Writing Stonehenge 9 form

Додано: 13 вересня 2022
Предмет: Англійська мова, 9 клас
Тест виконано: 108 разів
11 запитань
Запитання 1

Complete the sentences using who, which, where, that.

The people (1) … built Stonehenge lived several thousand years ago. The huge stones (2) … are more than 6 metres high weigh about 45 tons. The smaller stones weigh about 4 tons and are from an area in Wales (3) … is 400 kilometres away from Stonehenge. As Stonehenge lies in a large field, tourists (4) … come to this place can already see the stones from a distance. Everybody (5) … has visited Stonehenge says that it is very impressive.

There are a lot of myths and legends about Stonehenge. For example, many be lieved (6) … the devil was the possible architect of Stonehenge. Another legend says (7) … the King Aurelius, the King Arthur’s uncle, wanted to build a monument to soldiers. He enlisted the help of Merlin (8) … told him about a stone circle in Ireland: Stonehenge is also known as the “stone gates” (9) … marks the end of one’s life. It is believed (10) … the Stonehenge is a gateway to (11) … human originally came from as some believed that human return to the place they come from.

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Запитання 2

Complete the sentences using who, which, where, that.

The people (1) … built Stonehenge lived several thousand years ago. The huge stones (2) … are more than 6 metres high weigh about 45 tons. The smaller stones weigh about 4 tons and are from an area in Wales (3) … is 400 kilometres away from Stonehenge. As Stonehenge lies in a large field, tourists (4) … come to this place can already see the stones from a distance. Everybody (5) … has visited Stonehenge says that it is very impressive.

There are a lot of myths and legends about Stonehenge. For example, many be lieved (6) … the devil was the possible architect of Stonehenge. Another legend says (7) … the King Aurelius, the King Arthur’s uncle, wanted to build a monument to soldiers. He enlisted the help of Merlin (8) … told him about a stone circle in Ireland: Stonehenge is also known as the “stone gates” (9) … marks the end of one’s life. It is believed (10) … the Stonehenge is a gateway to (11) … human originally came from as some believed that human return to the place they come from.

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Запитання 3

Complete the sentences using who, which, where, that.

The people (1) … built Stonehenge lived several thousand years ago. The huge stones (2) … are more than 6 metres high weigh about 45 tons. The smaller stones weigh about 4 tons and are from an area in Wales (3) … is 400 kilometres away from Stonehenge. As Stonehenge lies in a large field, tourists (4) … come to this place can already see the stones from a distance. Everybody (5) … has visited Stonehenge says that it is very impressive.

There are a lot of myths and legends about Stonehenge. For example, many be lieved (6) … the devil was the possible architect of Stonehenge. Another legend says (7) … the King Aurelius, the King Arthur’s uncle, wanted to build a monument to soldiers. He enlisted the help of Merlin (8) … told him about a stone circle in Ireland: Stonehenge is also known as the “stone gates” (9) … marks the end of one’s life. It is believed (10) … the Stonehenge is a gateway to (11) … human originally came from as some believed that human return to the place they come from.

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Запитання 4

Complete the sentences using who, which, where, that.

The people (1) … built Stonehenge lived several thousand years ago. The huge stones (2) … are more than 6 metres high weigh about 45 tons. The smaller stones weigh about 4 tons and are from an area in Wales (3) … is 400 kilometres away from Stonehenge. As Stonehenge lies in a large field, tourists (4) … come to this place can already see the stones from a distance. Everybody (5) … has visited Stonehenge says that it is very impressive.

There are a lot of myths and legends about Stonehenge. For example, many be lieved (6) … the devil was the possible architect of Stonehenge. Another legend says (7) … the King Aurelius, the King Arthur’s uncle, wanted to build a monument to soldiers. He enlisted the help of Merlin (8) … told him about a stone circle in Ireland: Stonehenge is also known as the “stone gates” (9) … marks the end of one’s life. It is believed (10) … the Stonehenge is a gateway to (11) … human originally came from as some believed that human return to the place they come from.

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Запитання 5

Complete the sentences using who, which, where, that.

The people (1) … built Stonehenge lived several thousand years ago. The huge stones (2) … are more than 6 metres high weigh about 45 tons. The smaller stones weigh about 4 tons and are from an area in Wales (3) … is 400 kilometres away from Stonehenge. As Stonehenge lies in a large field, tourists (4) … come to this place can already see the stones from a distance. Everybody (5) … has visited Stonehenge says that it is very impressive.

There are a lot of myths and legends about Stonehenge. For example, many be lieved (6) … the devil was the possible architect of Stonehenge. Another legend says (7) … the King Aurelius, the King Arthur’s uncle, wanted to build a monument to soldiers. He enlisted the help of Merlin (8) … told him about a stone circle in Ireland: Stonehenge is also known as the “stone gates” (9) … marks the end of one’s life. It is believed (10) … the Stonehenge is a gateway to (11) … human originally came from as some believed that human return to the place they come from.

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Запитання 6

Complete the sentences using who, which, where, that.

The people (1) … built Stonehenge lived several thousand years ago. The huge stones (2) … are more than 6 metres high weigh about 45 tons. The smaller stones weigh about 4 tons and are from an area in Wales (3) … is 400 kilometres away from Stonehenge. As Stonehenge lies in a large field, tourists (4) … come to this place can already see the stones from a distance. Everybody (5) … has visited Stonehenge says that it is very impressive.

