Occupational diseases caused by the exposure of the chemical factors

Додано: 26 грудня 2020
Тест виконано: 5 разів
30 запитань
Запитання 1

A patient C., 34 y. o., complains of laboured breathing. The mucous membrane of the nasopharynx is dry, tongue is white covered, the abdomen is inflated, at palpation some resistance in the epigastrium is defined, dry rhonchi at auscultation are revealed. Blood analysis: leukocytosis, increased ESR. He worked near aggregate of the enrichment by ammonium hydroxide, used an oxygen breathing apparatus irregularly. It is possible to suspect in this case:

варіанти відповідей

An alimentary toxicoinfection.

Poisoning by POS

Intoxication by lead.

Acute intoxication by ammonium hydroxide

Intoxication by pesticides.

Запитання 2

A patient C., 38 y. o., a horse breeder at the farm is delivered to CDH with the complaints of a sharp weakness, headache, nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain. It was fixed that 2 hrs before he was engaged in weeding of the field processed by methylmercaptophos. Objective: narrowing of the pupils, hyperhydrosis of the skin, miosis, bronchorrhea, bradycardia, fibrillation of some muscles. Preliminary diagnosis:

варіанти відповідей

Acute intoxication by POC, a mild degree

Acute intoxications by POC, a moderate degree.

Acute intoxication by POC, a severe degree.

Chronic intoxication by POC, a moderate degree.

Запитання 3

A patient H. works at the chemical industry on production of a phosphoric acid, complains of ostealgia. What bones suffer most of all at chronic intoxication by phosphorus?

варіанти відповідей

Bones of the jaws.

Pelvic bones.

Bones of the legs.

Bones of the backbone

Bones of the arms.

Запитання 4

A worker of the farm H. has applied for medical help because of an acute poisoning by POC after processing sowings on the field. What term should the cases of acute professional poisonings be investigated at?

варіанти відповідей

1 day.

A week.

3 days

1 month.

6 months.

Запитання 5

Identify the physical occupational hazards to which the welder is exposed:

варіанти відповідей

noise, sun radiation and vibrations;

biological agents, chemicals, non-ergonomic posture and physical hazards;

infrared radiation, visible radiation, noise;

the welder has no exposure to physical occupational hazards because he wears protective equipment: welding mask and gloves. 

Запитання 6

We have an interventional cardiologist for his periodical medical examination. He is exposed to ionizing radiation (X-ray radiation). Which investigations should be performed in the medical examination?

варіанти відповідей

pulmonary standard radiogram, ECG, audiogram

blood count examination, micro nucleoli test, reticulocyte count, ophthalmological examination;

liver tests, kidney tests, haemoleucogram;

EEG, psychological examination, vertebral radiogram.

Запитання 7

George is a 30 year-old butcher. He works in a refrigerating room, cutting the meat. The room’s temperature is in between 0-4⁰C. The illuminating conditions are appropriate (650- 700 lx). He works for 8 hours per day in a standing position, performing repetitive movements. He takes breaks: 10 minutes every 2 hours and a lunch break of 30 minutes. He works with special cutting knives and as individual protective equipment, he wears special warm clothes and shoes and a special metal glove. He has been working here for 7 years. He complains of pain in the lumbar region and dysuria. Do you think that his complains are related to the workplace and the professional activity?

варіанти відповідей

His health problem can be related to the workplace since the low temperature has effect at the level of the kidney and the urinary tract, causing a health problem at this level (usually a urinary tract infection which can lead to other complications at the level of the kidney, if not treated correctly).


His health problem can be related to the workplace since the low temperature has effect at the level of the head and the neck, causing a health problem at this level

Запитання 8

Jack is a 25 year-old construction worker. Nowadays, he works at the construction of the European highway E101. He works from 7 a.m. to 5 p.m. but most of the days, including the week-end, he works up to 7 p.m. He started working here 3 months ago (i.e. in May). His professional activity consists of drilling, spreading the materials, supervising the mechanized activities, supervising the traffic on the road. What kind of protective equipment should Jack wear under these circumstances and what other protective measurements should be applied in his case?

варіанти відповідей

Because of exposure to UV radiation, proper clothing to cover the skin but which lets the skin breathe, is necessary.

On the uncovered surfaces, it is necessary to apply SPF cream.

For the eyes, sunglasses with UV block are necessary.

Also, every hour, he should take a 5-10 minutes break, sit in a colder place and he should drink a sufficient quantity of water.

