Урок. " Modern Devices" . 9 клас.

Про матеріал
Конспект уроку з теми " Сучасні пристрої ” з англійської мови для 9 класу. Розробка уроку містить цікаві матеріали, що допоможуть учителю ознайомити учнів із новинками технічного прогресу та покращити навички аудіювання.
Перегляд файлу

Конспект уроку з англійської мови у 9 класі "Сучасні пристрої"

Мета уроку: ознайомити учнів із новинками технічного прогресу, використанням гаджетів учнями та їх однолітками;  вдосконалення навичок аудіювання, граматичних навичок, писемного мовлення;  розвивати пам'ять, логічне мислення, мовну здогадку.

Обладнання: Підручник,картки для  індивідуальної роботи, картки для роботи в парах.


                                                       Хід уроку



  1. Greeting. Привітання.


T: Good morning, children!

How are you today?

P1: I am fine, thank you.

P2: I am very well, thank you.

Now we're going to listen to an expert who is talking about... about what? Let's listen to him.

2.   Aim. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.


What is the topic of our lesson? (Тема уроку)

What are we going to speak about today? (Мета)
What are we going to do during our lesson? (Проблеми)

3.   Warming up. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу.


Введення нової лексики на тему "Сучасні пристрої"

social networks – соціальні мережі
Many people visit chat rooms and have social network accounts.

to get in touch – залишатися на зв’язку
The Internet helps me to get in touch with my friends who live abroad.

to improve language skills – покращити мовні навички
The Internet helps me to improve my language skills.

face-to-face communication -  живе спілкування

With the invention of personal computer children do spend less time with their friends and often avoid face-to-face communication.

to lag behind - відставати (у навчанні)

Some children do not do their homework, miss classes and lag behind their schoolmates.

to surf the Internet - блукати Інтернетом, переходити з одного сайту на інший

When I come back home, I usually have dinner and then surf the net for a while.

Мовна зарядка:

Answer my questions:

  1. Do you use any social networks? What are they?
  2. Does your friend always get in touch?
  3. How often do you surf the net?
  4. What do you prefer: face-to-face communication or chatting in social networks?
  5. Who of your classmates lag behind?
  6. Can you improve your language skills using gadgets?


  1. Стадія осмислення.


(Учитель роздає учням картки з зображенням скелету риби)

We live at the age of informational technologies. Every day we use different types of gadgets.
What gadgets do you use regularly?

Прийом "Фішбоун"

Робота з верхнім рядом "риби" – факти.

(скелет риби)

1. a mobile phone

2. a tablet computer

3. a laptop (a computer)

4. an MP3 player

5. a digital camera

6. a TV

7. a game console

8. a camcorder (видеокамера)

a) send messages and communicate with friends

b) organize information

c) store information

d) listen to music

e) take pictures

f) play video games

g) watch TV programs

h) make films

Робота з нижнім рядом "риби" – причини. Учні по черзі висловлюються про функції гаджетів , спираючись на схему з дотриманням загальної лінії оповідання групового монологу.            I use .... to...
What gadget can't you live without? Why?

  1. Розвиток навичок аудіювання

(Розуміння основного змісту прослуханого тексту)

  1. The speaker describes the arrest of a criminal.
  2. The speaker describes a crime.
  3. The speaker gives a weather forecast.
  4. The speaker talks about road accidents.
  5. The speaker talks about a well-known celebrity.
  6. The speaker talks about a fashion.
















  1. Розвиток граматичних навичок вживання потрібної морфологічної форми слова на основі комунікативно-значущого тексту

I know that the Internet is the most popular means of communication and mass media.

      Let's read some facts about it and do grammar exersice.


The majority of us use the Internet 1)_______ than we watch TV.                                                    MANY

      Everyone, including 2)_______ friends, parents,  and even grandparents are on     Facebook,                WE

use Twitter and download music from the net. But how much do you really know about the

      Internet revolution?

