Listening Comprehension Test

Додано: 25 квітня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 82 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Task 1

1. Choose the correct answer.

What did the man do at the sports centre yesterday?

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Запитання 2

Task 1

2. Choose the correct answer.

which sport does the woman compete in?

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Запитання 3

Task 1

3. Choose the correct answer.

Where will the friends go running this evening?

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Запитання 4

Task 1

4. Choose the correct answer.

Which winter sport was Max good at when he was young?

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Запитання 5

Task 1

5.Choose the correct answer.

What did the girl lose?

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Запитання 6

Task 1

6. Choose the correct answer.

Which sport instructor is the man going to meet today?

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Запитання 7

Task 1

7. Choose the correct answer.

What will open at the sports centre soon?

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Запитання 8

Task 2

Listen to the text and answer the questions.

1. Tour de France is a competition for

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Запитання 9

Task 2

Listen to the text and answer the questions.

2. When was the race held for the first time?

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In 1903

In 1933

In 1930

Запитання 10

Task 2

Listen to the text and answer the questions.

3. The race usually takes place

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in spring

in summer

in autumn

Запитання 11

Task 2

Listen to the text and answer the questions.

4. What are stages?

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Запитання 12

Task 2

Listen to the text and answer the questions.

5. What colour does the winner of the most mountain races wear?

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A green jersey with white polka dots.

A white jersey with green polka dots.

A white jersey with red polka dots.

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