Урок систематизації future tenses

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Урок систематизації та узагальнення future tenses.

Урок систематизації та узагальнення future tenses.
Урок систематизації та узагальнення future tenses.

Урок систематизації та узагальнення future tenses.

Урок систематизації та узагальнення future tenses.

Урок систематизації та узагальнення future tenses.

Урок систематизації та узагальнення future tenses.

Урок систематизації та узагальнення future tenses.

Зміст слайдів
Номер слайду 1

Future Tenses Підготувала Зінченко С.М.

Номер слайду 2

Ways of talking about future Future Simple Be Going To Future Continuous Future Perfect Present Continuous Present Simple Future Perfect Continuous

Номер слайду 3

Future Simple 1 We use the Future Simple to talk about: Predictions There will be more deserts in the future. Promises I’ll take you with me next time. Threats I’ll tell your friends about this. Offers Those bags look heavy. I’ll carry some for you. For requests Will you help we with the cleaning? Decisions made at the time of speaking Onions are not on the list, but I will get some.

Номер слайду 4

Номер слайду 5

Time expressions with the Future Simple toworrow the day after tomorrow tonight soon next week

Номер слайду 6

Future Simple Affirmative I/you will go he/she/it will go we/you/they will go Negative I/you will not go he/she/it will not go we/you/they will not go Question Will I/you go? Will he/she/it go? Will we/you/they go?

Номер слайду 7

Open the brackets 1. I (to play) chess tomorrow 2. I (not to play) chess tomorrow 3. You (to play) chess tomorrow? 4. Nick (to go) to school tomorrow 5. You (to come) to my place next Sunday? 6. I (not to see) him tomorrow. 7. They (not to take) care of the garden next summer

Номер слайду 8

Be Going To We use be going to talk about: Plans and arrangements for the future I am going to plant some trees in my garden Something we know is going to He’s very tired. He is going to fall asleep very soon. Look! It is going to snow. Intentions From now on, I’m not going to throw away paper with the other rubbish Ambitions I’ m going to enter the university . When we can see that something is likely to happen Be careful ! You are going to fall !

Номер слайду 9

Write the correct form to be going to or will A. Don’t forget, it’s Jo’s birthday tomorrow. B. Is it? OK, I____ send her a card this afternoon. A. What are your plans for the summer? B. We_____(‘re going to) spend the whole summer by the sea. ( Oh no, look at the child. She____ fall off her bike ! I think Ruth ___ pass her exams without much difficulty. Those bags look heavy. I____ carry one of them. A. Now don’t forget to phone us. B. Don’t worry. I____ phone every day. If my grades are good, I____ get place at university. Millions of people ____ die of hunger again next year.

Номер слайду 10

Write the correct form to be going to or will A. Don’t forget, it’s Jo’s birthday tomorrow. B. Is it? OK, I____ (’ll) send her a card this afternoon. A. What are your plans for the summer? B. We_____(‘re going to) spend the whole summer by the sea. Oh no, look at the child. She____(‘s going to) fall off her bike ! I think Ruth ___(will) pass her exams without much difficulty. Those bags look heavy. I____(will) carry one of them. A. Now don’t forget to phone us. B. Don’t worry. I____ (will) phone every day. If my grades are good, I____ (will) get place at university. Millions of people ____ (will) die of hunger again next year.

Номер слайду 11

Future Continuous We use the Future Continuous to talk about: Something that will be in progress at a specific time in the future This time tomorrow, I will be travelling to Malta Don’t phone me at four o’clock because I’ll be having a rest then

Номер слайду 12

Time Expressions with the Future Continuous at four o’clock tomorrow this time tomorrow today this time next evening tomorrow afternoon

Номер слайду 13

Future Perfect We use the Future Perfect Simple to talk about: Something that will be finished before something else happened in the future She will have done all the shopping before the supermarket closes Something that will be finished before a specific time in the future By twelve o’clock, I will have tidied the living room

Номер слайду 14

Time Expressions with the Future Perfect before until/till by the time by next week in ten minutes

Номер слайду 15

Analyze the use of verbs in the sentences given below. Pay attention to the use of adverbial modifiers. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. I promise I’ll call on you tomorrow. Will you be at home at noon? Yes, in the morning I’m going to do my English homework. I hope I’ll have finished by 11.30. By this time I’ll have been studying for three hours. I’ll be waiting for you from 11.45 to 12.15.

Номер слайду 16

Future Perfect Continuous We use the Future Perfect Continuous To emphasise the duration of an action up to a certain time inthe future By the end of May, Jill will have been living there for 15 years

Номер слайду 17

Time expressions with the Future Perfect Continuous by the end of this year for three years by next month in two years’ time how long ... by this Tuesday?

