Урок Тема “School. School Do’s and Don’ts”

Про матеріал


  • То form language competence in speaking;
  • Тo practice reading for specific information;
  • To develop pupils' pair and group communicate skills;
  • To revise pupils' knowledge on the topic;
  • Тo express opinions;
  • To develop pupils' attention and reaction, memory, logical thinking, creative abilities.
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Англійська мова

8 клас

Тема “School. School Dos and Donts


Клименко Майя Володимирівна, 

вчитель англійської мови

Володимирівської ЗОШ І- ІІІ ст.№1



  • То form language competence in speaking;
  • Тo practice reading for specific information;
  • To develop pupils' pair and group communicate skills;
  • To revise pupils' knowledge on the topic;
  • Тo express opinions;
  • To develop pupils' attention and reaction, memory, logical thinking, creative abilities.



I.Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

Greeting. «Смайлик». Метод створення позитивної 

                            атмосфери навчання й організації комунікації


T.      Hello, children. Nice to see you! My name is Maya Volodymyrivna.

Today we’ll work together. How are you today? How do you feel? Give   

your reasons with helping these smiles. Please, take them. (Are you happy/ fine/ energetic?  Are you sad or so-so? (Показую смали)

-Do you feel happy?

Pupil 1: I feel happy.         No wonder the weather is fine today.

And what about you? Are you fine?

Pupil 2: I am fine.         Of course, you are with your friends now.

        And you? Do you feel energetic?

Pupil 3: I feel energetic.     I hope you will be active at the lesson!

T.   Thank you. I'm happy that I have such good students. Let’s smile each other and I'm sure our lesson will be successful and our work will be productive.



T.    Dear students, as you become older you realize that there are several essential things and places you always long to come back to. They are your birthplace, your home and the school you go to.


T.   Today we are going to speak about school, about school rules and your attitude to them. We’ll practice reading, revise the lexical and some grammar rules on the topic. So welcome to school!!!


Warming up. «Мозковий штурм». Метод мотивації

                                         навчальної діяльності й актуалізації опорних


       T.   Let’s do our phonetic exercise. Firstly, listen to me. Then repeat with me.


         The more we learn, the more we know.

The more we know, the more we forget.

The more we forget, the less we know.

The less we forget, the more we know

So why study? Вироблення спільними зусиллями кількох рішень конкретної проблеми, збирання якомога більшої кількості ідей щодо проблеми протягом обмеженого часу. Спонукає виявляти уяву, творчість.



T.  I hope the proverbs you have will help us to answer this question.

Group number 1 has English proverbs and group number three their Ukrainian equivalents. Your task is to match English and Ukrainian variants. Group number two, you are the experts, you must control the answers.


  • It is never late to learn. Ніколи не пізно вчитися.
  • Live and learn — Вік живи вік учись.
  • So many languages you know, so many times you are a man. Скільки мов ти знаєш, стільки разів ти людина.
  • Time brings wisdom. — З часом приходить мудрість.
  • Knowledge is power. — Знання — сила.

T.   So, who will start?

1. What is the Ukrainian variant?     I agree with you.

2.  Who is next?   Please, your choice.     It’s true, thanks.

3. Now it’s your turn, please.   Read the Ukrainian proverb. You are right.

4.  What proverb do you have? Ukrainian variant is … I think so too.

5.   And the last.   Ukrainian proverb is…

What proverb is the answer so why study?

           Let’s take this proverb as the motto of our lesson.


