Урок “Sports in Ukraine. The Olympic Games. Famous Sportsmen of the Kharkiv Region” («Спорт в Україні. Олімпійські ігри. Відомі спортсмени Харківщини»)

Про матеріал
Краєзнавство на уроках іноземної мови є важливим джерелом патріотичного виховання учнів, розширення їх життєвого кругозору. Цінність використання регіонального компоненту на уроках іноземної мови полягає у розширенні та збагаченні знань школярів про рідні місця, прищеплення любові і поваги до історії, географії, культури рідного краю.
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Урок “Sports in Ukraine. The Olympic Games. Famous Sportsmen of the

Kharkiv Region” («Спорт в Україні. Олімпійські ігри. Відомі спортсмени

Харківщини») у 7-му класі

Objectives: to develop pupils' reading, speaking skills; to activate the information and vocabulary on the topic; to develop pupils' communicative skills; to teach pupils to work in pairs and individually. To develop pupils' curiosity and interest to the foreign language, to help them to understand the importance of having good command of English.

Materials and equipment: a textbook for the seventh form of secondary schools by Oksana Karpyuk, vocabularies, workbooks,  copy-books, cards for work, evaluation sheets, stickers multimedia projector, for presentation with the text for listening comprehension, crosswords.


І. Introductory part.

Teacher: Good afternoon! Sit down, please! 

2. Warming up.

Teacher: Look at the blackboard here you can see two proverbs about sport. 

“Health is above wealth”.

“A healthy mind in a healthy body!”

Teacher: Are you agree with them? Why is it so important?



Teacher: Why do people go in for sport? 

Pupil1: It makes our body flexible.

Pupil2: It helps us be active. Etc.

Teacher: What kind of sport do you do often or like very much?

Pupil1: I do athletics.

Pupil2: I like swimming. Etc. 

Учні дають відповіді на питання, висловлюють свої думки.

Teacher: Our topic for today is “Sports in Ukraine. The Olympic Games. Famous Sportsmen of the Kharkiv Region”. We are going to sum up our knowledge on the topic “Sport”. II. Main part.

Teacher: For our next work we must review vocabulary about sport. Let's name some of them and write down on the blackboard. (На дошці намальована схема. Учні по черзі вписують слова) 











Teacher: Thanks. And now let's relax. I'll give you small shits of paper with names of different kinds of sport. 

Read them and try to make a riddle about your sport but don't name your kind of sport.

What equipment do you need? What clothes do you need? Who plays it? Where can you do it? 

Sport activity

Outdoors /indoors

For women/men



Alone/ team










Teacher: Are you ready? Let's start.

Pupil1: It's for women and men. Sportsmen haven't got special clothes. But they need special figures. They are usually black and white. This sport activity is for clever people. Etc.

Pupil2: Is it?

Pupil1: Yes, it is.


Teacher: Good of you. As you know that all sportsmen and sportswomen take part in different sports competitions, matches, games, in different tournaments. They try to set records. And what is the main dream of all sportsmen and sportswomen?

Pupil1: Receive the gold medal.

Pupil2: Take part in the Olympic Games.

Teacher: You are right. Now we are going to listen to the text “History of the

Olympics.” (Презентація тексту “History of the Olympics”). We start our work with vocabulary work. Then read the text carefully. 


швидше          брати участь змагатися у представляти відбуватися атлет

біг спортивна подія Олімпійські ігри запропонувати з'єднані кільця шанувати,


to ban                      

swifter                            to take part to compete in to represent to be held an athlete a foot race an athletic event

Olympic competition

to propose linked rings to honor 

Учні знайомляться з новим лексичним матеріалом. History of the Olympics

The first Olympic competition was held in the ancient Greek city of Olympia more than two thousand seven hundred years ago. 

At the first Olympics, men took part in foot races during celebrations to honor the Greek god, Zeus. More races and sports were added later. 

Greece held these Olympic games every four years for the next 1,000 years. The ancient Romans banned them in the 4th century. 

The modern Olympic games began more than one hundred years ago. Baron Pierre de Coubertin of France proposed a world celebration of sports like the ancient games of Greece.  

Teacher: You know that all Olympic Games have their own symbols. What symbols do you know?