He should wear a sun hat to protect his head from the sun.

Запитання 9

A 39-year-old man, a battery attendant, suddenly developed weakness, loss of appetite, nonlocalized colicky abdominal pains, and nausea. Objectively his skin is gray; there is pink-gray stripe on his gums; the stomach is soft and sharply painful. Blood test detected erythrocytes with basophilic stippling and anemia. The patient has a history of peptic ulcer disease of the stomach. There is tendency to constipation. What is the most likely provisional diagnosis?

варіанти відповідей

Saturnism (lead poisoning)

Acute appendicitis

Perforation of gastric ulcer

Acute cholecystitis

Chronic alcoholism

Запитання 10

 During the periodic medical examination an assembly fitter (works on soldering details) didn’t report any health problems. Closer examination revealed signs of asthenic-vegetative syndrome. Blood included red blood cells with basophilic aggregations and a somewhat higher number of reticulocytes, urine had a high concentration of delta-aminolevulinic acid. The complex of symptoms indicates the initial stage of chronic intoxication with:

варіанти відповідей






Запитання 11

A man works in casting of nonferrous metals and alloys for 12 years. In the air of working area there was registered high content of heavy metals, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen. During periodic health examination the patient presents with asthenovegetative syndrome, sharp pains in the stomach, constipations, pain in the hepatic area. In urine: aminolevulinic acid and coproporphyrin are detected. In blood: reticulocytosis, low hemoglobin level. Such intoxication is caused by:

варіанти відповідей


Nitric oxide

Carbon monoxide


Lead and lead salts

Запитання 12

During assessment of work conditions at the factory manufacturing mercury thermometers, the content of mercury vapors in the air of the working area is revealed to exceed the maximum concentration limit. Specify the main pathway of human body exposure to mercury:

варіанти відповідей

Respiratory organs

Intact skin

Damaged skin

Gastrointestinal tract

Mucous tunics

Запитання 13

A 28-year-old man complains of skin rash and itching on the both of his hands. The condition persists for 1,5 years. The exacerbation of his condition he ascribes to the occupational contact with formaldehyde resins. Objectively: lesion foci are symmetrically localized on both hands. Against the background of erythema with blurred margins there are papulae, vesicles, erosions, crusts, and scales. What is the most likely pathology?

варіанти відповідей

Occupational eczema

Allergic dermatitis

Simple contact dermatitis

Erythema multiforme

Запитання 14

Survey radiograph of a 52-year-old worker of an agglomeration plant (28-year-long record of service, the concentration of metal dust is 22-37 mg/m3) shows mildly pronounced interstitial fibrosis with diffused contrasting well-defined small nodular shadows. The patient has no complaints. Pulmonary function is not compromised. What is the provisional diagnosis?

варіанти відповідей






Запитання 15

A 37-year-old man working as a typesetter in a print shop complains of rapid fatigability, paroxysmal attacks of stomachache, weak drooping hands. Examination of neurological status revealed hypotrophy of the forearm muscles. Carporadial reflexes are sharply weakened. Sensitivity is not disturbed. Gums present with dark blue border. What neurological pathology is it?

варіанти відповідей

Lead polyneuropathy

Guillain-Barre syndrome (postinfectious polyneuritis)

Ulnar neuropathy

Brachial plexitis

Запитання 16

You see a 60-year-old carpenter who has worked with asbestos in the

past. He has had an X-ray that has been reported as showing pleural

plaques. Which of the following is incorrect?

варіанти відповідей

They are pathognomic of asbestos exposure

It does not qualify for IIDB (Industrial Injuries Disablement Benefit)

He can sue his employer for asbestos exposure

Pleural plaques are benign

Pleural plaques affect the visceral pleura

Запитання 17

A student nurse comes to an NHS clinic after a needle-stick injury. She

has not been vaccinated against hepatitis B. She is very worried about

her risk of contracting a blood-borne virus. Her approximate risk is…

варіанти відповідей

1 in 3

1 in 30

1 in 300

1 in 3000

1 in 3 million

Запитання 18

Mr Smith has well-controlled epilepsy. He has not had a seizure in 12 years.

He has not told his employers about his condition. Which of the following

statements is true?

варіанти відповідей

He is under a legal obligation to disclose his condition to his employers

Potential employers are never allowed to enquire about his health conditions

before offering him a job

If his epilepsy interferes with his ability to do his job safely then his employers may

dismiss him

He cannot hold a Group 2 driving licence

He can join the army

Запитання 19

Which of the following diseases is associated with coal mining?

