Семестрова робота. Контроль навичок письма та читання. 2 семестр.

Додано: 19 травня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 8 клас
Тест виконано: 301 раз
25 запитань
Запитання 1

Оберіть правильно написане речення.

варіанти відповідей

They are played tennis twice a week.

They play tennis twice a week

Запитання 2

Оберіть правильно написане речення.

варіанти відповідей

This program watches by millions of people.

This program is watched by millions of people.

Запитання 3

Оберіть потрібну форму дієслова Past Simple Tense, passive voice для наступного речення: This books...last year.

варіанти відповідей


have published

were published

was published

Запитання 4

Оберіть правильну форму дієслова в Past Simle Tense, passive voice для наступного речення: This doll... ... in Ukraine.

варіанти відповідей

weren`t made

wasn`t made

weren`t make

isn`t make

Запитання 5

Яке з поданих речень має дієслово, вжите в Present Perfect Tense, passive voice?

варіанти відповідей

The United Kingdom of Great Britain has visited by us.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain has been visited by us.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain is visited by us.

The United Kingdom of Great Britain were visited by us.

Запитання 6

Яке з поданих речень має дієслово, вжите в Present Perfect Tense, passive voice?

варіанти відповідей

The new theatre has opened in our city.

The new theatre is been opened in our city.

The new theatre will been opened in our city.

The new theatre has been opened in our city.

Запитання 7

Оберіть варіант, де всі географічні назви вживаються з "the"

варіанти відповідей

Africa, France, Netherlands,

north of Europe, Arctic, Philippines

south of Europe, South America, Italy

west of Australia, Canada, United, States of America

Запитання 8

Оберіть варіант, де всі географічні назви не вживаються з "the"

варіанти відповідей

Alps, Tahiti, Red Sea

Sahara Desert, Cyprus,

New York, Baikal, Mount Fuji

Bahamas, Everest, Pacific

Запитання 9

доповніть речення правильною відповіддю:

Great britain consists of....

варіанти відповідей

five parts.

two parts.

three parts.

seven parts.

Запитання 10

Доповніть речення. Great Britain is surrounded by:

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 11

Доповніть речення за змістом. Our country borders on:

варіанти відповідей

Belarus, Moldova, Russia

France, Japan, Russia

China, Italy, Poland

the Czech Republic, Poland, Slovakia

Запитання 12

Доповніть речення за змістом. The main rivers in Ukraine are:

варіанти відповідей

the Dniper, the Mississipi

the Dniper, The Dnister,

the Donets, the Thames

the Bug, the Donets,

Запитання 13

Do you want to be on TV or in a film? Well, if you do, then why not become an extra? Extras play a very small part in a film or TV programme. They don’t usually speak. However, they may have to walk across the set or stand with other extras as part of a crowd.

There are many agencies that are always looking for extras and some of them are online, so it’s easy to apply wherever you live. You usually just need to fill in an application form and send in some photos. TV and film directors often want extras who have a particular look. For example, they may want women with long hair for period dramas and people who look a bit scary for horror films, so try to think about the kind of programme that you’d like to be in when you’re choosing which photos to send.

So imagine you get a call to say a director wants you in their next film. You’re really excited, but what happens next? Well, don’t be anxious about how you’ll look on screen, as the company will do lots of work on you when you arrive on the set. You might have to wear your own clothes, but don’t worry about your hair and make-up as there will be staff to make you look perfect for the role.

Now, although it all sounds really exciting, be prepared to sit around for a lot of the day, waiting until you are needed for your scene. The time can go very slowly if you don’t have anything to do, so it’s a good idea to take a book with you on any job that you get. Take some food and drink, too – you’ll probably get lunch, but remember it’ll be a long day!

Most extras can earn about £90 to £110 a day. This isn’t very good for the number of hours that you need to be available, but for the actual work that you do, it’s OK. However, people usually become an extra for the chance to be on the big screen rather than for the money. Some people hope that it may lead to a real acting part. This doesn’t happen very often, but there are some stories of extras becoming famous because a director saw them on a film set. However, even if you continue to just be an extra, you might get to see one of your favourite Hollywood actors one day, and it will definitely be something to tell all your friends about!

