Семестровий контроль читання

Додано: 25 квітня
Предмет: Англійська мова, 5 клас
12 запитань
Запитання 1

I. Прочитай текст і для наступних запитань обери TRUE або FALSE

It's 7.00 a.m. on Thursday and I'm in my bedroom. It's the first day of school. What shall I wear?

I look at myself in the mirror. I'm tall and thin, and I have short, dark hair. I don't like wearing dresses. I usually wear jeans or trousers. I need some new jeans. My old ones are too small for me now. They're too short! But it's hot today. Maybe I can wear shorts.

 I look in the wardrobe. I've got some blue shorts, but I haven't got a t-shirt to go with them. I've got a white t-shirt. I like that one. I put on my shorts and t-shirt. It's OK, but I need something else. I look in the mirror again. I look boring. I want a new jacket. I haven't got a jacket. I've got a red hat. I like it. I put on my hat. Now I look cool! I look at the time. It's ten past seven. I'm late!

I run downstairs and into the kitchen. My mum is having breakfast.

-'Hi, Mum. Have you got any money?'

- 'Yes, here you are.' She gives me $10.

- 'Thanks, bye!' I take the money and run out of the house.

I'm going to be late for school on my first day!

1) The author is tall and thin with short, dark hair.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 2

It's 7.00 a.m. on Thursday and I'm in my bedroom. It's the first day of school. What shall I wear?

I look at myself in the mirror. I'm tall and thin, and I have short, dark hair. I don't like wearing dresses. I usually wear jeans or trousers. I need some new jeans. My old ones are too small for me now. They're too short! But it's hot today. Maybe I can wear shorts.

 I look in the wardrobe. I've got some blue shorts, but I haven't got a t-shirt to go with them. I've got a white t-shirt. I like that one. I put on my shorts and t-shirt. It's OK, but I need something else. I look in the mirror again. I look boring. I want a new jacket. I haven't got a jacket. I've got a red hat. I like it. I put on my hat. Now I look cool! I look at the time. It's ten past seven. I'm late!

I run downstairs and into the kitchen. My mum is having breakfast.

-'Hi, Mum. Have you got any money?'

- 'Yes, here you are.' She gives me $10.

- 'Thanks, bye!' I take the money and run out of the house.

I'm going to be late for school on my first day!

2)The author usually wears dresses.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 3

It's 7.00 a.m. on Thursday and I'm in my bedroom. It's the first day of school. What shall I wear?

I look at myself in the mirror. I'm tall and thin, and I have short, dark hair. I don't like wearing dresses. I usually wear jeans or trousers. I need some new jeans. My old ones are too small for me now. They're too short! But it's hot today. Maybe I can wear shorts.

 I look in the wardrobe. I've got some blue shorts, but I haven't got a t-shirt to go with them. I've got a white t-shirt. I like that one. I put on my shorts and t-shirt. It's OK, but I need something else. I look in the mirror again. I look boring. I want a new jacket. I haven't got a jacket. I've got a red hat. I like it. I put on my hat. Now I look cool! I look at the time. It's ten past seven. I'm late!

I run downstairs and into the kitchen. My mum is having breakfast.

-'Hi, Mum. Have you got any money?'

- 'Yes, here you are.' She gives me $10.

- 'Thanks, bye!' I take the money and run out of the house.

I'm going to be late for school on my first day!

3)The author's old jeans are too small.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 4

It's 7.00 a.m. on Thursday and I'm in my bedroom. It's the first day of school. What shall I wear?

I look at myself in the mirror. I'm tall and thin, and I have short, dark hair. I don't like wearing dresses. I usually wear jeans or trousers. I need some new jeans. My old ones are too small for me now. They're too short! But it's hot today. Maybe I can wear shorts.

 I look in the wardrobe. I've got some blue shorts, but I haven't got a t-shirt to go with them. I've got a white t-shirt. I like that one. I put on my shorts and t-shirt. It's OK, but I need something else. I look in the mirror again. I look boring. I want a new jacket. I haven't got a jacket. I've got a red hat. I like it. I put on my hat. Now I look cool! I look at the time. It's ten past seven. I'm late!

I run downstairs and into the kitchen. My mum is having breakfast.

-'Hi, Mum. Have you got any money?'

-'Yes, here you are.'

She gives me $10.

-'Thanks, bye!'

I take the money and run out of the house. I'm going to be late for school on my first day!

4)The author has a t-shirt to go with the blue shorts.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 5

It's 7.00 a.m. on Thursday and I'm in my bedroom. It's the first day of school. What shall I wear?

I look at myself in the mirror. I'm tall and thin, and I have short, dark hair. I don't like wearing dresses. I usually wear jeans or trousers. I need some new jeans. My old ones are too small for me now. They're too short! But it's hot today. Maybe I can wear shorts.

 I look in the wardrobe. I've got some blue shorts, but I haven't got a t-shirt to go with them. I've got a white t-shirt. I like that one. I put on my shorts and t-shirt. It's OK, but I need something else. I look in the mirror again. I look boring. I want a new jacket. I haven't got a jacket. I've got a red hat. I like it. I put on my hat. Now I look cool! I look at the time. It's ten past seven. I'm late!

I run downstairs and into the kitchen. My mum is having breakfast.

-'Hi, Mum. Have you got any money?'

-'Yes, here you are.'

She gives me $10.

-'Thanks, bye!'

I take the money and run out of the house. I'm going to be late for school on my first day!

5)The author wears shorts and a t-shirt.

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Запитання 6

It's 7.00 a.m. on Thursday and I'm in my bedroom. It's the first day of school. What shall I wear?

I look at myself in the mirror. I'm tall and thin, and I have short, dark hair. I don't like wearing dresses. I usually wear jeans or trousers. I need some new jeans. My old ones are too small for me now. They're too short! But it's hot today. Maybe I can wear shorts.

