Test Grammer

Додано: 4 жовтня 2023
Предмет: Англійська мова, 10 клас
70 запитань
Запитання 1

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

My cousin and her husband live in Hanwell, one of the suburbs of London. One morning they (0) woke up (wake up) to find to their dismay that their car (1)___(steal) from outside their house. They immediately (2)____(phone) the police to report the theft, before (3)___(leave) for work by bus. When they (4)__(return) home later the same day, they (5)____(find) to their surprise that their car (6)___(bring back) and was parked in its usual place outside their house. Under one of the windscreen wipers (7)___(be) a small envelope. They quickly (8)___(open) it and (9)__ (find) a note (10)____(apologize) profusely for 'borrowing' their car. The man who (11)___(write) it explained that he (12)____(not have) a car himself and his wife (13)____ (go) into labour in the middle of the night with their first baby. So he (14)___(hope) they (15) ___(not mind) too much that he (16)___(take) their car without their permission in order to run her to the hospital, as it was something of an emergency. By way of compensation, he (17)__ (enclose) two tickets for the West End show Sunset Boulevard on Saturday evening. They (18)____ (be) both delighted as they loved Andrew Lloyd Webber's music and(19)___(try) for ages to get tickets to this particular musical. It was a perfect evening. They (20) ___ (have) front row seats and the show itself was every bit as good as they (21)_____(expect). They (22) ____ (be) in such a good mood after it that they (23)___ (decide) to go for a meal at their favourite Italian restaurant. When they eventually (24)__(get) home just after midnight, a new shock (25)___(await) them. While they were away, their house (26)___(burgle)! Everything of value (27)____ (steal). They (28)____ (know) immediately who the thief was because (29)___(lie) on the kitchen table was a note in handwriting they(30)__(recognize), (31)___(say): Hope you (32)____(enjoy) the Show.

варіанти відповідей


was stolen

had been stolen

Запитання 2

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

My cousin and her husband live in Hanwell, one of the suburbs of London. One morning they (0) woke up (wake up) to find to their dismay that their car (1)___(steal) from outside their house. They immediately (2)____(phone) the police to report the theft, before (3)___(leave) for work by bus. When they (4)__(return) home later the same day, they (5)____(find) to their surprise that their car (6)___(bring back) and was parked in its usual place outside their house. Under one of the windscreen wipers (7)___(be) a small envelope. They quickly (8)___(open) it and (9)__ (find) a note (10)____(apologize) profusely for 'borrowing' their car. The man who (11)___(write) it explained that he (12)____(not have) a car himself and his wife (13)____ (go) into labour in the middle of the night with their first baby. So he (14)___(hope) they (15) ___(not mind) too much that he (16)___(take) their car without their permission in order to run her to the hospital, as it was something of an emergency. By way of compensation, he (17)__ (enclose) two tickets for the West End show Sunset Boulevard on Saturday evening. They (18)____ (be) both delighted as they loved Andrew Lloyd Webber's music and(19)___(try) for ages to get tickets to this particular musical. It was a perfect evening. They (20) ___ (have) front row seats and the show itself was every bit as good as they (21)_____(expect). They (22) ____ (be) in such a good mood after it that they (23)___ (decide) to go for a meal at their favourite Italian restaurant. When they eventually (24)__(get) home just after midnight, a new shock (25)___(await) them. While they were away, their house (26)___(burgle)! Everything of value (27)____ (steal). They (28)____ (know) immediately who the thief was because (29)___(lie) on the kitchen table was a note in handwriting they(30)__(recognize), (31)___(say): Hope you (32)____(enjoy) the Show.

варіанти відповідей

had phoned

was phoning


Запитання 3

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

My cousin and her husband live in Hanwell, one of the suburbs of London. One morning they (0) woke up (wake up) to find to their dismay that their car (1)___(steal) from outside their house. They immediately (2)____(phone) the police to report the theft, before (3)___(leave) for work by bus. When they (4)__(return) home later the same day, they (5)____(find) to their surprise that their car (6)___(bring back) and was parked in its usual place outside their house. Under one of the windscreen wipers (7)___(be) a small envelope. They quickly (8)___(open) it and (9)__ (find) a note (10)____(apologize) profusely for 'borrowing' their car. The man who (11)___(write) it explained that he (12)____(not have) a car himself and his wife (13)____ (go) into labour in the middle of the night with their first baby. So he (14)___(hope) they (15) ___(not mind) too much that he (16)___(take) their car without their permission in order to run her to the hospital, as it was something of an emergency. By way of compensation, he (17)__ (enclose) two tickets for the West End show Sunset Boulevard on Saturday evening. They (18)____ (be) both delighted as they loved Andrew Lloyd Webber's music and(19)___(try) for ages to get tickets to this particular musical. It was a perfect evening. They (20) ___ (have) front row seats and the show itself was every bit as good as they (21)_____(expect). They (22) ____ (be) in such a good mood after it that they (23)___ (decide) to go for a meal at their favourite Italian restaurant. When they eventually (24)__(get) home just after midnight, a new shock (25)___(await) them. While they were away, their house (26)___(burgle)! Everything of value (27)____ (steal). They (28)____ (know) immediately who the thief was because (29)___(lie) on the kitchen table was a note in handwriting they(30)__(recognize), (31)___(say): Hope you (32)____(enjoy) the Show.

