Тести "Стартовий діагностичний контроль" 9 клас англійська мова поглибленне навчання

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Тестові завдання стартового діагностичного контролю засвоєння навчального матеріалу з англійської мови у 9 класі (поглиблене навчання)
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                                                                                                   Start test

                                                                                                    _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

                                                                                                    Form 9


  1.        Reading


  1. Read the text below about advancements in surgery, and decide if the statements 1-8 are True or False according to the text.

Who are Teenagers?

It was a popular British comedian Harry Enfield who perfectly captured the essence of those difficult teenage years in his character “Kevin the Teenager”. On the eve of his 13th birthday, Kevin and his parents were counting down the seconds till midnight, when the birthday boy began to change before everybody’s eyes. His hair became long and greasy; his skin broke out in spots; his clothes became scruffy and ill-fitting and he lost his ability to speak properly. “I hate you. You are ruining my life” – that’s what he shouted. Frankly speaking, isn’t it a recognizable picture?

The teens really care about the way they look. Many of them believe if a person doesn’t follow fashion, he won’t be in the centre of attention. That’s why they try to wear trendy clothes not be on the other side of popularity. To be popular, in their opinion, means to look perfect – have the perfect clothes, the perfect hair style and the perfect face. The opinion of their peers matters a lot for them.

The desire to be on equal terms with others explains their hanging out with friends. If they are not involved in any activity, they will feel a bit stressed out. Talking with friends on the phone, participating in sport competitions, concerts, student governments are widely spread among them.

In the 21st century, the country of new technologies, teenagers spend tremendous amount of time surfing the Internet, playing computer games. They are so addicted to playing them. Not for nothing they got the name of the ‘thumb generation’. In this connection, a new tendency of exchanging games, discs with music or films appeared. Teenagers feel necessity for meeting peers with the same interests and preferences. Thus, a lot of clubs as another form of socializing in many countries are set up.

If you enjoy dancing, you may join a dancing club. If you are keen on technology, join a technology club etc. At the same time, a lot of interesting teens’ organizations like Boy Scouts or Plast were set up. Together with clubs they help them to enrich teenagers’ world, to develop their intelligence and practical skills, to share their interests and to learn from each other. They have fun being together. Being in a group is like living a real life for them. So let them enjoy this life and be happy.


1. The teens care about the way they look.

2. To be popular means have the perfect clothes for teenagers.

3. Talking with friends on the phone, participating in sport competitions, concerts, student governments make them feel a bit stressed out.

4. There are no new activities in the 21st century  for teenagers?

5. Not for nothing they called a ‘new generation’.

6. Teenagers feel  necessity join Scouts or Plast.

7. Many teenagers feel a bit stressed out.

8. Being in a group with others is like living a unreal life for teens.




  1.        Grammar

Complete the sentences with the Present Simple or the Present Progressive of the verbs in brackets.

1) We …. (go) for a picnic last Saturday.

2) The whole family together …. (eat) dinner on Sundays.

3) The plane …. (leave) at 8.00am.

4) You …. (do) anything right now.

5) Tim …. (work) as a pilot for an airline.

6) Jamie …. (live) with his cousin until he finds his own flat.


C. Writing

  1.          Match the sentences beginnings 1-6 with the endings a- f.
  1. I was having a shower
  2. When I was travelling through Africa
  3. The last time I travelled to Asia
  4. I booked the last available tickets online
  5. I used to work as  a guide
  6. I was actually working on a cruise ship in the area
  1.          but I got tired of the constant travelling.
  2.          when I heard a loud knock at the door.
  3.          I had a 5-hour stop-over at Dubai.
  4.          when the tsunami hit the country.
  5.          and rushed to get my suitcase ready.
  6.           I tasted fruit we don’t even have words for here.
  1.          Use the words up, for, in, into, off to complete the following sentences.
  1.          The great thing about a  holiday is being able to sleep ….
  2.          We just headed ….  the beach as soon as we got to the resort.
  3.          My cousin came …. with the idea of our bike trip.
  4.          I realised that I had forgotten my toothbrush just as the plane was about to take ….
  5.          Do you think they’ll ever invent a car that turns …. a plane?
  6.          I put …. my tent on the beach.


Write a composition in the form of a letter to your  pen friend. Tell him/her about activities young people prefer:


Hi, Jack!

I am writing to tell you about ________________________________________________

________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________Best wishes,



До підручника
Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 9 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В)
17 січня 2021
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