      1   What is the best title for the article?

            a   What to expect as a film and TV extra

            b   My life as a film and TV extra

            c   From TV extra to film star

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 14

Do you want to be on TV or in a film? Well, if you do, then why not become an extra? Extras play a very small part in a film or TV programme. They don’t usually speak. However, they may have to walk across the set or stand with other extras as part of a crowd.

There are many agencies that are always looking for extras and some of them are online, so it’s easy to apply wherever you live. You usually just need to fill in an application form and send in some photos. TV and film directors often want extras who have a particular look. For example, they may want women with long hair for period dramas and people who look a bit scary for horror films, so try to think about the kind of programme that you’d like to be in when you’re choosing which photos to send.

So imagine you get a call to say a director wants you in their next film. You’re really excited, but what happens next? Well, don’t be anxious about how you’ll look on screen, as the company will do lots of work on you when you arrive on the set. You might have to wear your own clothes, but don’t worry about your hair and make-up as there will be staff to make you look perfect for the role.

Now, although it all sounds really exciting, be prepared to sit around for a lot of the day, waiting until you are needed for your scene. The time can go very slowly if you don’t have anything to do, so it’s a good idea to take a book with you on any job that you get. Take some food and drink, too – you’ll probably get lunch, but remember it’ll be a long day!

Most extras can earn about £90 to £110 a day. This isn’t very good for the number of hours that you need to be available, but for the actual work that you do, it’s OK. However, people usually become an extra for the chance to be on the big screen rather than for the money. Some people hope that it may lead to a real acting part. This doesn’t happen very often, but there are some stories of extras becoming famous because a director saw them on a film set. However, even if you continue to just be an extra, you might get to see one of your favourite Hollywood actors one day, and it will definitely be something to tell all your friends about!


   The writer suggests that you will get an ‘extra’ job if

            a   you have the right clothes.

            b   you are in the right place.

            c   your appearance is right.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 15

 Do you want to be on TV or in a film? Well, if you do, then why not become an extra? Extras play a very small part in a film or TV programme. They don’t usually speak. However, they may have to walk across the set or stand with other extras as part of a crowd.

There are many agencies that are always looking for extras and some of them are online, so it’s easy to apply wherever you live. You usually just need to fill in an application form and send in some photos. TV and film directors often want extras who have a particular look. For example, they may want women with long hair for period dramas and people who look a bit scary for horror films, so try to think about the kind of programme that you’d like to be in when you’re choosing which photos to send.

So imagine you get a call to say a director wants you in their next film. You’re really excited, but what happens next? Well, don’t be anxious about how you’ll look on screen, as the company will do lots of work on you when you arrive on the set. You might have to wear your own clothes, but don’t worry about your hair and make-up as there will be staff to make you look perfect for the role.

Now, although it all sounds really exciting, be prepared to sit around for a lot of the day, waiting until you are needed for your scene. The time can go very slowly if you don’t have anything to do, so it’s a good idea to take a book with you on any job that you get. Take some food and drink, too – you’ll probably get lunch, but remember it’ll be a long day!

Most extras can earn about £90 to £110 a day. This isn’t very good for the number of hours that you need to be available, but for the actual work that you do, it’s OK. However, people usually become an extra for the chance to be on the big screen rather than for the money. Some people hope that it may lead to a real acting part. This doesn’t happen very often, but there are some stories of extras becoming famous because a director saw them on a film set. However, even if you continue to just be an extra, you might get to see one of your favourite Hollywood actors one day, and it will definitely be something to tell all your friends about! 

    The writer says that if you get a part, you may need to

            a   do something with your hair.

            b   find something to wear.

            c   practise doing your make-up.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 16

Do you want to be on TV or in a film? Well, if you do, then why not become an extra? Extras play a very small part in a film or TV programme. They don’t usually speak. However, they may have to walk across the set or stand with other extras as part of a crowd.

