Урок " Мій День Народження" (англійська мова 4 клас)

Про матеріал
Урок-конспект " Мій День Народження" для учнів 4 класу English. Матеріал до уроку використаний до підручника "English" О.Карпюк, тип уроку ( узагальнюючий урок), мовленнєві компетенції (говоріння, письмо, аудіювання, читання).
Перегляд файлу







«Давайте святкувати День народження !»

План-конспект уроку англійської мови                             у 4 класі (підручник « English» О.Карпюк.)









                   Єрмолакіна К.В.(вчитель англійської мови)

 Гімназія №27, м. Кам’янське.

Мета уроку                                                                                                               

Навчальна: активізувати вживання вивчених лексичних одиниць з теми «Свята» в усному мовленні (за мовленнєвими зразками) та на письмі; розвивати фонетичний та інтонаційний слух; формувати навички читання, аудіювання; активізувати вживання порядкових числівників у датах.                                                                                                   

Розвиваюча:  формувати   базові навички і вміння, необхідні для подальшого розвитку комунікативної компетенції ; розвивати   мовну і слухову пам'ять; сприяти розвитку мовної здогадки; розвивати уміння навчальної співпраці у парах, групах; розвивати  творчі здібності учнів; розвивати  в учнях комунікативну активність, позитивне ставлення до вивчення ІМ; зацікавити учнів у вивченні іноземної мови.                                                                                                 

Виховна:  виховувати культуру спілкування;формувати дружні стосунки  у класному колективі; розвивати особисту активність учнів; виховувати в учнів доброзичливість,толерантність, повагу до своїх однокласників.

Обладнання:                                                                                                           проектор для показу навчальних відеоматеріалів (an English education song for kids ``Happy birthday! This is for you`` ; Do you want some more? Help yourself. (At the table) - Animation Rap – English song with lyrics  ; a song ``When`s your birthday?``; a cartoon  ``When`s your birthday?`` (Gogo Loves English-33);                                     a traditional birthday song ``Happy Birthday to You! `` ); лексичні картки з теми «Їжа»; діалоги ``At the table``  HO1,  An Invitation to a Birthday Party (Telephone Conversation)  HO2; тексти   ``Our Family Birthday Traditions`` HO3; картки для роботи в групах  HO4; підручник; робочий зошит; «подарунки» дітей, які вони приготували до Дня народження; «чарівний» капелюх; м’яч ; цукерки ; торт зі свічками; капелюшки до Дня народження; повітряні кульки.                              

Тип уроку: урок узагальнення вивченого матеріалу.                                             

Форма проведення: урок-свято

Використані джерела:

  1. О.Д. Карп`юк                                                                                                   Англійська мова: Підручник для 4 класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів. Тернопіль: «Видавництво «Астон»,2021                                            
  2. Л.В. Пащенко                                                                                                           Англійська мова: Робочий зошит для 4 класу загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів ( до підручника О.Д. Карп`юк ). - Харків:ТОВ  Видавництво «Ранок», 2021  
  3. Відеоматеріали електронного ресурсу  http://www.youtube.com/   




                                                                                                                                         I INTRODUCTION                                                                                       Підготовка учнів до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

Greeting                                                                                                                          Teacher  Hello, my  friends! Are you ready for the class? Are you scared?                  Are you OK? Are you happy?                                                                                                     Ps Yes, we are. (No, we aren`t.)                                                                                                                           Teacher  Let`s celebrate Andrew`s birthday!                                                                                                         Ps With great pleasure.

Warming up                                                                                                                          

Watching   video and singing an English education song for kids ``Happy birthday! This is for you``                                                                                                                               

Teacher Let`s watch and sing .(https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6nV0oZHo8uU ) (See Supplementary Material)                                                                                              

Teacher  Let`s congratulate Andrew on his birthday!                                                           Roleplaying ``Giving presents``

P1. Happy birthday!                                                                                                             Andrew. Wow! Thanks!                                                                                                                 P1.  This is for you.                                                                                                                                                                     Andrew.  Oh, it`s a robot. Thank you.

