Урок в 4 класі на тему "Holidays"

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урок узагальнення та систематизації знань з англійської мови у 4 класі. Тема: "Holidays"
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План-конспект уроку з англійської мови на тему "Свята", 4 клас

Тема уроку:  Зимові свята.

Мета уроку:

Навчальна: формувати ключові компетенції; удосконалювати комунікативні навички, актуалізувати вивчений лексико-граматичний матеріал та навчати учнів оперувати ним під час діалогічного і монологічного мовлення; продовжувати формувати уміння аудіювання, читання; розширювати словниковий запас учнів та їх загальний кругозір.

Розвиваюча: розвивати мовну здогадку;  навички  монологічного та діалогічного мовлення, читання; розвивати зорову пам'ять, критичне мислення під час виконання комунікативних інтерактивних  вправ, вміння логічно та послідовно викладати свої думки; знаходити необхідну інформацію в тексті.

Методична: шляхом використання інтерактивних методів навчання сформувати розуміння значущості іноземної мови, вміння активно застосовувати мову, що вивчається, знаходити, розуміти і передавати нову інформацію іноземною мовою;


Виховна: виховувати інтерес до вивчення англійської мови, зацікавленість і повагу до  звичаїв і традицій; виховувати культуру читання та культуру поведінки при спілкуванні, вміння працювати в парах, у групах.

Обладнання уроку: демонстраційний матеріал, мультимедійна дошка, презентація, роздатковий матеріал, мікрофон, відеоматеріали.  

Тип уроку: узагальнення та систематизації знань


Компетентності: предметні-вміння слухати й розуміти почуту інформацію, давати відповіді на поставленні запитання;

ключові- вміння самостійно працювати з новим матеріалом, вміння працювати у колективі(соціальна та громадянська компетентності).










Хід уроку:


І. Підготовка до сприйняття іншомовного мовлення.

1. Привітання вчителя. Організаційний момент.

T: Good morning, dear children. You look very pretty today. You look very happy. It’s great! So, let’s start our lesson and wish something good to each other.

Smile a lot, communicate, enjoy reading, move and be active, have positive emotions, don’t be shy, have fun, get something new, enjoy the lesson.



2. Повідомлення теми та мети уроку.

T: Look at the blackboard. Let’s read the words.

Учні називають по черзі підкреслені букви, складають слово, яке буде темою уроку.

1. Christmas

2. Halloween

3. Balloon

4. Birthday

5. Decorating

6. Cake

7. Toys

8.  Presents

T: Let’s guess the topic of our lesson.   Look at the underlined letters of these words, name them and read the key word.

- What is it? Yes, it is «Holidays». We are going to speak about winter holidays. We’ll revise the words, read, listen and play at our lesson. So, first of all let’s read the poem.

It’s winter, it’s winter

Let us skate and ski.

It’s winter, it’s winter

It’s great fun for me.

Winter is snowy, winter is frosty.

The ground is white all day and all night.

3. Перевірка домашнього завдання.

T: What was your hometask for today? Yes, your hometask for today was to write about your favourite holiday. Let’s talk about holidays. I have a microphone and I’ll ask you. So, what is your favourite holiday, Victoria? When is your favourite holiday, Sasha? What do you usually do that day?

 (Knock at the door. A postman brings the parcel). Let’s see what is there in the box? Oh, we have a letter. Let’s read it. Masha, will you read the letter?

Dear children,

My name is Ronny. I live in Magicland. We like holidays very much. Winter holidays are our favourite. But angry elf didn’t like celebrations, so he stole the attributes of winter holidays and went away. He lost all of them when he ran. Help us to get back the attributes and make our holidays bright and merry. In this box you can find the map with the route and the stations. There is a special task on each station. After doing the task you can find the attribute. Thanks for your help.

Best wishes,

Ronny from Magicland

T: So, children, let’s help them. Oh, there is a map here. Look at the map. Are you ready for the trip?  Let’s start! And our first station is “Puzzles”

II. Основна частина уроку.

1. Активізація та закріплення лексичного матеріалу. Виконання вправ.

1) Game «Find the partner”

T: Stand up and come to me, please. You should take the part of the snowflake with the part of the word on it. Your task is to find the missing part for the word. After that come to our flip chart and stick your snowflake on the board, name the word and make up the sentence with the word.

Par-ty, win-ter, pre-sent, snow-balls, fire-place, invita-tion, celeb-ration, decora-tions.

  • Great job! And we have the first attribute. Nastia, go to the map and take away the cover. It’s a Snowflake.    
  •    Let’s go to the next station.


2. Розвиток навичок аудіювання.

T: We are at the second station. It is called “Listening”.  We are going to listen to the story. (https://learnenglishkids.britishcouncil.org/ru/short-stories/the-snowman)


1) Before-listening activity:

- But before listening look at the screen. There are some new words for you. Let’s read and write them down in your vocabularies.