There are many agencies that are always looking for extras and some of them are online, so it’s easy to apply wherever you live. You usually just need to fill in an application form and send in some photos. TV and film directors often want extras who have a particular look. For example, they may want women with long hair for period dramas and people who look a bit scary for horror films, so try to think about the kind of programme that you’d like to be in when you’re choosing which photos to send.

So imagine you get a call to say a director wants you in their next film. You’re really excited, but what happens next? Well, don’t be anxious about how you’ll look on screen, as the company will do lots of work on you when you arrive on the set. You might have to wear your own clothes, but don’t worry about your hair and make-up as there will be staff to make you look perfect for the role.

Now, although it all sounds really exciting, be prepared to sit around for a lot of the day, waiting until you are needed for your scene. The time can go very slowly if you don’t have anything to do, so it’s a good idea to take a book with you on any job that you get. Take some food and drink, too – you’ll probably get lunch, but remember it’ll be a long day!

Most extras can earn about £90 to £110 a day. This isn’t very good for the number of hours that you need to be available, but for the actual work that you do, it’s OK. However, people usually become an extra for the chance to be on the big screen rather than for the money. Some people hope that it may lead to a real acting part. This doesn’t happen very often, but there are some stories of extras becoming famous because a director saw them on a film set. However, even if you continue to just be an extra, you might get to see one of your favourite Hollywood actors one day, and it will definitely be something to tell all your friends about! 

    1   What does the writer think is a benefit of being an extra?

            a   You can meet famous actors.

            b   You will get noticed by the film director.

            c   You might get jobs for your friends.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 17

Read the text. Are the sentences true -T / false -F ?

Sporting heroes

What makes someone a sporting hero? Millions of spectators watched Usain Bolt running in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. He broke the world record in three athletics events. At the same Olympic Games, the American swimmer Michael Phelps won eight gold medals and broke seven world records. The world media went crazy! Everyone loves a champion.

But at the Olympics there is also another kind of hero. Have you ever seen the film Cool Runnings? It’s a funny film about a bobsleigh team from Jamaica. It’s based on the true story of a Jamaican team who competed in the Winter Olympics in 1988. They lived in a country with no snow, they had nowhere to train and no money from the government or big businesses to help them, but they made it to the Olympics and they raced for their country. The Olympic Games have many stories like this.

When Eric Moussambani, from Equatorial Guinea in central Africa, swam in the 100 m freestyle in Sydney in the 2000 Olympic Games, the international media reported it around the world. He didn’t win a gold medal. He didn’t break any records. In fact, his time at one minute and fifty-two seconds was more than twice the time of Pieter van den Hoogenband, who broke the world record with a time of 47.84 seconds. Before the Olympics, Moussambani trained in a twenty-metre hotel pool. He only started swimming eight months before the Olympic Games. The race was his first time in an Olympic-sized fifty-metre swimming pool. And the crowd clapped and cheered for Moussambani until he reached the finish line.

These people are not champions and they do not go back to their countries with a handful of medals, but they are heroes because they try.

1            The Jamaican government gave the bobsleigh team money to compete.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 18

Read the text. Are the sentences true -T / false -F ?

Sporting heroes

What makes someone a sporting hero? Millions of spectators watched Usain Bolt running in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. He broke the world record in three athletics events. At the same Olympic Games, the American swimmer Michael Phelps won eight gold medals and broke seven world records. The world media went crazy! Everyone loves a champion.

But at the Olympics there is also another kind of hero. Have you ever seen the film Cool Runnings? It’s a funny film about a bobsleigh team from Jamaica. It’s based on the true story of a Jamaican team who competed in the Winter Olympics in 1988. They lived in a country with no snow, they had nowhere to train and no money from the government or big businesses to help them, but they made it to the Olympics and they raced for their country. The Olympic Games have many stories like this.