варіанти відповідей



had left

Запитання 4

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

My cousin and her husband live in Hanwell, one of the suburbs of London. One morning they (0) woke up (wake up) to find to their dismay that their car (1)___(steal) from outside their house. They immediately (2)____(phone) the police to report the theft, before (3)___(leave) for work by bus. When they (4)__(return) home later the same day, they (5)____(find) to their surprise that their car (6)___(bring back) and was parked in its usual place outside their house. Under one of the windscreen wipers (7)___(be) a small envelope. They quickly (8)___(open) it and (9)__ (find) a note (10)____(apologize) profusely for 'borrowing' their car. The man who (11)___(write) it explained that he (12)____(not have) a car himself and his wife (13)____ (go) into labour in the middle of the night with their first baby. So he (14)___(hope) they (15) ___(not mind) too much that he (16)___(take) their car without their permission in order to run her to the hospital, as it was something of an emergency. By way of compensation, he (17)__ (enclose) two tickets for the West End show Sunset Boulevard on Saturday evening. They (18)____ (be) both delighted as they loved Andrew Lloyd Webber's music and(19)___(try) for ages to get tickets to this particular musical. It was a perfect evening. They (20) ___ (have) front row seats and the show itself was every bit as good as they (21)_____(expect). They (22) ____ (be) in such a good mood after it that they (23)___ (decide) to go for a meal at their favourite Italian restaurant. When they eventually (24)__(get) home just after midnight, a new shock (25)___(await) them. While they were away, their house (26)___(burgle)! Everything of value (27)____ (steal). They (28)____ (know) immediately who the thief was because (29)___(lie) on the kitchen table was a note in handwriting they(30)__(recognize), (31)___(say): Hope you (32)____(enjoy) the Show.

варіанти відповідей


had returned


Запитання 5

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

My cousin and her husband live in Hanwell, one of the suburbs of London. One morning they (0) woke up (wake up) to find to their dismay that their car (1)___(steal) from outside their house. They immediately (2)____(phone) the police to report the theft, before (3)___(leave) for work by bus. When they (4)__(return) home later the same day, they (5)____(find) to their surprise that their car (6)___(bring back) and was parked in its usual place outside their house. Under one of the windscreen wipers (7)___(be) a small envelope. They quickly (8)___(open) it and (9)__ (find) a note (10)____(apologize) profusely for 'borrowing' their car. The man who (11)___(write) it explained that he (12)____(not have) a car himself and his wife (13)____ (go) into labour in the middle of the night with their first baby. So he (14)___(hope) they (15) ___(not mind) too much that he (16)___(take) their car without their permission in order to run her to the hospital, as it was something of an emergency. By way of compensation, he (17)__ (enclose) two tickets for the West End show Sunset Boulevard on Saturday evening. They (18)____ (be) both delighted as they loved Andrew Lloyd Webber's music and(19)___(try) for ages to get tickets to this particular musical. It was a perfect evening. They (20) ___ (have) front row seats and the show itself was every bit as good as they (21)_____(expect). They (22) ____ (be) in such a good mood after it that they (23)___ (decide) to go for a meal at their favourite Italian restaurant. When they eventually (24)__(get) home just after midnight, a new shock (25)___(await) them. While they were away, their house (26)___(burgle)! Everything of value (27)____ (steal). They (28)____ (know) immediately who the thief was because (29)___(lie) on the kitchen table was a note in handwriting they(30)__(recognize), (31)___(say): Hope you (32)____(enjoy) the Show.

варіанти відповідей


was finding

had found

Запитання 6

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

My cousin and her husband live in Hanwell, one of the suburbs of London. One morning they (0) woke up (wake up) to find to their dismay that their car (1)___(steal) from outside their house. They immediately (2)____(phone) the police to report the theft, before (3)___(leave) for work by bus. When they (4)__(return) home later the same day, they (5)____(find) to their surprise that their car (6)___(bring back) and was parked in its usual place outside their house. Under one of the windscreen wipers (7)___(be) a small envelope. They quickly (8)___(open) it and (9)__ (find) a note (10)____(apologize) profusely for 'borrowing' their car. The man who (11)___(write) it explained that he (12)____(not have) a car himself and his wife (13)____ (go) into labour in the middle of the night with their first baby. So he (14)___(hope) they (15) ___(not mind) too much that he (16)___(take) their car without their permission in order to run her to the hospital, as it was something of an emergency. By way of compensation, he (17)__ (enclose) two tickets for the West End show Sunset Boulevard on Saturday evening. They (18)____ (be) both delighted as they loved Andrew Lloyd Webber's music and(19)___(try) for ages to get tickets to this particular musical. It was a perfect evening. They (20) ___ (have) front row seats and the show itself was every bit as good as they (21)_____(expect). They (22) ____ (be) in such a good mood after it that they (23)___ (decide) to go for a meal at their favourite Italian restaurant. When they eventually (24)__(get) home just after midnight, a new shock (25)___(await) them. While they were away, their house (26)___(burgle)! Everything of value (27)____ (steal). They (28)____ (know) immediately who the thief was because (29)___(lie) on the kitchen table was a note in handwriting they(30)__(recognize), (31)___(say): Hope you (32)____(enjoy) the Show.

варіанти відповідей

was brought back

had brought back

had been brought back

Запитання 7

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

My cousin and her husband live in Hanwell, one of the suburbs of London. One morning they (0) woke up (wake up) to find to their dismay that their car (1)___(steal) from outside their house. They immediately (2)____(phone) the police to report the theft, before (3)___(leave) for work by bus. When they (4)__(return) home later the same day, they (5)____(find) to their surprise that their car (6)___(bring back) and was parked in its usual place outside their house. Under one of the windscreen wipers (7)___(be) a small envelope. They quickly (8)___(open) it and (9)__ (find) a note (10)____(apologize) profusely for 'borrowing' their car. The man who (11)___(write) it explained that he (12)____(not have) a car himself and his wife (13)____ (go) into labour in the middle of the night with their first baby. So he (14)___(hope) they (15) ___(not mind) too much that he (16)___(take) their car without their permission in order to run her to the hospital, as it was something of an emergency. By way of compensation, he (17)__ (enclose) two tickets for the West End show Sunset Boulevard on Saturday evening. They (18)____ (be) both delighted as they loved Andrew Lloyd Webber's music and(19)___(try) for ages to get tickets to this particular musical. It was a perfect evening. They (20) ___ (have) front row seats and the show itself was every bit as good as they (21)_____(expect). They (22) ____ (be) in such a good mood after it that they (23)___ (decide) to go for a meal at their favourite Italian restaurant. When they eventually (24)__(get) home just after midnight, a new shock (25)___(await) them. While they were away, their house (26)___(burgle)! Everything of value (27)____ (steal). They (28)____ (know) immediately who the thief was because (29)___(lie) on the kitchen table was a note in handwriting they(30)__(recognize), (31)___(say): Hope you (32)____(enjoy) the Show.

