Урок+презентація "Welcome to the Sun Country"

Про матеріал
Хочеться запросити вас на Вінниччину. Під час віртульної екскурсії ви можете насолодитися красою країни Сонця, через яку протікає річка Бог (нині Буг), яка прекрасна по-своєму в будь-яку пору року. Наш край привабить вас під час цвітіння садів навесні, коли бджоли збирають солодкий нектар, дозрівання соняшників, що слідують за Сонцем, соїми кришталево чистими ріками та радісним співом жайворонків на блакитному небі, осінніми деревами, що носять золоте листя, а взимку прикрашені інеєм. Вінничина відома своїми архітектурними та історичними пам’ятками, людьми, що примножують її славу. Дана розробка містить план-конспект уроку та презентацію «Welcome to the Sun Country», в яких акумульована дослідницька робота учнів про область, в якій вони проживають та рідне місто. В розробці наведено приклади, як можна залучити учнів до активного сприймання інформації наслух. Учні вчаться складати акровірш про рідне місто, працюють в групах, парах та індивідуально.
Перегляд файлу

Olha Marchuk,

 teacher of English,

 school 4,

 Zmerynka, Vinnytsia region


Suggested level – A2 pre-intermediate

Topic: Welcome to the Sun Country
        (A Virtual Excursion to Vinnytsia Region)




  • to practice expressing and exchanging opinions on the subject;
  • to expand pupils’ knowledge about the land of their forefathers;
  • to stimulate pupils’ creative thinking;
  • to bring up students to be proud of being the citizen of their native country.


Learning Outcomes:

children will be able to:

  • express and exchange their opinions about the land of their forefathers (8-10 sentences);
  • present their projects about their home town;
  • create an acrostic about their home town;
  • decide whether the sentences are true or false and correct the false statements about their region.

Equipment: project works, computer, multimedia presentation of the lesson “Welcome to the Sun Country”.




  1.                Organization of the group.
  2.            The aim of the lesson.

T: Dear pupils, today we are going to have an unusual lesson – a virtual   excursion to our native region. You have prepared project works describing our regional centre Vinnytsia, our home town and some places of interest of Vinnytchyna. So, by the end of the lesson you would be able to learn a lot of useful information about Vinnytsia region, its places of interest and things    you can be proud of.

III.     Warming-up.

 .pilvelop studentl Excursion of  T:  Comment on the saying:
          “Know yourself - and you will know the world” ( Slide 2)
                                                                        Hryhorii Skovoroda

IV. Main part

1. Project Presentation. “Welcome to Vinnytsia”.

P1: Vinnytsia Region is situated in the central part of the Right-bank Ukraine in the forest-steppe zone. It borders on Chernivtsi and Khmelntskyi regions in the west, Zhytomyr region in the north, Kyiv, Cherkasy and Kirovohrad regions in the east, Odesa region and Moldova in the south. Vinnyts’ka oblast has been formed on the 27th of February 1932 and now is one of the most developed parts of Ukraine. Its territory is 26,500 sq. km. it’s population is 1,982,700 people. The regional centre is Vinnytsia. Here you can see the emblem of Vinnytsia. (Slide 3)


P2: Our ancestors believed that this part of Ukraine was a Heaven on the Earth. No wonder, the name of the main river of Vinnytchyna – the South Buh is derived from Bog, God in Slavonic. Really this land is endowed by God with richest in all the Europe soils and cristal-clear rivers, with velvet fields and open steppes protected by rough hills. Our homeland combines all the wealth and all the beauty of Ukraine. In ancient manuscripts we find the following words: “… Podillia seems to be the country of the Sun… through which the God-river flows”. ( Slide 4)



P3: Vinnytsia as a fortress was first mentioned in 1363. The origin of the name Vinnytsia has not been ascertained definitely. Somebody thinks that the name of the town is derived from the name of the little river Vinnytchka, a tributary of the South Bug. Others believe it is derived from wine-making trade. ( Slide 5)

P4: Nowadays Vinnytsia is a big industrial centre with 400 000 residents. There are here over 70 plants and factories. City produces everything from bearings to computers, from fertilizers to agriculture machinery and equipment, from food stuffs and clothes to diamonds. ( Slide 6)



P1: A lot of people say that our oblast centre can be called another Kyiv because of its blooming chestnut-trees, powerful bridges and golden cupolas of churches, that has stood up to the years of destruction, decorating our streets and squares, and reminding us of eternities. (Slide 7)





