Урок на тему: "Харчування. Їжа в Україні та Британії"

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Матеріал містить детальну розробку уроку з англійської мови у 10 класі за темою: "Харчування. Їжа в Україні та Британії" за підручником А.Несвіт.

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                                              Тимченківський НВК


                                              за  «круглим столом»

      Тема:  Харчування.

                  Їжа в Україні та Британії.

F:\English\Фото 10 клас\IMG_1396.JPG 


                  Шара Галина Олексіївна


                                                                     Тимченки - 2011










                  Шара Галина Олексіївна




Form 10                                                                                                                            Unit 3. Food

                                                                                                                              Тема: Харчування


                                                         «ЇЖА В УКРАЇНІ ТА БРИТАНІЇ»

УРОК    33   ( 11 )

Підтема:    Їжа в Україні та Британії

Мета:     Активізувати знання, вміння та навички учнів з англомов­ного спілкування .

                Практикувати в підготовленому та спонтанному мовленні.

                Вихову­вати повагу до думки співрозмовника.

                Розвивати світогляд, інтереси, логічне мислення, спроможність до спілкування.


Обладнання: підручник, карта Великобританії, ілюстративний матеріал, ТЗН.


                                                               ХІД УРОКУ



Greeting             1. Привітання.


Aim    2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

             Т: The topic of our discussion at today’s lesson is "Meals in Ukraine and Great Britain. We'll

                        speak about traditional cooking in Ukraine and GB. Ukrainian, English, Welsh, Scottish and 

                        Irish cuisine will open before you.


Warming up  3. Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу

B                T: And now let's practice the English sounds and learn a limerick. Limerick is a type of poem. It's some­times called nonsense verse. By the way limericks are very popular in England. The limerick has a definite form: five lines, of which the first two rhyme with the last, and the two short middle lines rhyme together. Edward Lear, Lewis Carroll, Thomas Hood wrote comic and curious verses. E. Lear is sometimes credited with the invention of this type of poem.


There was a young lady of Munich.

Whose appetite simply was unique.

"There's nothing like food",

She contentedly cooed,

As she let out three tucks in her tunic.













Vocabulary   1. Повторення  лексичного матеріалу:


                        T: And now do the tasks.

                            1.  Give synonyms to the words: tasty, to cook, over­cooked, under-cooked, food.

                            2.  Give antonyms: like, tasty, ripe, sour, hot tea, salty.

                            3.  Give adjectives: dish (meat, fish, cold, hot, good, tasty, favourite, light, special,

                                national, foreign); food (good, cheap, light, heavy, fresh, tasty, simple);

                                taste (bitter, sweet, sour, pleasant, nasty).


 Speaking      2. Розвиток умінь мовлення.

 B                T:  Let's start our talk about meals in Ukraine and GB . Guess, what words can we add

                      hear ?                 

                                                                Ukrainian    CUISINE    ?


                      T: GB consists  of 4 countries: England, Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland. So today at

                           our Round Table we have the representatives of English, Welsh, Scottish and  Irish cuisine.

                           They prepared their presentations.

  B      The motto of the lesson is  

    The wise man should consider that health is the greatest of human blessing. Let food be your medicine.”

                                                                                                                                                    ~ Hippocrates

                        Dear  students! We are delighted to meet you! Make yourself comfortable! Be ready to

                    follow some interesting information.


                       P1.  (Ukrainian cuisine).  Let me introduce myself...

                       T:   Dear guests, do you have any questions?


                       P2.  ( English cuisine) .

                       P3.  ( Welsh cuisine) .

                       P4.  ( Scottish cuisine) .

                       P5.  ( Irish cuisine) .

           T P  What cuisine do these dishes belong to? Сan you name them? (pictures on the blackboard)


D:\English\cuisine.jpg  D:\English\salo.jpg  D:\English\dyruny.jpg  D:\English\SF17-0226.jpg


D:\English\tea.jpg       D:\English\Фотки\31.jpg       D:\English\Фотки\56.jpg



Relaxation  3. Релаксація класу.

                      Т. It's common knowledge that the English are very fond of tea .  Еverything in Britain  says  a  popular

                      song  "Stops for tea". It's certainly true that tea is the most popular drink in Britain far more  

                      popular  than coffee. By 1750  tea had become the principal drink of all the classes in Britain.

                         Let’s listen to a song


Every nation in creation has its favourite drink

France is famous for its wine, it's beer in Germany

Turkey has its coffee and they serve it blacker than ink

Russians go for vodka and England loves its tea


Oh, the factories may be roaring

With a boom-a-lacka, zoom-a-lacka, wee

But there isn't any roar when the clock strikes four

Everything stops for tea


Oh, a lawyer in the courtroom

In the middle of an alimony plea

Has to stop and help 'em pour when the clock strikes four

Everything stops for tea


It's a very good English custom

Though the weather be cold or hot

When you need a little pick-up, you'll find a little tea cup

Will always hit the spot


You remember Cleopatra

Had a date to meet Mark Anthony at three

When he came an hour late she said "You'll have to wait"

For everything stops for tea


Oh, they may be playing football

And the crowd is yelling "Kill the referee!"