варіанти відповідей

had been



Запитання 8

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

My cousin and her husband live in Hanwell, one of the suburbs of London. One morning they (0) woke up (wake up) to find to their dismay that their car (1)___(steal) from outside their house. They immediately (2)____(phone) the police to report the theft, before (3)___(leave) for work by bus. When they (4)__(return) home later the same day, they (5)____(find) to their surprise that their car (6)___(bring back) and was parked in its usual place outside their house. Under one of the windscreen wipers (7)___(be) a small envelope. They quickly (8)___(open) it and (9)__ (find) a note (10)____(apologize) profusely for 'borrowing' their car. The man who (11)___(write) it explained that he (12)____(not have) a car himself and his wife (13)____ (go) into labour in the middle of the night with their first baby. So he (14)___(hope) they (15) ___(not mind) too much that he (16)___(take) their car without their permission in order to run her to the hospital, as it was something of an emergency. By way of compensation, he (17)__ (enclose) two tickets for the West End show Sunset Boulevard on Saturday evening. They (18)____ (be) both delighted as they loved Andrew Lloyd Webber's music and(19)___(try) for ages to get tickets to this particular musical. It was a perfect evening. They (20) ___ (have) front row seats and the show itself was every bit as good as they (21)_____(expect). They (22) ____ (be) in such a good mood after it that they (23)___ (decide) to go for a meal at their favourite Italian restaurant. When they eventually (24)__(get) home just after midnight, a new shock (25)___(await) them. While they were away, their house (26)___(burgle)! Everything of value (27)____ (steal). They (28)____ (know) immediately who the thief was because (29)___(lie) on the kitchen table was a note in handwriting they(30)__(recognize), (31)___(say): Hope you (32)____(enjoy) the Show.

варіанти відповідей

was opening, was finding

had opened, had found

opened, founed

Запитання 9

Put the verbs in brackets into the correct tenses.

My cousin and her husband live in Hanwell, one of the suburbs of London. One morning they (0) woke up (wake up) to find to their dismay that their car (1)___(steal) from outside their house. They immediately (2)____(phone) the police to report the theft, before (3)___(leave) for work by bus. When they (4)__(return) home later the same day, they (5)____(find) to their surprise that their car (6)___(bring back) and was parked in its usual place outside their house. Under one of the windscreen wipers (7)___(be) a small envelope. They quickly (8)___(open) it and (9)__ (find) a note (10)____(apologize) profusely for 'borrowing' their car. The man who (11)___(write) it explained that he (12)____(not have) a car himself and his wife (13)____ (go) into labour in the middle of the night with their first baby. So he (14)___(hope) they (15) ___(not mind) too much that he (16)___(take) their car without their permission in order to run her to the hospital, as it was something of an emergency. By way of compensation, he (17)__ (enclose) two tickets for the West End show Sunset Boulevard on Saturday evening. They (18)____ (be) both delighted as they loved Andrew Lloyd Webber's music and(19)___(try) for ages to get tickets to this particular musical. It was a perfect evening. They (20) ___ (have) front row seats and the show itself was every bit as good as they (21)_____(expect). They (22) ____ (be) in such a good mood after it that they (23)___ (decide) to go for a meal at their favourite Italian restaurant. When they eventually (24)__(get) home just after midnight, a new shock (25)___(await) them. While they were away, their house (26)___(burgle)! Everything of value (27)____ (steal). They (28)____ (know) immediately who the thief was because (29)___(lie) on the kitchen table was a note in handwriting they(30)__(recognize), (31)___(say): Hope you (32)____(enjoy) the Show.

варіанти відповідей

to apologize



Запитання 10

My cousin and her husband live in Hanwell, one of the suburbs of London. One morning they (0) woke up (wake up) to find to their dismay that their car (1)___(steal) from outside their house. They immediately (2)____(phone) the police to report the theft, before (3)___(leave) for work by bus. When they (4)__(return) home later the same day, they (5)____(find) to their surprise that their car (6)___(bring back) and was parked in its usual place outside their house. Under one of the windscreen wipers (7)___(be) a small envelope. They quickly (8)___(open) it and (9)__ (find) a note (10)____(apologize) profusely for 'borrowing' their car. The man who (11)___(write) it explained that he (12)____(not have) a car himself and his wife (13)____ (go) into labour in the middle of the night with their first baby. So he (14)___(hope) they (15) ___(not mind) too much that he (16)___(take) their car without their permission in order to run her to the hospital, as it was something of an emergency. By way of compensation, he (17)__ (enclose) two tickets for the West End show Sunset Boulevard on Saturday evening. They (18)____ (be) both delighted as they loved Andrew Lloyd Webber's music and(19)___(try) for ages to get tickets to this particular musical. It was a perfect evening. They (20) ___ (have) front row seats and the show itself was every bit as good as they (21)_____(expect). They (22) ____ (be) in such a good mood after it that they (23)___ (decide) to go for a meal at their favourite Italian restaurant. When they eventually (24)__(get) home just after midnight, a new shock (25)___(await) them. While they were away, their house (26)___(burgle)! Everything of value (27)____ (steal). They (28)____ (know) immediately who the thief was because (29)___(lie) on the kitchen table was a note in handwriting they(30)__(recognize), (31)___(say): Hope you (32)____(enjoy) the Show.

