Урок англійської мови "Parts of the body." Grade 2

Про матеріал
Suggested level - A1 Objectives: by the end of the lesson students will be able to: • use vocabulary on the following topic “Parts of body”: • get acquainted pupils with new vocabulary; • train pupils to use the structure"l’ ve got..."; • develop skills of monologue speech; • improve spiking , writing and reading skills; • develop pupils' memory and imagination
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Методична розробка навчальних занять

з англійської мови для учнів  2

класів за темою «Частини тіла»
















Автор проекту: Розумнюк Тетяна Валеріївна

Вчитель англійської мови

Загальноосвітньої школи  I- II ступенів БНВО


Parts of body

Suggested level - A1

Objectives: by the end of the lesson students will be able to:


  •         use vocabulary on the following topic “Parts of body”:
  •     get acquainted pupils with new vocabulary;
  •     train pupils to use the structure"l’ ve  got...";
  •     develop skills of monologue speech;
  •     improve spiking , writing and reading skills;
  •     develop pupils' memory and imagination.


Materials: Course book, audio CD, com­puters, pictures of cartoon heroes,

     flashcards, interactive whiteboard.


I. Introduction

T – Good morning, students!

Ss – Good morning, teacher!

T – Nice to meet you!

Ss – Nice to meet you, too!

T – What a lovely day today! We have a special lesson today! A lot of people come to us, but don’t be afraid. You are the best students!

Ss – Thank you.

T – Let’s start.



  •         Phonetic warm-up

T – We know all the colours and animals. Now let’s revise them and greet each other with a poem!

Ss – Green, yellow, red and blue.

       Hello, teacher. How are you?

   Hello, fine. Thanks to you.

   Green, yellow, red and blue.


  • Read a poem “Little cat


Little mouse,

little mouse,

Where is your house?


  • Brainstorming

T – Now look at the board, please. What is it? (на інтерактивній дошці з’являються тварини, діти називають їх та колір)

S1 – It’s a zebra.

T – What colour is it?

S1 – It’s blue.

T – Well done. What is it?

S2 – It’s a hippo.

T – What colour is it?

S2 – It’s green.

T – …



III. Main part

1. Vocabulary revision.

T – At our lessons we talk about parts of body. Today we continue talking about them. First of all, look at the board, please. Who is it?

S1 – It’s a boy.

T – Well done. Now let’s name his parts of body. Look, listen and repeat, please. (на інтерактивній дошці зображений хлопець, натискаючи на його частини тіла, діти чують слова та повторюють їх)

Ss –Nose, eyes, mouth, ears, hair, Leg, head, arm, finger, toe, feet.


  • Nose
  • Eyes
  • Mouth
  • Ears
  • Hair
  • Head





2. Plural of nouns

T – Excellent! Now look, please, at these two words (foot-feet). Who knows what do they mean?

S2 – Стопа, стопи.

T – Yes, you are right. You know that we add -s to say a word in plural. But sometimes words can change in plural. They don’t need -s, they have another word. Like this. So, we have to remember them! Let’s say together…

Ss – Foot… feet…

T – Can you make the plural form from leg? (на інтерактивній дошці за допомогою програми Microsoft Word діти пишуть слова в множині)

(Ss write on the board….)


 3. Finger play.

T – Time to relax. Let’s do finger play! Let’s sing “Ten little witches”. Ready, steady, go! (діти співають пісню карооке за допомогою інтерактивної дошки)

(Ss sing and count with fingers….)


4.  Game “Find the words”




L  E  G  L  R  T  A  E

N  T  O  E  H  D  E  S

S  R  T  H  E  A  D  Y

F  I  N  G  E  R  V  W

J  E  D  I  A  R  M  S

T  F  E  E  T  Q  P  G








T – Excellent. Look at the board, please. It’s time for a game – word search.

Find the words in the table and circle them, pleaseю

 (На інтерактивній дошці зображено кросворд, діти підходять, шукають слова та обводять їх)



5. Test .kids what is the correct answer


T – Now let’s make a short test. For every picture there are three answers. Choose one, please.

– What is it?

S4 – It’s an eye.

T – Come to the board and tick it. (на інтерактивній дошці зображений тест, діти підходять та відмічають правильну відповідь)

6. Game “Funny monster”.kids what is the correct answer


T – Perfect! Do you like drawing?

Ss – Yes!!!

T- Good. So we play a game “Funny monster”. I tell you a part of body – you draw it on the board. For example, I say “leg,” you draw a leg on the board. Clear?

 (За допомогою програми Point на інтерактивній дошці діти по черзі малюють задані частини тіла, виходить монстр )

(Ss in turn draw a monster…)




 7. Song “Touch your arms”


T – Now, I ask you to touch head, arms, legs, feet, and nose.

(Ss touch their heads, arms…)

T – Good job! It’s time to look at the board. We have some lines here. Let’s listen and repeat. (на інтерактивній дошці з’являються слова пісні, по рядку діти їх чують та повторюють)

(Ss repeat the lines…)




T – Now it’s time to move. Stand up. Let’s sing this song…

(Touch your head, head, head,

  Touch your arms, arms, arms,

  Touch your legs, legs, legs,

  Touch your feet, feet, feet,

  Touch your toes, toes, toes,

  And don’t forget to touch your nose! )

D:\mis documentos\grey\fichas\worksheep\4. The parts of the face.jpg

  • Read and draw

 I’ve got_____ hair.

 I’ve got ______ eyes.

 I’ve got a_______ nose.

 I´ve got ___ mouth and ____ teeth.



8. Game “Guess the touch


T – What a lovely song! Now sit down, please. Look at this nice teddy bear. Let’s play a game. You close your eyes and I give you a part of its body. Guess what it is. Ready? Don’t cheat!

(Ss touch the bear and guess the part of body…)


 IV.Summing- up


T – Good job! I like the lesson. What about you? Do you like the lesson?

Ss – Yes.

T – What new words do you know?

Ss – Leg, arm, heads, foot,

T – How do we say foot in plural?

Ss – Feet.

T – Excellent!  Thank you for the lesson. Good bye! See you tomorrow!


















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