Урок "The world of profession. Job qualities and skills"

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Конспект уроку з англійської мови з теми "Професії" для учнів 10 класу. Даний конспект уроку допоможе удосконалити навички усного мовлення, читання, письма та аудіювання; містить різноманітні завдання та граматичні вправи на повторення граматичних структур: countable/uncountable nouns, tenses and conditionals (type I and II).
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Тема. The world of profession. Job qualities and skills. 

Мета уроку:

           практична: формувати навички вживання нових лексичних одиниць

 у мовленні; розширити кругозір учнів у межах теми; удосконалювати навички усного мовлення, читання, письма та аудіювання; повторення граматичних структур: countable/uncountable nouns, tenses and conditionals (type I and II);

            розвиваюча: розвивати вміння логічно будувати мовлення та аналізувати інформацію, робити висновки, брати участь в інтерактивних ситуаціях; розвивати мовну здогадку;

          виховна: виховувати спостережливість та увагу, відчуття відповідальності за свої рішення, прищеплювати любов до іноземної мови.

Тип уроку: комбінований.

Обладнання: роздатковий матеріал, мультимедійне обладнання.



І. Оголошення теми, мети і завдань уроку.

T: Good morning, pupils!

How are you?  It’s nice to see you today.

The epigraph for our lesson the words by Socrates: .

 “A profession doesn’t choose a person, 

but a person chooses a career”

 How do you understand this quotation?

 So, you’ve understood that our today’s topic is «The world of profession» and, what  more, during lesson we are going to find out what skills a person needs to do his (her) job well, what professions are the most demanded nowadays, what are the most suitable jobs for teenagers, how ambitious you are.

ІІ.Мотивація навчальної діяльності.

T:  Look, I have some letters from different people. I want to read these letters, and you’ll say what these people are.

  1. I like children very much. I like to read books and to write on the blackboard too.

What am I?

  1. I like children very much, but I do not like to write on the blackboard. I go to the hospital every day. What am I?
  2. I like cars and buses. I like to travel very much. I can drive a car, a bus and a tram too. What am I?
  1. I like flowers and trees. Every day I go to the garden and water flowers there.

What am I?

You are very good pupils. And now look at the screen and tell me, please, what professions do you know else?

 ІІІ. Сприймання й засвоєння учнями навчального матеріалу.

1. Vocabulary practice

Revise the professions:

A doctor

A teacher

A dancer

A pilot

A policeman (a police officer)

An actor (an actress)

A worker

A farmer

A seller (a shop-assistant)

A secretary

A businessman (businesswoman)

A waiter (a waitress)


A painter

A driver

A dentist

A nurse

A postman

A vet

A reporter

A computer programmer

A cook

A hairdresser

A mechanic

A singer

A librarian

2. Speaking. Work in Pairs.

What is he / she? - ___ is a ___.

3. Fill in with the name of a profession. (Додаток 1)

A _____________ helps the doctor.

A _____________ catches burglars.

A _____________ types letters and makes coffee for her boss.

An ___________ works in the theatre.

A ____________ helps sick animals.

A _____________ repairs cars.

A _____________ brings letters.

A _____________ repairs teeth.

4. Fill in with:
to help / to teach / to cook / to make/ to grow/ to bake and match with the correct sentence. (Додаток 2)

She ________________ a hairstyle.

He ________________ sick animals.

She ________________ children at school.

She ________________ bread.

He _________________fruit and vegetables.

She ________________ dinner.

She is a teacher.

She is a hairdresser.

He is a farmer.

She is a cook.

He is a vet.

She is a baker

5. Discussion

Here is a list of the traditional job requirements:

job satisfaction

career possibilities

good working conditions and stability

part-time job

regular working hours



Abilities and qualities:

Work in a team

Be polite and helpful

Deal with people


Be patient

Be flexible

Be good at

Administrative skills

Communicative skills


Be confident

Be eager to learn

Be hardworking

Have good intuition

Work under pressure

Perform in public

Creative skills





6. Grammar point

Choose the correct word to complete the sentences. (Додаток 3)

1. If you need the car in the afternoon, I (1) _________________ shopping in the morning.

2. If I (2) _________________ a hat, I wouldn’t look like an old woman.

3. I will buy this bag if they (3) _________________ it in blue.

4. She wouldn’t pay cash if she (4) ____________________ a credit.







would go

will go




am wearing




will have



would get


Game “1 million” and “Countable/uncountable nouns”

7. Listening

Listen the sentences and complete them with the pictures.

A – She’s a waitress.

B – They are teachers.

C – I’m a mechanic.

D – He’s a doctor.

E – He’s a carpenter.

F – I’m a secretary.

G – I’m a factory worker.

H – You are a photographer.

I – We’re footballers.

J – We’re pilots.

K – We’re engineers.

L – He’s a waiter.

M – He’s a journalist.

N – She’s a manager.

O – They’re firefighters.

P – They’re students.

ІV. Узагальнення та систематизація засвоєних учнями знань .

Funny task

A profession which is not in our life

a) a taxi driver    b) a doctor   c) a magician

The best “green” profession

a) a teacher   b) a gardener   c) a dentist

The “sweetest” profession

a) a confectioner   b) a lawyer   c) a painter

The “funniest” profession

a) a journalist   b) a funny man   c) a pilot

The most “responsible” profession

a) a judge   b) a dancer   c) a singer

The “highest” profession

a) a cosmonaut   b) a gardener   c) a businessman

Answer the question

What do you want to be?
– I want to be a …

V. Підсумки уроку.

Today we have spoken about different professions and have worked very hard. To be a doctor or to be a teacher depends on you. You should choose your profession wisely. Good luck! You worked nice at the lesson. So your marks are…

VI. Домашнє завдання.

Write a short report about your ideal work and why it would be perfect for you.

The lesson is over. Good-bye.

















Додаток 1

1. Fill in with the name of a profession:

A _____________ helps the doctor.

A _____________ catches burglars.

A _____________ types letters and makes coffee for her boss.

An ___________ works in the theatre.

A ____________ helps sick animals.

A _____________ repairs cars.

A _____________ brings letters.

A _____________ repairs teeth.

Додаток 2

2. Fill in with:
to help / to teach / to cook / to make/ to grow/ to bake and match with the correct sentence.

She ________________ a hairstyle.

He ________________ sick animals.

She ________________ children at school.

She ________________ bread.

He _________________fruit and vegetables.

She ________________ dinner.

She is a teacher.

She is a hairdresser.

He is a farmer.

She is a cook.

He is a vet.

She is a baker


Додаток 3

3. Complete the sentences with the correct word in the box.

Conditional sentences ( type I and II)

1. If you need the car in the afternoon, I (1) _________________ shopping in the morning.

2. If I (2) _________________ a hat, I wouldn’t look like an old woman.

3. I will buy this bag if they (3) _________________ it in blue.

4. She wouldn’t pay cash if she (4) ____________________ a credit.







would go

will go




am wearing




will have



would get



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