Додано: 5 січня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
20 запитань
Запитання 1

Read and choose the correct answer.

I. At any ocean beach you can see the water rise up toward high tide. Something 

is pulling the water up. We now know that the moon is doing the pulling. How can 

it pull? We call the pull gravitation. All matter everywhere pulls all other 

matter everywhere. The bigger the object, the greater the pull. The moon is big 

enough to pull the earth, and it pulls the water on the earth. The moon pulls 

the water facing the moon. When you see high tide, you know that the moon is 

pulling the water up.

A. When you drop something, and it falls to the ground, it falls because of -

варіанти відповідей

the moon.


its size.

the sun.

Запитання 2

Read and choose the correct answer.

I. At any ocean beach you can see the water rise up toward high tide. Something 

is pulling the water up. We now know that the moon is doing the pulling. How can 

it pull? We call the pull gravitation. All matter everywhere pulls all other 

matter everywhere. The bigger the object, the greater the pull. The moon is big 

enough to pull the earth, and it pulls the water on the earth. The moon pulls 

the water facing the moon. When you see high tide, you know that the moon is 

pulling the water up.

B. High tide is caused by - 

варіанти відповідей


all matter everywhere.

the earth.

the water.

Запитання 3

Read and choose the correct answer.

I. At any ocean beach you can see the water rise up toward high tide. Something 

is pulling the water up. We now know that the moon is doing the pulling. How can 

it pull? We call the pull gravitation. All matter everywhere pulls all other 

matter everywhere. The bigger the object, the greater the pull. The moon is big 

enough to pull the earth, and it pulls the water on the earth. The moon pulls 

the water facing the moon. When you see high tide, you know that the moon is 

pulling the water up.

C. The moon pulls -

варіанти відповідей

all matter.

water only.

the earth only.

the tides.

Запитання 4

Read and choose the correct answer.

I. At any ocean beach you can see the water rise up toward high tide. Something 

is pulling the water up. We now know that the moon is doing the pulling. How can 

it pull? We call the pull gravitation. All matter everywhere pulls all other 

matter everywhere. The bigger the object, the greater the pull. The moon is big 

enough to pull the earth, and it pulls the water on the earth. The moon pulls 

the water facing the moon. When you see high tide, you know that the moon is 

pulling the water up.

D. If the earth did not spin, -

варіанти відповідей

there would be no tides.

the moon would not pull the water.

the earth would not pull the moon.

there would be no gravitation.

Запитання 5

Read and choose the correct answer.

II. The sun also pulls the earth. However, the sun is much farther away from the 

earth than the moon, and so the pull, that is, the gravitation, is less. 

Sometimes, the sun and the moon pull together on the same side of the earth. 

Then, the high tide is very high, indeed.

A. The pull of the sun on the earth is called - 

варіанти відповідей


high tide.


pulling together.

Запитання 6

Read and choose the correct answer.

II. The sun also pulls the earth. However, the sun is much farther away from the 

earth than the moon, and so the pull, that is, the gravitation, is less. 

Sometimes, the sun and the moon pull together on the same side of the earth. 

Then, the high tide is very high, indeed.

B. When there is a very high tide, the sun and the moon are -

варіанти відповідей

on opposite sides of the earth.

on the same side of the earth.

near to each other.

farther away than at other times.

Запитання 7

Read and choose the correct answer.

II. The sun also pulls the earth. However, the sun is much farther away from the 

earth than the moon, and so the pull, that is, the gravitation, is less. 

Sometimes, the sun and the moon pull together on the same side of the earth. 

Then, the high tide is very high, indeed.

C. The sun pulls the earth less than the moon because -

варіанти відповідей

it is so large.

it is farther away than the moon.

the sun and the moon have no water.

it is on the opposite side of the earth from the moon.

Запитання 8

Read and choose the correct answer.

II. The sun also pulls the earth. However, the sun is much farther away from the 

earth than the moon, and so the pull, that is, the gravitation, is less. 

Sometimes, the sun and the moon pull together on the same side of the earth. 

Then, the high tide is very high, indeed.