When Eric Moussambani, from Equatorial Guinea in central Africa, swam in the 100 m freestyle in Sydney in the 2000 Olympic Games, the international media reported it around the world. He didn’t win a gold medal. He didn’t break any records. In fact, his time at one minute and fifty-two seconds was more than twice the time of Pieter van den Hoogenband, who broke the world record with a time of 47.84 seconds. Before the Olympics, Moussambani trained in a twenty-metre hotel pool. He only started swimming eight months before the Olympic Games. The race was his first time in an Olympic-sized fifty-metre swimming pool. And the crowd clapped and cheered for Moussambani until he reached the finish line.

These people are not champions and they do not go back to their countries with a handful of medals, but they are heroes because they try. 

2 The team from Jamaica tried to compete in the Olympics, but they failed.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 19

Read the text. Are the sentences true -T / false -F ?

Sporting heroes

What makes someone a sporting hero? Millions of spectators watched Usain Bolt running in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. He broke the world record in three athletics events. At the same Olympic Games, the American swimmer Michael Phelps won eight gold medals and broke seven world records. The world media went crazy! Everyone loves a champion.

But at the Olympics there is also another kind of hero. Have you ever seen the film Cool Runnings? It’s a funny film about a bobsleigh team from Jamaica. It’s based on the true story of a Jamaican team who competed in the Winter Olympics in 1988. They lived in a country with no snow, they had nowhere to train and no money from the government or big businesses to help them, but they made it to the Olympics and they raced for their country. The Olympic Games have many stories like this.

When Eric Moussambani, from Equatorial Guinea in central Africa, swam in the 100 m freestyle in Sydney in the 2000 Olympic Games, the international media reported it around the world. He didn’t win a gold medal. He didn’t break any records. In fact, his time at one minute and fifty-two seconds was more than twice the time of Pieter van den Hoogenband, who broke the world record with a time of 47.84 seconds. Before the Olympics, Moussambani trained in a twenty-metre hotel pool. He only started swimming eight months before the Olympic Games. The race was his first time in an Olympic-sized fifty-metre swimming pool. And the crowd clapped and cheered for Moussambani until he reached the finish line.

These people are not champions and they do not go back to their countries with a handful of medals, but they are heroes because they try. 

3. The newspapers and TV journalists were interested in Moussambani.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 20

Read the text. Are the sentences true -T / false -F?

Sporting heroes

What makes someone a sporting hero? Millions of spectators watched Usain Bolt running in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. He broke the world record in three athletics events. At the same Olympic Games, the American swimmer Michael Phelps won eight gold medals and broke seven world records. The world media went crazy! Everyone loves a champion.

But at the Olympics there is also another kind of hero. Have you ever seen the film Cool Runnings? It’s a funny film about a bobsleigh team from Jamaica. It’s based on the true story of a Jamaican team who competed in the Winter Olympics in 1988. They lived in a country with no snow, they had nowhere to train and no money from the government or big businesses to help them, but they made it to the Olympics and they raced for their country. The Olympic Games have many stories like this.

When Eric Moussambani, from Equatorial Guinea in central Africa, swam in the 100 m freestyle in Sydney in the 2000 Olympic Games, the international media reported it around the world. He didn’t win a gold medal. He didn’t break any records. In fact, his time at one minute and fifty-two seconds was more than twice the time of Pieter van den Hoogenband, who broke the world record with a time of 47.84 seconds. Before the Olympics, Moussambani trained in a twenty-metre hotel pool. He only started swimming eight months before the Olympic Games. The race was his first time in an Olympic-sized fifty-metre swimming pool. And the crowd clapped and cheered for Moussambani until he reached the finish line.

These people are not champions and they do not go back to their countries with a handful of medals, but they are heroes because they try. 

4. Moussambani swam in a fifty-metre pool for the first time at the Olympics. 

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 21

Read the text. Are the sentences true -T / false -F ?

Sporting heroes

What makes someone a sporting hero? Millions of spectators watched Usain Bolt running in the 2008 Olympics in Beijing. He broke the world record in three athletics events. At the same Olympic Games, the American swimmer Michael Phelps won eight gold medals and broke seven world records. The world media went crazy! Everyone loves a champion.

