Reading Comprehension Test (Final)

Додано: 30 квітня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
Тест виконано: 687 разів
20 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

I. After the voyages of Columbus, the king of Spain still believed that India 

could be reached by sailing to the west, so he sent Ferdinand Magellan, along 

with ships and sailors, to seek the truth. They set out for what we now know as 

South America. Nobody could tell whether it was possible to get around or 

through South America. One ship left him, because the crew were too frightened 

to go farther. Magellan explored all down the coast and at last came to a great 

channel. We now call this channel the Straits of Magellan. They are at the 

southern end of South America. Magellan got through the channel, and then a 

great open ocean appeared before him. He called it the Pacific, which means 

peaceful, because it was smooth and calm.

A. The king of Spain sent Magellan to find -

варіанти відповідей

the Straits of Magellan.

South America.


the Pacific.

Запитання 2

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

I. After the voyages of Columbus, the king of Spain still believed that India 

could be reached by sailing to the west, so he sent Ferdinand Magellan, along 

with ships and sailors, to seek the truth. They set out for what we now know as 

South America. Nobody could tell whether it was possible to get around or 

through South America. One ship left him, because the crew were too frightened 

to go farther. Magellan explored all down the coast and at last came to a great 

channel. We now call this channel the Straits of Magellan. They are at the 

southern end of South America. Magellan got through the channel, and then a 

great open ocean appeared before him. He called it the Pacific, which means 

peaceful, because it was smooth and calm.

B. Magellan was -

варіанти відповідей

a South American.

a sea captain.

frightened to go farther.

an Indian.

Запитання 3

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

I. After the voyages of Columbus, the king of Spain still believed that India 

could be reached by sailing to the west, so he sent Ferdinand Magellan, along 

with ships and sailors, to seek the truth. They set out for what we now know as 

South America. Nobody could tell whether it was possible to get around or 

through South America. One ship left him, because the crew were too frightened 

to go farther. Magellan explored all down the coast and at last came to a great 

channel. We now call this channel the Straits of Magellan. They are at the 

southern end of South America. Magellan got through the channel, and then a 

great open ocean appeared before him. He called it the Pacific, which means 

peaceful, because it was smooth and calm.

C. The Straits of Magellan are -

варіанти відповідей

a channel.

a river.


the Pacific Ocean.

Запитання 4

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

I. After the voyages of Columbus, the king of Spain still believed that India 

could be reached by sailing to the west, so he sent Ferdinand Magellan, along 

with ships and sailors, to seek the truth. They set out for what we now know as 

South America. Nobody could tell whether it was possible to get around or 

through South America. One ship left him, because the crew were too frightened 

to go farther. Magellan explored all down the coast and at last came to a great 

channel. We now call this channel the Straits of Magellan. They are at the 

southern end of South America. Magellan got through the channel, and then a 

great open ocean appeared before him. He called it the Pacific, which means 

peaceful, because it was smooth and calm.

D. "Pacific" means -

варіанти відповідей

open ocean.


a channel.


Запитання 5

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

II. There is a disease that used to cause people sick with it to lose their 

fingers, toes, and noses, little by little. It is called leprosy. Other people 

were afraid of catching it, so they sent the lepers to live by themselves. In 

one of the Hawaiian Islands called Molokai there were lepers living together in 

shacks without enough food or clothing. When a young man from Belgium named 

Father Damien heard about them, he wanted to help them. He went to Molokai and 

lived among the lepers, doing everything he could for them. He caught leprosy 

himself and died of it. He is now famous for his wonderful kindness to people 

who needed someone.

A. This story is mainly about -

варіанти відповідей

living among the lepers.


the kindness of Father Damien.


sending lepers to live by themselves.

Запитання 6

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

II. There is a disease that used to cause people sick with it to lose their 

fingers, toes, and noses, little by little. It is called leprosy. Other people 

were afraid of catching it, so they sent the lepers to live by themselves. In 

one of the Hawaiian Islands called Molokai there were lepers living together in 

shacks without enough food or clothing. When a young man from Belgium named 

Father Damien heard about them, he wanted to help them. He went to Molokai and 

lived among the lepers, doing everything he could for them. He caught leprosy 

himself and died of it. He is now famous for his wonderful kindness to people 

who needed someone.

B. Molokai is -

варіанти відповідей

in Belgium.

an island.


a Hawaiian word for kindness.