варіанти відповідей

Rheumatoid arthritis

Bladder cancer

Renal failure



Запитання 20

You undertake screening in a bakery in which a case of occupational

asthma has been diagnosed. You see a gentleman who has a wheeze that

only occurs at work. Which of the following statements is true?

варіанти відповідей

A respiratory mask will help alleviate his condition

Legally his employer should relocate him

This case falls under the Equality Act 2010

Employers must make sure that the workplace exposure limit (WEL) for flour is

adhered to strictly

Symptoms have no correlation with length of exposure time

Запитання 21

Which of the following occupational diseases is paired with its at-risk


варіанти відповідей

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD): quarrying

Interstitial pneumonitis: baking

Skin cancer: metal workers

Penile cancer: chimney sweeper

Nasopharyngeal adenoma: wood workers

Запитання 22

Shift work is thought to be associated with which pathology?

варіанти відповідей

Breast cancer

Renal carcinoma


Testicular cancer

None of the above

Запитання 23

You discover that an employee has suffered from noise-induced hearing

loss. Which of the following statements is true?

варіанти відповідей

Employers have no legal duty to move employees against their wishes

An audiogram can be diagnostic

Tinnitus and hearing loss are not synergistic

Noise-induced hearing loss is not RIDDOR (Reporting of Injuries, Diseases and

Dangerous Occurrences Regulations) reportable

Surveillance of other workers is not needed

Запитання 24

The following are the most important factors that must be taken into

account when assessing peak flow:

варіанти відповідей

Gender, age, height

Gender, height, weight

Smoking status, age, gender

Smoking status, recent infection, gender

Smoking status, age, height

Запитання 25

Which employment is not correctly paired with the disease associated

with it?

варіанти відповідей

Cotton workers: byssanosis

Felt workers: psychosis

Carpenters: penile carcinoma

Tree surgeons: HAVS

Laboratory workers: asthma

Запитання 26

During the periodic medical examination an assembly fitter

(works on soldering details) didn’t report any health problems. Closer examination

revealed signs of asthenic vegetative syndrome. Blood included red blood cells

with basophilic aggregations and a somewhat higher number of reticulocytes,

urine had a high concentration of delta-aminolevulinic acid. The complex of

symptoms indicates the initial stage of chronic intoxication with:

варіанти відповідей






Запитання 27

A 37-year-old man working as a typesetter in a print shop

complains of rapid fatigability, paroxysmal attacks of stomachache, weak

drooping hands. Examination of neurological status revealed hypotrophy of the

forearm muscles. Carporadial reflexes are sharply weakened. Sensitivity is not

disturbed. Gums present with dark blue border. What neurological pathology is


варіанти відповідей


Guillain-Barre syndrome (postinfectious polyneuritis)


Ulnar neuropathy

Lead polyneuropathy

Запитання 28

During health assessment of car drivers and police officers on

point duty, the physicians detected carboxyhemoglobinin the blood of the

patients, weakened reflex responses, disturbed activity of a number of enzymes.

Revealed professional health disorders are most likely to be associated with the

effect of:

варіанти відповідей


Sulfurous anhydride

Mental stress


Nitric oxide

Запитання 29

A man works in casting of nonferrous metals and alloys for 12

years. In the air of working area there was registered high content of heavy

metals, carbon monoxide, and nitrogen. During periodic health examination the

patient presents with asthenovegetative syndrome, sharp pains in the stomach,

constipations, pain in the hepatic area. In urine: aminolevulinic acid and

coproporphyrin are detected. In blood: reticulocytosis, low hemoglobin level.

Such intoxication is caused by:

варіанти відповідей

Lead and lead salts


Carbon monoxide

Nitric oxide


Запитання 30

A patient, 35 years old, an agriculturer, complains of a sharp sensation

in the eyes, lacrimation, dryness and burning sensation in the nose at

cleaning, hoarseness of the voice, sensation of compression and stethalgia,

dry cough; nasal bleeding, headache. It’s nessasary to prescribe for

the treatment:

варіанти відповідей

Unithiol + Calcium tetacini + Ascorbic acid.

Penicillamine + Pentacinum.

Sodium sulfacetamide (Albucidum) — 2 % solution of Sodium hydrocarbonate

+ 1 % solution of Novocainum.

Nootropil + Aktovegine + Cerebrolysin.

Methylene dark blue + Glucose + Ascorbic acid.

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