The elephant is a very big animal. It has got a long nose. It can run and swim, but it can't climb.

Pam likes giraffes. The giraffe is a very tall animal. It has got long legs and two horns. It can run, but it can't swim.

Kate likes monkeys. The monkey is a funny animal. It has got a long tail. The monkey can climb and jump, but it can't fly.

12) The monkey has got long legs.

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