P2: If you ever visit Vinnytsia , you shouldn’t miss its museums. At outskirts of the city there is a village Pyrohove known as Vyshnia before 1950. In 1861 it was bought by the great Russian surgeon Mykola Pyrogov. He has built here the house, where now is located the memorial museum of the famouse scientist. Since June 1995 it has got the status of an national museum. (Slide 8)



P3: Maksym Rylskyi wrote, “The gardens around Vinnytsia are blossoming, the songs around Vinnytsia are blooming”. In fact, our land is known as the country of singers and our people are erudites and particular theatre-lovers, poets in heart. The Music Drama theatre of Vinnytsia oblast named after M.Sadovskyi is popular not only in Vinnytsia but also in other cities and towns of Ukraine; it often goes on tours all over the country and abroad. (Slide 9)



P4: In the same time, this is the city of students and scientists. The citizens of Vinnytsia are proud of Vinnytsia Medical University named after M.Pyrohov widely known for its scientific traditions. More than 4 500 students from Ukraine and 52 foreign countries are studying here.
Over  9 500 students , now studying in Vinnytsia state Pedagogical University, will become specialists in all subjects of secondary school educational programmes.
Well-trained experts graduate from Vinnytsia State Technical University and from Vinnytsia State Agricultural University. ( Slide 10)




P1: The favourite place for rest and relaxation of Vinnytsia residents is the City Park. Beautiful alleys lined by old linden-trees lead to the splendid fountain, to the athletic courts, stadium, planetarium, to open concert hall and to the cinema hall. Another alley displays monuments to the famous personalities. There are comfortable bars and restaurants in the park, which is spread out on 40 hektares. There are also many other beautiful places to rest in Vunnytsia. ( Slide 11)(lide 7 )



P2: From the rail-road Station of Vinnytsia trains go to Kyiv and Lviv, to Praga and Bratislava, to Budapest and Sophia, and other cities of Europe. By the way, Vinnytsia has friendship contacts with many foreign cities including twin-cities, which are Peterborough in the UK, Kelce in Poland, Jassy in Romania.

( Slide 12)(lide 7 )



P3: :  pupils today we want to talk about the beauty of our native land.Vinnytchyna is rich in historical events and glorious deeds of our compatriots. National memory saved to ourdays, in songs and legends, the names of the glorious knights, like Severyn Nalyvaiko, Maksym Kryvonis, Danylo Nechai, Ivan Bohun and many other worthy sons of Ukrainian nation. ( Slide 13)


P4: Well never forget the years of fascist’s invasion. In July 1941 Vinnytchyna became an occupied zone. Nevertheless, fascist agressors couldn’t force descendants of willful cossacks to their knees. Not far from Vinnytsia was built so called “Werewolf”, the secret Headquarters of Hitler. ( Slide 14)

 Over 15 000 prisoners of war from several countries of Europe were used there as workers. The prisoners were dying of starvation, beatings and excessive toil. In 1942 the top secret project was completed and all the prisoners were executed by shooting. Near Stryzhavka there is an obelisk remindin that tragedy.
In general, 17 villages of Podillia were burnt to aches by fascists, 204 781 citizens were executed. ( Slide 15)(lide 7 )



2. Comprehension test.

T: During the first part of our virtual excursion you have heard the following numbers. Say what they refer to. (Slide 16)


1932, 26.500, 17, 1363, 400 000, 1995, 1941, 1942, 40

(Key: 1932 - Vinnyts’ka oblast has been formed on the 27th of February 1932;

            26.500 - the territory of Vinnytska region is 26,500 sq. km.;

            17 - 17 villages of Podillia were burnt to aches by fascists;

            1363 - Vinnytsia as a fortress was first mentioned in 1363;

            400 000 – the population of Vinnytsia;

            1995 - the memorial museum of Mykola Pyrogov got the status of an national museum

                        in June 1995;

            1941 - in July 1941 Vinnytchyna was occupied by fascist agressors;

            1942 - In 1942 the secret Headquarters of Hitler, so called “Werewolf,  was completed;

      40 - the City Park is spread out on 40 hektares.)      


T: Vinnytsia is only a little part of the “Country of the Sun”, as it was called in ancient time. Now Vinnytchyna includes three town regions and 27 village regions. The oblast counts 17 bigger and 30 smaller towns, and 1467 villages. Let us visit at least some of them to learn better the land and its people. Other three groups of our pupils prepared project works about famous places of our region.


