
Додано: 27 квітня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 7 клас
Тест виконано: 38 разів
5 запитань
Запитання 1


Read the text about Luke again and answer the questions.

When he was 12, Luke Thill was at home during the school holidays. He was bored and looking for a fun activity, but he didn't want to play computer games or ride his bike. Then, he heard about people who build, and live in, very small wooden houses. 'I decided that I wanted to build one in my garden,' he said. 'I thought if I made enough money doing jobs for my neighbours, it might be possible. 'Luke's dad agreed to help, but he had a few rules. Luke had to pay for everything himself and had to do most of the work. Luke describes his dad as his 'coach' and says that working as a team brought them closer together. It took them a year and a half to finish the house and it cost $1,500.

The house is three metres long and two metres wide. Downstairs, it has a kitchen and sitting area with a TV, and upstairs there's a little bedroom. When he began, Luke was already quite good at repairing things, but there was a lot he didn't know. 'It all seems very simple to me now,' he said. 'But at the time, I had no idea what to do.'

Luke sleeps in his house about twice a week, does homework there after school and invites friends round. Luke says that he does all the chores more willingly now: every day he dusts the furniture, mops the floor and keeps his small house tidy. Luke takes the rubbish out on his own and nobody needs to remind him about that.

Luke loves his small house. He enjoyed building it so much that he plans to build a second, bigger one soon, and in a few years' time he'd like to live in it full time. 

What is the writer doing in the text?

варіанти відповідей

giving advice to teenage builders

describing an interesting project

saying why small houses are popular

Запитання 2


Read the text about Luke again and answer the questions.

When he was 12, Luke Thill was at home during the school holidays. He was bored and looking for a fun activity, but he didn't want to play computer games or ride his bike. Then, he heard about people who build, and live in, very small wooden houses. 'I decided that I wanted to build one in my garden,' he said. 'I thought if I made enough money doing jobs for my neighbours, it might be possible. 'Luke's dad agreed to help, but he had a few rules. Luke had to pay for everything himself and had to do most of the work. Luke describes his dad as his 'coach' and says that working as a team brought them closer together. It took them a year and a half to finish the house and it cost $1,500.

The house is three metres long and two metres wide. Downstairs, it has a kitchen and sitting area with a TV, and upstairs there's a little bedroom. When he began, Luke was already quite good at repairing things, but there was a lot he didn't know. 'It all seems very simple to me now,' he said. 'But at the time, I had no idea what to do.'

Luke sleeps in his house about twice a week, does homework there after school and invites friends round. Luke says that he does all the chores more willingly now: every day he dusts the furniture, mops the floor and keeps his small house tidy. Luke takes the rubbish out on his own and nobody needs to remind him about that.

Luke loves his small house. He enjoyed building it so much that he plans to build a second, bigger one soon, and in a few years' time he'd like to live in it full time. 

Why did Luke decide to build a little house?

варіанти відповідей

He needed something to do. 

He liked the one his neighbour had.

It was a way to meet new people.

Запитання 3


Read the text about Luke again and answer the questions.

When he was 12, Luke Thill was at home during the school holidays. He was bored and looking for a fun activity, but he didn't want to play computer games or ride his bike. Then, he heard about people who build, and live in, very small wooden houses. 'I decided that I wanted to build one in my garden,' he said. 'I thought if I made enough money doing jobs for my neighbours, it might be possible. 'Luke's dad agreed to help, but he had a few rules. Luke had to pay for everything himself and had to do most of the work. Luke describes his dad as his 'coach' and says that working as a team brought them closer together. It took them a year and a half to finish the house and it cost $1,500.

The house is three metres long and two metres wide. Downstairs, it has a kitchen and sitting area with a TV, and upstairs there's a little bedroom. When he began, Luke was already quite good at repairing things, but there was a lot he didn't know. 'It all seems very simple to me now,' he said. 'But at the time, I had no idea what to do.'

Luke sleeps in his house about twice a week, does homework there after school and invites friends round. Luke says that he does all the chores more willingly now: every day he dusts the furniture, mops the floor and keeps his small house tidy. Luke takes the rubbish out on his own and nobody needs to remind him about that.

Luke loves his small house. He enjoyed building it so much that he plans to build a second, bigger one soon, and in a few years' time he'd like to live in it full time. 

What does Luke say about doing things around the house?

варіанти відповідей

It is very easy to clean up his small house.

He likes doing things around the house and enjoys being independent. 

He broke some things at the beginning.

Запитання 4


Read the text about Luke again and answer the questions.

When he was 12, Luke Thill was at home during the school holidays. He was bored and looking for a fun activity, but he didn't want to play computer games or ride his bike. Then, he heard about people who build, and live in, very small wooden houses. 'I decided that I wanted to build one in my garden,' he said. 'I thought if I made enough money doing jobs for my neighbours, it might be possible. 'Luke's dad agreed to help, but he had a few rules. Luke had to pay for everything himself and had to do most of the work. Luke describes his dad as his 'coach' and says that working as a team brought them closer together. It took them a year and a half to finish the house and it cost $1,500.

The house is three metres long and two metres wide. Downstairs, it has a kitchen and sitting area with a TV, and upstairs there's a little bedroom. When he began, Luke was already quite good at repairing things, but there was a lot he didn't know. 'It all seems very simple to me now,' he said. 'But at the time, I had no idea what to do.'

Luke sleeps in his house about twice a week, does homework there after school and invites friends round. Luke says that he does all the chores more willingly now: every day he dusts the furniture, mops the floor and keeps his small house tidy. Luke takes the rubbish out on his own and nobody needs to remind him about that.

Luke loves his small house. He enjoyed building it so much that he plans to build a second, bigger one soon, and in a few years' time he'd like to live in it full time. 

What would Luke like to do next?

варіанти відповідей

make another little house 

build houses for his friends

move out of the family home

Запитання 5


Read the text about Luke again and answer the questions.

When he was 12, Luke Thill was at home during the school holidays. He was bored and looking for a fun activity, but he didn't want to play computer games or ride his bike. Then, he heard about people who build, and live in, very small wooden houses. 'I decided that I wanted to build one in my garden,' he said. 'I thought if I made enough money doing jobs for my neighbours, it might be possible. 'Luke's dad agreed to help, but he had a few rules. Luke had to pay for everything himself and had to do most of the work. Luke describes his dad as his 'coach' and says that working as a team brought them closer together. It took them a year and a half to finish the house and it cost $1,500.

The house is three metres long and two metres wide. Downstairs, it has a kitchen and sitting area with a TV, and upstairs there's a little bedroom. When he began, Luke was already quite good at repairing things, but there was a lot he didn't know. 'It all seems very simple to me now,' he said. 'But at the time, I had no idea what to do.'

Luke sleeps in his house about twice a week, does homework there after school and invites friends round. Luke says that he does all the chores more willingly now: every day he dusts the furniture, mops the floor and keeps his small house tidy. Luke takes the rubbish out on his own and nobody needs to remind him about that.

Luke loves his small house. He enjoyed building it so much that he plans to build a second, bigger one soon, and in a few years' time he'd like to live in it full time. 

What is NOT true about Luke and his small house?

варіанти відповідей

Luke mops the floors in his small house and he is happy to do it

He never cleans his house up and his parents do it instead of him. 

Every day he does some chores and takes care of his small house.

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