II. Основна частина уроку.


Practising.  Vocabulary.       «Асоціативний кущ». Розвиток

                                                           творчої уяви учнів. Ці асоціації можуть

                                                           стати грунтом для початку обговорення 



T.    Look at the Smart. School. There are only six letters in this word but it’s a huge world of childhood and youth.

          S     - staff-head

C    - classmates

H    - headmaster

O    - order

O   - organized

 L    - lesson


T.   I have written one word to each letter. It’s your turn now. Take the sheets of paper and write your words. Remember, you are working in groups. So you may consult. What group will have the most of words? (Діти виконують завдання)

S      - staff-head, success, sport, science …

C     - classmates, class, computer, cool, Chemistry, calculator

H     - headmaster, hard-worker, History …

O     - order, outstanding …

O     - organized, opinion, outside

L     - lesson, learn, lunch, lazybones …


    T.    Are you ready? Well, read your words. It’s great! I think all groups were good. But now let’s count the words in each group. How many words do you have? And you? And your calculation is?

So the winner is group number…


        Speaking.   «Інтервю». Оперативне залучення   

                                                    учнів до  діяльності, взаємодії.


T.   In my opinion the school years are the most fantastic ones. I remember my school and my teachers until nowadays.


Sorry but I know nothing about your school. Imagine I am a journalist. (Беру мікрофон). You are the students.  Would you answer my questions?


  • When do your lessons begin?      - Our lessons begin at 8o’clock.
  • How many lessons do you have every day? -  Every day we have six or seven lessons.
  • What subjects do you have at school? - We have many subjects. They are: Russian, Ukrainian, English, Mathematics, History, Music, Sport, Physical training, Literature and others.
  • Tell me, do you have lessons at the Computer Study? - We have a 

             computer room where we can work with computer.

  • Is your school library big? - Our school library is not very big. We can find every book we need.


  • Who likes sports? What do you do at your PT lessons? - I like my sport lessons. My favorite spots are basketball, volleyball and football.
  • What do you like to do in your free time? What clubs do you attend? -

Free time activities are different in our school. There are some clubs. I attend basketball club. We have different parties after classes, print our school newspaper.


T.  Thank you so much for the interview. I see your school life is so interesting!

And I hope you know the rules of your school. Please, look, listen and remember them!


Song “The Rules of the Classroom”   Let’s sing with me!

                                                             Thanks for your singing!




Discussing School Do’s and Don’ts.        «Світлофор».Ефективний

                                                                      для одночасного залучення всіх

                                                              учасників до активної роботи.


T.  The next your task is to watch the photos and say what you must or shouldn’t do at school. We’ll work with the signal cards. Take them. They are red and green. When your answer is “We must do it” you show the green card. When your answer is “We shouldn’t do it” you show the red card.

So, look at the Smart.


Photo # 1.        We must     raise the hand to answer at the lesson.

Photo# 2.         We shouldn’t    come late to classes.

Photo#3.          We shouldn’t    fight with other students.

Photo#4.          We must         wear a school uniform at school.

Photp#5.          We shouldn’t        play mobile phone.

Photo#6.           We shouldn’t        eat in the classroom.


T.  OK, students. Thank you for your answers. And remember:


We follow the school rules that’s why we are good citizens.

We must be good citizens because it helps make the school better!



    T.  Let’s fill in sentences using   because and that’s why.

     Write exercise A page 34 in the test form.  Take these cards and write down the        

     numbers of sentences for because and that’s why.  (Діти виконують завдання).


T.  You worked hard. You were very active that’s why we may have a little rest.



T.   School is associated with autumn for me. I like autumn and I like school.

Let’s relax with autumn colours. You may close your eyes and dream.


A little elf

Sat in a tree

Painting leaves

To throw at me.

Leaves of yellow

And leaves of red

Came tumbling down

About my head.


A flock of birds

Is flying along

Southward, for winter,

Singing a song.


Singing a song

They all like to sing,

"We'll see you again

When it's spring, spring, spring."



  1. Pre-Reading Activity.    

T.   As you know there are many kinds of schools. They are state and private schools, language and mathematics ones. And even there is such a strange school as the school of the air.

Let’s read the text and say why these schools are called so.