Номер слайду 18

Choose the correct variant 1.Our children ... supper when we return. a) will have; b) will be having; c) have 2.By this time next year I ... 1000 dollars, will save; b) will have saved; c) will be saving. 3. I make jam every week. I... about 50 kilos by the end of the summer. a) am making; b) shall make; c) shall have made. 4.By the time we get to the stadium our team ... and we shall not see the goal. a) will score; b) will have scored; c) will be scoring. 5.At 5 o’clock tomorrow my son ... a math lesson. a) will be having; b) will have; c) will have had. 6.Next month my mother ... in Italy for three years. a) will be living; b) will live; c) will have been living. 7.It... when we reach the place. a) will be raining; b) will have rained; c) will rain.

Номер слайду 19

Present Continuous Alex is getting married next month ( the date of wedding has already been fixed). I am seeing the doctor tomorrow ( I have an appointment) . To talk about actions which have already been arranged to do.

Номер слайду 20

Intentions (be going to) or personal arrangements (Present Continuous) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. It’s December and this is what I______ (do) in the New Year: first of all I_____ (go) to the school gymnasium more often. I ____ (meet) Mr Simpson, the sport teacher, school on Monday. He____ (plan) some sports exercises for me and I___( do) them. Secondly, I____ (eat) less in the New Year. My doctor___ (help) me with this — I hope I__ (see) him next Monday at two o’clock and I’ll ask him about food. Thirdly, I_____ (do) my homework for two hours every day. We___(get) a new computer tomorrow and I_____ (use) it to do my homework.

Номер слайду 21

Intentions (be going to) or personal arrangements (Present Continuous) Complete the sentences with the correct form of the verbs in brackets. It’s December and this is what I______(’m going to do) (do) in the New Year: first of all I_____(’m going to go) (go) to the school gymnasium more often. I ____(’m meeting) (meet) Mr Simpson, the sport teacher, school on Monday. He____ (’s going to plan) (plan) some sports exercises for me and I___(’ll do) them. Secondly, I____(’m going to eat) (eat) less in the New Year. My doctor___ (is going to help) (help) me with this — I hope I__ (‘m seeing) (see) him next Monday at two o’clock and I’ll ask him about food. Thirdly, I_____(’m going to do) (do) my homework for two hours every day. We___(are getting) (get) a new computer tomorrow and I_____ (’m going to use) (use) it to do my homework.

Номер слайду 22

Present Simple The match starts at 8.00 this evening. To talk about schedules, timetabled or fixed events.

Номер слайду 23

Use appropriate forms of the verbs in brackets to complete the sentences The weather forecast says it ______ (be) warm and sunny. I ______(not go) to the movies with you, I____(review) the article. On Sunday we______(live) in this apartment for a year. The whole next year I_____(study) for my entrance examinations. Big summer sales_____(begin) in August. I’ve just spoken to Adam. We____(play) tennis on Thursday afternoon. Tonight there’s a concert on TV. It _____ (start) at 7 pm. The swallows are flying low. It_____(rain). I can’t talk to you now. I_____ (call) you back in 5 minutes. From five to seven tomorrow my sisters____(shop). We____(have) a party on Saturday. We’ve already invited a lot of friends. In 2015 Peter and I____ (be) friends for 15 years. At this time tomorrow Julia____(sunbathe) on the beach in Brighton. I’ m sure the weather_____(change) for the better soon. Don’t help her, she______(do) everything by herself. You (see) for yourself what an interesting person he is. I ’ve got a sore throat. –I____(warm up) some milk and honey for you. Do you have any plans for the weekend? - Yes, we_____ (have) a picnic. Christine____(embroider) the napkin by her granny’s birthday.

Номер слайду 24

The weather forecast says it will be warm and sunny. I will not go to the movies with you, I am going to review the article. On Sunday we shall have been living in this apartment for a year. The whole next year I will be studying for my entrance examinations. Big summer sales begin in August. I’ve just spoken to Adam. We are playing tennis on Thursday afternoon. Tonight there’s a concert on TV. It starts at 7 pm. The swallows are flying low. It is going to rain. I can’t talk to you now. I will call you back in 5 minutes. From five to seven tomorrow my sisters will be shopping . We are having a party on Saturday. We’ve already invited a lot of friends. In 2015 Peter and I will have been friends for 15 years. At this time tomorrow Julia will be sunbathing on the beach in Brighton. I’ m sure the weather will change for the better soon. Don’t help her, she will do everything by herself. You will see for yourself what an interesting person he is. I ’ve got a sore throat. –I will warm up some milk and honey for you. Do you have any plans for the weekend? - Yes, we are going to have a picnic. Christine will have embroidered the napkin by her granny’s birthday.

8 січня 2019
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