There are many amazing interesting facts about the birth, the evolution and the history of the

Internet. Let’s look at how it all 3)________. Here is a list of fun facts about the Internet that           BEGIN

you probably 4) _______ yet.                                                                                                        NOT LEARN

It  5)______ the TV 13 years 50 million to get users, while the Internet reached the same                  TAKE

number in just 5 years. Sweden is the country with the 6)________  number of Internet users.            BIG

It is about 78%. Over 250 billion messages 7)________ every day, and 80% of them are spam.         SEND

Statistics say that if you 8)______ an active Internet user, then you spend about 25 hours online           BE

every month. If the website MySpace were a country it would be

      the 9)________ largest in the world.                                                                                                    ELEVEN



  1. Розвиток навичок письма

(Актуалізація наявних знань на тему "Сучасні пристрої")

You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Emma.


…My mum still can’t download new music into her mobile phone. She says when she was young, there were no mobile phones at all. I just can’t imagine that!…

 ... What do you use your mobile phone for? What other gadgets do you find the most important for you? How can you improve your language skills using the Internet?...




  1. Summarizing . Підсумки уроку

Do you find our lesson useful and interesting? (відповіді учнів)

  1.  Homework. Домашнє завдання

Уour hometask will be to write the letter to Emma.





Student's map

social networks – соціальні мережі
Many people visit chat rooms and have social network accounts.

to get in touch – залишатися на зв’язку
The Internet helps me to get in touch with my friends who live abroad.

to improve language skills – покращити мовні навички
The Internet helps me to improve my language skills.

face-to-face communication -  живе спілкування

With the invention of personal computer children do spend less time with their friends and often avoid face-to-face communication.

to lag behind - відставати (у навчанні)

Some children do not do their homework, miss classes and lag behind their schoolmates.

to surf the Internet - блукати Інтернетом, переходити з одного сайту на інший

When I come back home, I usually have dinner and then surf the net for a while.






      Gadgets                                                                                                       use to



1. a mobile phone

2. a tablet computer

3. a laptop (a computer)

4. an MP3 player

5. a digital camera

6. a TV

7. a game console

8. a camcorder (видеокамера)

a) send messages and communicate with friends

b) organize information

c) store information

d) listen to music

e) take pictures

f) play video games

g) watch TV programmes

h) make films


I use ... ( a digital camera)  to...  (make films).


1. The speaker describes the arrest of a criminal (преступник).

2. The speaker describes a crime (преступление).

3. The speaker gives a weather forecast (прогноз погоды).

4. The speaker talks about road accidents (несчастный случай).

5. The speaker talks about a well-known celebrity (знаменитость).

6. The speaker talks about a fashion.
















The majority of us use the Internet 1)_______ than we watch TV.                                                    MANY

Everyone, including 2)_______ friends, parents,  and even grandparents are on Facebook,                WE

use Twitter and download music from the net. But how much do you really know about the

Internet revolution?

There are many amazing interesting facts about the birth, the evolution and the history of the

Internet. Let’s look at how it all 3)________. Here is a list of fun facts about the Internet that           BEGIN

you probably 4) _______ yet.                                                                                                        NOT LEARN

It  5)______ the TV 13 years 50 million to get users, while the Internet reached the same                  TAKE

number in just 5 years. Sweden is the country with the 6)________  number of Internet users.            BIG

It is about 78%. Over 250 billion messages 7)________ every day, and 80% of them are spam.         SEND

Statistics say that if you 8)______ an active Internet user, then you spend about 25 hours online           BE

every month. If the website MySpace were a country it would be

the 9)________ largest in the world.                                                                                                    ELEVEN





You have received a letter from your English-speaking pen friend, Emma.

…My mum still can’t download new music into her mobile phone. She says when she was young, there were no mobile phones at all. I just can’t imagine that!…

 ... What do you use your mobile phone for? What other gadgets do you find the most important for you? How can you improve your language skills using the Internet?...






a mobile phone

 a tablet computer

 a laptop     a TV

a computer

 an MP3 player

 a digital camera

 a game console

a camcorder



send          store



 organize    take

 listen to    play



 watch      make





use to





Main part


Best wishes,













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