варіанти відповідей

was written


was writing

Запитання 11

My cousin and her husband live in Hanwell, one of the suburbs of London. One morning they (0) woke up (wake up) to find to their dismay that their car (1)___(steal) from outside their house. They immediately (2)____(phone) the police to report the theft, before (3)___(leave) for work by bus. When they (4)__(return) home later the same day, they (5)____(find) to their surprise that their car (6)___(bring back) and was parked in its usual place outside their house. Under one of the windscreen wipers (7)___(be) a small envelope. They quickly (8)___(open) it and (9)__ (find) a note (10)____(apologize) profusely for 'borrowing' their car. The man who (11)___(write) it explained that he (12)____(not have) a car himself and his wife (13)____ (go) into labour in the middle of the night with their first baby. So he (14)___(hope) they (15) ___(not mind) too much that he (16)___(take) their car without their permission in order to run her to the hospital, as it was something of an emergency. By way of compensation, he (17)__ (enclose) two tickets for the West End show Sunset Boulevard on Saturday evening. They (18)____ (be) both delighted as they loved Andrew Lloyd Webber's music and(19)___(try) for ages to get tickets to this particular musical. It was a perfect evening. They (20) ___ (have) front row seats and the show itself was every bit as good as they (21)_____(expect). They (22) ____ (be) in such a good mood after it that they (23)___ (decide) to go for a meal at their favourite Italian restaurant. When they eventually (24)__(get) home just after midnight, a new shock (25)___(await) them. While they were away, their house (26)___(burgle)! Everything of value (27)____ (steal). They (28)____ (know) immediately who the thief was because (29)___(lie) on the kitchen table was a note in handwriting they(30)__(recognize), (31)___(say): Hope you (32)____(enjoy) the Show.

варіанти відповідей

had not had

didn't have

doesn't have

Запитання 12

My cousin and her husband live in Hanwell, one of the suburbs of London. One morning they (0) woke up (wake up) to find to their dismay that their car (1)___(steal) from outside their house. They immediately (2)____(phone) the police to report the theft, before (3)___(leave) for work by bus. When they (4)__(return) home later the same day, they (5)____(find) to their surprise that their car (6)___(bring back) and was parked in its usual place outside their house. Under one of the windscreen wipers (7)___(be) a small envelope. They quickly (8)___(open) it and (9)__ (find) a note (10)____(apologize) profusely for 'borrowing' their car. The man who (11)___(write) it explained that he (12)____(not have) a car himself and his wife (13)____ (go) into labour in the middle of the night with their first baby. So he (14)___(hope) they (15) ___(not mind) too much that he (16)___(take) their car without their permission in order to run her to the hospital, as it was something of an emergency. By way of compensation, he (17)__ (enclose) two tickets for the West End show Sunset Boulevard on Saturday evening. They (18)____ (be) both delighted as they loved Andrew Lloyd Webber's music and(19)___(try) for ages to get tickets to this particular musical. It was a perfect evening. They (20) ___ (have) front row seats and the show itself was every bit as good as they (21)_____(expect). They (22) ____ (be) in such a good mood after it that they (23)___ (decide) to go for a meal at their favourite Italian restaurant. When they eventually (24)__(get) home just after midnight, a new shock (25)___(await) them. While they were away, their house (26)___(burgle)! Everything of value (27)____ (steal). They (28)____ (know) immediately who the thief was because (29)___(lie) on the kitchen table was a note in handwriting they(30)__(recognize), (31)___(say): Hope you (32)____(enjoy) the Show.

варіанти відповідей


was going

had gone

Запитання 13

My cousin and her husband live in Hanwell, one of the suburbs of London. One morning they (0) woke up (wake up) to find to their dismay that their car (1)___(steal) from outside their house. They immediately (2)____(phone) the police to report the theft, before (3)___(leave) for work by bus. When they (4)__(return) home later the same day, they (5)____(find) to their surprise that their car (6)___(bring back) and was parked in its usual place outside their house. Under one of the windscreen wipers (7)___(be) a small envelope. They quickly (8)___(open) it and (9)__ (find) a note (10)____(apologize) profusely for 'borrowing' their car. The man who (11)___(write) it explained that he (12)____(not have) a car himself and his wife (13)____ (go) into labour in the middle of the night with their first baby. So he (14)___(hope) they (15) ___(not mind) too much that he (16)___(take) their car without their permission in order to run her to the hospital, as it was something of an emergency. By way of compensation, he (17)__ (enclose) two tickets for the West End show Sunset Boulevard on Saturday evening. They (18)____ (be) both delighted as they loved Andrew Lloyd Webber's music and(19)___(try) for ages to get tickets to this particular musical. It was a perfect evening. They (20) ___ (have) front row seats and the show itself was every bit as good as they (21)_____(expect). They (22) ____ (be) in such a good mood after it that they (23)___ (decide) to go for a meal at their favourite Italian restaurant. When they eventually (24)__(get) home just after midnight, a new shock (25)___(await) them. While they were away, their house (26)___(burgle)! Everything of value (27)____ (steal). They (28)____ (know) immediately who the thief was because (29)___(lie) on the kitchen table was a note in handwriting they(30)__(recognize), (31)___(say): Hope you (32)____(enjoy) the Show.

