Урок "Seasons and Months"

Про матеріал
Розробка уроку для учнів третього класу. Мета уроку: ознайомити учнів з порами року та назвами місяців за допомогою малюнків, відео та аудіо матеріалів.
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Seasons and months (Form 3)


- to introduce learners with topical vocabulary;

- to develop learners' memory, reading skills, attention, logical thinking;

- to bring up interest to learning English.

Equipment: flashcards, a laptop, a projector, presentation.


I. Introduction. Warming-up

T: Good morning, children! How are you?

Ss: Good morning, teacher! We are fine, thank you. And what about you?

T: I am great, thank you!

How do you go? - Quickly!

How do you jump? - Highly!

How do you play? - Merrily!

How do you dance? - Beautifully!

How do you learn English?  - With pleasure!

T: OK! Let's start our lesson!

Answer the following questions:

1.What season is it now?

2. Do you like winter?

3. What winter months do you know?

4. What month is it now?

5. What season comes after winter?

6. What is your favourite season?

(Students answer.)

II. The Main Part

T: Today we're going to learn all the seasons and speak about months.

(Students watch video presentation.)

T: This is the grandpa Year. These are his daughters Seasons. How many seasons are there in a year?

(Students answer.)

T: Yes, there are four. What are their names?

(Students answer.)

* Game "I spy with my little eye"

(Children look at the words on the screen. They must name the first sound in the word, then the first letter. And then the last sound and the last letter.)

T: What season starts the year? What season comes after winter (spring, summer, autumn)?

(Students answer.)

* Relaxation Time (a song "What's your favourite season?")

I like spring, I like spring

The flowers bloom, the flowers bloom.

I like summer, I like summer

It's hot outside, it's hot outside.

What's your favourite, what's your favourite

season, season?

I like autumn, I like autumn

The leaves change colours, the leaves change colours.

I like winter, I like winter

I love the snow, I love the snow.

T: What's your favourite season? (Students answer.)

T: This is the grandpa Year. These are his four daughters. What are they? What are their names? Each season has got three sons-  months. How many months are there in a year? Let's count.

(Students answer.)

T: Let's learn their names. Repeat after me, please.

The winter months are December, January, February.

The spring months are March, April, May.

The summer months are June, July, August.

The autumn months are September, October, November.

T: Now you know the Year has got a big family. Can you tell me about your favourite season?

(Students draw your favourite seasons and tell about it.)

III. Summing-up

(Exhibition of students' works)

11 січня 2022
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