3. Project Presentation. “Hospitable Gates to Vinnytshyna”

P5: A kind of a hospitable gate to the oblast makes Koziatyn, a town founded in 1874, when rail-way line Kyiv – Odessa was under constraction.
In the village Systrynivka not far from Koziatyn passed the childhood of the famouse historian, first president of Ukrainian State Mykhailo Hrushevskyi. In the local school there is his museum. ( Slide 17)(lide 7 )



P6: Mightly linden trees decorate Nemyriv highway. Planted in two lines, beautiful trees protect the road and make happy people and bees. There are different legends about who ordered to plant the linden trees here. It might have been Katherine II, Potoskyi, Suvorov. But in any case we have to thank people who did that in the end of XVIII century.
The great Russian poet Mykola Nekrasov was born in Nemyriv. In local gymnasium worked Ivan Soshenko, the famouse Ukrainian artist , a friend of T.Shevchenko.
In Nemyriv Franz List gave one of his last concerts. Honore de Balzac visited the town with Evelin Ganska. ( Slide 18)(lide 7 )



P7: You should visit the palace of countess Scherbatova which in 1921 became the health centre “Avangard”. The recreation place is situated in a splendid park on 85 hektars and has a summer branch in Sokiltsi.


4. Discussion

T: They say, “East or West home is best”. ( Slide 19) It’s really so. There is nothing like our home town. Please, answer my questions:

  1. What is the name of our town?
  2. Is it large or small?
  3. How long have you lived in it?
  4. How many people live in our town?
  5. Is it situated on the bank of the river?
  6. What historical places are there in our town?
  7. What factories and plants are there in Zhmerynka?
  8. What is our town famous for?


5. Relaxation

T: Close your eyes and think of Zhmerynka. Write down the first things that come into your head.

6. Group work
T:  Work in groups. Write down the things you associate with Zhmerynka. Compare your lists and explain why you have thought of those things?

7. Project Presentation. “Our Home Town”

P9: Zhmerynka meets you with its original rail-road station which is a masterpiece of architecture. It was designed by architect Z.I. Zhuravskyi. By the way, from the height of the bird’s flight it has the form of a ship. ( Slide 20)(lide 7 )



P10: We suggest the guests of our town to see our beautiful Orthodox Church of St. Alexendre Nevskyi with its marvelous golden domes and attractive Catholic Cathedral. ( Slide 21)(lide 7 )



P12: You can enjoy the beauty of our central square in Zhmerynka with the monument to T.G. Shevchenko, the building of local authorities and rest near the Tree of Love. Especially it is nice at night when the lights are lit. ( Slide 22)(lide 7 )





P13: We insist on that talented, creative and heard-working people live in our home town. Many interesting events are held here. ( Slide 23)



P14: Create an acrostic, please. ( Slide 24)
What do you associate Zhmerynka with?

Z –

H -

M -

E -

R -

Y -

N -

K -

A -


P14: From our railway station you can travel to any part of our country and even abroad.

( Slide 25)


Т: Vinnytchyna counts 1086 rivers. The largest ones are the South Bug and the Dniester. Their banks are peaceful and quiet but they do remember different times.
                                     “The South Buh-river still
                                       has youthful hotheadedness,
                                       though being the oldest
                                       resident of Podillia.”     
                                                                  Anatolii Bortniak                            ( Slide 26)




P7: Our excursion comes to the end.
Say if the statements are true (T) or false (F). Correct the false statements.

  1. Our ancestors believed that the territory of our region was a Heaven on the Earth.
  2. Vinnytsia is 655-years old.
  3. Vinnytchyna consists of 27 regions.
  4. A lot of people say that our oblast centre can be called another Paris.
  5. A kind of hospitable gate to Vinnytsia oblast makes Nemyriv.
  6. There is a health centre in Nemyriv.
  7. The rail-road station in Zhmerynka was designed by architect Z.I. Zhuravskyi.
  8. From the height of the bird’s flight  Zhmerynka rail-road station has the form of a ship.
  9. You can find the Tree of Love in Vinnytsia.
  10. Vinnytchyna counts 1086 rivers.
  11. Suvorov wrote his famous book “The Science of Being Victorious” in Zhmerynka.

 (Key: 1-T, 2-F, 3-F, 4-F, 5-F, 6-T, 7-T, 8-T, 9-F, 10-T)

V. Summarizing

 T: Do remember:


“A person who is respectful towards his land, civilization and language, attains greatness and he acquires all the happiness of life. His deeds should be such that makes the motherland, the culture and language proud.”