But at the Olympics there is also another kind of hero. Have you ever seen the film Cool Runnings? It’s a funny film about a bobsleigh team from Jamaica. It’s based on the true story of a Jamaican team who competed in the Winter Olympics in 1988. They lived in a country with no snow, they had nowhere to train and no money from the government or big businesses to help them, but they made it to the Olympics and they raced for their country. The Olympic Games have many stories like this.

When Eric Moussambani, from Equatorial Guinea in central Africa, swam in the 100 m freestyle in Sydney in the 2000 Olympic Games, the international media reported it around the world. He didn’t win a gold medal. He didn’t break any records. In fact, his time at one minute and fifty-two seconds was more than twice the time of Pieter van den Hoogenband, who broke the world record with a time of 47.84 seconds. Before the Olympics, Moussambani trained in a twenty-metre hotel pool. He only started swimming eight months before the Olympic Games. The race was his first time in an Olympic-sized fifty-metre swimming pool. And the crowd clapped and cheered for Moussambani until he reached the finish line.

These people are not champions and they do not go back to their countries with a handful of medals, but they are heroes because they try. 

5. This story tells about the ancient history of Olympic Games

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 22

When something is natural, it comes from nature and it is not manmade. A disaster is something that usually causes major problems. It would be a disaster if a bridge suddenly fell because it was not built properly. Disasters are negative but can be manmade. However, when speaking about natural disasters you can combine the two terms and define them as catastrophes that occur in nature or by natural processes. They are not manmade. A natural disaster takes place in populated areas of the world when lives may be lost, the property is severely damaged, and the economy is negatively affected.

Natural disasters may include an asteroid collision with Earth, avalanche, landslide, blizzard, thunderstorm, earthquake, flood, gamma-ray burst (from space), volcano, heat wave, hurricane, solar flare, drought, tornado, tsunami, hail, and wildfire.

It is not a natural disaster if it occurs in an unpopulated area and there is no loss of life or property damage. For example, if a tsunami took place on an uninhabited island, it would not be a disaster. Disasters cause a loss. There are many things that can happen during a natural disaster. Sometimes, more than one disaster occurs at the same time. Landslides may occur during severe flooding and thunderstorms.

Natural disasters occur throughout the world, and often people know when they are coming and can prepare for them and be safe. Other disasters may occur without warning. Most people die during a natural disaster when there is no time to prepare for it. Though natural disasters cause many problems, injuries, and sometimes death, they are not to be feared, but being aware of them and properly preparing for them is extremely important.

In addition, there are natural disasters that can occur more often in one part of the world or country than in other regions. For example, a person living in the middle of the United States would not need to be concerned with a tsunami, but someone living along the coast would be affected. In the middle of the country, a tornado might occur, but often there are fewer of them along the coast.

The top 10 natural disasters most likely occurring throughout the world include blizzards, droughts, earthquakes, floods, heat waves, hurricanes, thunderstorms, tornados, tsunamis, and wildfires. Some of the listed disasters may occur simultaneously such as a hurricane and thunderstorm causing massive flooding, or possibly a tsunami, or a heat wave coupled with wildfires.

Other natural disasters include landslides and avalanches, which can be caused by earthquakes, heavy rain or snow, or other disasters. Snow or mud can be released from the side of a mountain or hillside burying the area below. Finally, there are active volcanoes, which are eruptions of a mountaintop, sending out ash clouds, lava, and more, causing damage to property and the loss of human life.

The most common types of natural disasters in the world are floods and storms.

All natural disasters cause damage and destruction, and often one or more people die due to the effects of the natural disaster. Many of the disasters can be predicted ahead of time with some warnings given for people to prepare and move to safety.

 All the following statements are true EXCEPT:

A: Disasters can include those made by man.

B: It is not a natural disaster if there is no loss of life.

C: A tsunami taking place on a deserted island is a natural disaster.

