Урок англійської мови 3 клас "Пори року (Seasons)"

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Урок з англійської мови для учнів 3 класу на тему "Пори року (Seasons)" (до підручника для спеціалізованих шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови)

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Тема: Пори року (Seasons)

Мета:   практикувати учнів в усному мовленні за темою «Пори року». Розвивати мовленнєві здібності учнів; удосконалювати фонетичні, лексичні та граматичні навички, уміння сприймати та розуміти на слух невеличкі розповіді учнів; розвивати пам'ять та увагу. Виховувати ввічливе ставлення та любов до природи, учити сприймати красу кожної пори року, бачити та розуміти зміни у природі.

Тип уроку: комбінований 

Дидактичні засоби навчання: презентація, проектор, екран, ноутбук.

Хід уроку

І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення

1. Привітання.

Good Morning to you

Good Morning to you

Good Morning Dear children

I’m glad to see you!

My name is Yana Petrivna and I will be your teacher today.

2. Перевірка готовності до уроку.

Sit down, please. Get ready for the English lesson. Show me your English books,English copybooks,  pens. Thanks, you are ready for the English lesson. Please, open your exercise books and write the date.

3. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

- Today we have a guess. It is Nick. I want to tell you one story. Once teacher gave card Nick which he has to do. But teacher said when he will do the task he will open the interesting envelope. He wants to open an envelope. Let’s help him. First we have to check up your homework.

4. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

- Let’s repeat words about weather.







 I will read you poem and you have to clap your hands when you hear these words.

In winter it's cold and snowy,

In summer it's sunny and fine,

In autumn it's cloudy and rainy,

In spring I can jump up to the sky.

- Now I will give you cards. And you have to fill in the puzzle by using the pictures as clues. Find the correct spelling of words in the word box. Be very attentive.





















5. Фонетична розминка

a) Пред’явлення/ зразок

- Look at the blackboard. Listen and repeat a poem.

I see a bee in a tree.

I see Pete in the street.

I like tea and meat.

b) Пояснення

I draw my lips far back.

When I say 'Ee, ee, ee' [i:]

с) Відпрацювання (хором, рядами)

I see a bee in a tree.

I see Pete in the street.

I like tea and meat.

Let’s repeat it together.

The first line/second/third.

d) Контроль розуміння

- Add the missing words.

I see a bee in a tree.

I see Pete in the street.

I like tea and meat.


  1. Video SEASONS
  • So today we will speak about seasons.
  • How many seasons are there in a year?
  • What seasons do you know?
  • What season is it?

Winter ['wɪntə]

Spring [sprɪŋ]

Autumn ['ɔːtəm]

Summer ['sʌmə]

  1. Фізкультхвилинка

And now stand up and let’s have a rest.

Hands up, hands down,

Hands on the hips, sit down.

Stand up, hands to the sides,

Bend left, bend right.

One, two, three, hop!

One, two, tree, stop!

Stand still!

  1. Практикування у читанні , впр. 4 (с. 125).

1) Pre-reading

а) Мотивація

Are you ready to help your friend Nick?

b) Актуалізація лексики

For this let’s remember what are the seasons? (Winter, spring, summer, autumn). Do this task. Which of the following words and phrases refer to winter/ spring/ summer/ autumn?





Snow, ski, skate, long nights, short days

Warm, sing songs, green leaves

Hot, swim, long days, short nights

Rain, cold, yellow leaves

Rain, snow, hot, warm, sing songs, ski, swim, skate, cold, green leaves, yellow leaves, long days, long nights, short days, short nights.

  1. When does the rain come?
  2. When is it snow?
  3. When is it hot?
  4. When is it warm?
  5. When do the birds sing song?
  6. When do the children go skiing?
  7. When do the children swim?
  8. When do the children go skating?
  9. When is it cold?
  10. When are the green leaves on the trees?
  11. When are the yellow leaves on the trees?
  12.  When the days are long?
  13. When are nights long?
  14. When are the days short?
  15. When are nights short?

2) While-reading

We open this letter. It is a text about seasons. Let’s read it. But first I then you.


Winter, spring, summer and autumn are four seasons of the year.

It is cold in winter. It often snows. The trees are white. Children can ski and skate. The days are short, nights are long in winter.

It is warm in spring. Sometimes the wind blows. Birds sing their songs. The trees and grass are green.

It is usually hot in summer. The days are long, the nights are short. Children don’t go to school. They can swim and play games.

Autumn is a cold season, but it is beautiful. The trees are yellow, red and brown. It often rains. School always starts in autumn.

3) Post-reading

а)  Відгадування загадок

And now let’s read it for the lines.

Nick likes this text. He knows about all seasons. He is very happy that you helped him. He decided to give you a box. But it is closed. We can open it but first you have to guess  “What season is it?” Are you ready? Let’s start.

  • In this season the days are short and the nights are long. It often snows. The trees are white with snow. Some animals sleep. It is cold. But children like this season because they can make snowmen, ski, skate and play snowballs. 

What is it? It is winter.

  • It is a very beautiful season. The weather is often warm. It is not hot. There is a lot of water in the streets because the snow is melting. Birds come back and sing their beautiful songs. The trees and grass are green. The days become longer.

What is it? It is spring.

  • It is hot. The trees and grass are green. There are a lot of flowers in the parks and gardens.  They are blue, yellow, red and pink.  Children can play outdoors all day long. They have the longest holidays.

What is it? It is summer.

  • It isn’t a warm season. Sometimes it is cold and foggy. It often rains. The trees are colourful. Their leaves are green, yellow, orange, red and brown.  There are a lot of fruit and vegetables so it is a tasty season. Children begin to go to school.

 What is it? It is autumn.

b)Робота на картках

  • We have opened it. What is in? There are cards. Let’s do them. You have to put True or False.

Write TRUE (T)  or  FALSE (F)

1. It is cold in summer. ­­­­______

2. In winter some animals sleep. _____

3. School begins in autumn. _____            

4. It is hot in summer. _____

5. There are a lot of fruit and vegetables in winter. ____

6. It is rainy in autumn. ______

7. Children have holidays in summer and in winter. ______

8. Birds come back in summer. ______

9. Autumn is a tasty season. ______

10. There are a lot of flowers in summer. ______

  1. F
  2. T
  3. T
  4. T
  5. F
  6. T
  7. T
  8. F
  9. T
  10. T


  • And now let’s do ex. 5 p. 125.

We have to complete these sentences.

Autumn is a beautiful season.

It rains in autumn.

The nights are long in winter.

It snows in winter.

  • Let’s talk about your favorite seasons. My favorite season is …


  1. Домашнє завдання

Our lesson is over. Open your day-books and write down your home task. You have to do exercises four at page 125. Read the text.

  1. Підсумок уроку
  • What have we learnt today?
  • What was easy for you?
  • What was difficult for you?
  • What do you like more?

Stand up! Thank you for your work. Good bye.




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Всього відгуків: 1
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  1. Задорожня Лілія Яківна
    Дякую . Корисний матеріал.
    Оригінальність викладу
    Відповідність темі
До підручника
Англійська мова для спеціалізованих шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови 3 клас (Ростоцька М. Є., Карпюк О. Д.)
23 липня 2018
Оцінка розробки
5.0 (1 відгук)
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