                                  Rig Veda                                   ( Slide 27)


VI.  Home Assignment
T: Design a tourist booklet of your home town.


1. Біньківський М.І., Співак В.О. Ровесниця буремного століття. – Луцьк: Надстир’я, 2003. – 48с.

2. Мотренко Т. Фотоальбом  «Вінниччина». – К.: Чорлі, 1998. – 175с.

3. Інтернет ресурси.



Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Welcome to the Sun Country (A Virtual Excursion of Vinnytsia Region)

Номер слайду 2

1. Comment on the saying: “Know yourself - and you will know the world” Hryhorii Skovoroda

Номер слайду 3

3. Vinnytsia Region is situated in the central part of the Right-bank Ukraine in the forest-steppe zone. It borders on Chernivtsi and Khmelntskyi regions in the west, Zhytomyr region in the north, Kyiv, Cherkasy and Kirovohrad regions in the east, Odesa region and Moldova in the south. Vinnytska oblast has been formed on the 27th of February 1932 and now is one of the most developed parts of Ukraine. It’s territory is 26.500 sq. km. it’s population is 1982.700 people. The regional centre is Vinnytsia

Номер слайду 4

Our ancestors believed that this part of Ukraine was a Heaven on the Earth. No wonder, the name of the main river of Vinnytchyna – the South Buh is derived from Bog, God in Slavonic. Really this land is endowed by God with richest in all the Europe soils and cristal-clear rivers, with velvet fields and open steppes protected by rough hills. Our homeland combines all the wealth and all the beauty of Ukraine. In ancient manuscripts we find the following words: “… Podillia seems to be the country of the Sun… through which the God-river flows”.

Номер слайду 5

Vinnytsia as a fortress was first mentioned in 1363. The origin of the name Vinnytsia has not been ascertained definitely. Somebody thinks that the name of the town is derived from the name of the little river Vinnytchka, a tributary of the South Bug. Others believe it is derived from wine-making trade. Buildings of Soborna street fascinate by their ancient.

Номер слайду 6

Nowadays Vinnytsia is a big industrial centre with 400 000 residents. There are here over 70 plants and factories. City produces everything from bearings to computers, from fertilizers to agriculture machinery and equipment, from food stuffs and clothes to diamonds. The building of the oblast Rada and local authorities. The state building near Khmelnytska Road, which has been nicknamed “Bookhouse”. The building of local authorities.

Номер слайду 7

A lot of people say that our oblast centre can be called another Kyiv because of its blooming chestnut-trees, powerful bridges and golden cupolas of churches, that has stood up to the years of destruction, decorating our streets and squares, and reminding us of eternities. St. Transfiguration Cathedral. The House of Gospel

Номер слайду 8

If you ever visit Vinnytsia , you shouldn’t miss its museums. At outskirts of the city there is a village Pyrohove known as Vyshnia before 1950. In 1861 it was bought by the great russian surgeon Mykola Pyrogov. He has built here the house, where now is located the memorial museum of the famouse scientist. Since June 1995 it has got the status of an national museum. Grave’s Church of M. Pirogov Country Estate of M. Pirogov

Номер слайду 9

Maksym Rylskyi wrote, “The gardens around Vinnytsia are blossoming, the songs around Vinnytsia are blooming”. In fact, our land is known as the country of singers and our people are erudites and particular theatre-lovers, poets in heart. The Music Drama theatre of Vinnytsia oblast named after M.Sadovskyi is popular not only in Vinnytsia but also in other cities and towns of Ukraine; it often goes on tours all over the country and abroad.

Номер слайду 10

In the same time, this is the city of students and scientists. The citizens of Vinnytsia are proud of Vinnytskyi Medical University of M.Pyrohov widely known for its scientific traditions. More than 4 500 students from Ukraine and 52 foreign countries are studying here. Over 9 500 students , now studying in Vinnytskyi state Pedagogical University, will become specialists in all subjects of secondary school educational programmes. Well-trained experts graduate from Vinnytskyi State Technical University and from Vinnytskyi State Agricultural University.

Номер слайду 11

The favourite place for rest and relaxation of Vinnytsia residents is the City Park. Beautiful alleys lined by old linden-trees lead to the splendid fountain, to the athletic courts, stadium, planetarium, to open concert hall and to the cinema hall. Another alley displays monuments to the famous personalities. There are comfortable bars and restaurants in the park, which is spread out on 40 hektares. There are also many other beautiful places to rest in Vunnytsia. The old tower in Kozytski park. The bridge and picturesque view Of Vinnytsia. MiG-2 jetflighter monument.