T.   Firstly, pay your attention for the unknown words and pronunciation some of them. ( Опрацьовуємо разом).

Vocabulary Pronunciation

A reason – причина Australia

To provide – забезпечувати private

To sound – звучати resources

The only way – єдиний шлях isolated


T.    Read by chain. One sentence for everyone.

  1. Reading.

                         Schools Abroad: Schools of the Air

  In Australia, many families live a long way from a town, so the nearest school is often very far away. For this reason, many children attend a very different kind of school of the Air because the students have classes over the radio.

Most areas have a school like this for children between 4 and 12 years old. They study at home but they are still members of the class. The children have radio lessons with their class three times a week. Each lesson lasts about 30 minutes. Students also have a 10-minute private lesson with their teacher once a week.

The school provides the radio, books, videos and other resources. The children send their work to the teacher once a week. The children’s parents help them to do their work at home. Teachers and students also communicate by phone, fax and e-mail and the teacher visits children at home at least once a year.

The school of the Air may sound like a strange idea. For the isolated students of Australia it’s the only way to learn.

T.    Thank you for the reading. And now answer. Why these schools are called the schools of the Air?

  1. Post-Reading Activity. (Робота в групах).

T.    Take the tasks for this text. Activity 1 is for the pupils of the first group.

 Activity2 will do the pupils of the second group. And the pupils of the third group! Your activity is 3. You have 3 minutes.


Activity1.  Write the information what these numbers mean.

4 and 12 _____________________________________

30 _____________________________________

10 _____________________________________

Once a week___________________________________

Once a year____________________________________


Activity2.  Choose the correct item.

In … schools are situated very far from students’ homes.

Canada         b) Austria        c) Australia

In the school of the Air students have lessons over the …

radio             b) telephone     c) TV

It’s a school for students between … years old.

a) 5 and 10          b) 4and 13         c) 4 and 12

4. Students have a private lesson with the teacher … a week.

a) twice              b) once               c) three times

5. … help children to get ready with their homework.

a) teachers          b) friends           c) parents


Activity3.  Match the words with their translation.

Nearest                     дивний

To last                     готувати

Resources                        ресурси

To send                     найближчий

To prepare                      посилати

Strange                     продовжуватися

Isolated                       приватний

Private                        ізольований


T.     The time is over. Let’s check. Everyone from group must answer. If your answer is correct you may turn over the leaf in the tree. Group 1, please!...


 T.    You’ve well done. We can see only the yellow leaves in the tree.  I'm proud of you. And now we have an autumn tree.



ІІІ. Заключна частина уроку.            «Рефлективна бесіда». Прийоми

                                                                 проведення рефлексії

                                                                 наприкінці уроку.

         Cool down activities.

T.   I hope today you’ve got a lot of interesting and useful information about school life, about types of schools–usual and unusual ones.

          Do you remember the most main rules of the classroom?

And what is the main motivating reason in studying at school?

Do you agree that the school of the Air is the only way to learn for the isolated students of Australia?


Home task

T.  Children, at home you’ll continue to work with our today’s topic and your home task is to read Laura’s story about school sporting activities and mark the true statements.  Check yourself. Can you read simple texts and understand the main idea?


T.  As for me I’ve got a lot of positive emotions. You were hard-workers

at the lesson. 

_____you were very active, your answers were good. So your marks are 11.

_____you tried today very much but pay attention for your reading. You had some mistakes that’s why your mark is 8.

_____, you must be more active and you’ll be OK. Your today’s mark is 7.

T.  As you see I’ve got such a magic box. There are many fairy things in it.

Among them is our knowledge and skills we have got today at the lesson. Please, take the smile of your feelings and emotions now and put down it in this box. It will be the memory of you.

I wish you to be good citizens of your school. Love your teachers. Have good friends.

         Thank you for your work and cooperation!

The lesson is over. Bye-bye!

Клименко Майя
До підручника
Англійська мова (8-й рік навчання) 8 клас (Карпюк О.Д.)
13 листопада 2018
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