УРОК 'Directions.Places` Англійська мова. 5 клас

Про матеріал
Розробка уроку 'Напрямки. Місця'. Англійська мова. 5 клас. Підручники : New Challenges 1. Pearson На уроці учні працюють в парах та групах. Для повторення вивченого лексичного матеріалу використовуємо ігри. Учні, використовуючи карти,навчаються давати напрямки до об'екту. Слухають та читають діалоги.
Перегляд файлу

Form 5                                        Topic: Directions. Places.

Outcomes : Students will be able to speak about places and give directions; to read about places where teenagers go, and a place to visit

  • to improve speaking and writing skills

Materials : New Challenges 1 Students` Book, Workbook, CDs, handouts


  1. The beginning of the lesson


Good morning,everyone! I`m glad to see you.How are you getting on?

2.The aim (1min)

Today we continue to speak about directions and places.

  1. The main part of the lesson
  1. Warm up

Game ` Name as many`.

2 groups. Name places /directions as many as you can.

  1. Checking homework.

Could you tell me please what was your homework?

  1. Revising  the vocabulary of the topic.

Game` Find the pair`. Group work.

1st group                                       2nd group

Railway                                           station

Tourist                                            information

Post                                                  office

Police                                               station

Ice                                                     rink

Swimming                                       pool

Water                                               park

Bowling                                           alley

Sports                                             centre

Internet                                          cafe



  1. Listen and read the dialogue.SBp.47 ex.5

4.1 Map of York. The woman`s route.

  • Where`s the starting point? Square C3
  • Where`s the Jorvik centre? Square D5

4.2  Read and check the woman`s route.

  1. Moving break.

If you hear me, clap your hands.

Stand up. Turn left. Turn around. Turn right. Raise your left hand. Raise your right hand.

Stand opposite your partner. Say `Hello`. Wave your hands. Close your eyes. Open your eyes.  Say `We`re the best!`. Take your place.

  1. Read the Key Expressions: asking for and giving directions.

SB p 47.ex.5 .Read in roles A /B.

  1. Pair work. Use the map York. SBp.47 ex.6                                                                                                          Use the Key Expressions and Key Words to give your partner directions from the railway station to another place.

Route 1. Go out of the railway station. Go down Station Road,turn  left into Leeman Road,past the War Memorial Garden.It`s opposite the Garden on the left. (Car park)

Route 2. Go out of the railway Station. Turn right into Queen Street,go down Queen Street. It`s on the corner of Nunnery Lane and NStreet. (Hospital)

  1. Pair work. WBp. 42 ex.4

8.1 Listen to the dialogue and write places A,B or C.

Answer: A-Tourist office   B-Car park   C-Railway station

  1.  Listen again and draw the routes.
  1. The end of the lesson
  1. Summing up

What did we do at the lesson?

  1. Home task  SBp.47ex.5-6, WBp.42






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