Урок "Sport in our Life"

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План уроку " Спорт в нашому житті" для учнів 7 класу. На уроці використані інтерактивні методами розвитку вмінь та навичок говоріння, читання.
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Topic: Sport

Subtopic: Sport in our life

Objectives:  - to teach students to use prior knowledge on the topic;

  • to develop co-operative skills of pair and group work;
  • to improve students` reading and listening skills;
  • to practice speaking on the topic;
  • to develop memory, stimulate logical thinking;
  • to encourage students to be active

Equipment: pictures, handouts, text for reading, charts.

The Procedure of the Lesson

I. Greeting.

Good morning, girls and boys! How are you? Today is a nice day, isn’t it? I think, you are in a good mood, am I right?

T: Different people spend their free time in different ways. Some like traveling, reading books, some listing to music, some enjoys going to the theater and concerts. A lot of people in our country spend too much time watching TV and not enough time taking exercise. How fit are you? Do you exercise more than three times a week? Can you swim? Or are you like a famous writer who said “When I feel like doing some exercise, I lie down and wait until feeling goes?” As you can see, today we are going to speak about sport in our life.

Do you think it plays an important role in our life?

Why do many people go in for sport?

(- helps people to stay in a good shape, keeps them fit, healthy and makes them more organized and better disciplined in their activities)

What sports and games do you prefer? Why?

What sports or games can you call the most beautiful, the most dangerous, the most/ the least interesting to watch?

T: Different people prefer different sports. We say “sport” when we mean physical activity generally and when we mean a particular kind of sport. Can you guess what sports and games are described here?

  1. the sport of fighting with fists;
  2. the sport of riding in a small boat with sails;
  3. the sport of one who swims;
  4. the sport of playing a type of football with an oval ball;
  5. a game for two people who use rackets, a small soft ball and a low net;
  6. the sport of moving through the water in a boat without sails;
  7. the sport of going on horseback;
  8. a game played by two teams of 6 players each that is played on an ice field.


  1. boxing;
  2. sailing;
  3. swimming;
  4. rugby;
  5. tennis;
  6. rowing;
  7. horseracing;
  8. 8. icy hokey

T: Now, please, match the pictures and the sport


















step aerobics






ski jumping







T: Thousands of people devote their leisure time playing different games and doing sports. What do you call a person who:

plays golf – (golfer)

rides a bicycle – (a cyclist)

plays tennis – (a tennis player)

rides horses in races – (a jockey)

drives cars in races – (a driver)

does the high jump – (a high-jumper)

runs fast over short distances – (a sprinter)

does gymnastics – (a gymnast)

throws a discus – (discus thrower)

does windsurfing – (windsurfer)

T: Both referee and umpire are judges.

What games and competition do they judge?

Referee is used in connection with basketball, boxing, football, hockey, rugby, lacrosse and wrestling.

Umpire is used in connection with badminton, baseball, cricket, swimming, tennis and volleyball.

T: As you know sports are practised indoors and outdoors. There are some names of special places for practicing sport and playing games. Match the sport with the location.

a. golf

1. rink

b. boxing

2. pool

с. tennis

3. stadium

d. swimming

4. field

e. football

5. court

f. athletics

6. ring

g. ice-skating

7. course



Golf is played on a course.


Boxing is done on a ring


Tennis is played on a court.


Swimming is done in a pool.


Football is played in a field.


Athletics is done at the stadium.


Ice-skating is done on a rink.

T: Boxing, swimming, ice-skating, athletics are well-known sports. Let’s take a look at extreme sports. They have grown rapidly in importance and the extreme games attract growing numbers of participants.

What extreme sports do you know?

Keys: bungee jumping, ice-diving, sky surfing, snow boarding, snow rafting, white-water-rafting

T: Do you think they are dangerous?

Keys: Some of them are very dangerous)

T: What makes people risk their lives to do them? (- Speed, excitement, danger

  • May be it’s like a drug, the more they do them the more they want to do it again;
  • They want to show how strong and courageous they are;
  • They say it’s a feeling nothing can be compared to in a short period of time you experience so much;
  • They say, when they do it all their personal problems go away)

T: Read through the statements and choose the right item.

1. People do extreme sports in order to feel

a. excited
b. nervous
c. happy

2. Extreme sports have become popular in the last

a. 5 years
b. 10 years
с 20 years

3. People usually bungee jump from

a. aeroplanes
b. high buildings
c. bridges

4. In sky surfing people do mid-air

a. gymnastics
b. dancing
с swimming

5. Snowboarding has similarities with

a. skiing
b. surfing
с canoeing

6. Snowrafting is

a. quite dangerous
b. very dangerous
c. not very dangerous

7. For white-water rafting you need

a. big river
b. a warm river
c. a mountain river

8. Ice divers

a. swim under ice
b. walk on the bottom
c. walk upside down under the ice

Keys: 1a; 2b; 3c; 4a; 5b; 6b; 7c; 8c

T: Then, listen to two people talking about extreme sports. Complete the table.

