
Додано: 12 жовтня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Тест виконано: 11 разів
6 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and do the task

Children can have different hobbies.Many pupils of our school have interesting hobbies.

Lara is 11 years old.Lara likes painting pictures. Tom is 15 and he has very interesting hobbies. He likes dancing, playing the piano and to ride a bike with his sister Ann.Ann and Tom often play chess after school. They don' t like to watch TV. Robert is 13. His hobbies are playing football and reading detective stories. He doesn't play computer games. He likes sport. They are my friends. My hobby is collecting badges. I like to read books too.

True or False

1. Lara is twelve

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Запитання 2

Read the text and do the task

Children can have different hobbies.Many pupils of our school have interesting hobbies.

Lara is 11 years old.Lara likes painting pictures. Tom is 15 and he has very interesting hobbies. He likes dancing, playing the piano and to ride a bike with his sister Ann.Ann and Tom often play chess after school. They don' t like to watch TV. Robert is 13. His hobbies are playing football and reading detective stories. He doesn't play computer games. He likes sport. They are my friends. My hobby is collecting badges. I like to read books too.

True or False

2. Robert's hobby is playing basketball

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Запитання 3

Read the text and do the task

Children can have different hobbies.Many pupils of our school have interesting hobbies.

Lara is 11 years old.Lara likes painting pictures. Tom is 15 and he has very interesting hobbies. He likes dancing, playing the piano and to ride a bike with his sister Ann.Ann and Tom often play chess after school. They don' t like to watch TV. Robert is 13. His hobbies are playing football and reading detective stories. He doesn't play computer games. He likes sport. They are my friends. My hobby is collecting badges. I like to read books too.

True or False

Tom likes to ride a bike with his uncle

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Запитання 4

Read the text and do the task

Children can have different hobbies.Many pupils of our school have interesting hobbies.

Lara is 11 years old.Lara likes painting pictures. Tom is 15 and he has very interesting hobbies. He likes dancing, playing the piano and to ride a bike with his sister Ann.Ann and Tom often play chess after school. They don' t like to watch TV. Robert is 13. His hobbies are playing football and reading detective stories. He doesn't play computer games. He likes sport. They are my friends. My hobby is collecting badges. I like to read books too.

True or False

Tom and Ann like to watch TV

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Запитання 5

Read the text and do the task

Children can have different hobbies.Many pupils of our school have interesting hobbies.

Lara is 11 years old.Lara likes painting pictures. Tom is 15 and he has very interesting hobbies. He likes dancing, playing the piano and to ride a bike with his sister Ann.Ann and Tom often play chess after school. They don' t like to watch TV. Robert is 13. His hobbies are playing football and reading detective stories. He doesn't play computer games. He likes sport. They are my friends. My hobby is collecting badges. I like to read books too.

True or False

Lara, Tom and Robert are my classmates.

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Запитання 6

Read the text and do the task

Children can have different hobbies.Many pupils of our school have interesting hobbies.

Lara is 11 years old.Lara likes painting pictures. Tom is 15 and he has very interesting hobbies. He likes dancing, playing the piano and to ride a bike with his sister Ann.Ann and Tom often play chess after school. They don' t like to watch TV. Robert is 13. His hobbies are playing football and reading detective stories. He doesn't play computer games. He likes sport. They are my friends. My hobby is collecting badges. I like to read books too.

True or False

My hobby is collecting badges.

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