варіанти відповідей

hoped, didn't mind

hoped, hadn't mind

had hoped, didn't mind

Запитання 14

My cousin and her husband live in Hanwell, one of the suburbs of London. One morning they (0) woke up (wake up) to find to their dismay that their car (1)___(steal) from outside their house. They immediately (2)____(phone) the police to report the theft, before (3)___(leave) for work by bus. When they (4)__(return) home later the same day, they (5)____(find) to their surprise that their car (6)___(bring back) and was parked in its usual place outside their house. Under one of the windscreen wipers (7)___(be) a small envelope. They quickly (8)___(open) it and (9)__ (find) a note (10)____(apologize) profusely for 'borrowing' their car. The man who (11)___(write) it explained that he (12)____(not have) a car himself and his wife (13)____ (go) into labour in the middle of the night with their first baby. So he (14)___(hope) they (15) ___(not mind) too much that he (16)___(take) their car without their permission in order to run her to the hospital, as it was something of an emergency. By way of compensation, he (17)__ (enclose) two tickets for the West End show Sunset Boulevard on Saturday evening. They (18)____ (be) both delighted as they loved Andrew Lloyd Webber's music and(19)___(try) for ages to get tickets to this particular musical. It was a perfect evening. They (20) ___ (have) front row seats and the show itself was every bit as good as they (21)_____(expect). They (22) ____ (be) in such a good mood after it that they (23)___ (decide) to go for a meal at their favourite Italian restaurant. When they eventually (24)__(get) home just after midnight, a new shock (25)___(await) them. While they were away, their house (26)___(burgle)! Everything of value (27)____ (steal). They (28)____ (know) immediately who the thief was because (29)___(lie) on the kitchen table was a note in handwriting they(30)__(recognize), (31)___(say): Hope you (32)____(enjoy) the Show.

варіанти відповідей

was taking


had taken

Запитання 15

My cousin and her husband live in Hanwell, one of the suburbs of London. One morning they (0) woke up (wake up) to find to their dismay that their car (1)___(steal) from outside their house. They immediately (2)____(phone) the police to report the theft, before (3)___(leave) for work by bus. When they (4)__(return) home later the same day, they (5)____(find) to their surprise that their car (6)___(bring back) and was parked in its usual place outside their house. Under one of the windscreen wipers (7)___(be) a small envelope. They quickly (8)___(open) it and (9)__ (find) a note (10)____(apologize) profusely for 'borrowing' their car. The man who (11)___(write) it explained that he (12)____(not have) a car himself and his wife (13)____ (go) into labour in the middle of the night with their first baby. So he (14)___(hope) they (15) ___(not mind) too much that he (16)___(take) their car without their permission in order to run her to the hospital, as it was something of an emergency. By way of compensation, he (17)__ (enclose) two tickets for the West End show Sunset Boulevard on Saturday evening. They (18)____ (be) both delighted as they loved Andrew Lloyd Webber's music and(19)___(try) for ages to get tickets to this particular musical. It was a perfect evening. They (20) ___ (have) front row seats and the show itself was every bit as good as they (21)_____(expect). They (22) ____ (be) in such a good mood after it that they (23)___ (decide) to go for a meal at their favourite Italian restaurant. When they eventually (24)__(get) home just after midnight, a new shock (25)___(await) them. While they were away, their house (26)___(burgle)! Everything of value (27)____ (steal). They (28)____ (know) immediately who the thief was because (29)___(lie) on the kitchen table was a note in handwriting they(30)__(recognize), (31)___(say): Hope you (32)____(enjoy) the Show.

варіанти відповідей


was enclosing

had enclsed

Запитання 16

My cousin and her husband live in Hanwell, one of the suburbs of London. One morning they (0) woke up (wake up) to find to their dismay that their car (1)___(steal) from outside their house. They immediately (2)____(phone) the police to report the theft, before (3)___(leave) for work by bus. When they (4)__(return) home later the same day, they (5)____(find) to their surprise that their car (6)___(bring back) and was parked in its usual place outside their house. Under one of the windscreen wipers (7)___(be) a small envelope. They quickly (8)___(open) it and (9)__ (find) a note (10)____(apologize) profusely for 'borrowing' their car. The man who (11)___(write) it explained that he (12)____(not have) a car himself and his wife (13)____ (go) into labour in the middle of the night with their first baby. So he (14)___(hope) they (15) ___(not mind) too much that he (16)___(take) their car without their permission in order to run her to the hospital, as it was something of an emergency. By way of compensation, he (17)__ (enclose) two tickets for the West End show Sunset Boulevard on Saturday evening. They (18)____ (be) both delighted as they loved Andrew Lloyd Webber's music and(19)___(try) for ages to get tickets to this particular musical. It was a perfect evening. They (20) ___ (have) front row seats and the show itself was every bit as good as they (21)_____(expect). They (22) ____ (be) in such a good mood after it that they (23)___ (decide) to go for a meal at their favourite Italian restaurant. When they eventually (24)__(get) home just after midnight, a new shock (25)___(await) them. While they were away, their house (26)___(burgle)! Everything of value (27)____ (steal). They (28)____ (know) immediately who the thief was because (29)___(lie) on the kitchen table was a note in handwriting they(30)__(recognize), (31)___(say): Hope you (32)____(enjoy) the Show.

варіанти відповідей

were, had been trying

were, were trying

were, tried

Запитання 17

My cousin and her husband live in Hanwell, one of the suburbs of London. One morning they (0) woke up (wake up) to find to their dismay that their car (1)___(steal) from outside their house. They immediately (2)____(phone) the police to report the theft, before (3)___(leave) for work by bus. When they (4)__(return) home later the same day, they (5)____(find) to their surprise that their car (6)___(bring back) and was parked in its usual place outside their house. Under one of the windscreen wipers (7)___(be) a small envelope. They quickly (8)___(open) it and (9)__ (find) a note (10)____(apologize) profusely for 'borrowing' their car. The man who (11)___(write) it explained that he (12)____(not have) a car himself and his wife (13)____ (go) into labour in the middle of the night with their first baby. So he (14)___(hope) they (15) ___(not mind) too much that he (16)___(take) their car without their permission in order to run her to the hospital, as it was something of an emergency. By way of compensation, he (17)__ (enclose) two tickets for the West End show Sunset Boulevard on Saturday evening. They (18)____ (be) both delighted as they loved Andrew Lloyd Webber's music and(19)___(try) for ages to get tickets to this particular musical. It was a perfect evening. They (20) ___ (have) front row seats and the show itself was every bit as good as they (21)_____(expect). They (22) ____ (be) in such a good mood after it that they (23)___ (decide) to go for a meal at their favourite Italian restaurant. When they eventually (24)__(get) home just after midnight, a new shock (25)___(await) them. While they were away, their house (26)___(burgle)! Everything of value (27)____ (steal). They (28)____ (know) immediately who the thief was because (29)___(lie) on the kitchen table was a note in handwriting they(30)__(recognize), (31)___(say): Hope you (32)____(enjoy) the Show.