D: An asteroid collision with Earth would be a natural disaster.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 23

When something is natural, it comes from nature and it is not manmade. A disaster is something that usually causes major problems. It would be a disaster if a bridge suddenly fell because it was not built properly. Disasters are negative but can be manmade. However, when speaking about natural disasters you can combine the two terms and define them as catastrophes that occur in nature or by natural processes. They are not manmade. A natural disaster takes place in populated areas of the world when lives may be lost, the property is severely damaged, and the economy is negatively affected.

Natural disasters may include an asteroid collision with Earth, avalanche, landslide, blizzard, thunderstorm, earthquake, flood, gamma-ray burst (from space), volcano, heat wave, hurricane, solar flare, drought, tornado, tsunami, hail, and wildfire.

It is not a natural disaster if it occurs in an unpopulated area and there is no loss of life or property damage. For example, if a tsunami took place on an uninhabited island, it would not be a disaster. Disasters cause a loss. There are many things that can happen during a natural disaster. Sometimes, more than one disaster occurs at the same time. Landslides may occur during severe flooding and thunderstorms.

Natural disasters occur throughout the world, and often people know when they are coming and can prepare for them and be safe. Other disasters may occur without warning. Most people die during a natural disaster when there is no time to prepare for it. Though natural disasters cause many problems, injuries, and sometimes death, they are not to be feared, but being aware of them and properly preparing for them is extremely important.

In addition, there are natural disasters that can occur more often in one part of the world or country than in other regions. For example, a person living in the middle of the United States would not need to be concerned with a tsunami, but someone living along the coast would be affected. In the middle of the country, a tornado might occur, but often there are fewer of them along the coast.

The top 10 natural disasters most likely occurring throughout the world include blizzards, droughts, earthquakes, floods, heat waves, hurricanes, thunderstorms, tornados, tsunamis, and wildfires. Some of the listed disasters may occur simultaneously such as a hurricane and thunderstorm causing massive flooding, or possibly a tsunami, or a heat wave coupled with wildfires.

Other natural disasters include landslides and avalanches, which can be caused by earthquakes, heavy rain or snow, or other disasters. Snow or mud can be released from the side of a mountain or hillside burying the area below. Finally, there are active volcanoes, which are eruptions of a mountaintop, sending out ash clouds, lava, and more, causing damage to property and the loss of human life.

The most common types of natural disasters in the world are floods and storms.

All natural disasters cause damage and destruction, and often one or more people die due to the effects of the natural disaster. Many of the disasters can be predicted ahead of time with some warnings given for people to prepare and move to safety.

A catastrophe that occurs in nature or by natural processes and causes loss of life is:

A a manmade disaster

B a global disaster

C a natural disaster

 D an unnatural disaster

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 24

When something is natural, it comes from nature and it is not manmade. A disaster is something that usually causes major problems. It would be a disaster if a bridge suddenly fell because it was not built properly. Disasters are negative but can be manmade. However, when speaking about natural disasters you can combine the two terms and define them as catastrophes that occur in nature or by natural processes. They are not manmade. A natural disaster takes place in populated areas of the world when lives may be lost, the property is severely damaged, and the economy is negatively affected.

Natural disasters may include an asteroid collision with Earth, avalanche, landslide, blizzard, thunderstorm, earthquake, flood, gamma-ray burst (from space), volcano, heat wave, hurricane, solar flare, drought, tornado, tsunami, hail, and wildfire.

It is not a natural disaster if it occurs in an unpopulated area and there is no loss of life or property damage. For example, if a tsunami took place on an uninhabited island, it would not be a disaster. Disasters cause a loss. There are many things that can happen during a natural disaster. Sometimes, more than one disaster occurs at the same time. Landslides may occur during severe flooding and thunderstorms.

Natural disasters occur throughout the world, and often people know when they are coming and can prepare for them and be safe. Other disasters may occur without warning. Most people die during a natural disaster when there is no time to prepare for it. Though natural disasters cause many problems, injuries, and sometimes death, they are not to be feared, but being aware of them and properly preparing for them is extremely important.