Pupil1: It is flag.

Pupil2: It's flame. Etc. 

Teacher: What do you know about them? (Демонстрація символіки) 

Pupil3: I want to tell you some words about rings. There are five of them. They are blue, black, red, yellow and green. Every ring stands for one of the five continents. Although there are seven continents, Antarctica is excluded and North America and South America are considered one. The connection of the rings symbolizes the connection of the continents during the Games and the ideal of peace and brotherhood of the whole planet. Etc

Teacher: Good. All athletes try to set records. What are the Olympic awards?

What do the winners of the Olympic Games receive?

Pupil1: Olympic awards are medals. 

Pupil2: The first place winner receives a gold medal, the second place winner receives a silver medal and the third place winner receives a bronze medal. 

Teacher: Let's work in 2 groups. In your small groups create your own design for the back of a medal. (Одержують заготівлі для медалей). And try to discuss what your designs inspired. (Виходять до дошки й захищають свої проекти.)

Teacher: Good. And now tell me who is the main character of all sports events.

Pupil: Sportsmen and sportswomen.

Teacher: Name some of them. 

Pupil1: Sergiy Bubka is six times world champion, European champion in 1986 and Olympic champion in 1988.

Pupil2: Liliya Podkopayeva  is the 1996 Olympic all-around champion.

Teacher: There are developed sporting facilities in our region. We have 57 stadia, 952 gymnasiums, 28 swimming pools. 

 Football, volleyball, basketball, track and field athletics, swimming, gymnastics are the most popular kinds of sport. Non-traditional and extreme sports – rockclimbing, gliding, automobile and motorcycle sport – have been becoming more and more popular. 

Teacher: We've got famous sportsmen and sportswomen in our city, haven't we? Do you know them? Name them, please.

Pupil4: Kharkiv sportsmen made their debut at the Helsinki Olympics in 1952. Then a woman gymnast M. Gorokhovska won 1 golden and 5 silver medals. Yuriy Poyarkov (volleyball), R. Sharipov (gymnastics), L.Dzhigalova, (track and field athletics), Ya. Klochkova (swimming) were twice Olympic champions; V. Matushevas and Yu.Vengerovskiy (volleyball), À. Barkalov (water polo), I. Tselovalnikov and V. Movchan (cycle track racing), Ye. Kuryshko (canoeing) were Olympic champions. Also, many Kharkiv sportsmen were world and European champions.

Teacher: Let's try to learn more about some of them. 

Pupil5: Yes, we have famous sportsmen and sportswomen in our city. Yana Klochkova is a Ukrainian swimmer, who has won five Olympic medals. 4 gold medals came in the 200 meter individual medley and the 400 meter individual medley at the 2000 and 2004 Summer Olympics. Her silver medal came in the 800 meter freestyle at the 2000 Summer Olympics.

Pupil6: And Yuriy Poyarkov is our well-known volleyball player too. Poyarkov began his professional career in Kharkiv team “Burevestnik”. He made his first steps in sports life here. In 1964 the national team destroyed its opponents to get the first “volleyball” Olympic gold. Poyarkov and his team showed the  brilliant result at the Olympic Games in 1968. In 1972 the athletes took a bronze medal.

Pupil7: In 1992 Rustam Sharipov, a young Kharkiv gymnast, got his first Olympic gold medal in the team event in Barcelona, Spain. He left the National Training Center in Kyiv and moved to train in Kharkiv. In 1994 he won his first individual silver medal. The following year  he won the gold. In his second Olympic Games in Atlanta in 1996 Sharipov had his "best" competition. Rustam won his second Olympic gold medal.

Teacher: Thanks for your reports. And now leisure time for your hard work.

Look at the blackboard. Here you can see crossword. (Виходять по черзі до дошки й вписують слова до кросворду). 

Crossword “Popular Sports”






















































































III. Summing up.

1.   Summarizing the lesson. Announcement of ratings.

2.   Explaining homework (Crossword "Sports and Games") 3. Reflection.

Teacher: You`ve worked very hard today. And now define your place on this podium. (П'єдестал намальований на дошці)

До підручника
Англійська мова (7-й рік навчання) 7 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
13 травня 2019
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