P2. Many happy returns of the day!                                                                                                             Andrew. Wow! Thanks!                                                                                                                 P2.  This is for you.                                                                                                                                                                     Andrew.  Oh, it`s a picture. Thank you. etc 

II.MAIN PART OF THE LESSON                                                                                                  Основна частина уроку                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                          

  1. Roleplaying ``At the table`` 


  1. Teacher  Look! What is there on the holiday table?                                                 Ps name ``the food`` they see on ``the  holiday table`` using  ``There is some …`` , ``There are some …`` , ``There is a (an) …`` .                                             

(Using Food Flash Cards)



  1. Watching   video and singing                                                                                           Do you want some more? Help yourself. (At the table) - Animation Rap –

English song with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9YLVkDdGDQ

(See Supplementary Material)

  1. Pair Work  Acting out the dialogues ``At the table``  HO1
  • Help yourself!
  • Thank you. Oh, it`s good. (Oh, it`s great.)
  • Do you want some more?
  • Yes, please. Thanks.
  • (No, thanks. I`m full.)
  1. Using ordinal numbers in dates
  1. Singing a song ``When`s your birthday?`` (See Supplementary Material) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=eXm1w-LX1TA
  2. Speaking

Teacher. Ask and answer ``When`s your birthday?`` (in turn)

P1 When`s your birthday?  P2 My birthday is on the fifth of May. When`s your birthday?  P3(Ordinal numbers)

  1. WB Ex. 3, p.46
  2. Watching a cartoon  ``When`s your birthday?`` (Gogo Loves English-33)


Teacher. Watch the cartoon and answer the questions.

  1. Who will have a birthday party?

2. When is Ken`s birthday?

3. Can Jenny go to his party?     (See Supplementary Material)


e. Pair work     Roleplaying the dialogues   (HO2)                                                              

An Invitation to a Birthday Party (Telephone Conversation)                                           (Children use their own names, dates of birth and time)

  • Hello? Jenny `s speaking.
  • Jenny, it`s Ken.
  • Hello, Ken. How are you?
  • I`m fine, thanks. And you?
  • I`m very well, thank you.
  • Jenny, can you come to my birthday party?
  • When is your birthday?
  • It`s on the tenth of July.
  • Wait a moment, please. Let me see … .Yes, Ken. I can go to your party.
  • Great! See you July the tenth  at 4 p.m. 
  1. Communication Situation  `` What Does A Magic Hat Say?``.                                                                                 

(A Magic Hat contains notes which tell what presents Ps will get on their birthday.  Ps in turn choose one of the notes , read it and ``share their happiness``  with the classmates – It says I will get a mobile phone on my birthday. etc)                                  (See Supplementary Material)

  1. Relaxation. Singing a song and dancing  (Textbook Ex. 4, p. 51)                                              (See Supplementary Material)
  2. Speaking ``Our Family Birthday Traditions`` (Playing a ball)

Teacher. Let`s `chat` about your family birthday traditions.  (HO3)                                                                                                  Answer the questions about your family birthday traditions.

T           P1



    6.  Group work        Filling in the grid ``Birthday``                                                                                              

         Teacher. Work in groups. Complete the sentences. Write the words into the       grid.       (HO4)                                                                                               

Group 1 `` Summer Babies`` (jump to the teacher)

                   Group 2 `` Winter    Babies`` (run to the teacher)

                   Group 3 `` Spring and Autumn Babies`` (hop to the teacher)

III. Summarizing. Заключна частина уроку. Підведення  підсумків уроку.   Teacher thanks pupils for being smart energetic  friendly  and  helpful .

 No Home  assignment!      (A Holiday Present From Teacher ) 

Evaluation.  Teacher. Your Birthday Hats will be your daybooks today. The number of the sweets I`ll put into your hat will be your mark.                                                                                     

Communication Situation  ``Andrew`s granny has made a beautiful cake``       Teacher. What a beautiful cake! There are 10 candles in it.                                                  Andrew blows out the candles. The children sing a traditional birthday song ``Happy Birthday to You! ``   https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=90w2RegGf9w                                                                                                          Feedback  Teacher. If you think you had a great party, put your thumbs up, please. If you think you had a boring party, put your thumbs down, please.                                    Children. Thank you for the party. We had a good time. Can we come next year?

Andrew. You are welcome!


Supplementary Material                                                                                                                                                  


 Happy birthday! This is for you


English education song for kids


  • Happy birthday!   Happy birthday!                                                                                                                                                                                                                     - Wow! Thanks!                                                                                                               - This is for you. This is for you.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        - Oh, it`s a doll. Thank you.


  • Happy birthday!   Happy birthday!                                                                                                                                                                                                                        - Wow! Thanks!                                                                                                               - This is for you. This is for you.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                        - Oh, it`s a doll. Thank you.