D. At low tide, -


варіанти відповідей

the water is piling up somewhere else.

the sun is much farther away.

the sun and the moon are not pulling together.

the sun and the moon are on the same side of the earth.

Запитання 9

Read and choose the correct answer.

III. Why does oil not mix well with water? We know that water mixes well with 

water. If you add hot water to cold water, you soon have lukewarm water. 

Alcohol, too, mixes well with water. Alcohol and water are quite similar. Water 

is composed of oxygen and hydrogen, whereas alcohol is composed of oxygen, 

hydrogen, and carbon. Why do oil and water not mix well? The reason is that they 

are not similar. The molecules of water, that is, the tiny pieces of water that 

include oxygen and hydrogen, are very small, whereas the molecules of oil are, 

by comparison, enormous and very different in their composition.

A. Water molecules include -

варіанти відповідей

oxygen and hydrogen.

oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon.


tiny pieces of water.

both hot and cold molecules.

Запитання 10

Read and choose the correct answer.

III. Why does oil not mix well with water? We know that water mixes well with 

water. If you add hot water to cold water, you soon have lukewarm water. 

Alcohol, too, mixes well with water. Alcohol and water are quite similar. Water 

is composed of oxygen and hydrogen, whereas alcohol is composed of oxygen, 

hydrogen, and carbon. Why do oil and water not mix well? The reason is that they 

are not similar. The molecules of water, that is, the tiny pieces of water that 

include oxygen and hydrogen, are very small, whereas the molecules of oil are, 

by comparison, enormous and very different in their composition.

B. The molecules of alcohol -

варіанти відповідей

are enormous.

are similar to oil.

mix well with water.

contain only oxygen and hydrogen.

Запитання 11

Read and choose the correct answer.

III. Why does oil not mix well with water? We know that water mixes well with 

water. If you add hot water to cold water, you soon have lukewarm water. 

Alcohol, too, mixes well with water. Alcohol and water are quite similar. Water 

is composed of oxygen and hydrogen, whereas alcohol is composed of oxygen, 

hydrogen, and carbon. Why do oil and water not mix well? The reason is that they 

are not similar. The molecules of water, that is, the tiny pieces of water that 

include oxygen and hydrogen, are very small, whereas the molecules of oil are, 

by comparison, enormous and very different in their composition.

C. Oil and water do not mix well because - 

варіанти відповідей

they are similar in composition.

water has big molecules.

they are both composed of oxygen and hydrogen.

their molecules are very different.

Запитання 12

Read and choose the correct answer.

III. Why does oil not mix well with water? We know that water mixes well with 

water. If you add hot water to cold water, you soon have lukewarm water. 

Alcohol, too, mixes well with water. Alcohol and water are quite similar. Water 

is composed of oxygen and hydrogen, whereas alcohol is composed of oxygen, 

hydrogen, and carbon. Why do oil and water not mix well? The reason is that they 

are not similar. The molecules of water, that is, the tiny pieces of water that 

include oxygen and hydrogen, are very small, whereas the molecules of oil are, 

by comparison, enormous and very different in their composition.

D. A molecule of water is -

варіанти відповідей

bigger than a molecule of oil

composed of oxygen, hydrogen, and carbon.

similar to a molecule of oil.

a very small piece of water.

Запитання 13

Read and choose the correct answer.

IV. From where does a flower get its smell? It gets its smell from an oil that 

the plant produces. The oil is volatile. Long ago, volatile meant flying. The 

oil seems to be flying, for it escapes into the air. Insects that smell the oil 

fly to the flower, where they leave behind them the pollen that the flower needs 

to grow seeds. Some plants do not need insects to bring pollen. They depend on 

the wind to bring it. These plants usually have little smell or no smell at all.

A. Something that is volatile -

варіанти відповідей

is carried on wings.

leaves pollen.

is necessary for seed growth.

escapes into the air.

Запитання 14

Read and choose the correct answer.

IV. From where does a flower get its smell? It gets its smell from an oil that 

the plant produces. The oil is volatile. Long ago, volatile meant flying. The 

oil seems to be flying, for it escapes into the air. Insects that smell the oil 

fly to the flower, where they leave behind them the pollen that the flower needs 

to grow seeds. Some plants do not need insects to bring pollen. They depend on 

the wind to bring it. These plants usually have little smell or no smell at all.

