Олімпіада шкільний рівень

Додано: 28 жовтня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 144 рази
12 запитань
Запитання 1


Read the text:

Jonathan Swift, a famous English writer, was one day travelling on horseback with a servant. The weather was bad; it was raining and the roads were muddy. In the evening the two men came to an inn. Before going to bed, Swift told his servant to clean his boots as they were dirty. But the servant was very lazy and did not do what his master had said.

The next morning when Swift saw the dirty boots, he asked the servant why he had not executed the order. ‖The roads are muddy. What is the use of cleaning the boots now? They will soon be dirty again,‖ the servant answered.

Swift didn‘t say anything and soon told the servant to get ready because they would start at once. But the servant looked very displeased and said that he had not eaten his breakfast yet.

Swift answered that they would go without any breakfast.

‖What is the use of eating now? You will be hungry again‖, he said.

Choose the right answer:

The writer and his servant were most likely travelling somewhere ....

варіанти відповідей

in the wood

in the countryside

in the city

in the space

Запитання 2

Read the text:

Jonathan Swift, a famous English writer, was one day travelling on horseback with a servant. The weather was bad; it was raining and the roads were muddy. In the evening the two men came to an inn. Before going to bed, Swift told his servant to clean his boots as they were dirty. But the servant was very lazy and did not do what his master had said.

The next morning when Swift saw the dirty boots, he asked the servant why he had not executed the order. ‖The roads are muddy. What is the use of cleaning the boots now? They will soon be dirty again,‖ the servant answered.

Swift didn‘t say anything and soon told the servant to get ready because they would start at once. But the servant looked very displeased and said that he had not eaten his breakfast yet.

Swift answered that they would go without any breakfast.

‖What is the use of eating now? You will be hungry again‖, he said.

Choose the right answer:

The servant seemed to dislike ...

варіанти відповідей

his master


cleaning shoes

bad weather

Запитання 3

Read the text:

Jonathan Swift, a famous English writer, was one day travelling on horseback with a servant. The weather was bad; it was raining and the roads were muddy. In the evening the two men came to an inn. Before going to bed, Swift told his servant to clean his boots as they were dirty. But the servant was very lazy and did not do what his master had said.

The next morning when Swift saw the dirty boots, he asked the servant why he had not executed the order. ‖The roads are muddy. What is the use of cleaning the boots now? They will soon be dirty again,‖ the servant answered.

Swift didn‘t say anything and soon told the servant to get ready because they would start at once. But the servant looked very displeased and said that he had not eaten his breakfast yet.

Swift answered that they would go without any breakfast.

‖What is the use of eating now? You will be hungry again‖, he said.

Choose the right answer:

Swift seemed to ...

варіанти відповідей

be very angry

be quite indifferent

be pleased

be relaxed

Запитання 4

Read the text:

Jonathan Swift, a famous English writer, was one day travelling on horseback with a servant. The weather was bad; it was raining and the roads were muddy. In the evening the two men came to an inn. Before going to bed, Swift told his servant to clean his boots as they were dirty. But the servant was very lazy and did not do what his master had said.

The next morning when Swift saw the dirty boots, he asked the servant why he had not executed the order. ‖The roads are muddy. What is the use of cleaning the boots now? They will soon be dirty again,‖ the servant answered.

Swift didn‘t say anything and soon told the servant to get ready because they would start at once. But the servant looked very displeased and said that he had not eaten his breakfast yet.

Swift answered that they would go without any breakfast.

‖What is the use of eating now? You will be hungry again‖, he said.

Choose the right answer:

The travel was to resume ...

варіанти відповідей


after breakfast

after the rain stopped

after the shoes had been polished

Запитання 5

Read the text:

Jonathan Swift, a famous English writer, was one day travelling on horseback with a servant. The weather was bad; it was raining and the roads were muddy. In the evening the two men came to an inn. Before going to bed, Swift told his servant to clean his boots as they were dirty. But the servant was very lazy and did not do what his master had said.

The next morning when Swift saw the dirty boots, he asked the servant why he had not executed the order. ‖The roads are muddy. What is the use of cleaning the boots now? They will soon be dirty again,‖ the servant answered.

Swift didn‘t say anything and soon told the servant to get ready because they would start at once. But the servant looked very displeased and said that he had not eaten his breakfast yet.

Swift answered that they would go without any breakfast.

‖What is the use of eating now? You will be hungry again‖, he said.

Choose the right answer:

The servant was possibly very ...

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 6

Read the text:

Jonathan Swift, a famous English writer, was one day travelling on horseback with a servant. The weather was bad; it was raining and the roads were muddy. In the evening the two men came to an inn. Before going to bed, Swift told his servant to clean his boots as they were dirty. But the servant was very lazy and did not do what his master had said.

The next morning when Swift saw the dirty boots, he asked the servant why he had not executed the order. ‖The roads are muddy. What is the use of cleaning the boots now? They will soon be dirty again,‖ the servant answered.

Swift didn‘t say anything and soon told the servant to get ready because they would start at once. But the servant looked very displeased and said that he had not eaten his breakfast yet.

Swift answered that they would go without any breakfast.

‖What is the use of eating now? You will be hungry again‖, he said.

Choose the right answer:

Swift was not going to _____.

варіанти відповідей

have his shoes cleaned

keep the servant any longer

have any meal

leave the inn that day

Запитання 7

At school we ... wear our school uniform.

варіанти відповідей


has to

don't have to


Запитання 8

We ... be polite while meeting other people.

варіанти відповідей


have to


don't have to

Запитання 9

I am so thirsty. I.... something to drink

варіанти відповідей

have to




Запитання 10

You ......... do your homework in time.

варіанти відповідей

must to


don't have to

have to

Запитання 11

You .......make noise at the library.

варіанти відповідей



have to


Запитання 12

They've got lots of homework. They ________ watch TV.

варіанти відповідей



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