Reading. I semester. At My Grandfather’s

Додано: 14 грудня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 4 клас
Тест виконано: 54 рази
13 запитань
Запитання 1

Прочитай нові слова, запамятай їх значення.

grow                   | ɡrəʊ |         рости

hills                 I hɪlz |            пагорби

fields              I fiːldz |          поля

mushrooms   Iˈmʌʃrʊmz |  гриби

berries            Iˈberiz |          ягоди

wonders         Iˈwʌndəz |     дива

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Запитання 2

           My sister and I enjoy living in the country, that is why we usually spend our summer holidays at our grandfather’s. He lives in a small house. He has a garden. Different plants grow in his garden.

                    It’s very beautiful there. There is a lake near the house. There are many fish in it. Near the lake there are high green hills and large fields. Many different flowers grow in the fields. In the forest there are many mushrooms and berries. Different birds and animals live on the hills and in the forest. Grandfather knows and loves them all. He knows many things about the animals: where they live in winter and in summer, what they eat, what they like to do, how they teach their children and play with them.

                    He knows all about birds, too. When a bird is singing he can say what bird is it. In winter, when there is not much food to eat in the forest, he gives the birds something to eat.

                    Grandfather likes the forest. He always says that in the forest there are many wonders.

                    We like to listen to grandfather’s stories about the forest’s wonders.

True / False. 1.    My sister and I like living in the country.

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Запитання 3

 My sister and I enjoy living in the country, that is why we usually spend our summer holidays at our grandfather’s. He lives in a small house. He has a garden. Different plants grow in his garden.

                    It’s very beautiful there. There is a lake near the house. There are many fish in it. Near the lake there are high green hills and large fields. Many different flowers grow in the fields. In the forest there are many mushrooms and berries. Different birds and animals live on the hills and in the forest. Grandfather knows and loves them all. He knows many things about the animals: where they live in winter and in summer, what they eat, what they like to do, how they teach their children and play with them.

                    He knows all about birds, too. When a bird is singing he can say what bird is it. In winter, when there is not much food to eat in the forest, he gives the birds something to eat.

                    Grandfather likes the forest. He always says that in the forest there are many wonders.

                    We like to listen to grandfather’s stories about the forest’s wonders.

True / False. 2.    My grandfather lives in a big house.

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Запитання 4

 My sister and I enjoy living in the country, that is why we usually spend our summer holidays at our grandfather’s. He lives in a small house. He has a garden. Different plants grow in his garden.

                    It’s very beautiful there. There is a lake near the house. There are many fish in it. Near the lake there are high green hills and large fields. Many different flowers grow in the fields. In the forest there are many mushrooms and berries. Different birds and animals live on the hills and in the forest. Grandfather knows and loves them all. He knows many things about the animals: where they live in winter and in summer, what they eat, what they like to do, how they teach their children and play with them.

                    He knows all about birds, too. When a bird is singing he can say what bird is it. In winter, when there is not much food to eat in the forest, he gives the birds something to eat.

                    Grandfather likes the forest. He always says that in the forest there are many wonders.

                    We like to listen to grandfather’s stories about the forest’s wonders.

True / False. 3. There is a river near the house.

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Запитання 5

 My sister and I enjoy living in the country, that is why we usually spend our summer holidays at our grandfather’s. He lives in a small house. He has a garden. Different plants grow in his garden.

                    It’s very beautiful there. There is a lake near the house. There are many fish in it. Near the lake there are high green hills and large fields. Many different flowers grow in the fields. In the forest there are many mushrooms and berries. Different birds and animals live on the hills and in the forest. Grandfather knows and loves them all. He knows many things about the animals: where they live in winter and in summer, what they eat, what they like to do, how they teach their children and play with them.

                    He knows all about birds, too. When a bird is singing he can say what bird is it. In winter, when there is not much food to eat in the forest, he gives the birds something to eat.

                    Grandfather likes the forest. He always says that in the forest there are many wonders.

                    We like to listen to grandfather’s stories about the forest’s wonders.

True / False. 4.   Grandfather didn’t like birds and animals.

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Запитання 6

 My sister and I enjoy living in the country, that is why we usually spend our summer holidays at our grandfather’s. He lives in a small house. He has a garden. Different plants grow in his garden.

                    It’s very beautiful there. There is a lake near the house. There are many fish in it. Near the lake there are high green hills and large fields. Many different flowers grow in the fields. In the forest there are many mushrooms and berries. Different birds and animals live on the hills and in the forest. Grandfather knows and loves them all. He knows many things about the animals: where they live in winter and in summer, what they eat, what they like to do, how they teach their children and play with them.

                    He knows all about birds, too. When a bird is singing he can say what bird is it. In winter, when there is not much food to eat in the forest, he gives the birds something to eat.

                    Grandfather likes the forest. He always says that in the forest there are many wonders.

                    We like to listen to grandfather’s stories about the forest’s wonders.

True / False. 5.   He knows where birds and animals live in winter and in summer.

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Запитання 7

My sister and I enjoy living in the country, that is why we usually spend our summer holidays at our grandfather’s. He lives in a small house. He has a garden. Different plants grow in his garden.

                    It’s very beautiful there. There is a lake near the house. There are many fish in it. Near the lake there are high green hills and large fields. Many different flowers grow in the fields. In the forest there are many mushrooms and berries. Different birds and animals live on the hills and in the forest. Grandfather knows and loves them all. He knows many things about the animals: where they live in winter and in summer, what they eat, what they like to do, how they teach their children and play with them.

                    He knows all about birds, too. When a bird is singing he can say what bird is it. In winter, when there is not much food to eat in the forest, he gives the birds something to eat.

                    Grandfather likes the forest. He always says that in the forest there are many wonders.

                    We like to listen to grandfather’s stories about the forest’s wonders.

True / False. 6.    When a bird is singing he can say what bird is it.

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Запитання 8

 Choose the correct answer.

1.    We usually spend our ________ holidays at our grandfather’s.

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Запитання 9

Choose the correct answer.     He has a _______ .

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Запитання 10

Choose the correct answer.    Many different ______ grow in the fields.  

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Запитання 11

Choose the correct answer. He gives ________ something to eat.  

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Запитання 12

Choose the correct answer.   Grandfather likes the_________ .

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Запитання 13

Choose the correct answer.  We like to listen to grandfather’s _______ about the forest’s wonders.

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