B. This story is mainly about -

варіанти відповідей

the smell of flowers.

insects that fly to flowers.

how flowers get pollen.

volatile oils.

Запитання 15

Read and choose the correct answer.

IV. From where does a flower get its smell? It gets its smell from an oil that 

the plant produces. The oil is volatile. Long ago, volatile meant flying. The 

oil seems to be flying, for it escapes into the air. Insects that smell the oil 

fly to the flower, where they leave behind them the pollen that the flower needs 

to grow seeds. Some plants do not need insects to bring pollen. They depend on 

the wind to bring it. These plants usually have little smell or no smell at all.

C. Flowers with little smell or no smell at all -

варіанти відповідей

need insects to bring pollen to them.

depend on volatile oils.

depend on the wind to bring pollen to them.

do not need pollen.

Запитання 16

Read and choose the correct answer.

IV. From where does a flower get its smell? It gets its smell from an oil that 

the plant produces. The oil is volatile. Long ago, volatile meant flying. The 

oil seems to be flying, for it escapes into the air. Insects that smell the oil 

fly to the flower, where they leave behind them the pollen that the flower needs 

to grow seeds. Some plants do not need insects to bring pollen. They depend on 

the wind to bring it. These plants usually have little smell or no smell at all.

D. Insects in the story are attracted to a flower by -

варіанти відповідей



volatile oil.

the beauty of the flower.

Запитання 17

Read and choose the correct answer.

V. There are several birds, once common, that have died out in the last few 

hundred years, so that now not one of them exists. The dodo was quite common on 

the island of Mauritius 300 years ago, but there is not one alive today. It was 

easy prey to animals new to the island, because it could not fly on its small 

wings. In New Zealand there used to be birds called moas, which were twice as 

high as the biggest man. They have all died out. The great auk, which used to 

come in thousands to the shores of Newfoundland, is another bird that has died 

out in the last few hundred years.

A. This story is mainly about -

варіанти відповідей

animals that have died out.

birds that have died out.

why birds have died out.

where birds that have died out lived.

Запитання 18

Read and choose the correct answer.

V. There are several birds, once common, that have died out in the last few 

hundred years, so that now not one of them exists. The dodo was quite common on 

the island of Mauritius 300 years ago, but there is not one alive today. It was 

easy prey to animals new to the island, because it could not fly on its small 

wings. In New Zealand there used to be birds called moas, which were twice as 

high as the biggest man. They have all died out. The great auk, which used to 

come in thousands to the shores of Newfoundland, is another bird that has died 

out in the last few hundred years.

B. The dodo died out because -

варіанти відповідей

of its size.

it was new to the island of Mauritius.

it was common on the island of Mauritius.

it was easy prey to animals new to the island.

Запитання 19

Read and choose the correct answer.

V. There are several birds, once common, that have died out in the last few 

hundred years, so that now not one of them exists. The dodo was quite common on 

the island of Mauritius 300 years ago, but there is not one alive today. It was 

easy prey to animals new to the island, because it could not fly on its small 

wings. In New Zealand there used to be birds called moas, which were twice as 

high as the biggest man. They have all died out. The great auk, which used to 

come in thousands to the shores of Newfoundland, is another bird that has died 

out in the last few hundred years.

C. The great auk was -

варіанти відповідей

a bird.

a kind of dodo.

a kind of moa.

a bird with small wings.

Запитання 20

Read and choose the correct answer.

V. There are several birds, once common, that have died out in the last few 

hundred years, so that now not one of them exists. The dodo was quite common on 

the island of Mauritius 300 years ago, but there is not one alive today. It was 

easy prey to animals new to the island, because it could not fly on its small 

wings. In New Zealand there used to be birds called moas, which were twice as 

high as the biggest man. They have all died out. The great auk, which used to 

come in thousands to the shores of Newfoundland, is another bird that has died 

out in the last few hundred years.

D. Moas were -

варіанти відповідей

about two feet tall.

about five feet tall.

about twelve or fourteen feet tall.

about twenty feet tall.

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