Одеський ліцей №56. Вступне випробування з англійської мови( 3 демонстраційний варіант)

Додано: 21 травня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 55 разів
17 запитань
Запитання 1

1. Read the following text and choose the right answers that follow. Refer to the text to check your answers when appropriate.

Fans of the “Tour de France” call it the “Tour”. It is the most famous bike race in the world. It’s very dangerous, too. Every year there are accidents. Most of them are not really bad. But in 1995 an Italian rider crashed at 88 km an hour. He died. This was probably because he didn’t have his helmet on. Now all riders must wear helmets at all times during the race. The “Tour” is the most difficult bike race in the world. The rulers are difficult, too. But we’ll try to explain some of them. There is a race nearly every day during three weeks in July. The men ride in teams. They ride for more than 3.000 kilometres. The race ends in Paris. Sometimes the “Tour” goes into other countries, for example, to Spain, Germany or the UK. There are three different groups of races: 1) A race where all riders start at the same time. 2) A time race for each rider. 3) A time race for each team. There are other competitions in the “Tour”, too. But the race for the yellow jersey is the most important. The man with the shortest time for all the races together wears it in the next race.

1) Fans of the “Tour de France” call it the…   ”

варіанти відповідей


a) “Biker”  



Запитання 2

1. Read the following text and choose the right answers that follow. Refer to the text to check your answers when appropriate.

Fans of the “Tour de France” call it the “Tour”. It is the most famous bike race in the world. It’s very dangerous, too. Every year there are accidents. Most of them are not really bad. But in 1995 an Italian rider crashed at 88 km an hour. He died. This was probably because he didn’t have his helmet on. Now all riders must wear helmets at all times during the race. The “Tour” is the most difficult bike race in the world. The rulers are difficult, too. But we’ll try to explain some of them. There is a race nearly every day during three weeks in July. The men ride in teams. They ride for more than 3.000 kilometres. The race ends in Paris. Sometimes the “Tour” goes into other countries, for example, to Spain, Germany or the UK. There are three different groups of races: 1) A race where all riders start at the same time. 2) A time race for each rider. 3) A time race for each team. There are other competitions in the “Tour”, too. But the race for the yellow jersey is the most important. The man with the shortest time for all the races together wears it in the next race.

2) The text is about…  

варіанти відповідей

d) a car race

c) a road accident 

 b) a road race on bikes

a) a football match 

Запитання 3

Fans of the “Tour de France” call it the “Tour”. It is the most famous bike race in the world. It’s very dangerous, too. Every year there are accidents. Most of them are not really bad. But in 1995 an Italian rider crashed at 88 km an hour. He died. This was probably because he didn’t have his helmet on. Now all riders must wear helmets at all times during the race. The “Tour” is the most difficult bike race in the world. The rulers are difficult, too. But we’ll try to explain some of them. There is a race nearly every day during three weeks in July. The men ride in teams. They ride for more than 3.000 kilometres. The race ends in Paris. Sometimes the “Tour” goes into other countries, for example, to Spain, Germany or the UK. There are three different groups of races: 1) A race where all riders start at the same time. 2) A time race for each rider. 3) A time race for each team. There are other competitions in the “Tour”, too. But the race for the yellow jersey is the most important. The man with the shortest time for all the races together wears it in the next race.

3) Every year there are…   

варіанти відповідей

 b) problems 

a) accidents

 c) 1.000 bikes

 d) 2.000 cars 

Запитання 4

 Fans of the “Tour de France” call it the “Tour”. It is the most famous bike race in the world. It’s very dangerous, too. Every year there are accidents. Most of them are not really bad. But in 1995 an Italian rider crashed at 88 km an hour. He died. This was probably because he didn’t have his helmet on. Now all riders must wear helmets at all times during the race. The “Tour” is the most difficult bike race in the world. The rulers are difficult, too. But we’ll try to explain some of them. There is a race nearly every day during three weeks in July. The men ride in teams. They ride for more than 3.000 kilometres. The race ends in Paris. Sometimes the “Tour” goes into other countries, for example, to Spain, Germany or the UK. There are three different groups of races: 1) A race where all riders start at the same time. 2) A time race for each rider. 3) A time race for each team. There are other competitions in the “Tour”, too. But the race for the yellow jersey is the most important. The man with the shortest time for all the races together wears it in the next race.

4) In 1995 an Italian rider crashed at…      

варіанти відповідей

 c) 87 km an hour  

d) 88 km an hour 

b) 85 km an hour 

a) 80 km an hour 

Запитання 5

Fans of the “Tour de France” call it the “Tour”. It is the most famous bike race in the world. It’s very dangerous, too. Every year there are accidents. Most of them are not really bad. But in 1995 an Italian rider crashed at 88 km an hour. He died. This was probably because he didn’t have his helmet on. Now all riders must wear helmets at all times during the race. The “Tour” is the most difficult bike race in the world. The rulers are difficult, too. But we’ll try to explain some of them. There is a race nearly every day during three weeks in July. The men ride in teams. They ride for more than 3.000 kilometres. The race ends in Paris. Sometimes the “Tour” goes into other countries, for example, to Spain, Germany or the UK. There are three different groups of races: 1) A race where all riders start at the same time. 2) A time race for each rider. 3) A time race for each team. There are other competitions in the “Tour”, too. But the race for the yellow jersey is the most important. The man with the shortest time for all the races together wears it in the next race.

