Урок-повторення і узагальнення теми

Про матеріал

У данному матеріалі йде мова про світ спорту, який є цікавий та захопливий. Деякі учні отримують задоволення від спостереження за спортивним процесом перед телевізором чи на стадіоні. На данному уроці учні удосконалюють навички мовлення, використовуючи Present Simple and Past Simple Tenses у реченнях. Розвиток мислення, логіки і письма допомагають дітям у розширенні знань про види спорту.

Перегляд файлу


Мета:    активізувати лексику з теми Спорт, удосконалювати навички спілкування використовуючи ключові фрази ,розвивати мислення пам’ять, логіку ,розширювати знання про види спорту, виховувати любов до спорту, формувати навички здорового способу життя.


-   брати участь у діалогічному мовленні;

-   виконати вправи з використанням Past Simple у реченнях;

            -написати слова у словники;

-   доповнити текст;

-   розповідати про цікаві види спорту.

Матеріали та обладнання: підручник, роздаткові картки, DVD диски.


1.    Організаційний момент

T: Hello how are you? Today we talk about kinds of sport,why  sport is important for our health.What kinds of sport do you know? Lets check. There are a lot of words in the box.Choose,read and translate.

         Basketball,football,volleyball,cycling,boxing,riding,skiing,tennis, judo,chess,gymnastics,jumping,running,hockey,athletics.

(Pupils do the task).

2.    Основна частина уроку SPEAKING.

     T:  You have to choose one card  read and guess what kind of sport is.

 Its a game played between 2 people who use rackets.(tennis)

    Its a game in which you try to knock a ball into a goal.(football)

    Its a game for 2 teams of 11 players who use special sticks to hit a  ball. (hockey)         

  Its a game between 2 teams and 5 players.Each team throws a large      ball into teams basket.(basketball)

The act of sport of those who swim.(swimming)

T:  Talking about sports when do we use go play or do?

GO – if you speak about sport ending – ing: I go swimming.


DO – if you speak about other sports: I do athletics.

 T:  On your desk find the paper with the task. Complete the sentences.

1.    I…….. running on Tuesday.

2.    My sister…… windsurfing every day.

3.    Pete…… karate at the club.

4.    I……..climbing in the mountains every summer.

5.    I…...swimming with my friend.

6.    Sometimes they……...basketball at school.


                (Students do the task)

T: What is your favourite kind of sport? 

P: I like swimming.I started to learn when I was about 7 years. Ithink that swimming is something like music or language.I visit swimming pool every week.

P2:In my opinion the best sport is tennis. I play table tennis. My father has taught me this game. And now I play it every day. Tennis also helps me to relax after working day.

P3:I like running. Every morning I run about kilometer. After it Iam not tired. Jogging keeps me fit. I run all over the year in any weather.


T: Lets review Past SIMPLE Tense. We use it for actions in the past in definite time. We form it by adding-ed to regular verbs or the 2nd form to irregular verbs. We use time expressions: yesterday,last week,in 1978,the day before yesterday.

Examples:               I played football yesterday.

I went to the hospital the day before yesterday.

                               WHEN I was 5 I went home with my mother.

T: Look at the board. Make up sentences.

1.   goes in John skateboarding park in

2.   goes she does swimming

3.   on Sundays cycling go we.

4.   best very plays football well friend my.

T: Now I would like to tell you about extere kinds of sport. Ihope it will interesting for you.

Skydiving also known as parachuting is the activity of performing acrobatics during freefall.

Surfing is a sport of standing on a long flat board and moving across waves in the sea.

Ice diving is an extreme sport in which you dive through a hole into a very cold sea that have ice on the top.

3. Підбиття підсумків уроку.

Game”Perform a mime”.

T: Now we will play a mime game. One person goes to the board and gets a card. On the card a sport is written. Then he performs a mime. You should guess the sport he is performing. The person who gets more balls is a winner.

So what have you learnt at the lesson? ( Pupils answer).

T:  At home write about the sports and activities you do.

Your marks for today are...

До підручника
Англійська мова (для спеціалізова-них шкіл з поглибленим вивченням англійської мови) 5 клас (Калініна Л.В., Самойлюкевич І.В.)
21 жовтня 2018
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