варіанти відповідей

had, expected

had, had expected

had, expecting

Запитання 18

My cousin and her husband live in Hanwell, one of the suburbs of London. One morning they (0) woke up (wake up) to find to their dismay that their car (1)___(steal) from outside their house. They immediately (2)____(phone) the police to report the theft, before (3)___(leave) for work by bus. When they (4)__(return) home later the same day, they (5)____(find) to their surprise that their car (6)___(bring back) and was parked in its usual place outside their house. Under one of the windscreen wipers (7)___(be) a small envelope. They quickly (8)___(open) it and (9)__ (find) a note (10)____(apologize) profusely for 'borrowing' their car. The man who (11)___(write) it explained that he (12)____(not have) a car himself and his wife (13)____ (go) into labour in the middle of the night with their first baby. So he (14)___(hope) they (15) ___(not mind) too much that he (16)___(take) their car without their permission in order to run her to the hospital, as it was something of an emergency. By way of compensation, he (17)__ (enclose) two tickets for the West End show Sunset Boulevard on Saturday evening. They (18)____ (be) both delighted as they loved Andrew Lloyd Webber's music and(19)___(try) for ages to get tickets to this particular musical. It was a perfect evening. They (20) ___ (have) front row seats and the show itself was every bit as good as they (21)_____(expect). They (22) ____ (be) in such a good mood after it that they (23)___ (decide) to go for a meal at their favourite Italian restaurant. When they eventually (24)__(get) home just after midnight, a new shock (25)___(await) them. While they were away, their house (26)___(burgle)! Everything of value (27)____ (steal). They (28)____ (know) immediately who the thief was because (29)___(lie) on the kitchen table was a note in handwriting they(30)__(recognize), (31)___(say): Hope you (32)____(enjoy) the Show.

варіанти відповідей

were, were deciding

were, had decided


Запитання 19

My cousin and her husband live in Hanwell, one of the suburbs of London. One morning they (0) woke up (wake up) to find to their dismay that their car (1)___(steal) from outside their house. They immediately (2)____(phone) the police to report the theft, before (3)___(leave) for work by bus. When they (4)__(return) home later the same day, they (5)____(find) to their surprise that their car (6)___(bring back) and was parked in its usual place outside their house. Under one of the windscreen wipers (7)___(be) a small envelope. They quickly (8)___(open) it and (9)__ (find) a note (10)____(apologize) profusely for 'borrowing' their car. The man who (11)___(write) it explained that he (12)____(not have) a car himself and his wife (13)____ (go) into labour in the middle of the night with their first baby. So he (14)___(hope) they (15) ___(not mind) too much that he (16)___(take) their car without their permission in order to run her to the hospital, as it was something of an emergency. By way of compensation, he (17)__ (enclose) two tickets for the West End show Sunset Boulevard on Saturday evening. They (18)____ (be) both delighted as they loved Andrew Lloyd Webber's music and(19)___(try) for ages to get tickets to this particular musical. It was a perfect evening. They (20) ___ (have) front row seats and the show itself was every bit as good as they (21)_____(expect). They (22) ____ (be) in such a good mood after it that they (23)___ (decide) to go for a meal at their favourite Italian restaurant. When they eventually (24)__(get) home just after midnight, a new shock (25)___(await) them. While they were away, their house (26)___(burgle)! Everything of value (27)____ (steal). They (28)____ (know) immediately who the thief was because (29)___(lie) on the kitchen table was a note in handwriting they(30)__(recognize), (31)___(say): Hope you (32)____(enjoy) the Show.

варіанти відповідей

got, awaited

got, had awaited

got, was awaiting

Запитання 20

My cousin and her husband live in Hanwell, one of the suburbs of London. One morning they (0) woke up (wake up) to find to their dismay that their car (1)___(steal) from outside their house. They immediately (2)____(phone) the police to report the theft, before (3)___(leave) for work by bus. When they (4)__(return) home later the same day, they (5)____(find) to their surprise that their car (6)___(bring back) and was parked in its usual place outside their house. Under one of the windscreen wipers (7)___(be) a small envelope. They quickly (8)___(open) it and (9)__ (find) a note (10)____(apologize) profusely for 'borrowing' their car. The man who (11)___(write) it explained that he (12)____(not have) a car himself and his wife (13)____ (go) into labour in the middle of the night with their first baby. So he (14)___(hope) they (15) ___(not mind) too much that he (16)___(take) their car without their permission in order to run her to the hospital, as it was something of an emergency. By way of compensation, he (17)__ (enclose) two tickets for the West End show Sunset Boulevard on Saturday evening. They (18)____ (be) both delighted as they loved Andrew Lloyd Webber's music and(19)___(try) for ages to get tickets to this particular musical. It was a perfect evening. They (20) ___ (have) front row seats and the show itself was every bit as good as they (21)_____(expect). They (22) ____ (be) in such a good mood after it that they (23)___ (decide) to go for a meal at their favourite Italian restaurant. When they eventually (24)__(get) home just after midnight, a new shock (25)___(await) them. While they were away, their house (26)___(burgle)! Everything of value (27)____ (steal). They (28)____ (know) immediately who the thief was because (29)___(lie) on the kitchen table was a note in handwriting they(30)__(recognize), (31)___(say): Hope you (32)____(enjoy) the Show.

