
Додано: 24 листопада 2021
Предмет: Англійська мова, 6 клас
Тест виконано: 43 рази
13 запитань
Запитання 1

Choose the correct question to the answer.

- No, she doesn't. She doesnt like to have three courses for dinner.

варіанти відповідей

What does she like to have for dinner?

Do she like 3 courses for dinner?

Does she like to eat 3 courses for dinner?

When does she have dinner?

Запитання 2

Choose the correct question to the answer.

- Ukrainian cuisine is my favourite one.

варіанти відповідей

Is Ukrainian cuisine your favourite?

What is Ukrainian cuisine?

What is your favourite cuisine?

Was Ukrainian cuisine your favourite?

Запитання 3

Choose the correct question to the answer.

- Yes, we usually cook delicious pasta for supper.

варіанти відповідей

What do we usually cook for supper?

Does we usually cook delicious pasta for supper?

Do we usually cook delicious pasta for supper?

When do we usually cook pasta?

Запитання 4

My favourite meat is

варіанти відповідей




Запитання 5

Would you like some _____ juice?

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Запитання 6

Cheese, milk and yoghurt are on the _____

 shelves in the supermarket.

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Запитання 7

Let's ______

 in this evening. There's a delicious pizza in the fridge.

варіанти відповідей





Запитання 8

'It's awful!' – 'I think my mum ____ it'

варіанти відповідей


doesn't like


quite likes

Запитання 9

Read the text and choose the correct option

Do you have good food in your life? We asked for some ways that you get good food. Here are a few of your stories.

Our school has got an organic garden. We learn about growing vegetables and looking after them in our food science lessons. In the holidays, we can volunteer to work in the garden. My family live in a flat so it's great for me to have a garden at school. Volunteers can take some vegetables home too, so my parents are very happy that I like working there.

My aunt and uncle live on a farm in Wales. It isn't very big but they've got hens, pigs and cows. We always go to stay with them in the summer. It's a beautiful place and the food is amazing. All the vegetables are so fresh and, because the farm is organic, we know they are healthy, too.

We live in Lincoln and my parents buy food at The Pink Pig Farm Shop. It's very famous in Lincolnshire and all the food they sell is from animals that live on the farm or vegetables that they grow. They organise a food festival once a year and we always go to eat the free food and watch cookery demonstrations. They are really interesting and you can learn a lot about cooking.

Choose the correct option

The students at the school...

варіанти відповідей

have to work in the school garden.

get some free food for working in the garden.

use the vegetables from the garden in cookery lessons.

Запитання 10

Read the text and choose the correct option

Do you have good food in your life? We asked for some ways that you get good food. Here are a few of your stories.

Our school has got an organic garden. We learn about growing vegetables and looking after them in our food science lessons. In the holidays, we can volunteer to work in the garden. My family live in a flat so it's great for me to have a garden at school. Volunteers can take some vegetables home too, so my parents are very happy that I like working there.

My aunt and uncle live on a farm in Wales. It isn't very big but they've got hens, pigs and cows. We always go to stay with them in the summer. It's a beautiful place and the food is amazing. All the vegetables are so fresh and, because the farm is organic, we know they are healthy, too.

We live in Lincoln and my parents buy food at The Pink Pig Farm Shop. It's very famous in Lincolnshire and all the food they sell is from animals that live on the farm or vegetables that they grow. They organise a food festival once a year and we always go to eat the free food and watch cookery demonstrations. They are really interesting and you can learn a lot about cooking.

Choose the correct option

The person who wrote about the school garden

варіанти відповідей

doesn't have a garden at home.

works there with her parents.

also helps in her parents' garden.

Запитання 11

Read the text and choose the correct option

Do you have good food in your life? We asked for some ways that you get good food. Here are a few of your stories.

Our school has got an organic garden. We learn about growing vegetables and looking after them in our food science lessons. In the holidays, we can volunteer to work in the garden. My family live in a flat so it's great for me to have a garden at school. Volunteers can take some vegetables home too, so my parents are very happy that I like working there.

My aunt and uncle live on a farm in Wales. It isn't very big but they've got hens, pigs and cows. We always go to stay with them in the summer. It's a beautiful place and the food is amazing. All the vegetables are so fresh and, because the farm is organic, we know they are healthy, too.

We live in Lincoln and my parents buy food at The Pink Pig Farm Shop. It's very famous in Lincolnshire and all the food they sell is from animals that live on the farm or vegetables that they grow. They organise a food festival once a year and we always go to eat the free food and watch cookery demonstrations. They are really interesting and you can learn a lot about cooking.

Choose the correct option

We know that the boy who writes about the farm in Wales definitely

варіанти відповідей

helps on the farm.

eats only healthy food.

goes there every year.

Запитання 12

Read the text and choose the correct option

Do you have good food in your life? We asked for some ways that you get good food. Here are a few of your stories.

Our school has got an organic garden. We learn about growing vegetables and looking after them in our food science lessons. In the holidays, we can volunteer to work in the garden. My family live in a flat so it's great for me to have a garden at school. Volunteers can take some vegetables home too, so my parents are very happy that I like working there.

My aunt and uncle live on a farm in Wales. It isn't very big but they've got hens, pigs and cows. We always go to stay with them in the summer. It's a beautiful place and the food is amazing. All the vegetables are so fresh and, because the farm is organic, we know they are healthy, too.

We live in Lincoln and my parents buy food at The Pink Pig Farm Shop. It's very famous in Lincolnshire and all the food they sell is from animals that live on the farm or vegetables that they grow. They organise a food festival once a year and we always go to eat the free food and watch cookery demonstrations. They are really interesting and you can learn a lot about cooking.

Choose the correct option

The Pink Pig Farm Shop

варіанти відповідей

sells only vegetarian food.

only sells food from their farm.

is famous all over Britain.

Запитання 13

Read the text and choose the correct option

Do you have good food in your life? We asked for some ways that you get good food. Here are a few of your stories.

Our school has got an organic garden. We learn about growing vegetables and looking after them in our food science lessons. In the holidays, we can volunteer to work in the garden. My family live in a flat so it's great for me to have a garden at school. Volunteers can take some vegetables home too, so my parents are very happy that I like working there.

My aunt and uncle live on a farm in Wales. It isn't very big but they've got hens, pigs and cows. We always go to stay with them in the summer. It's a beautiful place and the food is amazing. All the vegetables are so fresh and, because the farm is organic, we know they are healthy, too.

We live in Lincoln and my parents buy food at The Pink Pig Farm Shop. It's very famous in Lincolnshire and all the food they sell is from animals that live on the farm or vegetables that they grow. They organise a food festival once a year and we always go to eat the free food and watch cookery demonstrations. They are really interesting and you can learn a lot about cooking.

Choose the correct option

If you go to the Pink Pig Farm food festival you

варіанти відповідей

can watch how to cook different dishes.

see animals from the farm.

have to take food to sell.

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