Reading Comprehension 7

Додано: 15 квітня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
8 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and tick (v) true or cross (x) false.

My name is Anna and I live in Cardiff, the capital city of Wales. I am 16 years old and I have got two young sisters: Kate and Maggie. I have also got two dogs and a cat: the dogs are called Fido and Rex and the cat is called Masha.

Kate loves playing the guitar and Maggie loves singing. She often sings at family parties. I listen to music every day. My favourite pop group is The Corrs. The Corrs are an Irish band. I like their songs very much and I have got all their CDs. I also like Irish folk music. I go to Irish dancing classes on Mondays and Wednesdays.

After school, Maggie often reads her books and Kate usually does her homework. At the weekend, we usually hang out with friends or go to the cinema together. We sometimes watch DVDs.

I have got photos of my family on my mobile phone. I have a nice photo of my favourite relative, my Aunt Teresa. She visits us every Sunday and we sometimes play tennis together. She’s very friendly and she’s fun!

Do you think we can make friends? If you do, then write to me soon.

1   Anna lives in Wales.

варіанти відповідей

a True

b False

Запитання 2

My name is Anna and I live in Cardiff, the capital city of Wales. I am 16 years old and I have got two young sisters: Kate and Maggie. I have also got two dogs and a cat: the dogs are called Fido and Rex and the cat is called Masha.

Kate loves playing the guitar and Maggie loves singing. She often sings at family parties. I listen to music every day. My favourite pop group is The Corrs. The Corrs are an Irish band. I like their songs very much and I have got all their CDs. I also like Irish folk music. I go to Irish dancing classes on Mondays and Wednesdays.

After school, Maggie often reads her books and Kate usually does her homework. At the weekend, we usually hang out with friends or go to the cinema together. We sometimes watch DVDs.

I have got photos of my family on my mobile phone. I have a nice photo of my favourite relative, my Aunt Teresa. She visits us every Sunday and we sometimes play tennis together. She’s very friendly and she’s fun!

Do you think we can make friends? If you do, then write to me soon.

2   Maggie isn’t 16 years old.

варіанти відповідей

a True

b Fasle

Запитання 3

My name is Anna and I live in Cardiff, the capital city of Wales. I am 16 years old and I have got two young sisters: Kate and Maggie. I have also got two dogs and a cat: the dogs are called Fido and Rex and the cat is called Masha.

Kate loves playing the guitar and Maggie loves singing. She often sings at family parties. I listen to music every day. My favourite pop group is The Corrs. The Corrs are an Irish band. I like their songs very much and I have got all their CDs. I also like Irish folk music. I go to Irish dancing classes on Mondays and Wednesdays.

After school, Maggie often reads her books and Kate usually does her homework. At the weekend, we usually hang out with friends or go to the cinema together. We sometimes watch DVDs.

I have got photos of my family on my mobile phone. I have a nice photo of my favourite relative, my Aunt Teresa. She visits us every Sunday and we sometimes play tennis together. She’s very friendly and she’s fun!

Do you think we can make friends? If you do, then write to me soon.

3   Anna has got four animals.

варіанти відповідей

a True

b False

Запитання 4

My name is Anna and I live in Cardiff, the capital city of Wales. I am 16 years old and I have got two young sisters: Kate and Maggie. I have also got two dogs and a cat: the dogs are called Fido and Rex and the cat is called Masha.

Kate loves playing the guitar and Maggie loves singing. She often sings at family parties. I listen to music every day. My favourite pop group is The Corrs. The Corrs are an Irish band. I like their songs very much and I have got all their CDs. I also like Irish folk music. I go to Irish dancing classes on Mondays and Wednesdays.

After school, Maggie often reads her books and Kate usually does her homework. At the weekend, we usually hang out with friends or go to the cinema together. We sometimes watch DVDs.

I have got photos of my family on my mobile phone. I have a nice photo of my favourite relative, my Aunt Teresa. She visits us every Sunday and we sometimes play tennis together. She’s very friendly and she’s fun!

Do you think we can make friends? If you do, then write to me soon.

