Test (2 term) Reading\Use of English Level A+

Додано: 8 травня 2020
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 220 разів
12 запитань
Запитання 1

Read the text and choose the right sentence:


Yasmin has got short golden hair and enormous brown eyes. She is just seven years old and she lives in Kent, England with her owners,David and Rachel. In fact, she works for David, she is his eyes.

Yasmin sleeps on her own mat which is next to David's bed. _________ David washes and gets dressed, then they go downstairs together.

варіанти відповідей

Sometimes Yasmin goes with David and Rachel to a restaurant or to a friend's house in the evening, but usually they stay home where they listen to music and relax

She is always on hand so he can call her when he wants her to help him

They both wake up at 6.30 every morning

After that, she helps him to find his way to work

She has to remain alert in case David needs her!

She lets David know when it is safe to cross the roads and if there is anything in his way

Запитання 2

They have breakfast, then Yasmin fetches David's keys and wallet and she takes him for a walk in the park _______________

варіанти відповідей

. Sometimes Yasmin goes with David and Rachel to a restaurant or to a friend's house in the evening, but usually they stay home where they listen to music and relax

She is always on hand so he can call her when he wants her to help him

They both wake up at 6.30 every morning

After that, she helps him to find his way to work

She has to remain alert in case David needs her!

She lets David know when it is safe to cross the roads and if there is anything in his way

Запитання 3

Going for work with David is hard work but Jasmin doesn't mind. She has to concentrate hard on the traffic and all the other people in the streets. ___________

варіанти відповідей

. Sometimes Yasmin goes with David and Rachel to a restaurant or to a friend's house in the evening, but usually they stay home where they listen to music and relax

She is always on hand so he can call her when he wants her to help him

They both wake up at 6.30 every morning

After that, she helps him to find his way to work

She has to remain alert in case David needs her!

She lets David know when it is safe to cross the roads and if there is anything in his way

Запитання 4

When they get to work, Yasmin's job i much easier. She jut sits in her place, under David's computer desk.But she can't relax completely. __________________

варіанти відповідей

She lets David know when it is safe to cross the roads and if there is anything in his way

She has to remain alert in case David needs her!

After that, she helps him to find his way to work

They both wake up at 6.30 every morning

She is always on hand so he can call her when he wants her to help him

. Sometimes Yasmin goes with David and Rachel to a restaurant or to a friend's house in the evening, but usually they stay home where they listen to music and relax

Запитання 5

When David finishes work, Yasmin leads him home where he makes her dinner. He doesn't need Yasmin' s help so much in the house, because he knows where everything is and, of course, he has Rachel to help him when necessary. Yasmin tries to stay out of his way so that he doesn't fall over her! _________________

варіанти відповідей

Sometimes Yasmin goes with David and Rachel to a restaurant or to a friend's house in the evening, but usually they stay home where they listen to music and relax

She is always on hand so he can call her when he wants her to help him

They both wake up at 6.30 every morning

After that, she helps him to find his way to work

She has to remain alert in case David needs her!

She lets David know when it is safe to cross the roads and if there is anything in his way

Запитання 6

After dinner Yasmin and David usually go for another walk in the park. When they get home he always thanks her for the help during the day and they play for a while.


варіанти відповідей

She lets David know when it is safe to cross the roads and if there is anything in his way

. Sometimes Yasmin goes with David and Rachel to a restaurant or to a friend's house in the evening, but usually they stay home where they listen to music and relax

She is always on hand so he can call her when he wants her to help him

They both wake up at 6.30 every morning

She has to remain alert in case David needs her!

After that, she helps him to find his way to work

Запитання 7

Hi! We are in Cairo today. It's one of the most beautiful places I have ever been. It's the largest city in Africa, so there are a lot of things to see.

It's definitely ____________ place I have been to.

варіанти відповідей



the hottest

more hot

Запитання 8

The streets are crowded but there are more tourists than Egyptians in this part of town. It's much __________ than any town I have been far. It's like one gigantic market place.

варіанти відповідей

more noisy

the noisiest



Запитання 9

We had coffee in the Cairo Tower this morning. It was _________

варіанти відповідей



more lovely

the loveliest

Запитання 10

The Cairo Tower is _______ structure in the city.

варіанти відповідей



the highest

the most high

Запитання 11

The Cairo Tower has the ___________ view. Then we went to the Pharaonic Village which was very interesting.

варіанти відповідей



more good


Запитання 12

I'd better go. This is ____________ holiday of my life.

Love, Betty.

варіанти відповідей


the busiest


more busy

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