 Nearly ['niəli] майже, приблизно

Melt ['melt] танути

Come out [kʌm aut] виходити


2) While-listening activity:

The snowman Short story

 It was nearly Christmas. Katie woke up and found that the world was white and magical. ‘Snow!’ she shouted. ‘Snow for Christmas!’ She ran outside and danced in the snow. Her brother Eddie came out too. They made a big round snowball and a small one. They put them together and made a huge snowman. ‘Hello,’ he said. ‘It’s Christmas. Would you like a present?’ ‘Yes, please!’ they said. The snowman waved his arms. Silver crystal snowflakes filled the sky. It was so beautiful. ‘We must give you a present too,’ said Katie. They gave the snowman a carrot for a nose, a scarf for his neck and a hat for his head. ‘Happy Christmas!’ they said. The snow stopped and the sun came out. The snowman started to melt. ‘Goodbye,’ he said. ‘Build me again next year!’


3) Post-listening activity:


а) T: Match the pictures with the words.

-  read the sentences and write “true” or “false”.

  • 1. It was December.
  • 2. Katie and Eddie played snowballs.
  • 3. The snowman had a cap on his head.
  • 4. Silver crystal snowflakes filled the sky.
  • 5. The sun came out and the snowman started to melt.
  • 6. The snowman was sad.

- Let’s check.

-You are great and get the second attribute. What is it? Yes, it’s a Snowman.


3. T: Let’s go to the “Music station”. What is our task? Yes, we’ll sing the song “Jingle bells”

Well done! And we get the next attribute – the Bells.


4. T: Don’t sit down. Come to me, please. Take a card and sit at the table with the same picture. So, you are in groups now. We have three teams: Snowflakes, Stars and Bells. We continue the travelling and the next station is “Story time”

 Each group has its short text.  The 1st group – about Christmas in Ukraine, the 2nd group- about Christmas in England and the third group- about Christmas in Australia. Your task is to read the text attentively and retell it.

 Розвиток навичок читання.

1) Before-reading activity:

T: Look at the pictures and say what  people do to prepare for the holidays.


2) Reading the texts.

Christmas in Ukraine.

Christmas is very popular holiday in Ukraine. We celebrate it in January. Before Christmas people are very busy. They make or buy presents and cards. Children like decorating Christmas tree with balls, toys and sweets. The Ukrainians like eating kutia, varenyky and vegetables. They sing “koliadkas” and have vertep show.

3) Post- reading activity:

1. When do we celebrate Christmas?

2. What do children decorate the Christmas trees with?

Christmas in England.

Christmas Day is a happy holiday in England. Every year there is a very big Christmas tree in the centre of London. Before Christmas people buy presents.    On Christmas morning they go to church. English people like eating  Christmas turkey, pudding, potatoes and green vegetables for dinner. People wish each other Merry Christmas.

3) Post- reading activity:

1. What is there in the centre of London?

2. What do English people like eating for Christmas?

Christmas in Australia.

People in Australia don’t have winter Christmas. They celebrate it in summer. People usually have picnics in the parks, gardens and on the beach. Before Christmas they buy presents and cards. The Australians like eating seafood, chicken or turkey, salads and ice cream. People like Christmas very much.

3) Post- reading activity:

1. Where do people in Australia celebrate Christmas?

2. What do the Australians like eating for Christmas?

T: Great job! We get the next attribute. It’s a fir tree.


5.T: And our last station is called “Christmas workshop”. You know that decorations are very important for holidays. So, let’s make the Christmas decorations. Each group has to make up the sentence using the words on the Christmas balls. Put  them in the correct order and stick them to the ribbon with the help of the clothespins.  Now take your garlands ['ga:lənd], read your sentences and decorate our fir tree.

1) People buy Christmas trees and put them in their living rooms.

2) The children decorate Christmas trees with toys and little colored lights.

3) Santa Claus arrives at Australian beaches on a surfboard.

- It’s not a fir tree, it’s a Christmas tree now. And we have the next attribute. What is this? Yes, it is the garland.

We did it! Well done! And we have special message from Magicland. But it is cutted into puzzles now. Put puzzles together and read the message.

 Let’s wish the best to each other and sing a song “We wish you a merry Christmas and a happy New Year”.





T: So, our trip is over. We found the attributes and helped Ronny and his friends to make their winter holidays bright and merry. Let’s write the letters to Ronny and tell him about that. I’ll give you the letters, but they aren’t completed. You have to fill in the gaps, using the words from the box. It will be your hometask for the next lesson. After that we’ll send

the letters to Magicland.



T: Did you like our trip? You were great today and deserved special presents from Magicland. Look at the stocking. It is not empty now. Let’s see…  Oh, it is full of candies and special wishes for you. You may read them aloud. I wish all wishes come true! Enjoy your presents!











































18 листопада 2021
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