Урок "Екзотична їжа та здорове харчування"

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Розробка уроку "Екзотична їжа та здорове харчування" для 6 класу. (за підручником "New Destinations A2").
Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Exotic and healthy food.

Номер слайду 2

You will: Learn new vocabulary. Read a story about an exotic fruit. Watch a video about healthy food. Practise giving advice about healthy food. Speak about healthy eating habits

Номер слайду 3

By the end of the lesson you will be able to:use new vocabulary in speaking and writingread and understand texts about exotic foodtalk about unusual food and what it is likespeak about healthy eating habits

Номер слайду 4

Номер слайду 5

New vocabulary:{2 D5 ABB26-0587-4 C30-8999-92 F81 FD0307 C}a merchant = a person, who sells thingsrotten = not fresh, very badto hand = to giveto have second thoughts = to doubtto raise = to move something upwards (up)entire = wholeresponse = answerto contain = to haveto be rich in = to have a lot ofcuisine (Italian, Mexican…)proteins (fish, milk, eggs) fats (meat, oil, seeds)carbohydrates (bread, cereals)

Номер слайду 6

Exotic/cultural food

Номер слайду 7

Match the pictures and the texts:

Номер слайду 8

Номер слайду 9


Номер слайду 10

Номер слайду 11

Name the food group. We must eat these foods from 1 to 3 times a day. They are very important. We must eat them daily. They are very delicious but too bad for our health and body. We should eat more of them than meat every day. They allow us to stay in shape and be strong. Doctors recommend to eat them 5 times a day.{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A}Proteins, fats, carbohydrates, sweets, dairy products, fruit and vegetables

Номер слайду 12

Giving advice for healthy eating habits!{5 C22544 A-7 EE6-4342-B048-85 BDC9 FD1 C3 A} SHOULDSHOULDN’T

Номер слайду 13

Now I can:use new vocabulary in speaking and writingread and understand texts about exotic foodtalk about unusual food and what it is likespeak about healthy eating habitsrecommend healthy food to my friends speak about the food pyramid

Номер слайду 14

Your Hometask: learn new vocabulary, р.163 write about your eating habits (6 sentences)

Номер слайду 15

Перегляд файлу

6 клас. 29 листопада 2021р.

Тема: Харчування.

Тема уроку: Здорове харчування та екзотична їжа.

Тип уроку: Формування навичок аудіювання, читання та говоріння.

Цілі вчителя: формувати навички аудіювання, читання та говоріння по темі «Харчування. Здорове харчування та екзотична їжа», практикувати вживання Past Simple, структур “should / shouldn’t”;

розвивати мовну здогадку та мовленнєву реакцію учнів, розвивати здатність мовного самоконтролю, увагу, пам'ять, логічне мислення та культуру спілкування учнів;
виховувати самостійність, старанність.

Очікування учнів: розпізнавати лексику на рівні фраз та тексту, використовувати її у письмі та мовленні, висловлюватися по темі, розповідати про харчові звички, давати поради щодо здорового харчування.

 Обладнання:   відео про піраміду харчування, презентація Power Point, малюнки та постери до теми, роздатковий матеріал.                  

Хід уроку:


Організація класу.


  1. Привітання.
  • Good afternoon, pupils!
  • Good afternoon, teacher!
  • I am glad to see you! Please greet the guests of our lesson.
  • Good afternoon, dear guests!
  • Sit down, please!


  1. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку. (PowerPoint Presentation. Slide 1, 2, 3.)

T: -. Today we’ll continue speaking about food using the vocabulary from the previous lessons. You will learn new words, read about exotic food and read a story about an unusual fruit, practice your speaking and writing skills. By the end of the lesson you will be able to operate the vocabulary on our topic, read and understand texts about exotic food, talk about unusual food and what it is like and speak about healthy eating habits.


  1. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.

T: - We can’t imagine our life without eating. We eat 3 or 4 times every day.

  • What are your favourite meals of the day? (breakfast / lunch / dinner / supper)
  • What do you usually eat for breakfast? (lunch / dinner / supper)
  • What is the biggest meal of the day?
  • Do you often eat sweets?
  • How much water do you drink a day?
  • How often do you eat fruit and vegetables?
  • Do you eat hot dishes every day?
  •  (PowerPoint Presentation. Slide 4.)


