READING-1 /form 6/

Додано: 9 грудня 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Копія з тесту: READING-1 /form 6/
Тест виконано: 940 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and answer the question.

I have got a pen-friend Molly. She is twelve years old and she lives in Liverpool. She goes to school for girls. Her father is a serious man. He is a pilot. He has got short straight hair and a moustache. He is always quiet and polite. He likes reading and he travels a lot. Molly’s mother is a very pretty woman. She has got short curly hair and she wears glasses. She is cheerful and friendly. She also likes sport and plays tennis very well. Molly has an elder brother. He is a student and studies at University. He has got short curly hair and he wears glasses just like his mother. He is fond of swimming and listening to music. Molly has got grandparents. They are helpful and kind.

Who has got a moustache?

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Запитання 2

Read the text and answer the question.

I have got a pen-friend Molly. She is twelve years old and she lives in Liverpool. She goes to school for girls. Her father is a serious man. He is a pilot. He has got short straight hair and a moustache. He is always quiet and polite. He likes reading and he travels a lot. Molly’s mother is a very pretty woman. She has got short curly hair and she wears glasses. She is cheerful and friendly. She also likes sport and plays tennis very well. Molly has an elder brother. He is a student and studies at University. He has got short curly hair and he wears glasses just like his mother. He is fond of swimming and listening to music. Molly has got grandparents. They are helpful and kind.

Who wears glasses?

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Запитання 3

Read the text and answer the question.

I have got a pen-friend Molly. She is twelve years old and she lives in Liverpool. She goes to school for girls. Her father is a serious man. He is a pilot. He has got short straight hair and a moustache. He is always quiet and polite. He likes reading and he travels a lot. Molly’s mother is a very pretty woman. She has got short curly hair and she wears glasses. She is cheerful and friendly. She also likes sport and plays tennis very well. Molly has an elder brother. He is a student and studies at University. He has got short curly hair and he wears glasses just like his mother. He is fond of swimming and listening to music. Molly has got grandparents. They are helpful and kind.

Who is serious and polite?

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Запитання 4

Read the text and answer the question.

I have got a pen-friend Molly. She is twelve years old and she lives in Liverpool. She goes to school for girls. Her father is a serious man. He is a pilot. He has got short straight hair and a moustache. He is always quiet and polite. He likes reading and he travels a lot. Molly’s mother is a very pretty woman. She has got short curly hair and she wears glasses. She is cheerful and friendly. She also likes sport and plays tennis very well. Molly has an elder brother. He is a student and studies at University. He has got short curly hair and he wears glasses just like his mother. He is fond of swimming and listening to music. Molly has got grandparents. They are helpful and kind.

Who is cheerful?

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Запитання 5

Read the text and answer the question.

I have got a pen-friend Molly. She is twelve years old and she lives in Liverpool. She goes to school for girls. Her father is a serious man. He is a pilot. He has got short straight hair and a moustache. He is always quiet and polite. He likes reading and he travels a lot. Molly’s mother is a very pretty woman. She has got short curly hair and she wears glasses. She is cheerful and friendly. She also likes sport and plays tennis very well. Molly has an elder brother. He is a student and studies at University. He has got short curly hair and he wears glasses just like his mother. He is fond of swimming and listening to music. Molly has got grandparents. They are helpful and kind.

Who goes to school for girls?

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Запитання 6

Read the text and answer the question.

I have got a pen-friend Molly. She is twelve years old and she lives in Liverpool. She goes to school for girls. Her father is a serious man. He is a pilot. He has got short straight hair and a moustache. He is always quiet and polite. He likes reading and he travels a lot. Molly’s mother is a very pretty woman. She has got short curly hair and she wears glasses. She is cheerful and friendly. She also likes sport and plays tennis very well. Molly has an elder brother. He is a student and studies at University. He has got short curly hair and he wears glasses just like his mother. He is fond of swimming and listening to music. Molly has got grandparents. They are helpful and kind.

