Урок на тему: "Grammar Structure “Be Going To” (interrogative), Modal verb Must/Mustn’t"

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Учні закріплюють вміння використовувати конструкцію be going to у власному мовленні, ознайомлюються з формуванням питальної форми конструкції, вчаться використовувати модальне дієслово must/mustn't.

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ТЕМА: Grammar Structure “Be Going To” (interrogative), Modal verb Must/Mustn’t


навчальна 1) закріпити вміння учнів використовувати конструкцію be going to у власному мовленні; 2) ознайомити учнів із формуванням питальної форми конструкції; 3) навчити учнів використовувати модальне дієслово must/mustnt.

розвивальна 1) розвивати мовленнєві компетентності: говоріння, читання, слухання, письмо; 2) розвивати логіку, память, творче мислення учнів.

виховна 1) спонукати учнів формувати правила поведінки у різних життєвих ситуаціях.

ОБЛАДНАННЯ: підручник Oxford Team, Students Book 1, Oxford Team, Workbook 1, дошка, магнітофон, роздатковий матеріал Going to Future, листки формату А4 для написання правил.

ТИП УРОКУ: комбінований



Етап 1. Початок уроку: організація класу, повідомлення теми та практичних цілей уроку. –4 хв.


Good morning! How are you? Do you like the weather today? Is anybody absent? What is the matter with him/her?

Let’s start our lesson now. Today we shall continue learning the grammar structure be going to.  We have already learnt its affirmative and negative forms. So today we will take a closer look at its interrogative form. Besides, we will learn a new modal verb must and its negative form mustn’t. At the end of the lesson you will be able to ask each other about your plans for the future (be going to). In addition, you will know how to talk about things we have to do and about the things we aren’t allowed to do (must/mustn’t).


Етап 2. Актуалізація опорних знань учнів та перевірка домашнього завдання. Прийом: гра, виконання вправ. – 7 хв.


Can someone remember me how we form the structure be going to? Why do we use this structure?

Okay, thank you for your answers. Now we will play a game Jenny’s weekend. Jenny is going away for the weekend. She is taking with her the following things (the list is written on the board):

  • a book
  • a swimming suit
  • a walkman
  • a tennis racquet
  • a camera
  • writing paper and a pen

Do you know all these words? Now you should work with your partner to make sentences with going to e.g. She’s going to read a book. If you have any questions, raise your hand and I will help you.

Now let’s check your homework. You were supposed to do a few exercises in your workbooks (ex. 1, p. 77, and ex. 1, p. 78).


Етап 3: Пояснення нового матеріалу. Ве Going To (Interrogative) Прийом: подання нового матеріалу у табличній формі. – 5 хв.


As you already know we use the structure “Going to” to talk about the future plans and intentions. In order to form questions you have to place the auxiliary verb “to be” before the subject of the sentence. (Пояснення відбувається частково українською мовою).




 Am I going to…?

Are you going to…?


Is         she    going to…?



Are      you    going to…?



Short answers



Yes, I am.

No, I am not.

Yes, you are.

No, you are not.


Yes,     she      is.



No,      she      is not.



Yes,      you    are.




No,       you    are not.




Етап 4. Закріплення знань та застосування вивченого матеріалу. Прийом: виконання вправ. – 11 хв.


1. Look at these verbs and complete the sentences using Going to Future.







Emma _______ her English exam next week. 

It is very hot today. I _______ in the lake.

We ______our grandparents this weekend. We haven't seen them for a long time.

John and his brother _______ their bikes.

I _______ the table. It's time for lunch. 

David ______ his homework after school.

It's Paul's birthday next week. We ____ him a present.

His sister ______ the violin at the concert.


2. Look at the pictures and write affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences. There is one example.


   My father / paint the room purple.

  My cousin / ride a horse.

My father is going to paint the room purple.

My father isn’t going to paint the room purple.

Is my father going to paint the room purple?


 I / learn the English alphabet.

You / do some exercises.



They / get married.

I / have a big breakfast.



We / have fun at the playground.

The children / play computer games.




Now we will do one more exercise from our Student’s Books (Ex. 7, p. 105). Let’s translate some of the sentences. So now you know how to ask questions about the future using the structure be going to.


Етап 5. Активізація опорних знань і пояснення нового матеріалу. Прийом: розповідь з елементами бесіди. – 4 хв.


After having written the word MUST on the board, I ask pupils if they can give me an example with must e.g. I must do my homework. The negative form is MUSTN’T e.g. You mustn’t make so many mistakes in your essay).

The students read the LEARN THIS section.

  • We must use must (affirmative) to talk about things we have to do e.g. He must study hard.
  • We use must (negative) to talk about things we aren’t allowed to do. I mustn’t talk in class.
  • The form must is the same for all persons.


Етап 6. Закріплення знань через використання практичних методів: виконання вправа і творчого завдання. – 6 хв.


Have a look at page 105, Ex. 8. Complete the sentences. Use must or mustn’t. Pay attention to the situations in the pictures.

Task: students work with a partner to write a list of school rules using must and mustn’t, (e.g. We mustn’t arrive late; We must do our homework). Early finishers write some of their rules on the board.

As you see, modal verb may refer to the present or future. It expresses obligation, duty and prohibition. (Пояснюється українською).


Етап 7. Фонетична вправа. Прийом: прослуховування пісні і виконання завдання, хоровий спів. – 5 хв.


Listen to the song. Put the lines (a-h) in the correct order (1-8).


I’m going to send a message to your screen,

Although I can’t see your face,

I’m going to meet you soon

Somewhere between

Reality and Cyberspace.

  1. Is a human touch
  2. Out in time and space
  3. Send me a message
  4. I’m not asking much?
  5. Here in the Net
  6. All I need
  7. Show me your face
  8. Can’t you see?

  I’m going to search for hours, night

  and day.

  I am trying to contact you

  Can you help me, please?

  Find a way

  To make all my dreams come true.


Етап 8. Завершення уроку: підсумки уроку, пояснення домашнього завдання, оцінювання. –

3 хв.


Thank you for your work. Now tell me, please, what new things you have learnt during our class and what skills you have developed. (Listening, Grammar, Reading). Now I’ll give you homework for tomorrow. Please, do exercises 4 and 5 in your workbooks. Exercise 5 ought to be done in writing. Marks…  Good-bye!






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