  • T:  -    Today you are going to read about exotic food.  But first let’s read some new vocabulary. (PowerPoint Presentation. Slide 5.)


a merchant = a person, who sells things

rotten = not fresh, very bad

to hand = to give

to have second thoughts = to doubt

to raise = to move something upwards (up)

entire = whole

response = answer

to contain = to have

to be rich in = to have a lot of

cuisine (Italian, Mexican…)

proteins (fish, milk, eggs)

 fats (meat, oil, seeds)

carbohydrates (bread, cereals)


  • T:  -    Have a look at the pictures. (PowerPoint Presentation. Slide 6.)

     -    Have you tried any of these fruit and dishes?

     -   Would you ever eat the things shown here?

     -    If you had to, in what order would you try them?

     -    Are you afraid to eat them?  Are you curious about the taste?


Основна частина уроку.


  1. Формування навичок читання. Читання коротких текстів про екзотичні страви.

T: - Read short text about some exotic dishes and match them to the pictures.

(PowerPoint Presentation. Slide 7.)

C:\Users\Бойко\Desktop\6-д джем\Jam-файл без названия 1.png


Which of Ukrainian dishes can be exotic for people from other countries? (salo, holodets, holubtsi…)


  1. Читання тексту.  

T: - Open your students’ books to page 22 and read a text about an unusual fruit. Then choose the best title a, b or c. (PowerPoint Presentation. Slide 8.)

The best title is b, because the story is about a fruit with a strange smell and a very delicious taste.

T: - Now do ex.C, read the sentences and write if they are true, false or it wasn’t mentioned about in the text.

( 1. F      2. NM      3. T       4. F       5.F       6.T)

Do you know how much durians are in Singapore? They are from 12 to 22 dollars per kilogram. How much is it in hryvnias? – About 350 – 640 hryvnias. But in Ukraine you can buy a small pack of dried durian, about 100 grams, for that price.


  1. Зарядка для очей (здоров’язберігаючі технології). (PowerPoint Presentation. Slide 9.)

T: - I see you are tired a bit. Let’s have a rest and do exercises for our eyes.

  1. Turn away from your telephone or computer. Blink quickly and slightly for 30 seconds.
  2. What can you see through the window? A house or a tree? Look at it and then back at the window. Repeat it 5 times.
  3. Close your eyes tightly for 5 seconds, then open them wide. Repeat this 8-10 times.
  4. Put your thumb up and look at your thumb nail. Slowly bring your hand to your nose and take it away again. Repeat this 10 times.
  5. Look at the picture and move your eyes, repeating the pattern of the infinity sign. Start at the center. Repeat 3 times.




  1. Формування навичок аудіювання. (PowerPoint Presentation. Slide 10.)


T: - All food products are divided into groups. What do you think is the most important food group? (fruit / vegetables / dairy products). Now you are going to watch a video about the food pyramid.



T: - While listening pay attention to the names of food groups and the food products which they contain.



T: - Name the food group: (PowerPoint Presentation. Slide 11.)

  • We must eat there foods from 1 to 3 times a day. (dairy products). What are they?
  •  They are very important. We must eat them daily. (carbohydrates). What are they?
  •  They are very delicious but too bad for our health and body. (fats and sweets)
  •  We should eat more of them than meat every day. (fish and eggs). What do they contain? – Proteins.
  •  They allow us to stay in shape and be strong. Doctors recommend to eat them 5 times a day. (Fruits and vegetables)


  1. Формування навичок говоріння. Групова робота.

(PowerPoint Presentation. Slide 12.)

T: - And now you will work in groups. Group 1, your task is to discuss and present what we SHOULD eat to be healthy. The speaker of your group will be ….

Group 2, your task is to discuss and present what we SHOULDN’T eat to be healthy. The speaker of your group will be …. You have 2 minutes to cope with the task.



Заключна частина уроку. Підведення підсумків.


  1. Homework. (Slide 13.)

T: - Open your daybooks and write down the hometask. You are:

  • to learn new vocabulary
  • to write about your eating habits (6 sentences)


  1. Summarizing. (Slide 14.)

T: - What have you learned at the lesson today? What can you do by the end of the lesson?

Ss: - I can ….use new vocabulary in speaking and writing

                       read and understand texts about exotic food

                       talk about unusual food and what it is like

                       speak about healthy eating habits

                       recommend healthy food to my friends

                       speak about the food pyramid


T: - All of you have worked well today. You were active and interested/involved. 

The most active were ….. It’s excellent. / ….. your work is very good/good today.

The lesson is over. Good- bye! Have a nice day!
















  1. Фізкультхвилинка. (Відеофрагмент)

T: - I see you are tired a bit. Let’s have a rest and move a little.







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