Урок "Дозвілля.Ступені порівняння прикметників"

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Підсумковий урок по темі "Дозвілля".Діти закріплюють лексичний та граматичний матеріал розділу
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                                  Ігровий урок у 4-му класі з теми                                   



OBJECTIVES:-to review vocabulary on the topic”Leasure Time”;

                          -to have practice in forming degrees of comparison of adjectives;

                          -to improve pupils’skills in oral speech,listening,reading and                     


                          -to develop pupils’ attention and memory;

                          -to educate aesthetic tastes and desire to study English;

                          -to stimulate pupils’creative thinking.

VISUAL AIDS:pictures,air balloons,computer,national clothes.



          1. Greeting

T:We have a lot of guests in this room,so greet them.

P:Good morning,dear guests


          2. Aim

T:Dear children,today we’ll practise our skills at the computers,we’ll play computer games and do interesting tasks.You must be very attentive.


          3.Warming up.

-What season is it now?

-What month is it now?

-What winter months do you know?

-Look through the window and answer the questions:

 Is it cold today?

 Is it frosty today?

 Is it snowy today?

 Is it blowing today?

 What colour are the trees?

-As we see the weather is good today.Look at this picture, what can you say about this winter weather.

 It is cold.

 It is frosty.

 It is snowing.

 The sky is grey.

 The sun is not shining.


-What winter holidays do you know? St.Nikolas Day, New Year,Christmas,St.Valentine’s Day.

-What is your favourite winter holiday?

 I like New Year.

-As for me, I like New Year and Christmas.Do you know that it was a tradition to wear colourful headscarves on Christmas. Your grandmothers have these beautiful

Headscarves.Some of them gave these headscarves to our girls for this lesson and they prepare a dialogue.

 Dialogue 1

P1: Look at my headscarf.I think it is more beautiful than yours.

P2:I don’t think so.My headscarf is the most beautiful.

T:Don’t argue,dear girls.You are both very pretty and your headscarves are very beautiful.Thanks for the dialogue,sit down ,please.

T:As I have told it was a tradition to wear a headscarf ,but we have another good traditions on Christmas.How do you translate “to sing carols”

          “to play vertep”

Let’s make up some sentences with these word-combinations.As for me,I like to sing carols on Christmas,and you?

P1:I like to sing carols on Christmas, too.

As for me,I never play vertep.And you?

P2:I sometimes play vertep.

T:What a beautiful holiday -Christmas .

T:Winter is the coldest season of the year .And how do you think,what is the coldest winter month?

P3:January is the coldest winter month.


1.Practising in Degrees of Comperasion of Adjectives.

   Task 1”Drag and Drop”

T:Dear children,let’s play on the computers and practise in Degrees of Comparison of Adjectives.Look at the monitor, in this task you must put the adjectives of Comperative degree into the right place.

Big---bigger                           old---older

Strong---stronger                   young---younger

Fast---faster                           slow---slower

T:Did you see the words”Well done”?


   Task 2”A Game with Air Balloons”

T:On these balloons we have the adjectives of Superlative degree. You must put these balloons in correct order.







T:It was great.Now listen to me very attentively: Chortkiv,Ternopil,Kyiv.

-What town is beautiful?                                What town is big?

-What town is more beautiful?                       What town is bigger?

-What town is the most beautiful?                 What town is the biggest?


2 Listening Comprehension

T:Our town is not very big,but we know some rules on the street.When we cross the road we should first look left,then right.But how should I cross the road if I’m from England.Listen to the dialogue very attentively and then I’ll give you a task.



Dialogue 2.

-Excuse me.

-Yes, can I help you?

-I don’t know how to cross the road,because I’m from England.

-Oh,I understand.In Ukraine you should first look left,then right.

-Thank you very much.

-Not at all.

T:I give you cards,your task is to complete the sentences.

-Excuse ….

-Yes, can I … you?

-I don’t know how to cross the … ,because I’m from … .

-Oh,I understand.In Ukraine, you should first look left,then … .

-Thank you very … .

-Not at all.

