Reading II

Додано: 16 травня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 97 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

1 Read information about the three markets (A-C) and answer questions (1-4) below. For every question choose the market (A-C) it refers to. One of the markets matches two questions.


Castries Market, on the tropical island of St Lucia, is one of the most colourful markets in the world. It is located in an orange-roofed building, which is home to more than 300 vendors(продавці), selling fresh produce. However, this market doesn’t end there. On the streets beyond, stalls (прилавки)stocked with tropical fruits and flowers spill out under rainbow-coloured umbrellas.

La Boqueria in Barcelona, Spain, is one of the biggest and oldest indoor markets in Europe. La Boqueria has been operating at the same location as far back as 1217 and attracts crowds of locals and curious tourists every day. It is famous for the many varieties of fresh fish and seafood on sale.

Maeklong Market is in tropical Thailand. At the market you can find many mouth-watering local Thai ingredients such as lime, chilli and ginger. However, the Maeklong market has one special feature that truly sets it apart - it also has a train passing through it! Eight times a day, a siren is heard, and stallholders clear everything off the track. Once the train passes, they move back and continue selling!

1 Which market is also a tourist attraction?

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Запитання 2

1 Read information about the three markets (A-C) and answer questions (1-4) below. For every question choose the market (A-C) it refers to. One of the markets matches two questions.


Castries Market, on the tropical island of St Lucia, is one of the most colourful markets in the world. It is located in an orange-roofed building, which is home to more than 300 vendors, selling fresh produce. However, this market doesn’t end there. On the streets beyond, stalls stocked with tropical fruits and flowers spill out under rainbow-coloured umbrellas.

La Boqueria in Barcelona, Spain, is one of the biggest and oldest indoor markets in Europe. La Boqueria has been operating at the same location as far back as 1217 and attracts crowds of locals and curious tourists every day. It is famous for the many varieties of fresh fish and seafood on sale.

Maeklong Market is in tropical Thailand. At the market you can find many mouth-watering local Thai ingredients such as lime, chilli and ginger. However, the Maeklong market has one special feature that truly sets it apart - it also has a train passing through it! Eight times a day, a siren is heard, and stallholders clear everything off the track. Once the train passes, they move back and continue selling!

2 Which market is frequently interrupted?

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Запитання 3

1 Read information about the three markets (A-C) and answer questions (1-4) below. For every question choose the market (A-C) it refers to. One of the markets matches two questions.


Castries Market, on the tropical island of St Lucia, is one of the most colourful markets in the world. It is located in an orange-roofed building, which is home to more than 300 vendors, selling fresh produce. However, this market doesn’t end there. On the streets beyond, stalls stocked with tropical fruits and flowers spill out under rainbow-coloured umbrellas.

La Boqueria in Barcelona, Spain, is one of the biggest and oldest indoor markets in Europe. La Boqueria has been operating at the same location as far back as 1217 and attracts crowds of locals and curious tourists every day. It is famous for the many varieties of fresh fish and seafood on sale.

Maeklong Market is in tropical Thailand. At the market you can find many mouth-watering local Thai ingredients such as lime, chilli and ginger. However, the Maeklong market has one special feature that truly sets it apart - it also has a train passing through it! Eight times a day, a siren is heard, and stallholders clear everything off the track. Once the train passes, they move back and continue selling!

3 Which market takes place indoors and outdoors?

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Запитання 4

1 Read information about the three markets (A-C) and answer questions (1-4) below. For every question choose the market (A-C) it refers to. One of the markets matches two questions.


Castries Market, on the tropical island of St Lucia, is one of the most colourful markets in the world. It is located in an orange-roofed building, which is home to more than 300 vendors, selling fresh produce. However, this market doesn’t end there. On the streets beyond, stalls stocked with tropical fruits and flowers spill out under rainbow-coloured umbrellas.

La Boqueria in Barcelona, Spain, is one of the biggest and oldest indoor markets in Europe. La Boqueria has been operating at the same location as far back as 1217 and attracts crowds of locals and curious tourists every day. It is famous for the many varieties of fresh fish and seafood on sale.

Maeklong Market is in tropical Thailand. At the market you can find many mouth-watering local Thai ingredients such as lime, chilli and ginger. However, the Maeklong market has one special feature that truly sets it apart - it also has a train passing through it! Eight times a day, a siren is heard, and stallholders clear everything off the track. Once the train passes, they move back and continue selling!

4 Which market is of historical importance?

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Запитання 5

2 Read the four texts and answer questions 1-4 by choosing from options A-C.



I’m next door helping Laura. She’s got her final exams tomorrow and she’s really nervous. I won’t be back in time to watch the reality show I like, so could you record it for me?




I’m going over to Adele’s to revise. We’ve got a History test tomorrow, and I want to do well. Don’t worry about cooking food for me – I’ll eat something here.



For sale: a two-year-old netbook. A few scratches, but it works great - you can try it before you buy it! Perfect for students - low price guaranteed. Call Jem on 244 8798 between 6pm and 8pm.


 From: Ken

To: Jo

Subject: Steve’s graduation

Hi Jo,

I just wanted to remind you that it’s Steve’s graduation tomorrow, and we still don’t know if you’re coming. Let me know by this evening, because I want to book a table for the celebration dinner.



Mum, I’ve just come out of the exam. It was quite difficult. I’m going to have a chat with the others to see how they did. So, I’ll be a bit late for dinner.


1 Text A and Text B are both about

варіанти відповідей

A television.

B dinner.

C studying.