варіанти відповідей


was burgled

had been burgled

Запитання 21

My cousin and her husband live in Hanwell, one of the suburbs of London. One morning they (0) woke up (wake up) to find to their dismay that their car (1)___(steal) from outside their house. They immediately (2)____(phone) the police to report the theft, before (3)___(leave) for work by bus. When they (4)__(return) home later the same day, they (5)____(find) to their surprise that their car (6)___(bring back) and was parked in its usual place outside their house. Under one of the windscreen wipers (7)___(be) a small envelope. They quickly (8)___(open) it and (9)__ (find) a note (10)____(apologize) profusely for 'borrowing' their car. The man who (11)___(write) it explained that he (12)____(not have) a car himself and his wife (13)____ (go) into labour in the middle of the night with their first baby. So he (14)___(hope) they (15) ___(not mind) too much that he (16)___(take) their car without their permission in order to run her to the hospital, as it was something of an emergency. By way of compensation, he (17)__ (enclose) two tickets for the West End show Sunset Boulevard on Saturday evening. They (18)____ (be) both delighted as they loved Andrew Lloyd Webber's music and(19)___(try) for ages to get tickets to this particular musical. It was a perfect evening. They (20) ___ (have) front row seats and the show itself was every bit as good as they (21)_____(expect). They (22) ____ (be) in such a good mood after it that they (23)___ (decide) to go for a meal at their favourite Italian restaurant. When they eventually (24)__(get) home just after midnight, a new shock (25)___(await) them. While they were away, their house (26)___(burgle)! Everything of value (27)____ (steal). They (28)____ (know) immediately who the thief was because (29)___(lie) on the kitchen table was a note in handwriting they(30)__(recognize), (31)___(say): Hope you (32)____(enjoy) the Show.

варіанти відповідей

had stolen

had been stolen

was stolen

Запитання 22

My cousin and her husband live in Hanwell, one of the suburbs of London. One morning they (0) woke up (wake up) to find to their dismay that their car (1)___(steal) from outside their house. They immediately (2)____(phone) the police to report the theft, before (3)___(leave) for work by bus. When they (4)__(return) home later the same day, they (5)____(find) to their surprise that their car (6)___(bring back) and was parked in its usual place outside their house. Under one of the windscreen wipers (7)___(be) a small envelope. They quickly (8)___(open) it and (9)__ (find) a note (10)____(apologize) profusely for 'borrowing' their car. The man who (11)___(write) it explained that he (12)____(not have) a car himself and his wife (13)____ (go) into labour in the middle of the night with their first baby. So he (14)___(hope) they (15) ___(not mind) too much that he (16)___(take) their car without their permission in order to run her to the hospital, as it was something of an emergency. By way of compensation, he (17)__ (enclose) two tickets for the West End show Sunset Boulevard on Saturday evening. They (18)____ (be) both delighted as they loved Andrew Lloyd Webber's music and(19)___(try) for ages to get tickets to this particular musical. It was a perfect evening. They (20) ___ (have) front row seats and the show itself was every bit as good as they (21)_____(expect). They (22) ____ (be) in such a good mood after it that they (23)___ (decide) to go for a meal at their favourite Italian restaurant. When they eventually (24)__(get) home just after midnight, a new shock (25)___(await) them. While they were away, their house (26)___(burgle)! Everything of value (27)____ (steal). They (28)____ (know) immediately who the thief was because (29)___(lie) on the kitchen table was a note in handwriting they(30)__(recognize), (31)___(say): Hope you (32)____(enjoy) the Show.

варіанти відповідей

knew, lying

had known, lying

knew, was lying

Запитання 23

My cousin and her husband live in Hanwell, one of the suburbs of London. One morning they (0) woke up (wake up) to find to their dismay that their car (1)___(steal) from outside their house. They immediately (2)____(phone) the police to report the theft, before (3)___(leave) for work by bus. When they (4)__(return) home later the same day, they (5)____(find) to their surprise that their car (6)___(bring back) and was parked in its usual place outside their house. Under one of the windscreen wipers (7)___(be) a small envelope. They quickly (8)___(open) it and (9)__ (find) a note (10)____(apologize) profusely for 'borrowing' their car. The man who (11)___(write) it explained that he (12)____(not have) a car himself and his wife (13)____ (go) into labour in the middle of the night with their first baby. So he (14)___(hope) they (15) ___(not mind) too much that he (16)___(take) their car without their permission in order to run her to the hospital, as it was something of an emergency. By way of compensation, he (17)__ (enclose) two tickets for the West End show Sunset Boulevard on Saturday evening. They (18)____ (be) both delighted as they loved Andrew Lloyd Webber's music and(19)___(try) for ages to get tickets to this particular musical. It was a perfect evening. They (20) ___ (have) front row seats and the show itself was every bit as good as they (21)_____(expect). They (22) ____ (be) in such a good mood after it that they (23)___ (decide) to go for a meal at their favourite Italian restaurant. When they eventually (24)__(get) home just after midnight, a new shock (25)___(await) them. While they were away, their house (26)___(burgle)! Everything of value (27)____ (steal). They (28)____ (know) immediately who the thief was because (29)___(lie) on the kitchen table was a note in handwriting they(30)__(recognize), (31)___(say): Hope you (32)____(enjoy) the Show.

варіанти відповідей

recognized, said, enjoyed

had recognized, saying, enjoyed

recognized, saying, enjoyed

Запитання 24

Oh, I didn't tell you! We've got….new English teacher.

варіанти відповідей




no word

Запитання 25

Here's …..       DVD you asked to borrow.

варіанти відповідей




no word

Запитання 26

We're out of ……coffee, so could you get some from the supermarket?

варіанти відповідей




no word

Запитання 27

The prize is ….. unique opportunity to travel the world!

варіанти відповідей




no word

Запитання 28

It looks like ….. glass in your bedroom window is cracked.