Запитання 7

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

II. There is a disease that used to cause people sick with it to lose their 

fingers, toes, and noses, little by little. It is called leprosy. Other people 

were afraid of catching it, so they sent the lepers to live by themselves. In 

one of the Hawaiian Islands called Molokai there were lepers living together in 

shacks without enough food or clothing. When a young man from Belgium named 

Father Damien heard about them, he wanted to help them. He went to Molokai and 

lived among the lepers, doing everything he could for them. He caught leprosy 

himself and died of it. He is now famous for his wonderful kindness to people 

who needed someone.

C. Father Damien is famous because -

варіанти відповідей

he caught leprosy.

he was kind.

he was from Belgium.

he lived in a shack.

Запитання 8

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

II. There is a disease that used to cause people sick with it to lose their 

fingers, toes, and noses, little by little. It is called leprosy. Other people 

were afraid of catching it, so they sent the lepers to live by themselves. In 

one of the Hawaiian Islands called Molokai there were lepers living together in 

shacks without enough food or clothing. When a young man from Belgium named 

Father Damien heard about them, he wanted to help them. He went to Molokai and 

lived among the lepers, doing everything he could for them. He caught leprosy 

himself and died of it. He is now famous for his wonderful kindness to people 

who needed someone.

D. People were especially afraid of leprosy because -

варіанти відповідей

lepers lived in shacks.

people sent lepers to live by themselves.

lepers lost fingers, toes, and noses.

lepers died of their disease.

Запитання 9

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

III. Until only a few hundred years ago, people thought that, every day, the sun 

moved in a circle around the earth. They saw the sun rise in the East in the 

morning and set in the West in the evening, so they thought that the sun was 

moving. They were like a person in a car watching another car alongside. If the 

person's car slowly moves forward, it can seem that the car alongside is moving 

backward. We now know that it is the earth that is moving, while the sun stays 


A. This story is mainly about - 

варіанти відповідей

the sun and the earth.

why people thought that the sun moved in a circle around the earth.

two cars that move next to one another.

the earth's moving around the sun.

Запитання 10

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

III. Until only a few hundred years ago, people thought that, every day, the sun 

moved in a circle around the earth. They saw the sun rise in the East in the 

morning and set in the West in the evening, so they thought that the sun was 

moving. They were like a person in a car watching another car alongside. If the 

person's car slowly moves forward, it can seem that the car alongside is moving 

backward. We now know that it is the earth that is moving, while the sun stays 


B. The person in the car is watching -

варіанти відповідей

another car.

the earth.

the sun.

the rising and setting of the sun.

Запитання 11

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

III. Until only a few hundred years ago, people thought that, every day, the sun 

moved in a circle around the earth. They saw the sun rise in the East in the 

morning and set in the West in the evening, so they thought that the sun was 

moving. They were like a person in a car watching another car alongside. If the 

person's car slowly moves forward, it can seem that the car alongside is moving 

backward. We now know that it is the earth that is moving, while the sun stays 


C. The sun SEEMS to move -

варіанти відповідей

from West to East.

because it is so far away.

because we seem to stay still.

because it wakes us up in the morning.

Запитання 12

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

III. Until only a few hundred years ago, people thought that, every day, the sun 

moved in a circle around the earth. They saw the sun rise in the East in the 

morning and set in the West in the evening, so they thought that the sun was 

moving. They were like a person in a car watching another car alongside. If the 

person's car slowly moves forward, it can seem that the car alongside is moving 

backward. We now know that it is the earth that is moving, while the sun stays 


D. People learned that the earth moves during the day and night -

варіанти відповідей

a few hundred years ago.

when cars were invented.

when they could see the sun rise and set.

when they felt the earth move.

Запитання 13

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

IV. Can you tell what Sunday is named for? Yes, the sun. What about Monday? Yes, 

the moon. The other days of the week are not as easy. Tuesday is Tyr's day. Tyr 

was a god of war in northern Europe. Wednesday is Woden's day. Woden was the 

greatest god of northern Europe. He lived in a palace called Valhalla. Thursday 

is Thor's day. Thor was the strongest of the gods of northern Europe. He had a 

hammer which no man could lift. Friday is Frigga's day. Frigga, the wife of 

Woden, was highest among goddesses. Saturday is Saturn's day. Saturn was a Roman 

god. The Romans used to feast and make merry in honor of Saturn.

