Урок "Little Red Riding Hood"

Про матеріал

Здоров'язберігаюча робота на уроці концентрувалася у зміні видів учбової діяльності, рівномірному навантаженні на всіх учнів класу, також у тому, що при підготовці уроку були враховані вікові та індивідуальні особливості учнів: високий інтерес до вивчення даного предмету, розвиток загально учбових умінь та навичок, добрі потенціальні можливості оволодіння іноземною культурою (розвиток фонематичного слуху, вміння порівнювати, узагальнювати явища, розвиток уяви, бахання самостійно висловлюватись, незалежно від мовленнєвої підготовки), достатньо висока мотивація, що стимулювалася використанням нетрадиційних методів роботи на уроці.

Перегляд файлу

Конспект уроку англійської мови у 5 класі на тему

"Домашнє читання казки "Червона шапочка"

("Little Red Riding Hood")"

Мета: Розвиток навичок усного мовлення в процесі читання тексту "Little Red Riding Hood".


• Активізувати фонетичні та лексичні навички.

• Закріпити навички техніки читання вголос.

• Тренувати навички питально-відповідної роботи з текстом.

• Виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови.

Матеріали до уроку: Текст казки «Little Red Riding Hood» з книги Larysa Davydenko книга для читання англійською мовою, 2016; мультфільм Red Riding Hood http://studyenglishnow.ru/little-red-riding-hood-krasnaya-shapochka/; картки із завданнями.



        1.Организационный момент:

Good morning, boys and girl! I’m glad to see you. How are you today?

Today we have got some guests at our lesson please turn and say hello to our guests. Sit down, please.


  1. Фонетична зарядка.

First of all we will train the sounds, look at the screen, the blackboard and sing the song:

One, two, three, four, five,

Once I caught a fish alive,

Six, seven, eight, nine, ten,

Then I let it go again.

 Why did you let it go?

 Because it bit my finger so.

Which finger did it bite?

 The little finger on the right.


  1. Мовленнєва зарядка.


  1. What season is it now? – It is winter now.
  2. What are winter months? – December, January and February are winter months.
  3. What are four seasons? – Autumn, winter, spring and summer are four seasons.
  4. What day is it today? – Today is Wednesday.
  5. What date is it today? – Today is the 15th of February
  6. What is the weather like today? – The weather is cold, windy and snowy today.
  7. What colour is the sky? – The sky is blue.



  1. Today our lesson is devoted to the famous folk tale "Little Red Riding Hood". Have you read it at home? We are going to do some tasks, answer the questions and play the games.

      Today I have come to you as Red Riding Hood with a basket. There are a lot of sweets. Do you like sweets? Do you want sweets? At first you should earn them. As you can see that you are divided into 3 groups. If you work together, you’ll receive candies for the correct answers. At the end of our lesson, you count your candies. The team which has received most of all candies receives everyone on 12, after lesson you can eat them.

The first team calls the captain……..

The second team calls the captain……..

The third team calls the captain……..

  1. First of all let’s remember the story:

Read a part of the text where mother talks to her daughter.

Read a part of the text where the Wolf talks to Little Red Riding Hood.

Read a part of the text where Red Riding Hood talks to the Wolf in Grandmother’s house.

     3.  Choose the correct answer.

1. Once there lived a Little Girl with her….

 a) Mother;     b) Grandmother;      c) Grandfather.

 2. One day her Mother asked her to take a basket with….

 a) clothes;     b) some bread and butter and cake;     c) fruit and                vegetables.

3. Her Grandmother lived….

               a) very far in the city;     b) not far from their cottage;   

c) in a wood not far from the village.

4.   On her way Little Red Riding Hood met….

a) a Bear;     b) a Wolf;      c) a Cat.

5.  Little Red Riding Hood ….

a) was afraid of the Wolf;     b) liked the Wolf;       c) was not afraid of the Wolf.