варіанти відповідей




no word

Запитання 29

It's …… honour to be here this evening to speak to you.

варіанти відповідей




no word

Запитання 30

There's ….. good chance we'll be late for the meeting.

варіанти відповідей




no word

Запитання 31

Reports are coming in of a major oil spill in….Mediterranean.

варіанти відповідей




no word

Запитання 32

I went to see the doctor because I'm finding it difficult to sleep at .… night.

варіанти відповідей




no word

Запитання 33

Do you think that they'll ever send a manned mission to….Venus?

варіанти відповідей




no word

Запитання 34

If this theory about parallel universes (1).…correct, it (2).…that we're living in more than one universe at the same time

варіанти відповідей

will be


would have been       

1          has been

Запитання 35

If this theory about parallel universes (1).…correct, it (2).…that we're living in more than one universe at the same time. 

варіанти відповідей

has meant    


had meant


Запитання 36

But if that (3).…true - if I was doing different things in different universes - (4).…about it

варіанти відповідей

will be

was being


 has been

Запитання 37

But if that (3).…true - if I was doing different things in different universes - (4).…about it. 

варіанти відповідей

I'd know

I’ll know

I have known

I know

Запитання 38

And if I (5)…about it, how could it be me doing these things? 

варіанти відповідей

wouldn't know

don’t know

won’t know

1          didn’t know

Запитання 39

If I (6).…the lottery last year in a parallel universe and decided to sail round the world, how is that me'? It doesn't make sense! And another thing

варіанти відповідей

had won

was winning

have won


Запитання 40

If I do something, it (7).…consequences. 

варіанти відповідей

would have

would have had  

will have   

had had

Запитання 41

For example, if I (8).…study, I might not pass my exams. 

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 42

If I just (9) ....about the universe I actually live in, then I'm sure (10)….okay.

варіанти відповідей


to think 

am thinking

have thought

Запитання 43

If I just (9) ....about the universe I actually live in, then I'm sure (10)….okay.

варіанти відповідей

I'd be

I’ve been

I’d have been

I’ll be

Запитання 44

If I…..the lottery, I'd give some of the money to each member of my family.

варіанти відповідей


have won

will win


Запитання 45

'Did you have an argument with Francis?' 'If you had been there, you …the same.'

варіанти відповідей


would have done

had done   

will do

Запитання 46

If you see Nina on Friday..... her to give me a ring.

варіанти відповідей

you will tell

tell to  

you would have told       


Запитання 47

If I'd known you were coming, I………. a cake.

варіанти відповідей

would have baked    

would bake         

will bake           


Запитання 48

Remind Tony about the party …. he's forgotten.

варіанти відповідей

in case         


provided that


Запитання 49

'Did you have a message for Dan?' Tell him I'll call him on Friday if you……..him.'

варіанти відповідей

had seen         


will see 


Запитання 50

Write soon and let me ..... what your plans are.

варіанти відповідей


to know


Запитання 51

I don’t mind ..., as long as I don’t have to do the shopping.

варіанти відповідей


to cook


Запитання 52

The climb was very long and tiring, so we often stopped a rest.

варіанти відповідей

to have



Запитання 53

 He is a very funny person. He always makes me...

варіанти відповідей


to laugh


Запитання 54

 This book is worth ... .

варіанти відповідей

to read



Запитання 55

I’ve always wanted ... to China and last year my dream came true.

варіанти відповідей



to go

Запитання 56

I’m looking forward to ... with you and your family.

варіанти відповідей


to stay


Запитання 57

You’d better ... there at once.

варіанти відповідей


to go


Запитання 58

Berta _________________ me that she lived in Canada.

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 59

Megan: “Where did you put my passport?”

варіанти відповідей

Megan asked me where I had put her passport

Megan asked me where I put her passport.

Megan asked me where did I put her passport.

Запитання 60

Rachel: “Who is your teacher?”

варіанти відповідей

Rachel asked who my teacher is

Rachel asked who my teacher was.

Rachel asked who was my teacher

Запитання 61

George: “I have to go now.”

варіанти відповідей

George said he had to go now.

George said he has to go then

George said he had to go then.

Запитання 62

Kenny: “You should try harder.”


варіанти відповідей

Kenny told me that I should have tried harder.

Kenny told me that I should tried harder.

Kenny told me that I should try harder.

Запитання 63

Nina: “Could you speak English when you were 20?”

варіанти відповідей

Nina asked me if I could speak English when I had been 20.

Nina asked me if I could have spoken English when I was 20

Nina asked me if I could speak English when I was 20.

Запитання 64

Mom: “Wash your hands before meals.”

варіанти відповідей

Mom told me to wash my hands before meals.

Mom told me to wash your hands before meals.

Mom told me wash my hands before meals.

Запитання 65

Laurie: “I’m a dancer.”

варіанти відповідей

Laurie told he was a dancer.

Laurie told me he was a dancer.

Laurie said me he was a dancer.

Запитання 66

Lenny: “I will come tomorrow.”

варіанти відповідей

Lenny said she would come tomorrow.

Lenny said she would come the next day.

Lenny said she will come the next day.

Запитання 67

Nick: “Do you need to get up early tomorrow?

варіанти відповідей

Nick asked if I needed to get up early tomorrow.

Nick asked if I needed to get up early the next day.

Nick asked did I need to get up early the next day.

Запитання 68

Jerry: “Could you give me a lift to the office?”

варіанти відповідей

Jerry told me to give him a lift to the office.

Jerry asked me if I gave him a lift to the office.

Jerry asked me to give him a lift to the office.

Запитання 69

Vanessa: “What are you doing here?”

варіанти відповідей

Vanessa asked me what was I doing there.

Vanessa asked me what I was doing there.

Vanessa asked me what I was doing here.

Запитання 70

Lisa said she hadn’t been at the meeting _________________ .

варіанти відповідей

the next day

the day before


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