T:Are you ready?Who wants to read this dialogue in pairs.


3.Speaking Practise

T:And now boys and girls,listen to your friends,they act a dialogue.One boy is a policeman ,the other is a boy who wants to go to the theatre.Please, boys.

Dialogue 3.

A:Excuse me.Where is the theatre?

B:Go straight,then turn left at the post office.

A:Thank you very much.

B:Not at all.


4.A poem with movements “I’m Lost”

T:As you know some rules on the street,let’s recite a poem with movements. Stand please in 2 lines,let’s start

  I’m lost.I’m lost.I’m lost again.

  Please,help me find the way.


             Go straight on

   Turn left at the park

   Then turn right,

   Go past the school

   Go straight on

   Cross the road and then…

   Oh,no! I’m lost again.

4.Practising Vocabulary.


T:Imagine that you are on holidays in London.What would you like to do in this big and wonderful town.As for me, I would like to go to the biggest zoo and to swim in a boat on the river Thames

P1:I would like to go to the circus.

P2:I would like to see Big Ben.

P3:I would like to see Tower Bridge.

T:Thanks,great,your imagination is very good.And what do you like to do at home,Look at the pictures and name the activities

-play football,swim, ride a bike,play computer game,listen to music,fly a kite…

 Task 3 “What does Marry like to do”

T:Look at the monitor and tell me what does Marry like to do.

                                           What does Marry like to do?


dance             paint a picture            play tennis           sing a song                swim

1.She likes to dance.

2.She likes to …

 2.Listening comprehension

T:Children always like to ride a bike,but we can ride not only a bike.Look at the picture and name the activities

P1: ride a horse, ride a bike,ride a motorbike,ride a camel.

T:You like to play sport games.What sport games can you play?

P2:Play football,play hockey,play tennis,play basketball.


T:And now listen to my dialogues and tell me what picture is to this dialogue

 Dialogue 1

-Hey,look at Peter!He can ride a skateboard well.

-Which one is Peter ?

-He is wearing a cap.

 Dialogue 2

-What is your favourite game,Kate?

-Best of all I like to play “snakes” on the computer.




 Task 4. ”What do you do on Sunday”

T:Your next task will be on the computers,it will be a game.

T: Look at the picture,choose the activity to match the person,stand on a suitable word-combination and click on it.If you are right,you’ll see colourful air balloons,if you are not right,you’ll hear a sound of a drum.

Play football

Ride a bike

Play the guitar


T:Did you see “Well done”.Great.

  3. Oral Practise.

T:Did you see on the picture a boy with guitar.Who has a guitar?

T:Did you see a girl on roller-blades.Who has roller-blades?Would you like to have roller-blades?

P1:I’d love to.

T:I would like to ride roller-blades,too.but I’m afraid.

T:Some of our pupils would like to have such things as mountain bike,racing car,scooter and they tell you about their dreams.


                    I’d like to have a mountain bike

  I’d like to have a boat,

 I’d like a pair of rollerblades

 And a new winter coat,

  I’d like to have a racing car

  I’d love a camera too,

 I’d like to have a scooter

 And a new pair of shoes.

  But it really doesn’t matter

  If we don’t have jewels or rings

  Friends are my treasure---

  Life’s most important things.

 Task 5.Fill in a table.

T:In your next task you must tell me what would you like to do.Read the example and make up sentences


I would like to…

I would like to swim.

Play computer games



Fly a kite



Play a piano



Play table tennis



Listen to music




 Task 6.Anagrams.

T:It will be your last task.As you know such word-combinations as ‘play a guitar,ride a bike’ and so on,please guess these anagrams Look at the picture and start to work.

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T: Thanks my dear children.Did you like this lesson .Did you like to play games in English.You were very attentive, helped each other,so you worked very well and your marks are: Tania and Olenka-11,Vadym and Igor-11,thanks for the dialogues.Vitalik-10,…The lesson is over,good-bye.




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Англійська мова (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 4 клас (Павліченко О.М., Доценко І.В., Євчук О.В.)
19 травня 2020
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