Unit 1. It is your life. Family and friends

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Розробка уроку з теми :" It is your life". Family and friends. Удосконалює навички усного мовлення та читання. Робота в парах
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Unit 1. It is your life

Lesson 3. Family and friends

Цілі: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць;удосконалювати навички усного мовлення та читання;розвивати мовну здогадку й мовленнєву реакцію учнів;виховувати зацікавленість у розширенні своїх знань.


1. Warm-up

What would you say in the following situations? Choose the correct phrase and dramatize the dialogues.

1. Just after midnight on December 31 st

a. I am fine, thanks

2. You meet your neighbour`s daughter in town

b. Happy New Year

3. Someone sneezes

c. I`d love to

4. Someone says “Thank you for carrying my suitcase”

d. Hello, Liz. How are you ?

5. You are invited to come to a birthday party

e. I beg your pardon

6. You didn`t hear what someone said to you

f. Bless you !

7. Someone asks “ How are you?”

g. That is all right

8. Someone bumps into you in the street and says “ I am


h. Not at all

Key: 1 b, 2 d, 3 f, 4 h, 5 c, 6 e, 7 a, 8 g.


Work in pairs

You are going to interview someone about his/her past, present and future. Ask for as many details as possible.


Where were you born ?


What school do you…?


Can you…?

Travel experience

What countries have you …?




Have you got…?

Sports and hobbies

Do you play…?

What are you interested in ?

Reasons for learning English


Hopes and intentions for the future

What do you want…?

When are you going to…?

3.Vocabulary practise

Do ex. 1,2 p.18

Introduce the new vocabulary. Fill in the following chart.





Give Ukrainian equivalents to the adjectives.

1) kind

а) амбітний

2) reliable

b) чесний

3) sociable

с) завжди скаржиться

4) helpful

d) розуміючий

5) understanding

e) песимістичний

6) ambitious

f) адмірно опікуючий

7) lazy

g)завжди готовий допомогти

8) strict

h) кумедний . смішний

9) honest

i) добрий

10) friendly

j) суворий

11) complaining

k) товариський

12) fair


13) amusing

m) доброзичливий. приязний

14) overprotective


15) pessimistic

o) ревнивий

16) jealous


Key: 1 i, 2 l , 3 , 4 g, 5 d , 6 a, 7 n, 8 j, 9 b, 10 k, 11 c, 12 d, 13 h, 14 f, 15 e, 16 o.


Do ex.3, p.18.

key - lazy, reliable, honest, pessimistic, helpful, complaining, sociable, friendly, ambitious, amusing.

5. Vocabulary practise Do ex. 4, p.19.

6.   Writing

Complete the sentences.

1.     He is a… young man. He can make his own choices.

2.     She is become more … since she went to college.

3.     If you want your mom to trust you, you have to be a … person.

4.     My family is very… . they always support me.

5.     That … girl made me feel less nervous.

6.     In different situations he is always fair and … .

7.     A … woman at the tourist office gave me some tips on places to visit.

8.     David was always rather quiet and … at school ..

Key - 1 responsible, 2 outgoing , 3 trustworthy , 4 caring, 5 catty, 6 honest, 7 helpful , 8 shy.

7.   Summary

Answer the questions.

1.     Do you make friends easily ?

2.     What is a best friend?

3.     What qualities do you think are important in a friend?

8.   Homework

Write down 10 sentences using the words from ex. 1,p. 18 and


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