Урок : Найважливіші винаходи людства""

Про матеріал

Мета: - ознайомити учнів з біографіями видатних винахідників,

їх винаходами та відкриттями;

-перевірити засвоєння учнями нового матеріалу;

-розвивати навички читання;

-тренувати учнів у вживанні структур Passive Voice;

-розвивати уміння і навички усного мовлення;

-формувати в учнів уміння логічно та послідовно викладати власні думки;

-розвивати уміння знаходити й відбирати необхідну інформацію з друкованих та електронних джерел та уміння виділяти головне;

-виховувати толерантність, гордість за досягнення людства у розвитку науки і техніки;

-розвивати пам'ять та увагу учнів;

Перегляд файлу

9 клас

Тема: Найважливіші винаходи людства


Мета: -      ознайомити учнів з біографіями видатних винахідників,

                  їх винаходами та відкриттями;

  •           перевірити засвоєння учнями нового матеріалу;
  • розвивати  навички читання;
  • тренувати учнів у вживанні структур Passive Voice;
  • розвивати уміння і навички усного мовлення;
  • формувати в учнів уміння логічно та послідовно викладати власні думки;
  • розвивати уміння знаходити й відбирати необхідну інформацію з друкованих та електронних джерел та уміння виділяти головне;
  • виховувати толерантність, гордість за досягнення людства у розвитку науки і техніки;
  • розвивати пам'ять та увагу учнів;


Обладнання: портрети вчених,  фотографії винаходів, магнітофон,      роздатковий матеріал


Тип уроку: комбінований урок


Хід уроку


І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення


  1.          Привітання

Good morning, pupils. I am very glad to see you today. I hope you are fine.


1.2 Повідомлення теми та мети уроку


Do you like watching TV or playing computer games?

Do you know when, where and how they were invented?


The reason I asked you the second question is that today we are going to speak  about inventions and inventors.


  1.          Уведення в іншомовну атмосферу


On the blackboard you can see  three statements. Let's comment them and say what moves a man to discover the world.


  1. "If you never thought of asking a question, you are not interested in having the answer".
  2. "Great explorers went overseas because they were curious people".
  3. "Scientific work must have no object except to find out the truth".


ІІ.  Основна частина уроку


2.1 The motto of our lesson is:


Necessity is the mother of invention. (Let's prove it).


a/We can't imagine our life without telephone. At home you had to find and prepare the material about Alexander Bell  and  Christian Huygens and their outstanding inventions. Who wants to tell us some facts about Alexander Bell?

Have you got a telephone?

Do you often use it?

Who phones you?

Do you know when the telephone was invented?

And who was it invented by?

Can you imagine your life without the telephone?


b/ Clocks (watches)  are our friends.

Who wants to tell us some facts about Christian Huygens

Have you got a clock (watch) at home?

How often do you use it?

Do you know when the clock was invented?

And who was it invented by?

Can you imagine your life without a clock?


2.2 Work with pupil's book. Ex.1a p.87


- Pre-reading stage. Answer the questions:

1/ If you were an inventor, what would you invent?

2/ Name some inventions you use every day?


- Reading the text (Ex.1a p. 87)


- Post-reading stage:


a/ Are these statements true or false?

  1. Telephone was invented by Alexander Bell in 1875.
  2. He was born in Poland.

    3. His work was financed by the father of one of his pupils.

    4. The first exchange which connected  21 people was opened in 1878

    5. The first communication satellite was launched in 1980.

    6. Christian Huygens was born in Holland.

    7. Mechanical clocks were made in the 16 th century.

    8. Water clocks were used in ancient Egypt.


b/ Answer the questions:

  1. When were shadow clocks first used?
  2. When were mechanical clocks made?
  3. When were sand glasses used?
  4. Where were the first wristwatches made?
  5. What kind of job was Alexander Bell given when he got to America?
  6. What were the first words spoken over the telephone?


  1.          Work in groups. Discuss the predictions about the future below.


a/ People will use their TVs to control their lives. For example, you will be able to do shopping, use your bank account and control the lights and heating in the house through the TV.

b/ Robots will do all the boring jobs.

c/ People will have fewer diseases and health problems?


Do you think it will happen?

Will it be a good thing or not?



  1.          On the blackboard you can some inventions.

Are they useful or harmful for mankind? Why/Why not?



Planes                                               Vacuum cleaners

cars                                                    microwave ovens

bikes                                                  CD players

mobile phones                                   music systems

TV sets                                              dishwashers

trains                                                  computers

helicopters                                         telescopes

chemicals                                           hydrogen bombs

dynamite                                            nuclean weapons

roller skates                                        digital camera                                     




    Write using the Past Passive of the verbs in brackets.


1/ The first telephone (invent) … by Alexander Bell.

2/ The first plastic (make) … in 1855 in England.

3/ Penicillin (discover) … by Alexander Fleming.

4/ The first accurate clock (invent)… by Christian Huygens.

5/ The helicopter (invent)… by Ihor Ivanovych Sicorsky in 1939.

6/ The dishwasher (design) …by Mrs W.A.Cockran.

7/ The first telegraph (invent) … by Edison.


ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку


  1. Summarising

Thank you very much, pupils, for your creative work, your interesting stories. Unfortunately, our lesson is coming to the end. What useful information have you learnt today? Have you proved the motto of the lesson?


  1. Homework

Write a composition "Modern inventions in my house"



Пов’язані теми
Англійська мова, Розробки уроків
2 травня 2018
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