Про матеріал
Вітаю. Сьогодні актуальним є питання про те, як працювати в класах, де навчаються учні з різним рівнем знань. Я працюю саме в такому класі, тому завжди розробляю різнорівневі завдання чи адаптовую завдання з підручника, щоб максимальна кількість учнів була залучена до навчального процесу. В даній розробці до кожного етапу уроку є завдання для трьох рівнів, виконуючи які всі учні досягають поставленої мети. Розробка складається з двох частин - конспекту та презентації. Дякую. Бажаю успіхів!
Перегляд файлу


Мета: ввести нову лексику теми та закріпити  її в усному мовленні; удосконалювати навички аудіювання, читання, письма й усного мовлення;роботи у парах та групах, розвивати мовну здогадку й мовленнєву реакцію учнів, виховувати зацікавленість  до національної кухні України .

Тип уроку: урок засвоєння нових знань

Обладнання:  відео  “ Top 10 Ukrainian dishes ”, презентація( виконана в Microsoft PowerPoint), картки з завданнями.

Хід уроку

І. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку

T: Good morning, dear pupils! I hope, you are fine  and everything is ready for the lesson.  I believe you’ll enjoy our today’s lesson because the topic of it is “Ukrainian cuisine”. Today we’ll learn the new words, practise our skills in listening, reading, speaking and writing as well.  You’ll learn the additional information about our national cuisine.

The motto of our today’s lesson  is “Tastes differ”.

2) Уведення в іншомовнуатмосферу

T: I suppose everybody is interested in the topic of today’s lesson because we are really proud of our national cuisine.

T: I’d like you  to make up sentences, phrases and words a about food and present them to the class.


II) Основна частина уроку

  1. Pre-watching stage

T: You will watch a video about top 10 Ukrainian dishes. Mind that you will watch it once. But before that you should learn the new vocabulary. ( HO1/1)


HO 1/2 Below you've got a list of words and their synonyms. Try to guess their meaning.

hallmark typical quality

prevail  - to exist or be very common

store-bought  - shop-bought

Sauerkraut-cabbage that has been cut into small pieces and preserved in salt.

counterpart  - copy

griddle - pan 

crepes - pancakes

feast -banquet /ˈbæŋ.kwɪt/

crust - top of read or a рie



HO 1/3 Read  the  sentences and work out the meaning of  the words.


  1. These restaurant still offer the sort of food which was the hallmark of  Ukrainian cuisine.
  2. Those beliefs still prevail among certain social groups
  3. Why use store-bought cakes when it's so easy to make your own?
  4. Sauerkraut  is made of cabbage that has been cut into small pieces and preserved in salt.
  5.  Bars in Madrid offer more, and better, food than their American counterparts.
  6. Season the meat and cook on a griddle or pan for about 15 minutes for rare.
  7. To make crepes, in a large mixing bowl, combine  flour, milk, and eggs, and cook them  in a flat pan .
  8. "What a feast!" she said, looking at all the dishes on the table.
  9. Could you cut the crusts off the sandwiches, please?

T.: Now let’s check the meaning of the words.

hallmark характерний, типовий

prevail  - переважати

store-bought  - магазинний

Sauerkraut- квашена капуста

counterpart  - копія, аналог

griddle сковорода, деко

crepes - млинці

feast - бенкет

crust – скоринка


  1. Watching stage

T.: I’ll hand in the tasks you are to complete while watching the video. You’ve got a few minutes to read them. ( HO2)

HO2/1 Watch the video and number the following Ukrainian dishes in the correct order.


          Pork fat


          Potato pancakes


          Apple pie

Pig stuffed with buckwheat

          Meat gelatine


          Beetroot  soup

          Sauerkraut soup


HO2/2 Choose a, b or c.

  1. In the video Ukrainian dishes are described as :
  1. famous
  2. hallmark
  3. tasty


  1. Tradition of making ...prevails in cities and towns today.
  1.  sausage
  2. kholodets
  3. an apple pie


  1. Salo was an important part of Ukrainian diet because of its:
  1. colour
  2. taste
  3. energy content


  1. How many types of borshch are there?
  1. more than 300 types
  2. more than 100 types
  3. less than 300 types


  1. Ukrainians selected ten of their favorite national dishes from the list of
  1. 1600
  2. 2600
  3. 3600


  1. Which dish was loved by Zaporizhian Cossacks?
  1. sauerkraut
  2. kapusniak
  3. stewed cabbage


  1. What is the most popular crepe filling?
  1. soft cheese
  2. berries
  3. mushrooms




1)Why was salo important? How is it made? How can you serve it? Is it customary food in your family?

2) When do Ukrainians prepare home-made sausage? How is it cooked? Why do we prefer home-made sausage to store-bought one?


3)How often do you cook varenyky?  Who usually makes the dough? Who helps? What filling is your favourite?


4)If you were asked to make toр ten list of Ukrainian dishes, what would you choose? Why?


5)Ukrainian kitchen is famous not only for its meat dishes, but for its desserts as well. Can you cook any of  them? Are there any special recipes or ingredients that only you know?



  1. Speaking practice ( Group work)

T.: I propose you to make up a menu for a local restaurant in English for the foreigners to be able to understand what the dish is. (HO3)

3/1 Make up a menu and give prices. Give three starters, three main courses and three desserts.

3/2 Make up a menu and give prices. Give three starters, three main courses and three desserts. List the ingredients.


3/3  Make up a menu and give prices. Give three starters, three main courses and three desserts. List the ingredients or write a short description of how the dish is cooked.

II)  Заключна частина уроку.

  1. T.: Let’s do one more task to check what you have learned. Finish the sentences:

I learned words. They are....

I can watch a video and ...

I can make up a....

I can work...

Next time I would like to....

  1. Hometask.

T.: Prepare a presentation“ My favourite dish”


  1. Оцінювання.






Shtaier Nadiia
24 січня 2022
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