Запитання 6


For sale: a two-year-old netbook. A few scratches(подряпини), but it works great - you can try it before you buy it! Perfect for students - low price guaranteed. Call Jem on 244 8798 between 6pm and 8pm.

2 Text C says you can

варіанти відповідей

A sell your computer for a good price.

B buy a computer in perfect condition.

C test out the computer before buying it.

Запитання 7


 From: Ken

To: Jo

Subject: Steve’s graduation

Hi Jo,

I just wanted to remind you that it’s Steve’s graduation tomorrow, and we still don’t know if you’re coming. Let me know by this evening, because I want to book a table for the celebration dinner.




Mum, I’ve just come out of the exam. It was quite difficult. I’m going to have a chat with the others to see how they did. So, I’ll be a bit late for dinner.


3 Ken wrote the email

варіанти відповідей

A to invite Jo somewhere.

B to find out some information.

C to pass on some good news.

Запитання 8


Mum, I’ve just come out of the exam. It was quite difficult. I’m going to have a chat with the others to see how they did. So, I’ll be a bit late for dinner.


4 Text E is about

варіанти відповідей

A when Kim will be home.

B how Kim is feeling.

C how Kim did in the exam

Запитання 9

3 Read the film festival adverts (A-C) and the questions (1-4). For each question choose the right advert A, B or C. One advert matches two questions.

A Come to the True/False Film Festival to see the very best in documentary films! Each year, we showcase documentary films by the most talented filmmakers around the world. In addition, we offer a host of entertainment, from live bands to a colourful parade! So book your tickets now and don’t miss out! Passes from $65.

B COMING SOON: The London International Animation Festival. We offer a wide range of entertaining and inspiring animated films aimed specifically at adults. Moreover, there is the chance to meet industry experts as well as learn animation techniques. Join us this October and we’ll prove to you that cartoons aren’t just for kids! Tickets cost $95 for unlimited access to all events.

C SummerScreen is Oxford’s new film festival for the under 16s! There are plenty of things to see and do, from open air cinema to studio tours! We also offer fun-filled workshops so you can learn to make your own film. On top of all this, there are lots of sports for kids to enjoy, such as skateboarding and street dancing. It’s the best place to enjoy the summer sun! All events are free!

1 Which festival would be best for someone who likes watching films outdoors?

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Запитання 10

3 Read the film festival adverts (A-C) and the questions (1-4). For each question choose the right advert A, B or C. One advert matches two questions.

A Come to the True/False Film Festival to see the very best in documentary films! Each year, we showcase documentary films by the most talented filmmakers around the world. In addition, we offer a host of entertainment, from live bands to a colourful parade! So book your tickets now and don’t miss out! Passes from $65.

B COMING SOON: The London International Animation Festival. We offer a wide range of entertaining and inspiring animated films aimed specifically at adults. Moreover, there is the chance to meet industry experts as well as learn animation techniques. Join us this October and we’ll prove to you that cartoons aren’t just for kids! Tickets cost $95 for unlimited access to all events.

C SummerScreen is Oxford’s new film festival for the under 16s! There are plenty of things to see and do, from open air cinema to studio tours! We also offer fun-filled workshops so you can learn to make your own film. On top of all this, there are lots of sports for kids to enjoy, such as skateboarding and street dancing. It’s the best place to enjoy the summer sun! All events are free!

2 Which festival would be best for someone who enjoys listening to live music?

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Запитання 11

3 Read the film festival adverts (A-C) and the questions (1-4). For each question choose the right advert A, B or C. One advert matches two questions.

A Come to the True/False Film Festival to see the very best in documentary films! Each year, we showcase documentary films by the most talented filmmakers around the world. In addition, we offer a host of entertainment, from live bands to a colourful parade! So book your tickets now and don’t miss out! Passes from $65.

B COMING SOON: The London International Animation Festival. We offer a wide range of entertaining and inspiring animated films aimed specifically at adults. Moreover, there is the chance to meet industry experts as well as learn animation techniques. Join us this October and we’ll prove to you that cartoons aren’t just for kids! Tickets cost $95 for unlimited access to all events.

C SummerScreen is Oxford’s new film festival for the under 16s! There are plenty of things to see and do, from open air cinema to studio tours! We also offer fun-filled workshops so you can learn to make your own film. On top of all this, there are lots of sports for kids to enjoy, such as skateboarding and street dancing. It’s the best place to enjoy the summer sun! All events are free!

2 Which festival would be best for someone who doesn’t have much money to spend?

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Запитання 12

3 Read the film festival adverts (A-C) and the questions (1-4). For each question choose the right advert A, B or C. One advert matches two questions.

A Come to the True/False Film Festival to see the very best in documentary films! Each year, we showcase documentary films by the most talented filmmakers around the world. In addition, we offer a host of entertainment, from live bands to a colourful parade! So book your tickets now and don’t miss out! Passes from $65.

B COMING SOON: The London International Animation Festival. We offer a wide range of entertaining and inspiring animated films aimed specifically at adults. Moreover, there is the chance to meet industry experts as well as learn animation techniques. Join us this October and we’ll prove to you that cartoons aren’t just for kids! Tickets cost $95 for unlimited access to all events.

C SummerScreen is Oxford’s new film festival for the under 16s! There are plenty of things to see and do, from open air cinema to studio tours! We also offer fun-filled workshops so you can learn to make your own film. On top of all this, there are lots of sports for kids to enjoy, such as skateboarding and street dancing. It’s the best place to enjoy the summer sun! All events are free!

2 Which festival would be best for someone who wants to speak to professional filmmakers?

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