Interviewer: So tell me, Carol, what sort of extreme sports do you do?

Carol: I like bungee jumping. It's great, really exciting.

Interviewer: But what makes you do bungee jumping?

Carol: Well, I get nervous, you know. But when I'm jumping I feel great. It's like being a bird. I

Interviewer: Really? What about other extreme sports?

Carol: Mm, I'd love to try sky surfing, but it's very expensive, you know.

Interviewer: Right. Are there any sports you wouldn't try?

Carol: I'm pretty adventurous, but even I wouldn't like to do snowrafting. There have been some terrible accidents. But I also don't like dull sports. I hate doing boring sports. Like tennis. Personally, I'd prefer to stay at home.

Interviewer: Oh, it's not that bad! Thank you very much, Carol. And now we have another 'extreme' sports fan, Jonathan. Jonathan, what extreme sports do you do?

Jonathan: Well, I prefer winter sports. There's something about snow. I love going skiing. And I quite like snowboarding. It's really cool.

Interviewer: So, why do you do it?

Jonathan: Well, as I said, I'm a snow fanatic. And I love sports where there's speed. I can't stand slow sports. You know, like sailing.

Interviewer: What other sports would you like to try?

Jonathan: I'd quite like to go ice diving - it sounds crazy!

Interviewer: Are there any sports you wouldn't like to try?

Jonathan: Oh yeah. I can't stand heights. I'd hate to do bungee jumping. It looks absolutely terrifying.

Interviewer: It certainly does. Right, Jonathan, thank you very much.







doesn’t like



would like to try



wouldn’t like to try



Keys: Carol likes bungee jumping; would like to try sky surfing; wouldn't like to try snowrafting.

Jonathan likes skiing/snowboarding; doesn't like sailing; would like to try ice diving.

T: Many people call themselves football fans, basketball fans or hokey fans. Can you call yourself a fan? Does the mention of the word “sport” make you run and put on your trainers? Or look for somewhere to hide.

Answer these questions and find out how much you like sport. Be honest.


1. It’s a cold, wet Sunday afternoon. Do you:

a) go out and play a game?
b) watch sport on TV?
c) read a book?

2. The World Cup Final is on TV. Do you:

  1. watch the match?
  2. study and listen match on the radio?
  3. go to your bedroom and play on your computer?

3. The Olympics are taking place on the other side of the world. Do you:

  1. stay up all night to watch everything?
  2. read the results in the moaning newspaper?
  3. yawn when friends talk about it?

4. Your new boyfriend/girlfriend wants to play tennis on Saturday; Do you:

  1. agree immediately and practise every day?
  2. go, but say you're not very good?
  3. say you're not interested and suggest going to the cinema?

5. The sports teacher is talking to the class about organising a sports day. Do you:

  1. volunteer for every event?
  2. choose one event you'd like to be in?
  3. hide behind a big student?

6. Your sports teacher chooses you to run in the 1500 metres race. Do you:

  1. practise running for a week before the race?
  2. just do your best and not worry about winning?
  3. phone the school on the day and say you are ill?





5 points

6 points or less: You hate sport


3 points

7 – 18 points: You quite like sport


0 points

More than 18 points: You are a sport fanatic.


T: At home you have read the story about Danny and his father. Let’s discuss it.

Thе Great Shooting Day (After R. Dahl)

Mr. Victor Hazell was rich beyond words, and his property stretched for miles along either side of the valley. All the land around us belonged to him, everything on either side of the road, everything except the small patch of ground on which the filling station stood. That patch belonged to my father. It was а little island in the middle of the vast ocean of Mr. Hazell's property.

Mr. Victor Hazell was а snob and he tried desperately to get on with what he believed were the right kind off folk. Не hunted with the hounds and gave shooting parties. And every weekend he drove his enormous silver Rolls-Royce past our filling station on his way to the factory.

"No," my father used to say, "I do not like Mr. Victor Hazell one little bit. I haven't forgotten the way he spoke to you last year when he came in for а fill up."

I haven't forgotten it either. Mr. Hazell had arrived in his expensive Rolls- Royce and had said to me, "Fil1 her up and look sharp about it." I was eight years old at the time, he didn't get out of the car, he just handed me the key to the cap of the gasoline tank and as he did so, he barked out, ''And keep your filthy - litt1e hands to yourself, you understand?" I didn't understand at all, so I said, "What do you mean, sir?"