6.  The Wolf went into the Grandmother’s house and….

a) gave her some flowers;     b) gave her a basket of tasty food;     

c) ate up old Grandmother.

7.     Whom did the poor little girl see when she went up to the bed?

a) her Grandfather;    b) her Mother;

c) the Wolf in Grandmother’s night dress and nightcap.

8.   What did the Wolf do with a Little Girl?

a) swallowed her;     b) ran away from her;      c) did not open the door.

9.    Who heard the Wolf’s loud snores?

a) a doctor;     b) a hunter;      c) a driven.

4.   Say, who did the following.

  1. … made a red riding hood.
  2. … put the things in a basket.
  3. On her way … met a Wolf.
  4. … looked hungrily at Red Riding Hood.
  5. … stopped to pick some flowers.
  6. … went in and ate up old Grandmother.
  7. … heard the Wolf’s loud snores.
  8. … thanked the hunter.
  9. … decided always to follow her Mother’s advice.

5.  Irregular verbs

a. - Let’s play a game «Catch the word». Prepare your hands. If you hear the verb of the second form you should clap your hands. If you hear verbs of the first form – sit in a silence.

b. Bingo

Each team receives a card with verbs of the first form. I will call a verb in the first form if you have it in the card you have to write the second form. The team which the first has written down all verbs tells the word bingo.

6.   Minute of rest. Are you happy.

7.   Answer the following questions.

Boys and girls let’s find out how do you know the text.  Let’s answer the questions.

  1. Where did a Little Girl live?
  2. What did Mother say to her one day?
  3. Where did Red Riding Hood go?
  4. What did she have in her basket?
  5. Was she afraid of the Wolf?
  6. What did the Wolf want to do with the girl?
  7. Why did the girl pick some flowers?
  8. What did the Wolf do with the Grandmother?
  9. Where did he lie down?
  10. What dress did he put on?
  11. Was his voice soft?
  12. What did he do with a poor little girl?
  13. What did the hunter do with the Wolf?
  14. Did the Little Girl and the Grandmother come out alive?
  15. Whom did the Little Red Riding Hood thank?

8.  Watching of a cartoon.

Children you will watch the cartoon “Little Red Riding Hood”. Attentively watch and write down differences with the fairy tale in ours textbook and the cartoon.

  1. Complete the sentences using the words from the fairy tale.

Now I want to check up as you know the words from the fairy tale. Complete the sentences using the words from the fairy tale.  Everyone works for himself/herself

  1. There was a Little Girl who lived in a … with her Mother.
  2. Don’t talk to any … you may meet.
  3. Grandmother’s house was under three … .
  4. The wolf was afraid of the … .
  5. Little Red Riding Hood went very … .
  6. A little Girl went to the Grandmother’s house and … on the door.
  7. Then the Wolf went in and … old Grandmother.
  8. The Wolf … a poor little girl.
  9. The little girl … and next the old Grandmother … alive.
  10. Little Red Riding Hood thanked the hunter and decided to follow her Mother’s … .

Hand over your works. You’ll get marks at the next lesson.

  1.  Discussing the Text

Say why:

  1. the hunter went into the Grandmother’s house.
  2. the Mother sent Little Red Riding Hood to her Grandmother;
  3. the Wolf couldn’t eat the poor little girl up at once;


  1. Підсумок уроку.

Today kids, you have worked perfectly, actively as always


  1. Виставлення оцінок.

Count your candies. How many candies have you got?

The team has won


  1. Пояснення виконання домашнього завдання.

ex.8 p.37 Retell the story

 1st group – You are Little Red Riding Hood. Tell pupils why you forgot everything what your Mother told you to do.

2nd group  – You are the Wolf. Tell pupils why you put on the Grandmother’s night dress and a nightcap and went into her bed.

3rd group – You are the Hunter. Tell pupils why you went into the                                     Grandmother’s house.

  1. Прощання.

Good-bye my dear friends, say good-bye our guests.




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Англійська мова (5-й рік навчання) 5 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
15 травня 2018
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