Урок на тему "International Anti Corruption day"

Про матеріал
Розробка пропонує матеріал, що розкриває тематику корупції. У вправах та завданнях учні/учениці дізнаються про причини виникнення такого свята та те, які лозунги ставляться у сучасному світі. Матеріал супроводжується додатковими тестами та матеріалами, які учитель може використати під час уроку або додаткової роботи з предмету.
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Lesson materials

December 9 is Anti-Corruption Day

Level: B1, B1+

1. Look at the posters.

International Anti Corruption Day 2020: When is International Anti  Corruption Day? Check day, date, theme and its importance here  International Anti Corruption Day 2020: Why International Anti Corruption  Day is celebrated? Learn its history, importance and theme KBN News English

Can you say what they represent?

December 9 is International Anti Corruption Day

2. Read and choose the correct variant of answer.

Corruption is one of (1) _____ social, political and economic phenomena (2) _____ has affected all countries in the world. So to spread awareness regarding the issues and the role of convention in (3) _____ it, we (4) _____ International Anti-Corruption Day every year (5) _____ December 9.









more complex

the most complex

much complex








to  fight




to observe

are observing

will observe








3. Match the words with their definitions.




1. adopt 

 A  to increase

2. designate

B  to stop something from happening

3. raise  

C  if a new rule or law comes or enters into force, it starts to be used

4. prevent

D  to give someone or something a particular name, title, or description

5. come into force

E to decide to start using a particular idea, plan, or method

4. Read the text and complete it with the words given in the previous exercise in the correct form.

History of International Anti-Corruption Day

On 31st October 2003, the General Assembly (1) _____ the United Nations Convention against Corruption. The Assembly also (2) _____ 9th December as International Corruption Day, to (3) _____ awareness of corruption and the role of the convention in (4) _____ it and it was only in 2005 that Convention (5) _____.

5. Read and choose the best variant of answer.

International Anti corruption day 2020 Theme

International Anti-corruption day 2020 theme is to be United Against Corruption. As corruption is considered to be one of the biggest obstacles in life in order to achieve Sustainable Development Goals, the 2020 theme would continue to support the next decade's agenda, which targets to have more youth component in their campaign. It is expected that by the next decade, more youth would be empowered to fight against corruption in a sustainable way.

1. What is the purpose of the International Anti |Corruption  Day?

A to stop corruption

B to join the common efforts in fighting corruption

C to continue discovering corruption activities in every community

2. What is the main idea of the whole anti-corruption campaign in the modern world?

A to involve more lawyers

B to attract more and more young people

C to include the theme into the list of Sustainable Development Goals

3. What can help people stop corruption?

A a time-from-time action

B a continuous struggle

C a targeted plan





2. 1 C 2 B  3 D  4 D  5 A


3. 1 e  2 d 3 a 4 b 5 c

4. 1. adopted  2. designated  3. raise   4. preventing/prevention  5. came to force

5. 1 B  2 B  3 B


Additional work

Study the list of words dealing with the topic “Corruption”.



Do the test. Check your vocabulary skills.



Useful materials




1. Synonyms


dishonesty, dishonest dealings, deceit, deception, duplicity, double-dealing, fraud, misconduct, lawbreaking, crime, criminality, delinquency, wrongdoing,

bribery, bribing, subornation, venality, graft, extortion, jobbery, profiteering


2. Sample essay.

Corruption is a poison that spreads in the minds of the wrong people of the society, community and country. It is the misbehavior of public resources to obtain some unfair advantage to satisfy small desires. The Corruption deals with the unnecessary and incorrect use of both power and position by someone in government or non-governmental organization.

It has affected the development of the individual and we as a nation reduce income as well. This is a major cause of disparities in society and the community. It affects the growth and development of the nation in all aspects socially, economically and politically.


На допомогу учителю


до уроку

December 9 – International Anti Corruption Day

Exercise 2

corruption корупція

phenomenon (phenomena) явище (явища)

affect впливати

spread поширювати

awareness обізнаність

regarding щодо

issue проблема

convention конвенція

observe відзначати


Exercise 3

1. adopt  прийняти

2. designate призначити, назвати

3. raise   підняти

4. prevent запобігати

5. come into force набирати чинність

increase підвищувати

happen траплятися

rule правило

law закон

particular особливий, певний

title назва, титул

description опис

decide вирішувати

Exercise 4

the General Assembly Генеральна Асамблея

the United Nations Організація Об'єднаних Націй


Exercise 5

theme  тема, тематика

against  проти

consider  вважати

obstacle перешкода

in order to для того щоб

achieve досягати

Sustainable Development Goals Цілі сталого розвитку

support підтримувати

decade десятиліття

agendum (agenda) порядок денний

target  ціль, мішень

youth молодь

campaign  кампанія

expect очікувати

empower розширювати можливості

fight боротися

sustainable сталий, постійний

way спосіб

join приєднатися

common звичний

continue продовжувати

community  громада

main головний

modern сучасний

involve залучати

attract залучити

include включати

list список

continuous безперервний

struggle боротьба




Yevchuk Oksana
8 грудня 2020
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