Номер слайду 12

From the rail-road Station of Vinnytsia trains go to Moscow and Sankt-Petersburg, to Praga and Bratislava, to Budapest and Sophia, and other cities of Europe. By the way, Vinnytsia has friendship contacts with many foreign cities including twin-cities, which are Peterborough in the UK, Kelce in Poland, Jassy in Romania.

Номер слайду 13

Vinnytchyna is rich in historical events and glorious deeds of our compatriots. National memory saved to ourdays, in songs and legends, the names of the glorious knights, like Severyn Nalyvaiko, Maksym Kryvonis, Danylo Nechai, Ivan Bohun and many other worthy sons of Ukrainian nation.

Номер слайду 14

We shall never forget the years of fascist’s invasion. In July 1941 Vinnytchyna became an occupied zone. Nevertheless, fascist agressors couldn’t force descendants of willful cossacks to their knees. Not far from Vinnytsia was built so called “Werewolf”, the secret Headquarters of Hitler. Ruins of Hitler’s Headquarters “Werewolf”.

Номер слайду 15

Over 15 000 prisoners of war from several countries of Europe were used there as workers. The prisoners were dying of starvation, beatings and excessive toil. In 1942 the top secret project was completed and all the prisoners were executed by shooting. Near Stryzhavka there is an obelisk reminding that tragedy. In general, 17 villages of Podillia were burnt to aches by fascists, 204 781 citizens were executed. Small Town Stryzhavka. Monument to builder of Hitler’s Headquarters.

Номер слайду 16

4. During the first part of our virtual excursion you have heard the following numbers. Say what they refer to. 1932, 26.500, 17, 1363, 400 000, 1995, 1941, 1942, 40.

Номер слайду 17

A kind of a hospitable gate to the oblast makes Koziatyn, a town founded in1874, when rail-way line Kyiv – odessa was under constraction. In the village Systrynivka not far from Koziatyn passed the childhood of the famouse historian, first president of Ukrainian State Mykhailo Hrushevskyi. In the local school there is his museum.

Номер слайду 18

Mightly linden trees decorate Nemyriv highway. Planted in two lines, beautiful trees protect the road and make happy people and bees. There are different legends about who ordered to plant the linden trees here. It might have been Katherine II, Potoskyi, Suvorov. But in any case we have to thank people who did that in the end of XVIII century. The great Russian poet Mykola Nekrasov was born in Nemyriv. In local gymnasium worked Ivan Soshenko, the famouse Ukrainian artisy , a friend of T.Shevchenko. In Nemyriv Franz List gave one of his last concerts. Honore de Balzac visited the town with Evelin Ganska. The palace of countess Scherbatova became since 1921 the health centre “Avangard”. The recreation place is situated in a splendid park on 85 hektars and has a summer branch in Sokiltsi.

Номер слайду 19

5. They say, “East or West home is best”. It’s really so. There is nothing like our home town. Conversation. What is the name of our town? Is it large or small? How long have you lived in it? How many people live in our town? Is it situated on the bank of the river? What historical places are there in our town? What factories and plants are there in Zhmerynka? What is our town famouse for?

Номер слайду 20

Zhmerynka meets you with its original rail-road station which is a masterpiece of architecture. It was designed by architect Z.I. Zhuravskyi. By the way, from the height of the bird’s flight it has the form of a ship.

Номер слайду 21

We suggests the guests of our town to see our beautiful Orthodox Church of St. Alexendre Nevskyi with its marvelous golden domes and attractive Catholic Cathedral.

Номер слайду 22

The central square in Zhmerynka with the monument to T.G. Shevchenko. The building of local authorities and the Tree of Love.

Номер слайду 23

We insist on that talented, creative and heard-working people live in our home town. Many interesting events are held here.

Номер слайду 24

6. Create an acrostic. What do you associate Zhmerynka with? Z – H - M - E - R - Y - N - K - A -

Номер слайду 25

7. From our railway station you can travel to any part of our country and even abroad. So, let’s travel around our region.

Номер слайду 26

Vinnytchyna counts 1086 rivers. The largest ones are the South Bug and the Dniester. Their banks are peaceful and quiet but they do remember different times. “The South Buh-river still has youthful hotheadedness, though being the oldest resident of Podillia.” Anatolii Bortniak

Номер слайду 27

8. Do remember: A person who is respectful towards his land, civilization and language, attains greatness and he acquires all the happiness of life. His deeds should be such that makes the motherland, the culture and language proud. Rig Veda

Номер слайду 28

9. Home Assignment Design a tourist booklet of your home town.

23 серпня 2019
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