Reading. Term 2. Karpiuk

Додано: 3 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 3 клас
Тест виконано: 25 разів
10 запитань
Запитання 1

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My friend Vicky is 12. On Sundays she does not go to school. Her parents stay at home, too.

On Sunday morning Vicky helps her mum. She makes toasts and coffee for her family. For toasts she usually takes 3 big slices of bread (for mum, dad and her), some butter and some apple jam.

And for coffee she takes 3 teaspoonfuls of coffee and some hot milk.

Vicky likes sweet coffee with milk, so she puts some hot milk and a teaspoonful of sugar, too. Mum and dad put sugar in their cups themselves.

Оберіть правильну відповідь

1. How old is Vicky?

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Запитання 2

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My friend Vicky is 12. On Sundays she does not go to school. Her parents stay at home, too.

On Sunday morning Vicky helps her mum. She makes toasts and coffee for her family. For toasts she usually takes 3 big slices of bread (for mum, dad and her), some butter and some apple jam.

And for coffee she takes 3 teaspoonfuls of coffee and some hot milk.

Vicky likes sweet coffee with milk, so she puts some hot milk and a teaspoonful of sugar, too. Mum and dad put sugar in their cups themselves.

Виберіть відповідь: True( вірно) чи False (невірно).

On Sundays she goes to school.

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Запитання 3

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My friend Vicky is 12. On Sundays she does not go to school. Her parents stay at home, too.

On Sunday morning Vicky helps her mum. She makes toasts and coffee for her family. For toasts she usually takes 3 big slices of bread (for mum, dad and her), some butter and some apple jam.

And for coffee she takes 3 teaspoonfuls of coffee and some hot milk.

Vicky likes sweet coffee with milk, so she puts some hot milk and a teaspoonful of sugar, too. Mum and dad put sugar in their cups themselves.

What does Vicky usually do on Sunday morning?

варіанти відповідей

She helps her mum to cook breakfast.

She does her homework.

She watches cartoons.

Запитання 4

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My friend Vicky is 12. On Sundays she does not go to school. Her parents stay at home, too.

On Sunday morning Vicky helps her mum. She makes toasts and coffee for her family. For toasts she usually takes 3 big slices of bread (for mum, dad and her), some butter and some apple jam.

And for coffee she takes 3 teaspoonfuls of coffee and some hot milk.

Vicky likes sweet coffee with milk, so she puts some hot milk and a teaspoonful of sugar, too. Mum and dad put sugar in their cups themselves.

What does Vicky`s family have for breakfast?

варіанти відповідей

Tea and sandwiches.

Eggs and juice.

Toasts and coffee.

Запитання 5

Уважно прочитайте текст

My friend Vicky is 12. On Sundays she does not go to school. Her parents stay at home, too.

On Sunday morning Vicky helps her mum. She makes toasts and coffee for her family. For toasts she usually takes 3 big slices of bread (for mum, dad and her), some butter and some apple jam.

And for coffee she takes 3 teaspoonfuls of coffee and some hot milk.

Vicky likes sweet coffee with milk, so she puts some hot milk and a teaspoonful of sugar, too. Mum and dad put sugar in their cups themselves.

What does Vicky need to cook toast?

варіанти відповідей

Cheese, butter and some apple jam.

Bread, butter and some orange jam.

Bread, butter and some apple jam.

Запитання 6

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My friend Vicky is 12. On Sundays she does not go to school. Her parents stay at home, too.

On Sunday morning Vicky helps her mum. She makes toasts and coffee for her family. For toasts she usually takes 3 big slices of bread (for mum, dad and her), some butter and some apple jam.

And for coffee she takes 3 teaspoonfuls of coffee and some hot milk.

Vicky likes sweet coffee with milk, so she puts some hot milk and a teaspoonful of sugar, too. Mum and dad put sugar in their cups themselves.

How does Vicky like her coffee?

варіанти відповідей

Sweet coffee with ice-cream.

Swet coffee with milk.

No sugar, no milk.

Запитання 7

Прочитай та добери слово до визначення.

This meal you eat in the morning.

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Запитання 8

Прочитай та добери слово до визначення.

It is a long green vegetable.

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Запитання 9

Прочитай та добери слово до визначення.

In England, people sing this song at Christmas.

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Запитання 10

Вибери правильну відповідь на запитання.

Did you like your room?

варіанти відповідей

Yes, I did.

We stayed in a small hotel.

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