Урок "Охорона здоров'я. Відвідування лікаря."

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Конспек уроку з англійської мови з теми "Охорона здоров'я. Відвідування лікаря." у 7 класі до падручника А. Несвіт.
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Unit 3

Theme of the lesson: Visiting the doctor.

Objectives: to identify some illnesses (a fever, a sore throat, a quinsy, a bad cold, toothache, a headache, a stomach ache);

                    to learn giving advices using the modal verb should or shouln’t;

                    to revise the studied words (earache, a backache, a stomach ache, toothache, a bad cold, a cough, a sore throat, a headache, a high temperature, a pain in the knee, a pain in the elbow, a hospital, a doctor, to feel sick, to feel ill, to feel fine);

        to develop learners’ reading, writing, listening and speaking skills;

        to develop pupils’ attention, imagination and memory.

Learning outcomes:

By the end of the lesson the learners will be able to:

name some illnesses (a fever, a sore throat, a quinsy, a bad cold, toothache, a headache, a stomach ache);

give advices using the modal verb should or shouln’t;

using active vocabulary.

Equipment: a book; a copybook; the cards with the tasks; a blackboard; a whiteboard; a projector; a presentation.

Хід уроку

І Організаційна частина

1.  Greeting

-  Good morning, children.

-  I‘m glad to see you.

-  Today we have some guests at our lesson. Let’s greet them!

-  Also, today we’ll continue learning our theme “HEALTH HIGHLIGHTS” and talk about the doctor’s advices in case of some illness or some symptoms. I hope it will be interesting for you and for our guests. Are you ready?

-  So, let’s begin!

2. Warming-up.

T: Let’s watch the video and repeat the studied words.


II Основна частина

1.Checking up the hometask.

T: And now let’s check up you home task. For today you have to read and translate the text from ex. 2, on the page 62. So, you have to find the translation of the following phrases in the text.

Почувати себе хворим – to feel ill;

залишатися в ліжку – to stay in bed;

викликати лікаря – to call the doctor;

рецепт – the prescription;

він був блідий – he was pale;

лихоманка - fever;

обстежити пацієнта – examined his patient;

полоскати горло – gargle your throat;

2. Writing.

T: Look at the blackboard and make up the sentences using the prompts. Also, you have to complete the last one yourselves.

It’s a good idea

It’s important

It’s useful

It’s necessary



to eat

sea products. (fish)

dairy products. (milk, cheese)

wheat products. (bread, pancakes)

fruit and vegetables.

Never eat …

3. Фізкультхвилинка.

T. Now let’s play a little. So stand up and let’s make the circle. I have a cabbage with the questions for you. You have to hand it each other and when the music is over, you have to answer the question.

How are you?

How often do you visit the doctor?

Do you like eating fast food?

Would you like to be a doctor in the future?

Do you go in for sport?

4. Speaking. Work in groups. “the Doctors” and “the Patients”

T: Sometimes we feel sick, and then everybody gives us the advices. If you want to advise somebody smth, you have to use the model verb should or shouldn’t.

        Symptoms( problems)                         Advice

A headache

Take some aspirin

A backache

Eat nothing for 24 hours

A toothache

Drink hot milk with honey

A stomachache

Stay in bed

An earache

Have a rest

A sore throat

Lie down

A fever  = high temperature

Drink lots of liquids

A cough

See the dentist= go to the dentist

A running nose

See the doctor= go to the doctor

A pain in the knee

Stop smoking

Feel tired

Take some drops


P1. I have a …

      I feel …

P2. If you have a … you should …

      If you feel … you should …

5. Listening.

T: And now let’s listen the dialogue and put the sentences in the correct order.


  • Good morning Mrs Jones. What seems to be the problem?
  • Well doctor, I’ve got a sore throat and a bad cough. I’ve also got a headache.
  • How long have you had these symptoms?
  • About four days now, and I’m feeling really tired too.
  • It sounds like you’ve got the flu. Take two aspirin every four hours. You should also get lots of rest and drink plenty of fluids. And if you don’t feel better in a couple of days, give me a call.
  • Thank you doctor.

6. Speaking.

T: All people want to be healthy. What we should to do to be healthy? Let’s complete the chart.


C:\Users\1985v\Downloads\New-Mind-Map (1).png

ІІІ. Заключна частина

1. Conclusion

- So, our lesson is coming to the end and I want you to complete the card with your achivments.

- Your home task for the next lesson is to complete the dialogue in the ex 5, on the page 63.

- Thank you, children, for the lesson. The lesson is over. Goodbye!

22 листопада 2019
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