In addition, there are natural disasters that can occur more often in one part of the world or country than in other regions. For example, a person living in the middle of the United States would not need to be concerned with a tsunami, but someone living along the coast would be affected. In the middle of the country, a tornado might occur, but often there are fewer of them along the coast.

The top 10 natural disasters most likely occurring throughout the world include blizzards, droughts, earthquakes, floods, heat waves, hurricanes, thunderstorms, tornados, tsunamis, and wildfires. Some of the listed disasters may occur simultaneously such as a hurricane and thunderstorm causing massive flooding, or possibly a tsunami, or a heat wave coupled with wildfires.

Other natural disasters include landslides and avalanches, which can be caused by earthquakes, heavy rain or snow, or other disasters. Snow or mud can be released from the side of a mountain or hillside burying the area below. Finally, there are active volcanoes, which are eruptions of a mountaintop, sending out ash clouds, lava, and more, causing damage to property and the loss of human life.

The most common types of natural disasters in the world are floods and storms.

All natural disasters cause damage and destruction, and often one or more people die due to the effects of the natural disaster. Many of the disasters can be predicted ahead of time with some warnings given for people to prepare and move to safety.

 All the following may be natural disasters EXCEPT:

 A Oil spill

 B Landslide

 C Avalanche

 D Volcano

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 25

When something is natural, it comes from nature and it is not manmade. A disaster is something that usually causes major problems. It would be a disaster if a bridge suddenly fell because it was not built properly. Disasters are negative but can be manmade. However, when speaking about natural disasters you can combine the two terms and define them as catastrophes that occur in nature or by natural processes. They are not manmade. A natural disaster takes place in populated areas of the world when lives may be lost, the property is severely damaged, and the economy is negatively affected.

Natural disasters may include an asteroid collision with Earth, avalanche, landslide, blizzard, thunderstorm, earthquake, flood, gamma-ray burst (from space), volcano, heat wave, hurricane, solar flare, drought, tornado, tsunami, hail, and wildfire.

It is not a natural disaster if it occurs in an unpopulated area and there is no loss of life or property damage. For example, if a tsunami took place on an uninhabited island, it would not be a disaster. Disasters cause a loss. There are many things that can happen during a natural disaster. Sometimes, more than one disaster occurs at the same time. Landslides may occur during severe flooding and thunderstorms.

Natural disasters occur throughout the world, and often people know when they are coming and can prepare for them and be safe. Other disasters may occur without warning. Most people die during a natural disaster when there is no time to prepare for it. Though natural disasters cause many problems, injuries, and sometimes death, they are not to be feared, but being aware of them and properly preparing for them is extremely important.

In addition, there are natural disasters that can occur more often in one part of the world or country than in other regions. For example, a person living in the middle of the United States would not need to be concerned with a tsunami, but someone living along the coast would be affected. In the middle of the country, a tornado might occur, but often there are fewer of them along the coast.

The top 10 natural disasters most likely occurring throughout the world include blizzards, droughts, earthquakes, floods, heat waves, hurricanes, thunderstorms, tornados, tsunamis, and wildfires. Some of the listed disasters may occur simultaneously such as a hurricane and thunderstorm causing massive flooding, or possibly a tsunami, or a heat wave coupled with wildfires.

Other natural disasters include landslides and avalanches, which can be caused by earthquakes, heavy rain or snow, or other disasters. Snow or mud can be released from the side of a mountain or hillside burying the area below. Finally, there are active volcanoes, which are eruptions of a mountaintop, sending out ash clouds, lava, and more, causing damage to property and the loss of human life.

The most common types of natural disasters in the world are floods and storms.

All natural disasters cause damage and destruction, and often one or more people die due to the effects of the natural disaster. Many of the disasters can be predicted ahead of time with some warnings given for people to prepare and move to safety.

Which of the following may occur during severe flooding and thunderstorms?

 A Earthquakes

B Landslides

 C Solar flares

 D Wildfires

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