A. The god of war in northern Europe was called - 

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 14

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

IV. Can you tell what Sunday is named for? Yes, the sun. What about Monday? Yes, 

the moon. The other days of the week are not as easy. Tuesday is Tyr's day. Tyr 

was a god of war in northern Europe. Wednesday is Woden's day. Woden was the 

greatest god of northern Europe. He lived in a palace called Valhalla. Thursday 

is Thor's day. Thor was the strongest of the gods of northern Europe. He had a 

hammer which no man could lift. Friday is Frigga's day. Frigga, the wife of 

Woden, was highest among goddesses. Saturday is Saturn's day. Saturn was a Roman 

god. The Romans used to feast and make merry in honor of Saturn.

B. Valhalla was the home of - 

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 15

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

IV. Can you tell what Sunday is named for? Yes, the sun. What about Monday? Yes, 

the moon. The other days of the week are not as easy. Tuesday is Tyr's day. Tyr 

was a god of war in northern Europe. Wednesday is Woden's day. Woden was the 

greatest god of northern Europe. He lived in a palace called Valhalla. Thursday 

is Thor's day. Thor was the strongest of the gods of northern Europe. He had a 

hammer which no man could lift. Friday is Frigga's day. Frigga, the wife of 

Woden, was highest among goddesses. Saturday is Saturn's day. Saturn was a Roman 

god. The Romans used to feast and make merry in honor of Saturn.

C. The strongest of the gods in northern Europe was called - 

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 16

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

IV. Can you tell what Sunday is named for? Yes, the sun. What about Monday? Yes, 

the moon. The other days of the week are not as easy. Tuesday is Tyr's day. Tyr 

was a god of war in northern Europe. Wednesday is Woden's day. Woden was the 

greatest god of northern Europe. He lived in a palace called Valhalla. Thursday 

is Thor's day. Thor was the strongest of the gods of northern Europe. He had a 

hammer which no man could lift. Friday is Frigga's day. Frigga, the wife of 

Woden, was highest among goddesses. Saturday is Saturn's day. Saturn was a Roman 

god. The Romans used to feast and make merry in honor of Saturn.

D. The highest among the goddesses was called - 

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 17

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

V. Chinese men in China do not wear pigtails nowadays, but it is possible that 

their grandfathers or great-grandfathers did. For many years in China, a pigtail 

was thought to be proper for men. The men shaved their heads in front and wore 

the pigtail in back. It was also thought proper to wrap the feet of little girls 

tightly so that, when they grew up, their feet would be small. Small feet on 

girls were admired. This practice has also disappeared.

A. People in China thought that girls should have - 

варіанти відповідей

small feet.


shaved heads.


Запитання 18

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

V. Chinese men in China do not wear pigtails nowadays, but it is possible that 

their grandfathers or great-grandfathers did. For many years in China, a pigtail 

was thought to be proper for men. The men shaved their heads in front and wore 

the pigtail in back. It was also thought proper to wrap the feet of little girls 

tightly so that, when they grew up, their feet would be small. Small feet on 

girls were admired. This practice has also disappeared.

B. This story is mainly about - 

варіанти відповідей

boys and girls in China.

the feet of girls and the hair of men.

outdated practices in China.

the Chinese.

Запитання 19

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

V. Chinese men in China do not wear pigtails nowadays, but it is possible that 

their grandfathers or great-grandfathers did. For many years in China, a pigtail 

was thought to be proper for men. The men shaved their heads in front and wore 

the pigtail in back. It was also thought proper to wrap the feet of little girls 

tightly so that, when they grew up, their feet would be small. Small feet on 

girls were admired. This practice has also disappeared.

C. The Chinese wanted girls to have small feet because -

варіанти відповідей

small feet were easier to keep warm.

small feet were quieter.

small feet were admired.

small feet were younger looking.

Запитання 20

Read the text and choose the correct answer.

V. Chinese men in China do not wear pigtails nowadays, but it is possible that 

their grandfathers or great-grandfathers did. For many years in China, a pigtail 

was thought to be proper for men. The men shaved their heads in front and wore 

the pigtail in back. It was also thought proper to wrap the feet of little girls 

tightly so that, when they grew up, their feet would be small. Small feet on 

girls were admired. This practice has also disappeared.

D. Grandfathers of Chinese men -

варіанти відповідей

might have wrapped their feet to keep them small.

might have worn pigtails.

would not have had shaved heads.

would have dressed like girls.

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