4   Anna’s favourite pop group is from Ireland.

варіанти відповідей

a True

b False

Запитання 5

My name is Anna and I live in Cardiff, the capital city of Wales. I am 16 years old and I have got two young sisters: Kate and Maggie. I have also got two dogs and a cat: the dogs are called Fido and Rex and the cat is called Masha.

Kate loves playing the guitar and Maggie loves singing. She often sings at family parties. I listen to music every day. My favourite pop group is The Corrs. The Corrs are an Irish band. I like their songs very much and I have got all their CDs. I also like Irish folk music. I go to Irish dancing classes on Mondays and Wednesdays.

After school, Maggie often reads her books and Kate usually does her homework. At the weekend, we usually hang out with friends or go to the cinema together. We sometimes watch DVDs.

I have got photos of my family on my mobile phone. I have a nice photo of my favourite relative, my Aunt Teresa. She visits us every Sunday and we sometimes play tennis together. She’s very friendly and she’s fun!

Do you think we can make friends? If you do, then write to me soon.

5   Kate usually does her homework before school in the morning.     

варіанти відповідей

a True

b False

Запитання 6

My name is Anna and I live in Cardiff, the capital city of Wales. I am 16 years old and I have got two young sisters: Kate and Maggie. I have also got two dogs and a cat: the dogs are called Fido and Rex and the cat is called Masha.

Kate loves playing the guitar and Maggie loves singing. She often sings at family parties. I listen to music every day. My favourite pop group is The Corrs. The Corrs are an Irish band. I like their songs very much and I have got all their CDs. I also like Irish folk music. I go to Irish dancing classes on Mondays and Wednesdays.

After school, Maggie often reads her books and Kate usually does her homework. At the weekend, we usually hang out with friends or go to the cinema together. We sometimes watch DVDs.

I have got photos of my family on my mobile phone. I have a nice photo of my favourite relative, my Aunt Teresa. She visits us every Sunday and we sometimes play tennis together. She’s very friendly and she’s fun!

Do you think we can make friends? If you do, then write to me soon.

6   Anna has photos of her friends on her mobile phone.       

варіанти відповідей

a True

b False

Запитання 7

My name is Anna and I live in Cardiff, the capital city of Wales. I am 16 years old and I have got two young sisters: Kate and Maggie. I have also got two dogs and a cat: the dogs are called Fido and Rex and the cat is called Masha.

Kate loves playing the guitar and Maggie loves singing. She often sings at family parties. I listen to music every day. My favourite pop group is The Corrs. The Corrs are an Irish band. I like their songs very much and I have got all their CDs. I also like Irish folk music. I go to Irish dancing classes on Mondays and Wednesdays.

After school, Maggie often reads her books and Kate usually does her homework. At the weekend, we usually hang out with friends or go to the cinema together. We sometimes watch DVDs.

I have got photos of my family on my mobile phone. I have a nice photo of my favourite relative, my Aunt Teresa. She visits us every Sunday and we sometimes play tennis together. She’s very friendly and she’s fun!

Do you think we can make friends? If you do, then write to me soon.

7   There is a picture of Anna’s aunt on her mobile.

варіанти відповідей

a True

b False

Запитання 8

My name is Anna and I live in Cardiff, the capital city of Wales. I am 16 years old and I have got two young sisters: Kate and Maggie. I have also got two dogs and a cat: the dogs are called Fido and Rex and the cat is called Masha.

Kate loves playing the guitar and Maggie loves singing. She often sings at family parties. I listen to music every day. My favourite pop group is The Corrs. The Corrs are an Irish band. I like their songs very much and I have got all their CDs. I also like Irish folk music. I go to Irish dancing classes on Mondays and Wednesdays.

After school, Maggie often reads her books and Kate usually does her homework. At the weekend, we usually hang out with friends or go to the cinema together. We sometimes watch DVDs.

I have got photos of my family on my mobile phone. I have a nice photo of my favourite relative, my Aunt Teresa. She visits us every Sunday and we sometimes play tennis together. She’s very friendly and she’s fun!

Do you think we can make friends? If you do, then write to me soon.

8   Aunt Teresa visits Anna’s family at the weekend.

варіанти відповідей

a True

b False

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