But no matter what the score, when the clock strikes four

Everything stops for tea


Oh, the golfer may be golfing

And is just about to make a hole-in-three

But it always gets them sore when the clock yells "four!"

Everything stops for tea


It's a very good English custom

And a stimulant for the brain

When you feel a little weary, a cup'll make you cheery

And it's cheaper than champagne


Now I know just why Franz Schubert

Didn't finish his unfinished symphony

He might have written more but the clock struck four

And everything stops for tea

                        T. Have you enjoyed this song?   What was the most popular expression of this song?

Listening 4. Аудіювання та мовлення.

  sion                          answer (A, B, C or D) :

                            1) The British people tend to have...

                                 A   a big breakfast. C  a light breakfast.

        B   no breakfast. D lunch instead of breakfast.


           2)  A fried breakfast never includes...


           A fried bacon and eggs.      C French fries.

           B fried tomatoes                          D fried bread

                        3) The British usually take a «packed lunch» to eat for their…


                               A breakfast                                   C midday meal

                               B evening meal                                D dinner


                4) What is «meat and two veg»?

       A  A meat course accompanied by fried vegetables.

  B  Fried meat and some peas.

  C  A piece of stewed meat with raw vegetables.

  D  A piece of meat with two different boiled vegetables.


                5)  Which of the following dishes are considered typically British?


    A Curry.   C Yorkshire pudding.

    B Spaghetti.    D Soup.


              6)   In what part of the UK do people eat «porridge» or boiled oats for breakfast?


                      A In England.     C In Scotland.

           B In Wales.                                 D In Northern Ireland.


              7) A packed lunch doesn't usually include...

          A sandwiches.                              C fruits.

                B drinks.    D cornflakes.


                   8) When do most British people tend to eat their evening meal or «dinner»?

                          A  Between 4.30 p. m. and 8 p. m.

        B Between 5.30 p. m. and 7 p. m.

        C Between 6.30 p. m. and 7 p. m.

        D Between 6.30 p. m. and 8 p. m.


           9) What is the most typical thing to eat for dinner?


           A Some traditional British food.           C Meat and potatoes.

     B Fish and chips.         D Meat and two different boiled vegetables.


                 10) What is a «gravy»?


          A A vegetable sauce.        C A fruit sauce.

                B A meat sauce.        D A meat and two veg.



Homework        1. Домашнє завдання.

                              T: Children, for the next lesson be ready to start learning Unit 4 Nature and Weather.

Summarizing    2. Підведення підсумків уроку.









ививи   вмчмчм 


             Holubtsi                                            Pampushky                                             Uzvar

dегні   титв  ививк

    Home-Made Sausages                                  Fish Pie                                              Cookies



             Salad with fried fish                                     Snack                                    Yorkshire pudding


                                    Toad in the hole                                                   English beef


                                    English  soup                                                          Cottage pie                              


                                  Pork pie                                                                                Dessert



     Full Irish  breakfast                                 Barmbrack                                   Irish soda bread

300px-Full_English_Breakfast   barmbrack-whats4eats  irish-soda-bread-flickr-citymama-424267974


     Bacon and cabbage                        Boxty                                                  Boxty 

220px-Bacon_and_cabbage     220px-Boxty_with_beef_and_squash   boxty-whats4eats


                Colcannon                                             Champ                                      Mashed potatoes

220px-Colcannon   250px-MashedPotatoes  mashed-potatoes-flickr-dongkwan-309349701


              Ballymaloe                             Corned beef and cabbage                                 Soup

soups-irish-stew-flickr-diluvi-2118322389   cornedbeefhm1     245023-31111-25



            Welsh  toasts                Soup from a bow-leek with  potatoes                 Laverbread  

post-37004-1245343211_thumb   s_00033955   

         Glamorgan Sausages                                  Faggots                                                  Cawl


                     Cawl                                                     Welsh cakes                                             Bara brith


     Roasted  goose                    Welsh goat's cheese                               Lamb meat



                     Haggis                                Haggis  -  Sheep’s offal                              Scotch broth

Haggis   C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Рабочий стол\Новая папка\6a00d83451c45669e20120a80b9c05970b-500wi.jpg   

             Forfar bridies                                     Crowdie                                                 Porridge

C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Рабочий стол\Новая папка\forfar.JPG       C:\Documents and Settings\Admin\Рабочий стол\Новая папка\Quinoa Porridge.jpg

      Scotch   pie                                               Oatcakes                                                 Cranachan                                                                      


         Bangers and mash                              Beef of Scotland                           Scottish smoked salmon