Reading Comprehension Form 4A Term II Easter

Додано: 8 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Тест виконано: 126 разів
8 запитань
Запитання 1


Easter is in spring. It is a great holiday. There are a lot of flowers in spring.

In England Easter starts on Friday. People often eat hot cross buns on this day. People give children chocolate eggs on Easter Sunday.

On Easter Sunday people go to church and give thanks to Christ. They sing songs, listen to music and have a big dinner.

In Ukraine we make Easter cakes. An Easter cake is called paska. We paint eggs, too. A coloured egg is called pysanka.

Choose the right answer (оберіть правильну відповідь).

1. Easter is in ...

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 2


Easter is in spring. It is a great holiday. There are a lot of flowers in spring.

In England Easter starts on Friday. People often eat hot cross buns on this day. People give children chocolate eggs on Easter Sunday.

On Easter Sunday people go to church and give thanks to Christ. They sing songs, listen to music and have a big dinner.

In Ukraine we make Easter cakes. An Easter cake is called paska. We paint eggs, too. A coloured egg is called pysanka.

Choose the right answer (оберіть правильну відповідь).

2. We can see many beautiful ... in spring.

варіанти відповідей



red roses

 yellow roses

Запитання 3


Easter is in spring. It is a great holiday. There are a lot of flowers in spring.

In England Easter starts on Friday. People often eat hot cross buns on this day. People give children chocolate eggs on Easter Sunday.

On Easter Sunday people go to church and give thanks to Christ. They sing songs, listen to music and have a big dinner.

In Ukraine we make Easter cakes. An Easter cake is called paska. We paint eggs, too. A coloured egg is called pysanka.

Choose the right answer (оберіть правильну відповідь).

3. Easter starts on ... in England.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 4


Easter is in spring. It is a great holiday. There are a lot of flowers in spring.

In England Easter starts on Friday. People often eat hot-cross buns on this day. People give children chocolate eggs on Easter Sunday.

On Easter Sunday people go to church and give thanks to Christ. They sing songs, listen to music and have a big dinner.

In Ukraine we make Easter cakes. An Easter cake is called paska. We paint eggs, too. A coloured egg is called pysanka.

Choose the right answer (оберіть правильну відповідь).

4. People give children ... eggs for Easter.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 5


Easter is in spring. It is a great holiday. There are a lot of flowers in spring.

In England Easter starts on Friday. People often eat hot cross buns on this day. People give children chocolate eggs on Easter Sunday.

On Easter Sunday people go to church and give thanks to Christ. They sing songs, listen to music and have a big dinner.

In Ukraine we make Easter cakes. An Easter cake is called paska. We paint eggs, too. A coloured egg is called pysanka.

Choose the right answer (оберіть правильну відповідь).

5. In Ukraine people make ... and paint ... .

варіанти відповідей

 hot cross buns .. eggs

 Easter cakes ... eggs

 Easter cookies ... cakes

 birthday cakes ... eggs

Запитання 6


Easter is in spring. It is a great holiday. There are a lot of flowers in spring.

In England Easter starts on Friday. People often eat hot cross buns on this day. People give children chocolate eggs on Easter Sunday.

On Easter Sunday people go to church and give thanks to Christ. They sing songs, listen to music and have a big dinner.

In Ukraine we make Easter cakes. An Easter cake is called paska. We paint eggs, too. A coloured egg is called pysanka.

Choose the right answer (оберіть правильну відповідь).

6. On Easter Sunday people go...

варіанти відповідей

 to school

to the cinema

to work

to church

Запитання 7


Easter is in spring. It is a great holiday. There are a lot of flowers in spring.

In England Easter starts on Friday. People often eat hot cross buns on this day. People give children chocolate eggs on Easter Sunday.

On Easter Sunday people go to church and give thanks to Christ. They sing songs, listen to music and have a big dinner.

In Ukraine we make Easter cakes. An Easter cake is called paska. We paint eggs, too. A coloured egg is called pysanka.

Choose the right answer (оберіть правильну відповідь).

7. People often eat....

варіанти відповідей


 hot cross buns



Запитання 8


Easter is in spring. It is a great holiday. There are a lot of flowers in spring.

In England Easter starts on Friday. People often eat hot cross buns on this day. People give children chocolate eggs on Easter Sunday.

On Easter Sunday people go to church and give thanks to Christ. They sing songs, listen to music and have a big dinner.

In Ukraine we make Easter cakes. An Easter cake is called paska. We paint eggs, too. A coloured egg is called pysanka.

Choose the right answer (оберіть правильну відповідь).

8.  A coloured egg is called ... .

варіанти відповідей


 hot cross bun


Easter cake

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