 I look in the wardrobe. I've got some blue shorts, but I haven't got a t-shirt to go with them. I've got a white t-shirt. I like that one. I put on my shorts and t-shirt. It's OK, but I need something else. I look in the mirror again. I look boring. I want a new jacket. I haven't got a jacket. I've got a red hat. I like it. I put on my hat. Now I look cool! I look at the time. It's ten past seven. I'm late!

I run downstairs and into the kitchen. My mum is having breakfast.

-'Hi, Mum. Have you got any money?'

- 'Yes, here you are.'

She gives me $10.

-'Thanks, bye!'

I take the money and run out of the house. I'm going to be late for school on my first day!

6)The author looks exciting in the mirror.

варіанти відповідей



Запитання 7

It's 7.00 a.m. on Thursday and I'm in my bedroom. It's the first day of school. What shall I wear?

I look at myself in the mirror. I'm tall and thin, and I have short, dark hair. I don't like wearing dresses. I usually wear jeans or trousers. I need some new jeans. My old ones are too small for me now. They're too short! But it's hot today. Maybe I can wear shorts.

 I look in the wardrobe. I've got some blue shorts, but I haven't got a t-shirt to go with them. I've got a white t-shirt. I like that one. I put on my shorts and t-shirt. It's OK, but I need something else. I look in the mirror again. I look boring. I want a new jacket. I haven't got a jacket. I've got a red hat. I like it. I put on my hat. Now I look cool! I look at the time. It's ten past seven. I'm late!

I run downstairs and into the kitchen. My mum is having breakfast.

-'Hi, Mum. Have you got any money?'

-'Yes, here you are.' She gives me $10.

-'Thanks, bye!'

I take the money and run out of the house. I'm going to be late for school on my first day!

7)The author puts on a red hat and feels cool.

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Запитання 8

II. В наступних завданнях прочитай текст і обери один із варіантів відповідей

What shall I wear? It's Saturday morning. Tom is in his bedroom at 8 o'clock, looking at his clothes. He puts on a new blue T-shirt and black jeans but leaves his new white shoes on the floor next to his bed. Then he goes into the kitchen where his mom is making breakfast.

After eating strawberries and drinking orange juice, Tom goes outside to find his dad washing his car in old jeans and an old T-shirt without shoes. Tom helps by washing the windows of the car and tries on his dad's old football boots for fun.

Back inside the house, Tom shows off his new shoe compared to his dad's old one to his mom before she gives him her grey jacket to wear to the park with friends. His trainers are found clean in the car seat next to his dad, ready for the outing."

8) What color is Tom's new T-shirt?

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 9

What shall I wear?

It's Saturday morning. Tom is in his bedroom at 8 o'clock, looking at his clothes. He puts on a new blue T-shirt and black jeans but leaves his new white shoes on the floor next to his bed. Then he goes into the kitchen where his mom is making breakfast.

After eating strawberries and drinking orange juice, Tom goes outside to find his dad washing his car in old jeans and an old T-shirt without shoes. Tom helps by washing the windows of the car and tries on his dad's old football boots for fun.

Back inside the house, Tom shows off his new shoe compared to his dad's old one to his mom before she gives him her grey jacket to wear to the park with friends. His trainers are found clean in the car seat next to his dad, ready for the outing."

9)What color are the jeans Tom puts on?

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Запитання 10

What shall I wear?

It's Saturday morning. Tom is in his bedroom at 8 o'clock, looking at his clothes. He puts on a new blue T-shirt and black jeans but leaves his new white shoes on the floor next to his bed. Then he goes into the kitchen where his mom is making breakfast.

After eating strawberries and drinking orange juice, Tom goes outside to find his dad washing his car in old jeans and an old T-shirt without shoes. Tom helps by washing the windows of the car and tries on his dad's old football boots for fun.

Back inside the house, Tom shows off his new shoe compared to his dad's old one to his mom before she gives him her grey jacket to wear to the park with friends. His trainers are found clean in the car seat next to his dad, ready for the outing."

10)What is Tom's mom making in the kitchen?

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Запитання 11

What shall I wear? It's Saturday morning. Tom is in his bedroom at 8 o'clock, looking at his clothes. He puts on a new blue T-shirt and black jeans but leaves his new white shoes on the floor next to his bed. Then he goes into the kitchen where his mom is making breakfast.

After eating strawberries and drinking orange juice, Tom goes outside to find his dad washing his car in old jeans and an old T-shirt without shoes. Tom helps by washing the windows of the car and tries on his dad's old football boots for fun.

Back inside the house, Tom shows off his new shoe compared to his dad's old one to his mom before she gives him her grey jacket to wear to the park with friends. His trainers are found clean in the car seat next to his dad, ready for the outing."

11)What is Tom's dad wearing while washing the car?

варіанти відповідей

New clothes

Fancy clothes

Old clothes


Запитання 12

What shall I wear?

It's Saturday morning. Tom is in his bedroom at 8 o'clock, looking at his clothes. He puts on a new blue T-shirt and black jeans but leaves his new white shoes on the floor next to his bed. Then he goes into the kitchen where his mom is making breakfast.

After eating strawberries and drinking orange juice, Tom goes outside to find his dad washing his car in old jeans and an old T-shirt without shoes. Tom helps by washing the windows of the car and tries on his dad's old football boots for fun.

Back inside the house, Tom shows off his new shoe compared to his dad's old one to his mom before she gives him her grey jacket to wear to the park with friends. His trainers are found clean in the car seat next to his dad, ready for the outing."

12)What does Tom wear to the park with his friends?

варіанти відповідей

His new shoes

His dad's old boots

His trainers

His mom's jacket

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