Do you want some more? Help yourself. (At the table) - Animation Rap

English song with lyrics https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W9YLVkDdGDQ



- Help yourself! Help yourself! Help yourself!

- Thank you.  Oh, it`s great.

- Do you want some more? Do you want some more?

- Yes, please. Yes, please.

- Do you want some more, Jenny?  Do you want some more, Jenny?

- No, thanks. No, thanks. I`m full.


When`s your birthday?

A Happy Birthday Song



Happy birthday! Happy birthday! Happy birthday to you!                               When`s your birthday? When`s your birthday? When`s your birthday? Hmm Today`s your birthday… you`re one year older…                                                           But I still love you, just the same.              




Watching a cartoon ``When`s your birthday?``                                        (Gogo Loves English-33)


An Invitation to a Birthday Party (Telephone Conversation)

  • Hello? Jenny `s speaking.
  • Jenny, it`s Ken.
  • Hello, Ken. How are you?
  • I`m fine, thanks. And you?
  • I`m very well, thank you.
  • Jenny, can you come to my birthday party?
  • When is your birthday?
  • It`s on the tenth of July.
  • Wait a moment, please. Let me see … .Yes, Ken. I can go to your party.
  • Great! See you July the tenth  at 4 p.m. 

Relaxation. Singing a song and dancing  (Textbook Ex. 4, p. 51)

I`m singing. I`m singing,                                           

Singing like a star.

          I`m playing. I`m playing,                                           

          Playing the guitar.

I`m dancing. I`m dancing,                                                                                            Dancing rock and roll. 

          I`m playing. I`m playing,                            

          Playing basketball.

I`m clapping. I`m clapping,                                                                                            Clapping clap, clap, clap. 

               I`m snapping. I`m snapping,                                                                                                                              Snapping snap, snap, snap.         








 Act out the dialogue ``At the table``


- Help yourself!

- Thank you.  Oh, it`s great.

- Do you want some more?

- Yes, please. 

 (No, thanks. I`m full.)




Work in pairs.                                                                                                                        Roleplay the telephone conversation ``An Invitation to a Birthday Party``

(Use your own names, dates of birth and time)

  • Hello? Jenny `s speaking.
  • Jenny, it`s Ken.
  • Hello, Ken. How are you?
  • I`m fine, thanks. And you?
  • I`m very well, thank you.
  • Jenny, can you come to my birthday party?
  • When is your birthday?
  • It`s on the tenth of July.
  • Wait a moment, please. Let me see … .Yes, Ken. I can go to your party.
  • Great! See you July the tenth  at 4 p.m. 

















      Our Family Birthday Traditions

My parents and I always celebrate my birthday.                                                                                   I decorate my room with balloons.                                                                                                    We usually have a birthday party.                                                                                                                 We invite a lot of guests to my birthday party.                                                                                         I get a lot of greeting cards on my birthday.                                                                                                                 My parents, my relatives and my friends give me presents.                                                               I like to get presents on my birthday.                                                                                                              I usually get books (sweets, chocolate, flowers, magnets, toys, money, pictures, mugs) as birthday presents.                                                                                                                   Last year I got a watch (a mobile phone, a toy car, a computer, a bike, a robot,                      a teddy, a bookmark) on my birthday.                                                                                             We always eat special food.                                                                                                                There is a beautiful cake with candles on it on the holiday table.                                                    I blow out the candles and the guests sing a song `` Happy Birthday to You! ``                       At a birthday party we play games, sing songs, dance, watch cartoons, listen to music,tell funny stories.                                                                                                                      We have a good time on my birthday.  









































































































Group Work Complete the sentences. Write the words into the grid.

  1. I decorate my room with  balloons on my birthday.
  2. I_______________ a lot of guests to my birthday party. 
  3. I get a lot of ___________________cards on my birthday.
  4. Many happy _____________________of the day!
  5. A birthday is a happy____________________.
  6. There is always a big cake with ____________ in it on the holiday table.  
  7. My friend  always  invites me to his birthday   ____________.  
  8. We dance and _____________ games.    

Key:                                                                                                                   1.balloons, 2.invite, 3.greeting,4.returns,5.holiday,6.candles,7.party,8.play.




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Англійська мова для спеціалізованих шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови (підручник для загальноосвітніх навчальних закладів) 4 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
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