5) Now all riders must wear…       

варіанти відповідей

b) helmets

c) vest 

a) gloves

d) sunglasses

Запитання 6

Fans of the “Tour de France” call it the “Tour”. It is the most famous bike race in the world. It’s very dangerous, too. Every year there are accidents. Most of them are not really bad. But in 1995 an Italian rider crashed at 88 km an hour. He died. This was probably because he didn’t have his helmet on. Now all riders must wear helmets at all times during the race. The “Tour” is the most difficult bike race in the world. The rulers are difficult, too. But we’ll try to explain some of them. There is a race nearly every day during three weeks in July. The men ride in teams. They ride for more than 3.000 kilometres. The race ends in Paris. Sometimes the “Tour” goes into other countries, for example, to Spain, Germany or the UK. There are three different groups of races: 1) A race where all riders start at the same time. 2) A time race for each rider. 3) A time race for each team. There are other competitions in the “Tour”, too. But the race for the yellow jersey is the most important. The man with the shortest time for all the races together wears it in the next race.

6) There are three different groups of…    

варіанти відповідей

b) races

a) bikes

 c) sport 

d) bikers 

Запитання 7

Fans of the “Tour de France” call it the “Tour”. It is the most famous bike race in the world. It’s very dangerous, too. Every year there are accidents. Most of them are not really bad. But in 1995 an Italian rider crashed at 88 km an hour. He died. This was probably because he didn’t have his helmet on. Now all riders must wear helmets at all times during the race. The “Tour” is the most difficult bike race in the world. The rulers are difficult, too. But we’ll try to explain some of them. There is a race nearly every day during three weeks in July. The men ride in teams. They ride for more than 3.000 kilometres. The race ends in Paris. Sometimes the “Tour” goes into other countries, for example, to Spain, Germany or the UK. There are three different groups of races: 1) A race where all riders start at the same time. 2) A time race for each rider. 3) A time race for each team. There are other competitions in the “Tour”, too. But the race for the yellow jersey is the most important. The man with the shortest time for all the races together wears it in the next race.

7) The race for the yellow jersey is the most… 

варіанти відповідей

b) famous  

a) difficult 

d) dangerous 

c) important  

Запитання 8

Fans of the “Tour de France” call it the “Tour”. It is the most famous bike race in the world. It’s very dangerous, too. Every year there are accidents. Most of them are not really bad. But in 1995 an Italian rider crashed at 88 km an hour. He died. This was probably because he didn’t have his helmet on. Now all riders must wear helmets at all times during the race. The “Tour” is the most difficult bike race in the world. The rulers are difficult, too. But we’ll try to explain some of them. There is a race nearly every day during three weeks in July. The men ride in teams. They ride for more than 3.000 kilometres. The race ends in Paris. Sometimes the “Tour” goes into other countries, for example, to Spain, Germany or the UK. There are three different groups of races: 1) A race where all riders start at the same time. 2) A time race for each rider. 3) A time race for each team. There are other competitions in the “Tour”, too. But the race for the yellow jersey is the most important. The man with the shortest time for all the races together wears it in the next race.

8) The rider who gets the yellow jersey is… 

варіанти відповідей

 d) the man with the shortest time for all the races

 c) the fastest French rider

  b) one of the riders in the fastest team 

a) the rider with the most points

Запитання 9

2.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Past Simple.

1)The book _____(to be) really interesting. 

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 10

2.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Past Simple.

2) She ______(carry) the baby upstairs. 

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 11

2.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Past Simple.

3)I _______(buy) this jacket last summer

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 12

2.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Past Simple.

4)We ___________(not/like) the play. It was too slow.

варіанти відповідей


not liked

didn`t liked

didn`t like

Запитання 13

2.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Past Simple. 5)_____you_____(see) the match last night?

варіанти відповідей

did /see

do /see

did /saw

have/ seen

Запитання 14

2.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Past Simple.

6)Last night I ______(come) home late because I ______(watch) a film at my friend’s place. 

варіанти відповідей

come /watched

came/ watch



Запитання 15

2.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Past Simple.

7)Where _____you _____(go) last summer?

варіанти відповідей

are/ going



is/ going

Запитання 16

2.Complete the sentences with the correct form of the Past Simple.

8)I _____(make) some sandwiches for the journey and we _______(eat) them on the train.

варіанти відповідей

made / eat

makes / eats

make / eat

made / ate

Запитання 17

3. Describe a film you have seen recently. Write an email to your English friend, Alex.

Write about:

a) basic information: title, date, kind of film, director, stars;

b) background to the story: where/when/what happens ;

c) opinions: acting/story/special effects/music;

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