There was а walking stick on the seat. Не picked it up and pointed it at те like а pistol. "If you spoil my car, I'll beat you up," he shouted.

Мy father was out of the workshop almost before Mr. Hazell had finished speaking. Не came up to the window of the car and placed his hands оп it. "I don't like you speaking to my son like that," he said. His voice was dangerously soft. "Yоu had nо reason to threaten him," my father went on. "Не had done nothing wrong. Next time yоu threaten someone why don't yоu pick оп а person your own size," my father said. "Like me, for instance."

Mr. Hazell did not look at him. Не sat quite still in the seat of his Rolls-Rоyсе, his tiny piggy eyes staring straight ahead.

"Now go away, please," my father said. "We do not wish to serve you." Не took the key from my hand and threw it through the window. The Rolls-Royce drove away fast in а cloud of dust. А silence fell between us. "I'll tell you something interesting" my father said at last. "The shooting season starts on Saturday. It always starts оп the first of October," hе said. ''And every year Mr. Hazell celebrates the day bу giving а big shooting party. It is а very famous event, Danny, that shooting party of Mr. Hazell's."

"Do lots of people соmе?" I asked.

"Hundreds," hе said. "Тhеy соmе from. miles around. Dukes and lords, barons and baronets, rich businessmen, and аll important folk in the country. Тhеy соmе with their guns and their dogs and their wives, and аll day long the noise of shooting is heard асross the valley. But they don't соmе because they like Mr. Hazell. Secretly they all despise him."

"Then why do they come, dad?"

"Because it's the best pheasant shoot in the South of England, that's why they соmе. But to Mr. Hazell it's the greatest day in the year because it makes him feel important. For one day in the year he becomes а big cheese in а little world and even the Duke of so-and-so tries to remember his first name when he says goodbye. So he is willing to раy almost anything to make it а success. Не spends а fortune оn those pheasants. Each summer he buys hundreds of young birds from the pheasant farm and puts them in the wood where the keepers feed them, and it's а deadly secret, Danny." Мy father looked carefully all аround him.

"I would like," he whispered, "to find а way of getting so many pheasants from Hazell's.

Wood that there would not bе any left for the big opening-day shoot оn October the first."

"Dad!" I cried. "No!"

"Ssshh," he said. "Listen. Just imagine, Danny," he went оn, "what а triumph, what а glorious victory that would bе! All the dukes and lords and famous men would arrive in their big cars and then out they would all go with their guns under their arms - and they would take up their positions in the famous wood - and there wouldn't bе а single pheasant to bе found anywhere! And Mr. Victor Hazell's would bе redder than а boiled beetroot! Now wouldn't that bе the most amazing and beautiful things if we could pull it off, Danny!”


Understanding the Main Idea

1. Find the best answer

The story is about:

a. some famous people
b. a boy and his father
c. a very famous event

2. Say who

a. owned all the land around the filling station
b. told Victor Hazell to stop threatening the boy
c. came to Mr. Hazell's shooting parties
d. wanted to teach Victor Hazell a lesson
e. owned the filling station
f. gave shooting parties
g. was rude to the boy once
h. spent a fortune on pheasants

3. Choose the right item

1. Mr. Victor Hazell was a snob and tried to get on with what he believed were the... kind of folk.

a. rich
b. right
с. real

2. Every weekend he drove his car past the filling station on his way to the...

a. forest
b. factory
c. office

3. Danny was ... years old at that time.

a. eight
b. nine
с. ten

4. Victor Hazell said that Danny's hands were ...

a. filthy
b. clean
с dirty

5. He wanted to beat the boy up with ...

a. a pistol
b. an umbrella
с. a walking stick

6. The shooting season always starts on the first of...

a. September
b. October
с. November

7. The important’ people ... Victor Hazell.

a. liked
b. hared
с despised

8. Mr. Hazell bought hundreds of young pheasants from the pheasant...

a. house
b. farm
c. shop

9. Danny's father wanted the shooting party to find ... pheasants in the famous forest.

а. no
b. many
с. the best


Say why

  1. The author compares Mr. Hazell's property with an ocean and Danny's father's property with an island.
  2. Danny's father couldn't forget how Victor Hazell had spoken to his boy a year before.
  3. Danny's father got very angry with Victor Hazell.
  4. Victor Hazell gave shooting parties.
  5. Hundreds of dukes, lords, barons and baronets came to his parties.
  6. Victor Hazell paid a lot of money to make his parties a success.
  7. Danny's father was sure that getting the pheasants from the forest was a good idea.
  8. Mr. Hazell's face would be redder than a boiled beetroot.

Say what would do if you were Danny's father.

Home assignment is to speak about Victor Hazell on the part of Mr. Hazell himself.

T: Thanks to everybody. You have been very active and delight.


16 січня 2022
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