There are a lot of myths and legends about Stonehenge. For example, many be lieved (6) … the devil was the possible architect of Stonehenge. Another legend says (7) … the King Aurelius, the King Arthur’s uncle, wanted to build a monument to soldiers. He enlisted the help of Merlin (8) … told him about a stone circle in Ireland: Stonehenge is also known as the “stone gates” (9) … marks the end of one’s life. It is believed (10) … the Stonehenge is a gateway to (11) … human originally came from as some believed that human return to the place they come from.

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Запитання 7

Complete the sentences using who, which, where, that.

The people (1) … built Stonehenge lived several thousand years ago. The huge stones (2) … are more than 6 metres high weigh about 45 tons. The smaller stones weigh about 4 tons and are from an area in Wales (3) … is 400 kilometres away from Stonehenge. As Stonehenge lies in a large field, tourists (4) … come to this place can already see the stones from a distance. Everybody (5) … has visited Stonehenge says that it is very impressive.

There are a lot of myths and legends about Stonehenge. For example, many be lieved (6) … the devil was the possible architect of Stonehenge. Another legend says (7) … the King Aurelius, the King Arthur’s uncle, wanted to build a monument to soldiers. He enlisted the help of Merlin (8) … told him about a stone circle in Ireland: Stonehenge is also known as the “stone gates” (9) … marks the end of one’s life. It is believed (10) … the Stonehenge is a gateway to (11) … human originally came from as some believed that human return to the place they come from.

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Запитання 8

Complete the sentences using who, which, where, that.

The people (1) … built Stonehenge lived several thousand years ago. The huge stones (2) … are more than 6 metres high weigh about 45 tons. The smaller stones weigh about 4 tons and are from an area in Wales (3) … is 400 kilometres away from Stonehenge. As Stonehenge lies in a large field, tourists (4) … come to this place can already see the stones from a distance. Everybody (5) … has visited Stonehenge says that it is very impressive.

There are a lot of myths and legends about Stonehenge. For example, many be lieved (6) … the devil was the possible architect of Stonehenge. Another legend says (7) … the King Aurelius, the King Arthur’s uncle, wanted to build a monument to soldiers. He enlisted the help of Merlin (8) … told him about a stone circle in Ireland: Stonehenge is also known as the “stone gates” (9) … marks the end of one’s life. It is believed (10) … the Stonehenge is a gateway to (11) … human originally came from as some believed that human return to the place they come from.

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Запитання 9

Complete the sentences using who, which, where, that.

The people (1) … built Stonehenge lived several thousand years ago. The huge stones (2) … are more than 6 metres high weigh about 45 tons. The smaller stones weigh about 4 tons and are from an area in Wales (3) … is 400 kilometres away from Stonehenge. As Stonehenge lies in a large field, tourists (4) … come to this place can already see the stones from a distance. Everybody (5) … has visited Stonehenge says that it is very impressive.

There are a lot of myths and legends about Stonehenge. For example, many be lieved (6) … the devil was the possible architect of Stonehenge. Another legend says (7) … the King Aurelius, the King Arthur’s uncle, wanted to build a monument to soldiers. He enlisted the help of Merlin (8) … told him about a stone circle in Ireland: Stonehenge is also known as the “stone gates” (9) … marks the end of one’s life. It is believed (10) … the Stonehenge is a gateway to (11) … human originally came from as some believed that human return to the place they come from.

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Запитання 10

Complete the sentences using who, which, where, that.

The people (1) … built Stonehenge lived several thousand years ago. The huge stones (2) … are more than 6 metres high weigh about 45 tons. The smaller stones weigh about 4 tons and are from an area in Wales (3) … is 400 kilometres away from Stonehenge. As Stonehenge lies in a large field, tourists (4) … come to this place can already see the stones from a distance. Everybody (5) … has visited Stonehenge says that it is very impressive.

There are a lot of myths and legends about Stonehenge. For example, many be lieved (6) … the devil was the possible architect of Stonehenge. Another legend says (7) … the King Aurelius, the King Arthur’s uncle, wanted to build a monument to soldiers. He enlisted the help of Merlin (8) … told him about a stone circle in Ireland: Stonehenge is also known as the “stone gates” (9) … marks the end of one’s life. It is believed (10) … the Stonehenge is a gateway to (11) … human originally came from as some believed that human return to the place they come from.

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Запитання 11

Complete the sentences using who, which, where, that.

The people (1) … built Stonehenge lived several thousand years ago. The huge stones (2) … are more than 6 metres high weigh about 45 tons. The smaller stones weigh about 4 tons and are from an area in Wales (3) … is 400 kilometres away from Stonehenge. As Stonehenge lies in a large field, tourists (4) … come to this place can already see the stones from a distance. Everybody (5) … has visited Stonehenge says that it is very impressive.

There are a lot of myths and legends about Stonehenge. For example, many be lieved (6) … the devil was the possible architect of Stonehenge. Another legend says (7) … the King Aurelius, the King Arthur’s uncle, wanted to build a monument to soldiers. He enlisted the help of Merlin (8) … told him about a stone circle in Ireland: Stonehenge is also known as the “stone gates” (9) … marks the end of one’s life. It is believed (10) … the Stonehenge is a gateway to (11) … human originally came from as some believed that human return to the place they come from.

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