Next Move 3. End of Year Test

Додано: 20 травня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Копія з тесту: Next Move 3. End of Year Test
27 запитань
Запитання 1

I never … fish. I hate it!

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am eating

Запитання 2

Mum will phone you later. She … dinner at the moment

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is cooking

Запитання 3

…anyone interesting at the party last night?

варіанти відповідей

Did you meet

Have you met

We’re you meeting

Запитання 4

I can’t wear these trousers. They are…

варіанти відповідей

too small

small enough

enough small

Запитання 5

John is … pupil in the class

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the friendliest

Запитання 6

That picture is better … this one

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Запитання 7

What … about the film last night?

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you think

did you think

have you thought

Запитання 8

Don’t go in the kitchen. I … the floor!

варіанти відповідей

just washed

was just washed

've just washed

Запитання 9

We've lived in this apartment… a long time.

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Запитання 10

I … wear this dress tonight, but I'm not sure

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Запитання 11

…to school by bus?

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Do you always go

Are you always going

Do you go always

Запитання 12

How many text messages … last year?

варіанти відповідей

you sent

did you send

you sended

Запитання 13

How long…in Portugal?

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are you living

have you lived

you’re going to live

Запитання 14

It was cold, so we sat in front of the … in the living room

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Запитання 15

Charlie put his socks and T-shirts in his chest of …

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Запитання 16

It was very …, so I bought it

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Запитання 17

I asked the shop … for a smaller size

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Запитання 18

We aren’t going … this summer. It’s too expensive

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Запитання 19

I love traveling, but I hate … my bags

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Запитання 20

We can’t …into the hotel before ten

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Запитання 21

Jane always agrees … her older sister

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Запитання 22

He fell and now he’s got a sprained…

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Запитання 23

Leonardo da Vinci … the Mona Lisa

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Запитання 24

I’ve … come home from school, and I am very tired, but I must … for a test on Friday. It’s a History test, and there are … of facts and dates to learn.

варіанти відповідей

just; study; a lot of

just; study; many

yet; studying; many

ever; to study; much

Запитання 25

Прочитай лише ПЕРШИЙ абзац. Після обери ВІРНЕ твердження

How calm is your room?

A) Feng Shui is the Chinese art of creating rooms that are calm and have positive energy. It’s very old, but some people think that it has a place in the modern world. For example, think about your bedroom. Do you keep your video console or your laptop there? Well, according to the ideas of Feng Shui, that’s probably a bad idea because you are destroying positive energy. If you want to have a bedroom with good energy, try these ideas.

B) First of all, your bed needs to be in the right place. In particular, you must have space on both sides of your bed. It’s also important that your bed is not directly opposite the door. Colours are another important element in Feng Shui. For bedrooms, the colours of the human skin are especially good. This means colours such as white, or light or dark brown, but no green or orange or bright yellow!

C) You will also need to think about the lighting in your bedroom, as Feng Shui considers that light is our principal source of energy. Candles are very good to use but they can be dangerous; and it’s also important to make sure that you aren’t using toxic candles.

D) So why not think about using some principles of Feng Shui in your bedroom? You never know, the results may surprise you

варіанти відповідей

The objective of Feng Shui is to create rooms which are practical

The objective of Feng Shui is to create rooms where you can work

The objective of Feng Shui is to create rooms which are quiet

Запитання 26

Прочитай лише ПЕРШИЙ абзац. Після обери ВІРНЕ твердження

How calm is your room?

A) Feng Shui is the Chinese art of creating rooms that are calm and have positive energy. It’s very old, but some people think that it has a place in the modern world. For example, think about your bedroom. Do you keep your video console or your laptop there? Well, according to the ideas of Feng Shui, that’s probably a bad idea because you are destroying positive energy. If you want to have a bedroom with good energy, try these ideas.

B) First of all, your bed needs to be in the right place. In particular, you must have space on both sides of your bed. It’s also important that your bed is not directly opposite the door. Colours are another important element in Feng Shui. For bedrooms, the colours of the human skin are especially good. This means colours such as white, or light or dark brown, but no green or orange or bright yellow!

C) You will also need to think about the lighting in your bedroom, as Feng Shui considers that light is our principal source of energy. Candles are very good to use but they can be dangerous; and it’s also important to make sure that you aren’t using toxic candles. 

D) So why not think about using some principles of Feng Shui in your bedroom? You never know, the results may surprise you

варіанти відповідей

Video consoles are not good objects in bedroom because video games can create negative energy

Video consoles are not good objects in bedroom because they ruin positive energy

Video consoles are not good objects in bedroom because they are ugly

Запитання 27

Прочитай текст ПОВНІСТЮ. Після обери ВІРНІ твердження

(можливі дві вірні відповіді)

How calm is your room?

A) Feng Shui is the Chinese art of creating rooms that are calm and have positive energy. It’s very old, but some people think that it has a place in the modern world. For example, think about your bedroom. Do you keep your video console or your laptop there? Well, according to the ideas of Feng Shui, that’s probably a bad idea because you are destroying positive energy. If you want to have a bedroom with good energy, try these ideas.

B) First of all, your bed needs to be in the right place. In particular, you must have space on both sides of your bed. It’s also important that your bed is not directly opposite the door. Colours are another important element in Feng Shui. For bedrooms, the colours of the human skin are especially good. This means colours such as white, or light or dark brown, but no green or orange or bright yellow!

C) You will also need to think about the lighting in your bedroom, as Feng Shui considers that light is our principal source of energy. Candles are very good to use but they can be dangerous; and it’s also important to make sure that you aren’t using toxic candles. 

D) So why not think about using some principles of Feng Shui in your bedroom? You never know, the results may surprise you

варіанти відповідей

Your bed needs to have space

It’s a bad idea to experiment with Feng Shui

Beige is a better color than red

Red is a better color that beige

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