Who likes listening to music?

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Запитання 7

Read the text and say true or false.

I have got a pen-friend Molly. She is twelve years old and she lives in Liverpool. She goes to school for girls. Her father is a serious man. He is a pilot. He has got short straight hair and a moustache. He is always quiet and polite. He likes reading and he travels a lot. Molly’s mother is a very pretty woman. She has got short curly hair and she wears glasses. She is cheerful and friendly. She also likes sport and plays tennis very well. Molly has an elder brother. He is a student and studies at University. He has got short curly hair and he wears glasses just like his mother. He is fond of swimming and listening to music. Molly has got grandparents. They are helpful and kind.

Molly is thirteen years old.

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Запитання 8

Read the text and answer the question.

I have got a pen-friend Molly. She is twelve years old and she lives in Liverpool. She goes to school for girls. Her father is a serious man. He is a pilot. He has got short straight hair and a moustache. He is always quiet and polite. He likes reading and he travels a lot. Molly’s mother is a very pretty woman. She has got short curly hair and she wears glasses. She is cheerful and friendly. She also likes sport and plays tennis very well. Molly has an elder brother. He is a student and studies at University. He has got short curly hair and he wears glasses just like his mother. He is fond of swimming and listening to music. Molly has got grandparents. They are helpful and kind.

Molly goes to school for girls.

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Запитання 9

Read the text and answer the question.

I have got a pen-friend Molly. She is twelve years old and she lives in Liverpool. She goes to school for girls. Her father is a serious man. He is a pilot. He has got short straight hair and a moustache. He is always quiet and polite. He likes reading and he travels a lot. Molly’s mother is a very pretty woman. She has got short curly hair and she wears glasses. She is cheerful and friendly. She also likes sport and plays tennis very well. Molly has an elder brother. He is a student and studies at University. He has got short curly hair and he wears glasses just like his mother. He is fond of swimming and listening to music. Molly has got grandparents. They are helpful and kind.

Molly is always quiet and polite.

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Запитання 10

Read the text and answer the question.

I have got a pen-friend Molly. She is twelve years old and she lives in Liverpool. She goes to school for girls. Her father is a serious man. He is a pilot. He has got short straight hair and a moustache. He is always quiet and polite. He likes reading and he travels a lot. Molly’s mother is a very pretty woman. She has got short curly hair and she wears glasses. She is cheerful and friendly. She also likes sport and plays tennis very well. Molly has an elder brother. He is a student and studies at University. He has got short curly hair and he wears glasses just like his mother. He is fond of swimming and listening to music. Molly has got grandparents. They are helpful and kind.

Molly’s mother doesn't play tennis very well.

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Запитання 11

Read the text and answer the question.

I have got a pen-friend Molly. She is twelve years old and she lives in Liverpool. She goes to school for girls. Her father is a serious man. He is a pilot. He has got short straight hair and a moustache. He is always quiet and polite. He likes reading and he travels a lot. Molly’s mother is a very pretty woman. She has got short curly hair and she wears glasses. She is cheerful and friendly. She also likes sport and plays tennis very well. Molly has an elder brother. He is a student and studies at University. He has got short curly hair and he wears glasses just like his mother. He is fond of swimming and listening to music. Molly has got grandparents. They are helpful and kind.

Molly has a smaller brother.

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Запитання 12

Read the text and answer the question.

I have got a pen-friend Molly. She is twelve years old and she lives in Liverpool. She goes to school for girls. Her father is a serious man. He is a pilot. He has got short straight hair and a moustache. He is always quiet and polite. He likes reading and he travels a lot. Molly’s mother is a very pretty woman. She has got short curly hair and she wears glasses. She is cheerful and friendly. She also likes sport and plays tennis very well. Molly has an elder brother. He is a student and studies at University. He has got short curly hair and he wears glasses just like his mother. He is fond of swimming and listening to music. Molly has got grandparents. They are helpful and kind.

Molly has got grandfather and grandmother.

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